Dont Touch That!!!

Jake had slept over at Teeshs house for the day, the Trandoshan had slept in its bed made of unknown pelts, but was now awake, while Jake sat peacefully in a chair. Jake's eyes slowly opened, blinking unevenly before readjusting and beginning to process his surroundings. He rose to his feet and stumbled towards the kitchen, grabbed a clay cup and poured a small amount of water in it before drinking.

"Sssooo your awake..." Teesh spoke from behind, Jake jumped at Teeshs voice before turning around.

"Good morninggggggg" Jake said in a sleepy tone, he clearly wasn't awake yet.

 Teesh simply smirked and led Jake to his table, they ate a basic breakfast, what it was? Jake didn't really notice or care, he was too tired to think about anything....anything except for Rusty and R4. Jake quickly sprung from his seat, dropped his bowl in Teeshs sink and headed for the door.

"R4 left earlier to go see Russsty by the wa-" Teesh was cut off as Jake began to leave.

"Where are you goi-" Teesh began to ask before being interrupted again.

"I'm gonna go check on Rusty and R4, bye and thanks" Jake said quickly before bolting out of the home and shutting the door, leaving Teesh staring confused towards the door, the lizard let out a hissing sigh and continued his daily business.

Jake speed walked towards where he thought the Medical tent was , after walking around annoyed for 5 minutes he found the tent with the signature plus sign on it. He walked in pushing the cover out of the way, the Geonosians inside turned towards Jake. R4, who had stayed the night, also rolled up in front of Jake.

"How's my best droid doing?" Jake asked rhetorically as he pet R4s head, causing a series of beeps to be released in response. Jake stopped his petting as he spotted Rusty still in bed, but with his power cable unplugged. Jake was confused and asked one of the medical bugs what happened.

"Is Rusty gonna be alright?" Jake asked nervously as R4 stared at the bug for a response.

"Arch to op cara cara to corp" the Geonosian quickly responded, before R4 could translate the bug flew towards Rusty flipping a switch underneath the back of the droid's head.... The room was silent as everyone waited for a sign of life from the B1, suddenly the slight noise of a core beginning to power on came from Rusty, Jake looked on with a glimmer of hope that increased with every passing moment. Rusty's finger began to bend back and forth, his eyes soon flickered before glowing like their usual selves. Rusty sat up from his laid position, particle's of rust falling from his joints, his head turned towards all the bugs of the room, no noise was made by his voice box until he turned towards Jake and R4. Rusty spun his legs around and stood up as if the incident hadn't happened and he had never shut down, he clanked in front of Jake, and bent his back slightly to be at eye level with the boy.

"Sir....?" Rusty spoke in a questioning tone.

Jake returned the question with a smile before responding "yup, both of us" he said while patting R4 head.

"I remember what happened...apologies for not completing my primary objective" Rusty spoke in a monotone yet still a somehow regret filled voice.

"That objective would be?" Jake asked curiously.

"Protect Commander Jake" The B1 stated, Jake gave a slight laugh at its response, receiving a confused head tilt from Rusty.

"Don't worry about it buddy, those imperials got both of us pretty good, but we're all still alive right?" Jake spoke in an attempt to lighten up the mood, R4 gave a sad beep as Rusty and Jake turned.

"What's wrong bud?" Jake Asked concerned as he kneeled down to R4s eyes level, Rusty Stood behind him observing the conversation.

"Beeeooooo....beep beeeoop.boooo..." R4 beeps slowly

"Come on don't blame yourself R4, I'm the one who told you to stay wasn't your fault trust Me" Jake spoke in an attempt to reassure the droid, but behind the unmoving metal of its faceplate, it was impossible to tell the effect of his small speech.

The three walked towards the exit of the medical tent moments later, and began their route home, without a speeder this would take longer than they thought, but they would get home before night. Rusty held his E-5 as his legs moved in a never ending march, probably as a result of remnants of CIS programming, R4 rolled on Jake's left, a path being left behind by its tracks. And of course Jake stumbled with his steps, his arm still encased in a cast, his bandages seemed to have been removed by Teesh while Jake was sleeping. 


After the walk home the 3 stood outside their home, Rusty went inside , walked towards a corner, spun around and began to look around back and forth continuously. R4 and Jake stared at him confused, R4 didn't really care so he rolled past Rusty to Jake's bedroom, presumably to charge. Jake decided to ask the B1 of its actions.

"So...what exactly are you doing" Jake questioned a tired yet confused voice 

"Seeing as I am on 93 Percent power, I decided to commence "objective defense" programming, so you may rest while I guard the area, R4 will be called if assistance is required" Rusty spoke in his common high pitched voice. He then walked up to Jake "goodnight sir" 

Before Rusty could walk away Jake held up his hand for a high five, Rusty stared at the hand, his programming confused at what it should do.

The B1 let out a confused "uuuuuhhhhhhhh..." Before he could be baffled any longer Jake grabbed Rusty's hand and forced a high five out of him, Jake smiled and walked towards his bedroom yawning. Without another word from Jake a thump could be heard as he fell onto his bed. Rusty turned away from Jake's bedroom and looked at his hand, soon after this he put it down and noted this action for later. He then continued his so-called "defense plan" he had activated.

