Devious Duo

It had beena few days since they left Utapau, Tac was able to get the autopilot working on the Imperial ship Teesh stole, and thankfully Clank was near fully repaired, because as luck would have it the Imperial ship apparently had some engineer troopers on it, meaning there was tons of supplies. Jake took a bite out of dry ration and sighed in relief, they had just found a small fridge in the cargo hold filled with ration, and with Teesh and Jake Being the only ones that need food it would certainly last. 

Well..... Technically there was the Prisoner, The droids had caught him and they decided to bring him with them, as Bucket had said he used to do interrogations, which Jake quickly figured out was apparently another word for torture. Jake quickly ordered them to not torture the guy at the time, and just ask questions. They weren't making progress, as the TK seemed terrified of the droids, Tac had stated he believes it may be some form of PTSD, but it was just a theory. For now he was sleeping in the cargo hold, tied to the wall by a giant piece of steel Clank had bent around the TK.

Tacs metallic fingers tapped on the Navi computer, a small galactic map appearing, Jake walked up next to the droid.

" long till we arrive?" Jake asked.

"The Naboo system is several days away sir, as this ship is not Hyperdrive capable, we will require at least 2 pitstops to refuel and restoke supplies" Tac stated, getting up from the pilots seat and walking into the main area with Jake, were Teesh was sleeping in the right corner, Rusty and Bucket were trying out some dominos they found in the cargo hold, and Clank was just standing by the Cargo entrance, probably guarding it. 

"Good..." Jake muttered and began to walk away, before Tac grabbed his Shoulder.

"Why are we going to Naboo Sir, they are an extremely Anti Separatist planet, and will cause significant risk" Tac explained with slight concern in his monotone male voice, the light where his mouth would be lighting up.

"We aren't Separatists"

Jakes answer wasn't convincing to Tac, Jake turned and instinctively held onto R4s eye, Tac noticed this and quickly calculated that it must related to what R4 committed during the droids shutdown, whatever it was.

"Is this related to R4" Tac questioned. Jakes eyes widened slightly before he shook his head and walked away.


Tac stared at the boy, his form unmoving as the enlarged forearms moved to grab the data pad from his waist, and began to input information. Rusty and bucket saw Jake and walked over to say hi. Their lanky bodies heavily contrasting the grey ship, with Rustys pale body shining and Buckets red paintjob clearly peeling and showing the grey metal beneath.

"Greetings sir" Bucket said waving.

"hey" Jake answered dryly.

Ignoring Jakes dryness Rusty asked. "So..Where exactly are we going?"

"Yeah that would be nice to know" Bucket followed.


"NABOO!?" Both droids yelled out, Jake was startled by there panic, Clank also turned slightly to witness the situation. 

"That place hates droids! Why would we ever go there!" Bucket yelled out.

"Yeah.. Its where the famous OOM-9 was defeated!" Rusty said grabbing the sides of his head, his squeaky voice cracking. 

"Oh yeah OOM-9, I remember hearing stories about him" Bucket said aloud.

"Lucky, I think they kept whiling my program I cause I feel like I've heard about him hundreds of time" Rusty squeaked, some Rusty falling onto the floor from his joints.

"Um...well, there's some stuff...about R4 i need to figure out" Jake answered ignoring their in a nervous tone. The B1s panic almost immediately went away, they looked at each other, nodding at each other in an understanding way, which surprised Clank as he watched, not knowing B1's were capable of such actions.

"We...will be happy to help sir" Bucket said with fake confidence.

"Roger Roger, we will avenge R4 however we can" Rusty said attempting confidence, but it ended up sounding like pity. Jake didn't mind, and gave the droids a small smile. Rustys insides made a hearable high pitched whirr. 

"What of the Trooper we caught" Clank added in, entering the conversation.

"we could always kill him" Bucket said.

"well that would rude" Rusty answered


Jake sighed "Alright ill talk to him, just lemme talk to tac first" The droids nodded and went back to what they were doing, Jake turned around and walked up the small set of stairs to the cockpit. 

"Oi!...Tac, figured out where we are gonna land?" Jake called out.

"Affirmative, however, plans have changed" Tac paused "the planet closet to Utapau is Dagobah, and a Trip directly from Dagobah to Naboo is impossible, meaning we will have to travel in a C formation through several Planets, passing through Dagobah, Mustafar, Bespin, Hoth, Sullest, Crait and D,Qar."

"Ok so how does this help us" Jake asked.

"It doesn't.. Due to extended trip time i calculate adding a few more days and one extra pit stop is required." Tac stated.

Jake sighed "Look Tac, your great and all but please give some G o o d news"

Tac stared at Jake for moment "out of those planets, the only one listed to have intelligent life is Mustafar and Bespin, but Bespin is Anti Separatist. Thankfully, Craits salt crystals can be refined into fuel by the ship itself. Sadly, the other planets do not have much to offer, meaning we must rely on luck that Mustafar or Crait has an extra way to carry we cannot risk a third stop at Bespin."

"And I'm not built to calculate luck" Tac Finished.

"Well, at least that settles it, guess where going to Mustafar...what's it like there anyway?"

