Evadeful Espionage

Jake sat depressingly in the corner of the interrogation room. It had been 4 days since he had been captured, the only reason Jake even knew this was thanks to the stale clock in the hallways he could see from the small window on the door. He had been thinking, maybe a little to much, about his family. He didn't even know he had a brother, much less that they were killed by....


Jakes eyes would've begun to tear up again, but they didn't, he had drained them of tears. Not only did he loose R4, he wasn't even sure if the other droids were alive, and last he saw of the village was a star destroyer parking above it. He assumed everyone was dead, Teesh included. The Lizard was strong, but not that strong.

Jake curled tighter into himself has these thoughts poured into his head, the Imperial TK Troopers had been coming in several times a day beating and shocking him with batons, asking for info he didn't have, it was exhausting. Yesterday the dazed boy tried to hold his breath for much longer than anyone should, in an attempt to end it all, believing that wherever he went couldn't be worse then here.




Jake flinched, curling tighter into the corner if that was even possible. He stared up at the door, no one could be seen through the window as the door practically flew open.

"Hey kid" the figure spoke with a sense of dread.

"C-Cody" Jake spoke shakily with fear.


"4 days….4days.....4 days"

those were the only words Teesh could hear from Tacs cells as the droid walked in a perfect square. The days had wielded down the droids mentally, Teesh didn't even think it was possible, he had assumed they would be fine, he was wrong…

very wrong.

Rusty was folded on the floor laying in his side, shaking, his form had dents and burn marks from where clones beat him. Bucket was in a. Similar stance, expect he was unfolded and lay still staring into the void, he to covered in damage. 

Teesh hated to watch, every day Clones would come here and let their anger out on the B1's, the Clone Wars still shook many Troopers to the core, and the 2 B1's made for easy relief. Rusty arely put up a fight, and while Bucket did swing wildly the first few times while screaming in a panic he too gave up fairly quick.

The Clones never attacked the others, Teesh assumed because Tac was to sensitive, and the last time they tried to attack Clank hey lost 2 troopers, their headless body still lay in a dried pool of blood in Clanka cell. The towering B2 stand perfectly straight infringe if the force field, just staring. Teesh himself was free from the abuse, his thoughts were easy to keep calm, and the troopers that tried to beat left with less body parts. Teesh didn't normally fancy human flesh, but those Clones deserved it.

This stupid place had quickly corrupted the droids wills, and epic help didn't arrive soon, Teesh would slowly go mad along side them.


"why are you here" Jake let out in a raspy voice.

"to help" Cody said with confidence, reaching a hand out.

Despite his situation, the boy had missed any sort of attachment, and slowly and shakily took the Clones hand, being raised to his feet.

"why?…." Jake asked.

"That's not important right now, we've got to get outta here kid" Cody said sternly.

Still trembling, Jake peaked out the door, no one was there, "what about my droids?" He asked with slight hope.

"Still functioning, but not doing well…..never thought I'd see a clank do insane" Cody remarked with a hint of sarcasm, which was taken poorly by Jake.

"where are they" Jake said , his posture already straightening, he was sad as shit, but he would have to fight hard to save the rest of his friends.

Nodding, Cody motioned for the boy to follow as he left the room, Jake quickly snatched R4s lense from the astromechs head, as they had left the body there as a reminder, and stuffed into his pocket.

walking in the halls, the two sneaked around quite easily, there weren't many trooper about this hour, which was probably why Cody had saved him now. Jake was of course extremely cautious, or even scared of the Grey armored Clone, his entire life he had been proven that clones were evil, that wasn't going to change because this one was nice. Turning corners and passing the halls Jake turned to the Clone

"How much longer" Jake Questioned.

"Not long" Cody said pressing himself to the hall as 2 TK Troopers passed by, he quickly aimed and stunned both the troopers. Him and Jake pulling their bodies away.

Staring at the Unconscious TK Jake grunted in displeasure and slightly kicked the side of one their heads. "Fuck You to" Jake muttered, before following Cody. 

It didn't take long for them to start seeing empty cells, Jake scanned each one looking for his Droids.

