Wall of Clones

Jake woke up laying belly up in the sand, he sat up and looked around, spotting Clank shutdown in the same position he was yesterday, except now he was all fixed up.....mostly, Rusty and R4 where no were to be found. He got up completely and gently pushed Clank with his foot. 

"Wake up Clank" Jake spoke half way through a yawn, giving a gentle kick to the droids side.

The B2s red dot lit up as Clank rose from his seated position, Rusty and R4 emerged from the inside of the house at the same time going up to and greeting Jake. It was clearly late in the day, the sun shined almost halfway in the sky, signaling it was around midday. With a sigh Jake stretched and went inside to grab some breakfast, the droids followed him inside and stared at him as he made up a sandwich. He sat down at his wooden table and began to eat, the droids had gone to their own thing by now, Clank was folded back in the corner waiting for orders, R4 was checking Jake's blaster for damage, and Rusty stood outside staring blankly at the horizon. After Jake was done eating he packed his things, looked at himself in the small broken mirror he had, then headed outside calling for his droids.

"C'mon guys, we have some work to do!" Jake called out

Rusty and R4 came from the door "More scrapping?" Rusty complained

Jake looked unamused but responded "no actually, I wanted to check up on the village."

"Ohhh uhhh" Rusty spoke confused "Roger Roger!"

"Been bro beeeepppp no boo?" R4 beeped questioningly 

Jake stared at R4 then at Clank "I'm sure they won't mind Clank" Jake looked up at the B2s tiny faceplate that was embedded in its chest. "Right bud?" Jake asked confidently.

Clank stared blankly at Jake, towering over them.


Jake turned towards Rusty and R4 with an uncertain smile "see...all good" The droids stared at Jake, clearly uncertain, the B1 was already a hefty ask to bring into the village already, now a B2, which would tower over most residents, sounded like a bad idea.

"alright let's just get going, everyone on the speeder" Jake said shrugging.

Rusty folded and locked himself on the left side of the speeder, Jake strapped R4 to the back, and Clank sat behind Jake, as he would tilt the speeder with his weight if he sat on the side. The four sped off towards the village, a smokescreen of sand being left in their wake.

They arrived quickly and all hopped off their respective positions, the Geonsonian scout atop the gate flew down and landed in front of Jake, the bug stared at the B2 which towered over it, without a word the Scout gave Jake a pat on the shoulder then flew back and opened the gates. Jake gave an uncertain thumbs up towards Clank and the others, who, if they could, would have a nervous look on their faceplates.

As the four walked into the Town, Jake spoke to Clank and Rusty.

"I've never actually given you guys a layout of the village, I don't have a map on me so allow me to explain" the 2 droids stopped walking and stared at a Jake waiting for the explanation.

"So from the village gate to your right is a long series of homes that go all the way to the other side, behind those homes is the wall that surrounds the entire area, on the left corner there's a small alleyway" Jake stated trying to shake off unpleasant memories " and continuing on the left you get 2 rows of houses instead of one, behind them is another wall, and all way in the top left corner is the village market, and across from that is Teeshs house, and of course some of the houses on both sides were actually food reserves but I couldn't be bothered to remember where those are." Jake's explanation was with its flaws, the 2 droids absorbed and stored the info, deeming it of great importance. 

Jake continued walking, the 3 droids close behind, many village folk stared in awe at the B2, unlike the B1, it looked more like a warrior, it's heavy footsteps could shake the soul of any enemy that dared to face it, and its arm was always folded next to its chest, ready to extend and blast anything in front of it to hell, and its other arm ready to drag them out of hell so it could blast them again.

Eventually reaching the city market, Jake walked up to a free lane and browsed the stock, he had a shock stick and of course the Trandoshan pistol that Teesh gave him, but he was looking for something good he could upgrade his droids with, more specifically R4, as the Astromech had no real defense system other than a shitty taser, which due to years of wear and tear, barely worked anymore. Regular blasters lined the walls, mostly pistols, but R4 obviously couldn't hold one, so Jake kept searching. Meanwhile Rusty and Clank were talking not far away from Jake.

"How many clones did you take out of Clank?" Rusty asked " during the war??"

"I.....do not remember" Clank responded, " what about you?" The B2 questioned.

Rusty simply shrugged his shoulders "beats me"

Their voices contrasted each other, yet sounded the same.

The conversation was short lived, both stood in silence, admiring the scenery of the people moving about, the sand being picked up by wind, And the Tall cliff that surrounded both sides of the village, protecting it from sandstorms. They watched the Geonosian soldiers fly in and out of their nests, every once in a while a bug would fly by and help a citizen, before flying off without a word. Despite the harsh landscape and heat, both droids found this to be relaxing, especially compared to their service to the Separatists, even if they barely remembered it. Rusty sat down on the floor, legs spread out in front him, Clank turned to look down at Rusty, before kneeling down and more robotically sitting next to the B1.