Jake laid in bed, it was bright outside, it seemed to be around mid day, and when he woke up over at Teeshs house he knew he wasn't going to fall asleep, no matter how tired he was. He got up from the bed he fell on seconds ago, annoyed, and went towards Rusty, as he passed by he gave a whack on R4s head to wake up the droid. Rusty saw Jake exit his bedroom, R4 in tow.

"Good Morning sir!" Rusty spoke enthusiastically and oblivious to the little amount of time that had passed.

Jake simply gave an annoyed stare at Rusty as he walked out the front door, he left the door open and gave a long stretch as R4 and Rusty exited the home, the B1 closing the door behind them. 

"Alright guys, we should get some scrap, gonna need to pay for food somehow..." Jake told the 2 droids, even though it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"I do not believe your in the best shape to do this sir" Rusty stated

"Are you a medical droid?" Jake snapped back

"Uhhh no..." Rusty awkwardly responded

"then lets go" Jake said in an annoyed tone .Jake strapped R4 onto the back and hopped on the driver seat of the speeder, before looking towards Rusty.

With a Distorted sigh Rusty gave a depressed "Fine..." before climbing into the side of the speeder, and folding into place.

Jake started up the speeder and sped off to his usual place of scrap collection, although this time he planned to go deeper into the battlefield, Jakes logic behind this was that no TK troopers would waste their time exploring the inner areas of the fight, for the empire this shit was useless, but for Jake it was his main way of making that cold hard credit every creature in the galaxy desired.

Upon arriving via a bumpier ride then usual thanks to the whole one arm thing Jake parked and walked towards the debris of the chaos around them, the droids behind him. Rusty seems a little uneasy, to be fair, seeing dead copies of yourself litter the ground isn't exactly welcoming. He walked towards a dead clone, his armor being the only thing left other than a dusty skeleton, taking off the chest piece and breaking it apart with his blowtorch. Rusty had wandered towards an AT-TE nearby and R4 had been watching Jake work. A small explosion could be heard from inside the AT-TE, then another, and another and more....Jake looked at the source of the explosion and saw Rusty looking at the downed tank slowly backing away.

"Rusty just run!!" Jake shouted over the explosions which had become more frequent, and with a distorted screech Rusty ran in a zigzag line waving his arms randomly. Once the droid had reached R4 and Jake, who had been hiding behind a pile of B2 bodies, all three looked over at the Tank, soon after a massive BOOOOM, echoed throughout the entire area as the gun turret on top went 50 feet into the air, fire spewed from any exit points and the entire Tank finally went ablaze and gave a final explosion, causing surrounding droid and clones bodies to go flying in all directions. Then the turret finally landed nearby in the distance with a loud THUD, and after that mayhem all that could be heard was the crackling of fire, Jake slowly turned towards Rusty's, R4 also spun his head to look at the B1.

"What did you do..." Jake let out with a sigh

"I uhhhhh..." Rusty Stuttered ""

".....where??....." Jake asked, but he wasn't expecting a smart answer.

"A fuel was exposed...looked like.. good.....practice.." Rusty spoke in glitchy chunks, clearly annoyed at himself, or as annoyed as his programming allowed.

R4 gave a few beeps that were clearly of disappointment before rolling off to find scrap.

Jake stared in confusion at Rusty " why would you ever do that?!" Jake exclaimed 

"I don't know..l-" the B1 simply responded, shrugging his shoulders. Jake let out a sigh and got up from behind their cover and walked towards the recharge, R4 was scanning a particular spot, based on its scans Jake concluded that the explosion blew away a Metric fuck ton of sand, exposing a few things that had been buried, the large hole moslty had scattered parts of clone and droid armor, except for a single B2, seemingly completely intact, Jake saw nothing but money as he though of the possibility of selling this Relic, moslty because unlike Rusty, it seemed to be dead.

"How much do you think this guy will sell for?" Jake asked his 2 droids with a grin.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh" Rusty responded dumbfounded still doing the calculations

"Beeep bop bee be beeee" R4 responded before Rusty could and set up a hologram that explained the price of each part, the total coming around 1,000 credits, of course take away some for the sake of actually selling it to his friend and Jake saw the potential of this droid corpse. Rusty was also excited as he detected no electrical output, so he understood the reason for this B2s eventual selling and second destruction. Rusty helped flip the B2 with Jake as R4 performed more scans, as Rusty got up and turned around he tripped on Jake who was standing next to him, causing the B1 to fall away from the downed B2, and Jake to fall right on it, the boy groaned for a short while as he landed on his bad arm, but all that was forgotten when he looked down and the B2s side light.

Which was now glowing it's signature blood red tone in the dark night, Rusty looked behind him from the floor, and stared in a state of pure terror at how the B2 was active, R4 was also still, as he was scared that the B2 would be separatist, Jake was staring down at a 2 meter tall bulking droid, he was obviously panicking.

"hmmmmmmm..." Jake hummed in calm terror. "Well...That's not exactly healthy" He said as his voice became more wobbly, with tears forming in his eyes.