
Hello! sorry for the wait, i was cleaning up some previous chapters, and was swarmed by homework. Anywho, i hope you enjoy this chapters, because i know that Jake wont. 


Tac calmy placed another metal tile atop the roof, welding into the place, his one eyes sparking occasionally. The Others walked around doing various tasks, the wind blowing peacefully against there metal, it was surprisingly nice.

"WERE UNDER ATTACKED" Clanks deep voice screeched into the air.

Jake immediately flew up from his chair and opened the door looking around in panic. He spotted several Clones and one nicely dressed man charging towards his home. Caught of guard, all Jake was able to do was start firing at them with his Trandoshan Pistol, seeing the yellow bolts fly at the enemy, The droids ceased their actions and fired at the clones well, diving quickly behind whatever cover available.

"I'm firing!" Bucket yelped with slight fear as a red bolt emerged from his A-280, flying and missing the clones with a poof in the sand. The Clones expertly ran sideways and dodged many of the bolts before diving behind a rock that was next to the kids home. The dressed man popped up from behind the rock with a pistol in hand, firing at the group, his green bolts smashing into Jakes speeder that Rusty and Tac hid behind. 

"Niaaah!!?!" Rusty yelled in terror, covering his head with his thin hands.

Jake aimed his blaster and fired several shots, missing all of them as a clone popped his head out and targeted Jake. 3 missed, one didn't, slamming into Jakes chest as it luckily bounced off and hit the ground beneath him, Jake stumbled back and toppled to the floor. Getting up he crawled behind a small pile of metal out side his home, looking up he saw Tac firing at the Clones, before the droids tusken rifle was launched out of its hands as a bolt rattled into it. Tac attempted to dive into cover, but it was to late, as a green bolt landed into the droids shoulder, causing his arm to fly off and Tac to land on his back, letting out a mechanical yell.

Jake looked wide eyed at Tac, before peaking over to see what was happening. He saw Rusty shaking Tac, telling him to wake up , R4 hid frightened behind a rock, Bucket by Jakes side was curled up and holding its head, and Clank was stumbling back as round after round of fire smashed into him.

This was it, the Boy looked with terror as the clones advanced towards them, his pupils shrinking as stared at the Imperial approach, their blasters raised. Deciding it was to risky, and not wanting to loose his friends, Jake slowly got up from behind his cover, shakily throwing his pistol to the side. 

Seeing Jake raise his hands, all the droids sat up, robotically dropping their receptiveness blasters, other than Clank, and raised their arms. The well dressed man announced himself, still aiming his blaster at Jake, who's eyes stared into the pistols barrel, filled with tears.

"Why hello Jake, I've been waiting to meet you, ever since hearing of your recent victories, I'm Grand Admiral Tarkin, its a pleasure to meet you" Tarkin said surprising calmness, it slightly calmed Jake down, despite having like 5 blasters pointed at him and his friends.

"beeooo??" R4 beeped out in a shy manner, as a Clone walked up to it. The other Troopers rounded up the rest of the droids, placing them next to Jake out side his home. Rusty mechanical limbs trembled as Flamer forced him into place. 

"Heyy??!" Rusty screeched.

"shut up Clanka!" Flamer said pushing his blaster into the droids face.

Rusty whined a bit at the danger, as Tacs arm let put a small gush a oil, drenching the sand. Jake stared at the Clones, despite all of them looking the same, he was able to recognize a green armored clone, getting flashbacks to when him and 2 others chased Rusty.

"You" Jake spoke darkly, staring at Kelp "Kelp...was it?"

"im surprised you remember kid" Kelp said with a smug attitude "didn't think there was much in their" 

"ha ha" jake mused.

"silence....." Tarkin called out, Jake froze up and kelp saluted along side the other Clones.

"Normally we would take you into custody, and scrap your droids" Tarkin spoke with a non caring tone, as he side eyed Bucket, who shivered slightly.

" have information i want, regarding these.....relics" Tarkin calmly picked up his radio. "This is Grand Admiral Tarkin You May commence orbital bombardment" 

Jakes eyes widened as he realized what the imperial was doing.

"wait wait wait!!" Jake yelled "Their citizens there!!, and the Geonosians!" Jake screeched as he ran towards the Tarkin with rage, being held back by Flamer and Sandstorm, with tears streaming down the boys face.

"merely casualties of war, those bugs were all but extinct anyways" Tarkin remarked, Jake was about to retort as the loud BOOM of a star destroyer entering atmosphere could be heard. Everyone looked up with either pride, or terror. 

"Uh oh..." Rusty said in a frightened tone.

