Heavy Metal is Friendly Metal

Jake stared at the B2 he was on top of, the B2s head tucked inside its chest, its wide arms fallen to either side of it, and his hulking body making Jake look like more of a twig than before. Rusty and R4 watched motionless, R4 had no offensive capability, and Rusty's old programming interfered with his ability to shoot the B2, his old separatist code didn't physically allow it to fire upon another droid. Jake looked right and left, seeing R4 watching in what he assumed was terror, and seeing Rusty twitching, obviously in his own problem, he stared back at the B2. The hulking gray droid didn't move but began to spit out an ear piercing static that hurt Jake's ears, R4 rolled away slightly from it, and Rusty wasn't affected as he was dealing with his programming issues. The B2 spoke in a deep gargling voice, however it wasn't actual words that came out.

"..- -. -.- -. --- .-- -. / --- .-. --. .- -. .. -.-. / -.. . - . -.-. - . -.." it spat out quickly.

Jake stared at the droid confused but still cautious, he poked the droid p, who in response spoke for a second and spat out more code.

"... . .--. .- .-. .- - .. ... - / ... .. --. -. .- .-.. / .-.. --- ... - --..-- / .--. .-. --- --. .-. .- -- -- . -.. / --- .-. -.. . .-. ... / ..-. .. .-.. . / .. ... / . -- .--. - -.-- .-.-.- / --.- ..- . ... - .. --- -. .- -... .-.. ." It garbledout yet again.

Jake sighed, he wasn't sure if the B2 was a threat or not, but considering it hadn't smashed him into a shitty pile of...well....shit, he assumed that it was at least neutral. With the B2 no longer seen as a threat Rusty recovered from his glitch, as he no longer needed to shoot at the B2, R4 also rolled up next to Jake and made a few beeps of relief. Th B2, still laying in the ground, Released several different static noises and codes, none of which had any coherent meaning. Slowly the B2 rose from the floor, sand leaking from its joints, and falling off its chassis, a loud screeching could be heard as the B2s old metal scrapped itself, Jake slid off the B2s chest and caught himself on his feet as the droid stood up. Soon the old B2 had risen to his feet, completely towering over Jake and R4, and even was a slight bit taller than Rusty, all 3 of them stared at the B2 as it slightly bent its upper body down to look at Jake.

After a few attempts at speech it produced a deep gargle of words "WhoooOooo AAaaarreeee yyyYYyyuouuu?" It spoke, its voice-box clearly broken.

Before Jake could respond Rusty walked up to the droid and began to speak.

"This is Jake, my commanding officer, he rescued me from a shutdown within an AAT. He is an ally" Rusty spoke, Jake turned towards the B2, who looked back at him, and gave a warm smile. After a few seconds of motionless, the B2 responded.

"Roger Roger, separatist Commanding officer Jake added to programming" it walked with heavy footsteps towards Jake "...Greetings....." it still spoke gargling and broken, but its greetings were spoken in a confused voice. Jake didn't have to ask to know why, this B2 was experiencing what Rusty had gone though and was still going though, the scenery would be a welcome intro to the B2s program, combined with the fact he was disconnected from the CIS control was probably extremely confusing. despite the work it would take to help this B2, Jake was happy, proud even, that he got to save these old droids from spending an infinity rusting away alone. 

The B2 stated "I am B2 unit 7792, I am in your command and require orders" it spoke slowly. the B2 then stared at Jake.

"Well, first off we need to get you an actual name" Jake spoke matter of factly.

".....I am Unit 7992, this is my name" it said gargling out its words.

"No I mean like a real name, not numbers" Jake thought for a moment, the B2 just stood there unmoving. "Like I'm Jake, and this is Rusty. We have names, and Rustys isn't a number anymore" Jake explained hoping to convince the B2, the B2 stared at Jake, then at Rusty. Seeming to attempt to process what it had just heard. After a while of anticipation from Jake as he waited for a response, the B2 raised its left hand up to its face, which was embedded in his shoulders. It stared at its hand for a few seconds before banging is hand on its main chest area, producing a metallic ringing with every hit, after 3 hits the droid put its arm down and spoke.

"Clank...." The B2 gargled 

"Uhhh...what?" Rusty spoke confused.

"My name shall be Clank" the B2 repeated

Jake stared at the B2, surprised. He had to give Rusty a name, yet this B2 spent about....10 minutes not only coming up with a name for itself, but a name that made logical sense. Jake was impressed with Clank, I mean sure, it isn't an award winning name, but it works.

"Well then, Clank, how'd you like to get it repaired?" Jake asked as if it wasn't a question, which it really wasn't, who wouldn't want to be repaired.

"Separatist droid units are not to be repaired if malfunctioned in Battle, i must be replaced" it stated, it then limped past Jake and Rusty, attempting to find an object to deactivate itself with.

Jake turned and grabbed the shoulders of Clank, and looked up at it. "Your not a separatist anymore Clank, no need to mindlessly walk around like your destined to die" Jake spoke as delicately as his weak voice could, the B2 had no response, it stood there as Jake's arms limped back to his side, Jake thought to himself that what he said sounded a bit cliche, but he wasn't technically wrong. 

"Roger.....Roger" were the only words produced from Clank, while his voice was still broken, a hint of confusion and uncertainty could be heard within its deep voice.

Jake let out a small sigh of relief, he turned towards the way of his speeder, but was met with R4, who had left in fear of the B2 but had returned with scrap dragging behind him in a little bag after realizing the large mass of metal was friendly. Jake gave a small laugh and gave a few head pats to R4 before licking up and attaching the bag to his backpack. He beckoned Rusty and Clank, as he started towards the speeder. Both battle droids walked behind him in sync, it was kinda creepy to Jake, such organization, but he ignored it. He was happy he didn't die, and he got a potential new friend, from what he had seen. B2s seemed to have even more limited freedom then B1's, they weren't capable of much independence, So it would be harder to crack Clank open for emotion then it was for Rusty. 

It wasn't a long ride home, despite the speeder slightly slow led movement due to the B2s mass, the bike was designed to carry heavy loads of scrap, and had only broke in Jake once, a long time before he found Rusty, he tried to attack his speeder to a dwarf spider droid. The speeder obviously broke upon trying to pull so much Weight, and Jake had to walk home that night.

Jake arrived home, Rusty hopped off the right side of the speeder, Jake unstrapped R4, but as R4 was left on the floor, A heavy thump could be heard, Jake peeped around the speeder, as did R4 and Rusty. All 3 saw Clank face first in the sand, he quickly got up, of course sparks came out from every joint he had, as he limped towards Jake.

"I am.....ok..." the B2 spoke nonchalantly, but still gargled

"Sure you are" Jake said with a long sigh, he then pulled out his blowtorch and motioned R4 and Rusty to fetch some tools " let's get you fixed up" Jake said happily as he turned in his blowtorch with a grin.

"Are you a Droid mechanic?" Questioned Clank.

"Uhhh.....I'm close enough" Jake answered as The other droids retuned with some tools.

" Now relax" Jake spoke as he approached Clank, who was sitting on the floor laying up against the house. the sunset could be seen above the home, Clanks "ow's" and "stops" could be heard in the distance as the sun slowly rises above the never ending expansion of sand, they had forgotten to sleep, but who cares... a new day, a new droid, a new problem would arise tomorrow...but Jake was ready...