"They should all be next to each other on the other side of the prison" Cody remarked, Suddenly Stopping and looking into the cell to his left. Jake ran up next to him peering into the low light cell before his widened, taking a step back in surprise. 

"Surprised?" a Low garbling voice immitted as a Commando Droid walked up the cell barrier.

"You?! I thought you had died!" Jake said with a small smile, Cody looked with suspicion.

"You know this Clanka? he killed an entire squad of clones when we tried to captured you" Cody said with concern, Jake shrugged his shoulders.

"Meh, not my problem" Receiving a dark chuckle from the Commando.

Hesitatingly Cody opened the door and allowed the Commando to come with them, Jake ran up to the much taller droid and hugged him, breathing out a sigh of slight relief. The Commando had no reaction, other than looking at Cody with his soulless eyes.

"Lets go" Cody said.

"Why are we following a Clone" The Commando said Spitting out the word "Clone" like it was slur.

"Cause he knows where everyone else is" Jake answered casually.

"Oh....I accept your logic.....May i kill him afterward?" The Commando asked turning his 90 degrees to stare at Cody as they walked.

"What?" Cody surprised.

"no no no...he betrayed the Empire...i don't trust him fully, but we should be fine"

Before the Commando could respond Cody Pushed them into a cell with him as 4 TKs marched pass them turning a corner. Jake Huddled away into himself at the sight, as they passed the Commando pushed Jake and Cody out of the way and walked out.

Following the droid, they continued walking, Jake finally hearing the squeaky voice he had missed.

"Jake?!!?" Rusty yelled out, causing the other droids to snap out of their self induced trance and walk up to the barriers.

"RUSTY!!!" Jake ran to the barriers and pressed the button to open the cell, pulling the droid into a hug as he began to cry slightly, Rusty awkwardly hugged the boy back, but stared at Teesh for help. Jake separted him self, turning around to see the smug smile of Teesh.

"You think you could kill me that easssssssily?" The Lizard hissed with a humorous chuckle,, Jake smiled widely and hug him. The other droids, semi confused on the action, decided to copy and repeat the action, causing Jake to be covered in several droids unevenly attempting to hug, except for the commando droid of course. Cody watched on in slight amusement, funny how droids could somehow seem to care, but they had to move.

"Great moment, but lets go" Cody said while walking away. The droids let go of Jake, Clank turned and pointed his wrist blaster at Cody.

"Clone" He yelled in the deep voice.

"hey hey don't worry, he's helping" Jake said standing Infront of Clank. The B2 stared at Cody in an almost judging way, before putting his arm down.


Walking through the lifeless halls, grey surrounded all f the group as they tried there best to sneak to the hanger. of course it wasn't going well with 5 droids and 3 dudes just casually making there way down the hall. Turning the corner, a few Tarkin stood speaking with Kelp and Flamer, his head snapped to the side as everyone stepped around the corner.

"What is this treachery!!" Tarkin yelled pulling out his pistol and firing several green blaster bolts. a few smashed into Clank as the droids ran around the corner, but it had no effect. Cody fired a few stun blasts as Kelp and Flamer ducked before firing back with lethal rounds. 

"We do not have any weapons" Tac stated "We are doomed"

"with that attitude we are" Cody remarked sarcastically.

"I am not programmed to comprehend your humor" Tac stated as several bolt flew past the corner and into the grey wall. 

Interrupting the banter Kelp turned the corner and aimed his blaster at Jake

"Got ya kid" he said threateningly as Jake began to back up. before being able to do anything though Rusty grabbed the clones face and dragged him around the corner and threw him to the floor.

"HA!" Rusty exclaimed with glee, before Bucket Rammed his foot into the clones face, knocking him out.

Rusty turned to Bucket and raised his hand for a high five, Bucket stared confused. Sighing, Rusty grabbed Buckets hand and pushed into his.

"great job!" Rusty squeaked.

"Why thank you" Bucket said happily.