"what of Teesh?" Clank said as panicked as his deep voice would allow. Jakes face only scrunched up more as his brows furrowed and he began to breath heavily, he heaved the clone away from him punching and kicking widely all the while screaming at the top of his lungs. Tarkin looked in a somewhat surprised manner, before pulling out his pistol, setting it to stun, and firing a blue ring at Jake. The boys body fell to floor as his body was stunned by the voltage. Witnessing this, R4 began to beep and siren loudly as the droids skidded around, the rest of the droids did the same, With Clank landing a disgusting left hook into Flamers face, sending the Clone flying a few meters away with a thud in the sand.

Sighing with annoyance, Tarkin blasted each droid with the stun circle, sending them to the floor in an instant, the Clones watched with enjoyment. Rusty, being the final one, mindlessly charged at Tarkin with incoherent yelling that could almost be described as weeping, before being stunned and sent tumbling into the sand.

"Take them away" Tarkin said waving his hand dismissively.

"Sir yes Sir!!" all the Clones responded expect for Cody, who stared deep in thought at Jakes motionless form.

---------------------At the Village--------------------

Teesh walked away from the towns meat shop with a basket of uncooked rodents and lizards, with a neutral look on the lizards face, as his tounge flicked out tasting the dry desert air he had breathed for so long. The peaceful surroundings were quickly interrupted as a small swarm of bugs flew overhead past the gate and out the Canyon, "What the?..." Teesh muttered, quickly waving over a bug.

"Whatssssssss hapening?" Teesh questioned

"Archhe too top urur ackkk, Jakle aakree ikkff okog" The Bug chittered rapidly before beating its wings and speeding away.

With the slits in the reptiles eyes wide, the Trandoshan grabbed his rifle and ran as fast as his clawed feet could take him to Jakes hut. Just as Teesh exited the gates running, a loud boom could be heard from above, looking up, Teeshes heart dropped as a Star destroyer entered orbit, clouding the small city in a large shadow. Teesh watched as the only 2 Geonsoain fighters they had took off, before being instantly blown out of the sky crashing right back into the ground by V-Wings who whizzed by with a terrifying Roar.

Stunned, Teesh ignored the hot sun, ignored his selfishness, ignored the sand in his eyes and let out a primaeval Roar, open firing at the star destroyer with his rifle. The bolts couldn't even reach the ship as Teeshs eyes let out tears for the first time in decades, watching as the Destroyers underside glowed green as a massive quantity of turbolazers riddled the sky, each smashing into the canyons walls and the city. Citizens flew into the air, houses crumbled, Bugs desperately fired into the sky but the to where killed by the onslaught. Teesh could only watch with regretful horror as he stood barely outside of the ships attack zone, and watched his existence go up in flames.

Filled with the Rage, the lizard tried to ignore the screams of children, the shrieks of bugs and the burning homes, as he sprinted to Jakes home, hoping that the boy hadn't been apart of the devastation.


The Clones had begun to drag both the boy and his droids back to their LAAT, they had to use Jakes speeder to lift Clank and carry him around using the repulsors. Tarkin looked into the distance with no emotion on his face, as he watched a small swarm of bugs, calling a thrilling in anger fly at them. One Geonsonians Spotted Jake yelling to the other.

"Archh reh ttoo Imperasrk ttookn JAAkeeeee" It yelled out, receiving a chorus of angered yells.

("Look Fellow Workers, the Empire has Taken Jake!")

"Reeeecchh to arch uuuUUUUUUU!!!!!" Another thrilled, causing the bugs to fly faster at the Clones firing their energized weapons.

("Fight for the Colony!")

Tarkin ordered his men to fire as he didn't move an inch as the bugs crashed into clone lines, with blaster bolts flying every which way and yells, both insectoid and human could be heard. Despite this, it was far from and even fight, and the Bugs were to deep into the combat to realize their error.

"Now where's the last one" Tarkin mumbled looking at his data pad.

Teesh was panting aggressively by the time he got to Jakes home, he stared at the house, the entire areas riddled with blaster bolts, his speeder missing. All of these were bad enough, but Teesh bent down to inspect a dead Bug, who lay splayed out with its own spear lodged in its face, Teesh stood up spotting several other dead insects, with his rifle at the ready. It didn't matter though, as a stun blast rammed in the reptiles side, causing Teesh to stumble a bit, he growled as he turned a fired at the exposed clone wearing desert armor, hitting the Clone gut before being hit himself with 2 more stun blasts. Teesh defiantly fell to his knees as he hissed trying to fight back his conscious, but it was no use as Tarkin crouched down and casually aimed his pistol at him.

"There you are" was the last thing Teesh heard before being stunned out of reality, falling into the sand. 

——Location-: Star Destroyer——Orbiting Geonosis, setting course for (@*$*$&#&&@&&@**@"'

Jakes eyes opened with a haze, the lights buzzed above him as he tried to clear away his tears he realized his arms were stuck in metal locks, looking around he saw a grey colored room with metal walls, ceiling and floor, the metal chair he was trapped in was uncomfortable and annoying. But Jake couldn't care less, his eyes focused to the full white Clone Trooper standing guard beside him, it was Flamer, he thinks, he hadn't cared enough to know their names but this one had some red paint on his armor so it made sense.

the Clone looked at Jake once he noticed him moving, the clone left upon seeing this. 