Meanwhile, Jake had found something R4 could actually use to defend himself, a small probe droid lay disabled on the wall, probably the one that Jake saw a few days back when he fought those clones. Its pieces were for sale, the eye, the antenna and even the small blaster mounted on the underside of the droid. With a few modifications it could be inserted into R4s body, and R4 could pop it out anytime he needed to defend himself. Jake was happy R4 could be safer than before, and the astromech was ecstatic at the thought of being able to wield a blaster for the first time in its existence. Jake bought the blaster for a mediocre price of 34 credits, it was more than half of which he had on him, but lately scrap has been paying him well, So he didn't fuss much.

"Alright R4, let's grab the others and head home, we could use a day to relax...don't ya think?" Jake started towards R4, the droid responding in a series of what sounded like joyful beeps and boops. Jake turned and called over Rusty and Clank, who were still sitting on the floor, and waved the piece he bought at them, both droids got up and marched towards Jake, ready for the ride back home.

————-time skip———-3 hours———— later——

Jake had finished installing R4s blaster into the droid body, and with a few tests on some local rocks, R4 was combat capable, at the moment Jake was sat in his chair outside, just enjoying the silence. Rusty and Clank played a game Jake had taught them to pass the time, something called Rock Paper Scissors, the 2 droids were absolutely horrible, as they chose the same choice almost every time, but they enjoyed it nonetheless. R4 was parked next to Jake, silent, but also enjoying some rest.

-AAAAARRFFFCCCHCHHHUOOGHHHHH- ( Amazing impression I know)

The sound of an Imperial LAAT was heard above, Jake sat up and snapped his head upwards, Rusty and Clanked looked up in worry, and R4 rolled into the open and stared at the shuttle. The engines roared as the ship headed for the cliff edge right above the city. Jake stared in a panic as he packed his weapons. 

"HOLY SHIT!! you three stay here! just in case they attack our home, if you hear blaster shots at the city head over their and be ready for a fight, I'm going to check things out" Jake spoke in a panicked rush of orders for the droids to follow, before they could respond Jake rushed onto his speeder and sped towards the village, he saw the shuttle land slowly onto the cliff edge before it was out of view . With a hard brake he stopped in front of the gates, the scout bug was nowhere to be seen, but the gates were wide open. He rushed in and saw around 20 Geonsonians huddled behind some of the buildings on the right, some peeking to check on the cliff edge, which Jake assumed was the one the shuttle landed on. He ran and was halted by one of the soldiers . 

"What's going on?!" Jake yelled in a whispered tone

"Arch to up Casa ayuop carkkpap" the bug responded

"Right" Jake sighed, remembering he didn't have R4 with him, before he could try to figure things out, small metal clicks could be heard from the top of the cliff edge, all the Bugs and Jake glared at the cliff in anticipation, until Jake heard a series of quite noses emit from a bug near him, soon after the Scout previously positioned at the gate flew slowly up to the side of the cliff.

The bug flew above out into the open space above the cliff, and with a screech fired two green spheres from is blaster at the enemy which remained hidden from the watchers below. Only one scream was heard in response before a mass of red blaster bolts flew at the scout, with a few shots to the body the bug spiraled out of control and landed with a sickening thud behind the rest of the soldiers, it's legs twitched a while longer before it lay motionless on the floor.

Before anyone could react, red bolts hurled themselves at the bugs and Jake, slamming into the houses they hid behind, Jake stared in baffled confusion as he saw several clone troopers grappling on the cliff side, stopping and firing at them.

"get them!" One yelled.

Jake responded with his Trandoshan pistol, and the Geonsonians fired their green spheres, some bugs flew into the air to get a better shot, most falling back down dead, others charged the clones with spears, trying to yank them off the cliff side. It was chaos. Jake fired at the imperial clones, not hitting many shots, but taking out his fair share of Imperials. One bug flew up and punched a clone, before being shot in the wing, and going down smoking into the floor.

"Goddammit! Why are these guys even here?!" Jake yelled, talking to himself

"Beatssss meee, jusssstt ssshoot them" Jake turned around to see Teesh with a large Trandoshan hunting rifle, calmly firing at the clones.

"Oh thank the maker your ok" Jake spoke in a short spark of relief that Teesh was at least alright.

with a chuckle Teesh motioned behind him "I'm not the only one thatsss ready to fighttt" he hissed as bolts continued to fly every which way, behind the wall several citizens, could be seen with their pistols drawn firing at the clones, it wasn't even close to the entire village, but every bit of help was critical for defense against the invaders.


"Rock paper scissors, Blast!" Rusty exclaimed, sending out a rock, which was countered by another rock coming from Clank, this was going on longer then you'd want to know.

Suddenly R4 beeped in a panic as the sound of continuous fire could be heard from the village. Leaving the game for later Rusty and Clank began to march towards the village, Rusty pulled out his E-5, and Clank extended his right arm, R4 rolled beside them.

"Wait..." Rusty spoke, stopping his marching, "I.....have.....an idea...I HAVE AN IDEA" the droid exclaimed with confusion.

Clank and R4 turned towards each other, before looking at the B1's unmoving faceplate, which appeared emotionless, but hid a confused, but prideful smile.