"Arrghh Fuck this" Clank exclaimed annoyed as more green and red bolts flew past them, the B2 pushed past Cody and Jake and begin to run around the corner and directly at Tarkin and Flamer, stunned by the B2 Flamer stopped firing and tried to run, while Tarkin green bolts harmlessly bounced off the B2. Clank crashed into Tarkin sending him flying several meters away with and audible crack being heard as he landed on his led, before grabbing Flamers face and raising him into the air.

"Stupid Clanker!!" He yelled from inside the helmet as Clank smashed him 4 times into the wall knocking him out before dropping his unmoving body.

The rest of the group looked in surprise at the situation, the Commando droid laughing manically to himself "I like that one...he he heee" he grumbled out darkly. Rusty scooted a few feet away from the commando.

Soon arriving at the Hanger, it was...Empty? the group looked around confused, the droids scanning for lifeforms as Teeshes slitted eyes worked with jakes round ones to find anything, but there was no one there. Cody calmly walked up to an imperial Laat.

"come on, no one is here, its lunch break" 

"oh...well thatsssssssss the only good thing thats happned to us all day" The tired lizard spoke.

Walking with everyone else to the ship, Jake admired the hanger, it was huge, several V shaped fighters docked along the walls, with cargo crates and boxes scattered among the entire facility. But most of all, a huge ray shield, illuminating the entire area with a warm blue, allowing Jakes desperate eyes to see space.


It was so beautiful, he had never seen it before, the stars covering the entire view, each a little different in size and personality, each with their own brightness, but all still seeming the same. Jakes pupils widened as his brain was in awe at the sight, it was almost hypnotizing him, reminding him of R4. the little astromech seemed like all the other ones, but he was special, curious, happy...

Jake sighed depressingly, looking hopelessly at the floor as Bucket came up to him.

"umm, sir, Cody says he will get the ship ready for us, but that he will part ways to meetup with some friends" Bucket explained, unaware of jakes thoughts.

"alright" in all honesty Jake had expected the Clone to leave "lets go"

Walking to the ship, Cody came out as the droids could be seen inside, Rusty chatting with Tac and Clank as the Commando sat in the corner, dried sandy blood still covering his hands.

"Alright kid, I've got allies i can meet with, I've already set coordinates for the nearest planet, Utapau, should be safe, or at least safer than here" Cody said patting the kids shoulder.

"Thanks..." Jake said with a sad smile "good luck"

Nodding the Clone walked away, his grey armor rattling as he began to start up a V-Wing, and soon flew off the ship, passing the ray shield, and flying away. The droids had also come outside by now, with Tac staring into space, and Clank listening as Bucket and Rusty argued over who's color scheme was better, red, or peach. the Commando droid walked up to Jake.

"I appreciate your efforts of saving this unit, but my opinion of you..." The droid stared at Jake for a few seconds "Flesh suits remains, so, this is were we depart....but....if we ever meet again" The droid started to laugh manically while gripping his face with one hand. "Then id be happy to help you SlaUghtERr the Empire"

despite literally on the verge of shitting himself, jake gave semi friendly wave as the droid quickly ran into a jumping front flip, landing on an imperial V-Wing, busting into the cockpit, and flying off. 

Tac had taken the pilots seat, and activated the LAAT. Jake sat quietly in the corner of the main area as Bucket spoke with Clank, Rusty stared wordily at Jakes shaking form, but decided not to intervene. Jake grabbed the slightly cracked lense of R4 and held it up to his, as he quietly started sob, his tears staining the grey floor.


Tarkin angrily limped into his commander center followed by an equally pissed Kelp.

"Sir, our scans detect several craft leaving the hanger" a TK said to Tarkin.

"it must be the boy" Kelp stated

"how did you not stop them!??!" Tarkin yelled furiously, inching closer to the trooper.

"it was....lunch break....sir" the Trooper replied, quickly learning that it was the wrong answer as Tarkin pulled out his pistol and formed a neat hole in the Tks head, his body dropping to the floor like a rock. Kelp scoffed in amusement.

"My thoughts exactly sir"

"Shut up or your next" Tarkin said, pulling out his com link


"Uh but its lunch bre-"

"FUCKING DO IT" Tarkin yelled before throwing the comm on the floor and crushing it under his heel.

he breathed out slightly to calm himself "They will die..."