"Great" Jake mumbled to himself, he noticed that none of his droids were with him, where'd they go? Were they dead?! Jake minds raced with horrible Images of his droids being melted or blasted to bits, then he thought if his town, last he saw was the Star Destroyer park right atop of it, was it ok? He hoped so.

the door to his room hissed open as Tarkin stepped in, Flamer by his side. He undid Jakes locks but Jake was convinced to not kill the guy thanks to Flamer pointing a gun to his head. Not to mention all of Jakes items were gone.

"Get up, and follow me" Tarkin spoke darkly as Flamer pushed the kid out of the room harshly.

"Move it!" 

"Yeah yeah I'm going" Jake said trying his best to remain sarcastic, despite the fear building in his throat, he wanted to scream, to run, to grab the nearest blaster and place a perfect hole in his head hoping he would wake up in bed from this nightmare. But no, he was shoved across the halls as Tks and clones marched by, the lights still glaring at Jakes eyes as he was pushed into a room, it was just as bland as the other one, with a table in the middle and 2 chairs on either side.

but most importantly Jakes eyes spotted R4, the kids thoughts vanished as he pushed passed Tarkin to hug the droid. Flamer raised his blaster but Tarkin raised a hand to stop him. 

"I'm so glad your okay buddy" Jake said on the verge of tears.

"beeooooo bweeeee" R4 thrilled happily, enjoying the embrace.

"where are the re-" Jake was cut off as Tarkin shushed him and pulled out a radio.

"Commander Kelp and Commander Cody please report to interrogation room 2283" Tarkin ordered.


"you'll give me what i want" Tarkin scowled.

—————————Location-: Star Destroyer——-Prison cells, 6 of 632 cells occupied. 1 lifeform detected.—-#$*$*$*#@@@@

Rusty joints creaked in dissatisfaction as the droid arose from the floor it lay splayed upon. Getting up, the B1 looked around in a slight panic, walking up to the red energy shield that trap him there, he placed his trembling his hand onto it and got a slight shock. Jumping back with a yelp the droid sighed and sat down, curling into the fetal position. 


Rustys head perked up with a creak. "h-huh?!"

"its me.. Teesh!" The reptile was in the cell across the droid, Rusty hadn't even recognized Teesh was in there.

"Thank the Maker!, where are we sir!?" Rusty yelped with relief and fear.

"We do not know" another deep voice rumbled, coming from the cell next to Rusty. 

"Clank?!" Rusty asked happily.

"Affirmative" Clank responded, the B1 tried to peak over to the cell to his left to see the B2, but was unable to.

"Im here too!" Bucket chirped from the cell to Rustys right.

"I am present" Tac stated from the cell across from Bucket.

Teesh let out a small sigh of relief to see everyone was okay, the cells where bland, like the rest of the place, the red shield hummed an annoying tone, with the movement outside being the occasional mouse droid that sped by. Clank had tried to speak with one a few mins before, but the mouse droid squeaked in fear and rolled away. 

"Anybody know where Jake isssssss" teesh questioned.

a series of No, and Negatives followed.

"We were all shutdown during out transfer on what i assume is a Imperial ship" Tac stated matter a factly.

"I'm surprised they haven't scrapped us" Bucket let out in a depressed tone. Silence followed, no one knew what to do, they could talk sure, but about what? how to escape? not like that seemed possible. the depressing atmosphere felt like it could crush and bend the droids metal, and crack the lizards scales. 

A few TK troopers walked by, stopping at Rustys cell, staring into it.

"heh...look at that" One mused.

"never thought id see one still active" the other spoke, as if talking about an endangered species. 

"i know pathetic" was the last thing they said to each other before walking off.

Rusty curled back into a ball and muttered to himself, "Pathetic"..."Pathetic". The other droids couldn't help but wonder the same as they watched the B1s display of simulated sadness.



Jake was knocked back another few feet, tumbling into the wall with a pained groan.

"Tell us..." Flamer said menacingly as he grabbed the boys Collar and raised him off the floor.

"I....Don't...know....." Jake squeaked out, his lungs tight from the pummeling.

"Wrong answer" Flamer growled as he threw the kid to the floor. Tarkin walked over staring at the beaten boy, R4 beeped with distress but was held back by kelp and Cody, one watched with amusement as the other in horror. 

"You will tell us how you got these droids to follow you...we scanned them you know" Tarkin spoke calmly, Jake looked up at him with a confused expression.

"There are no signs of you messing with them other then a few exterior repairs" Tarkin looked at his finger with an annoyed expression " did you get them to follow you without messing with their programming" 

Jake went to speak but weakly coughed up a spurt of blood that stained to metallic floor.

"i swear... i idea...they....they just follow friends? i don't know..." Jake spoke as if questioning his own words.

sighing, Tarkin looked up at nothing and turned around, "I will do what i must" he said staring at the now shaking R4. "Call in the mechanic" 

"Sir?..." Cody asked with slight repent.

"Call in the Mechanic" Tarkin said again sternly.

Jake sat up against the inner wall panting, with Flamer standing above him. It didn't take long for 2 more Clones two walk in, carrying blow torch's and welding tools, Jake gave a slight laugh. 

"his memories damaged, there's nothing there you can find that i haven't" Jake said.

"oh had what down there on that filthy planet...a few tools...well here we have the latest Tech" Tarkin mused "we will find it all.....but....i don't intend on taking some of this astromechs memories" 

"what do you mean" jake asked with growing concern. 

"you see to properly extract what we need" Tarkin began as R4 was forcefully lifted and placed on the table, his whirring back and forth as his tread feet tried to shake him off as the Clone held the droid down. "We need everything that's in here" Tarkin said tapping R4s optic with a sinister grin.

What they were going to do snapped into Jakes mind, "WAIT!!" He yelled trying get up but being pushed down to the floor by Flamer foot, one Clone mechanic activated his Blow torch with an eerie hiss, "WAIT WAIT WAIT!!" Jake sobbed as his limbs shook, tears flew freely down his sandy face as he tried to get up to no avail. The Blowtorch made contact with R4, the droid screeched with simulated pain as he tried to spin its head away but couldn't as Kelp held the droid head in place. R4 let out panicked beeps and sirens as the metal that connected its head gave out, the Droids upper face falling over and clanging to the floor. 

R4s beeps became fainter as the inside of the Droids head where exposed, wires and motherboards littered it, but one large chip that had slight damage to it was targeted by the Mechanics. As their blowtorches whizzed back to life, they started to try and cut into the chip, ignoring Jakes cries and Pleas, and the Droids weak attempts at escape.

With a loud spark the droids hologram emitter popped out and began to speed by Several memories the Droid had. The room was lit a blue color as everyone watched the hologram continue, Jakes teary eyes stared as he recognized key moments, Meeting tac.....Exposing Clank from the Sand...Finding Rusty in the AAT, the recording kept going back and back, Jake stared wide eyed as a scene of a young Jake talking to Teesh played before the hologram cut to a static image, Waiting for a few minutes, Tarkin watched with anticipation until a memory began to play in normal speed, The Clones watched with interest as Jakes crying form couldn't look away as he froze at the sight.


***&& Memeory file--9928---dDAAAaaa-------------------R--4 model 332222-001--

R4 looked around the small home, it had a small table at the center right beside the kitchen, with 2 doors that led to separate rooms, the Table had a few dishes of Braised Shaak Roast. A Woman stood at the kitchen cleaning utensils as a male figure stood behind her with head upon her shoulder. The audio wasn't clear but they were talking to each other lovingly, R4 drove up to them with a happy drone as the Male pat him on the head. 

"Whose a good droid" He said with a large smile. 

R4 beeped happily in response. rolling over next to the table, 2 kids ran by, running circles around the astromech who tried to spin its head to keep up with them, the small children laughed as they ran, the Man and woman shared a chuckle as they told them to sit.

"Jake...Ryan, Please sit down" The Mother said caringly.

"yes mom!" both said in unison, hopping into there chairs. The family ate peacefully, with slight conversation exchanged. 


The loud humming of an alarm sounded throughout the city, the Family froze with confusion as the voices were heard outside, telling guards to hold the line as blaster fire was fast approaching. The Father got up and began to led everyone into their rooms as the door bust open with a sickening crack, Looking over through the smoke many lanky metallic figures aimed their blasters at the family. "Hands up" one spoke in grim tone. The Mother began to cry as the Father extended his arms pushing his family behind him, without hesitation, a bolt flew through air and into the Father chest. He fell down with a horrifying thud, the Mother began to wail as tears came from her eyes, but she too was quickly silenced by another blast. The 2 children sat huddled clinging to each other, as the droids approached, one droid picked up one of the boys and sent another bolt through their chest, silencing their whimpering. 

As the droid aimed their blaster at the last kid, the droids fell down in quick succession as green bolts ripped their metal apart, Guards dressed with red attire and fancy hats ran in to the grim scene, trying to calm the boy.

"hey..hey...its ok.....whats your name?" one asked.

"J----J-Jake" He muttered

-------------------------Connection terminated-----------------------

R4s lights gave up and turned to black with a final prolonged beep that lessened in pitch, the hologram sputtered and shut off as the droids inner parts where torn apart by the Clones. Jake stared with exasperated expression, no words could be made, as he shoved his face into his arms...