"It is a lava planet" tac answered casually.

Jake breathed in deeply "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu-"

"well it isn't to bad, I've never seen lava before" Rusty chirped in.

Jake op ed his mouth to retort, but just nodded agreeing with the skinny droid. 

"Fair enough"


The Commando and the Guard flew through empty space within the stolen V-Wing, the two had departed from a nearby outpost on Utapau, as the Commando had led the Guard back there. the two slaughtered every TK at the outpost and stole the fuel needed, the rush of murder fulfilled the two droids, and despite their lack of sanity, they became decent friends. 

"Commando" The Guard asked.

"Yes?" The Commando Replied.

"I believe that naming ourselves would be helpful, as consistently speaking our models isn't effective" 

The Commando sat in thought in the Co pilots seat of the V-Wing.

"Correct, i am familiar with this concept"

"How so?"

"I traveled briefly with a child, he attempted to bring several Separatist droids to peace by inputting them into his squad"

The Guard sat still driving for a moment, the stars passing by slowly.

"and what did you do?"

"I left and wandered Geonosis for several days alone, before killing a squad of Imperials, being captured, and ending up with you"

"Good, that is exactly how i would have done it...Other than being captured"


The two droids sat silence as they flew the ship, blood still covered their weapons, the Commandos Sword and the Guards staff. Their talks were interesting, their voices both menacing and deep, with Slight pauses between words, only adding to their roboticness. They normally didn't speak much, only of the mission, and even if the Commando had the free will to ask a personal question, such as "How are you" it was quickly shut down by the Guard. as much as the Commando hated to calculate it, Jakes kindness had an effect on his program, weather he liked it or not.

"Have you created a name?' the Guard asked

"I believe so"


"Scythe, it fits with my weapon, and has a rating of 7 in the fear factor that applies to organics"

"..." the Guard processed this "Understandable" 

"and what of you?" Scythe asked.

"i do not know....Magna Guard?"

"That is your model name"

"oh....this is true"

"I suggest...Golem" Scythe said with a slight increase in attention.

"Why, This name is unusual" the Guard replied.

"Your Unusual"


"apologies" Scythe said with no clear apologetic tone. "However, according to old Texts in my program, before Blasters, Before Technology, Golems were beings of myth that humans believed to be formed by rock and stone, hulking immovable masses of indestructible material, they are unstoppable"

"Unstoppable" The guard repeated, "yes, I enjoy this prospect, thank you....Scythe"

"Your Welcome....Golem" Scythe answered, his tone having a slight hint...of happiness.

"Our next stop will be Mustafar to refuel, and we can create a plan to see where the nearest Separatist Outpost is located from there. Golem stated.

"Roger Roger" 


Jake laid on his back in the main area of the ship, all the other droids were off expect Tac, who sat calmly in the pilot seat, thankfully the ship carried droid chargers for what Jake assumed would be for a imperial droids. Teesh was still sleeping, and with time to spare, Jake could think about all that had happened, and a lot had happened. He had been captured and tortured by the Empire, amazing, R4 died, great, They are heading towards a lava planet, as if he hadn't been hot enough on , fan-fucking-tastic. with a heavy sigh Jake rolled over and cuddled into himself, his skin scratching on the inside of his metallic cloths. 

Now, those Clones. Jake didn't like them, obviously, but Cody had shown him that surprisingly, not all of them are bad. Of course, Jake didn't even think about trusting all of them so easily, they had done horrible things to him and his droids. Beatings, arm removal, blaster shots, explosions, etc. To be fair, Jake had killed a few of them, not like he cared much tho, they had it coming. Still, morality pushed into his mind, they were pretty human, he knew that now, they thought, felt and acted with emotion. And even though Jake wanted to deny it, they were more capable of emotion then the droids, speaking of which, he hadn't wondered much about what happened on Naboo, being to preoccupied with not dying, but he assumed an invasion.

His whole family was Battledroids.....

Well, they weren't the same droids, obviously, so Jake didn't mind begin with his friends, still, he couldn't help but shudder sometimes when looking at the much taller B1s, Who despite not being very threatening, brought back bad memories of a screeching R4 as he was torn apart, and final yell released by his brother when the droid lifted him like a small stick and shot him….

Pushing away such complicated thoughts Jake raised his head to See that Clanks red dot was active, and the B2 stared intently at him.

"Yes Clank?" Jake asked tiredly.

"...Nothing Sir, Just....Thinking" He replied.

"well that's a first" Teesh said to the surprise of Jake and Clank, Jake chuckling slightly.

"I am not programmed to comprehend your humor...however...good one" Clank said with joking distaste for the lizard.

"Ha...Thanks...anyways go to sleep, Tac told me we will land on Mustafar in two days, we should catch up on sleep until then"

"Roger Roger" Clank said, before shutting down.

"fair..fair" Jake muttered, laying back down, and closing his eyes.

----------------------Imperial Star destroyerrr8228(@7239733999[[[

Tarkin stood with a scowl in the bridge, surrounded by crew, The blast doors open to reveal Kelp, Flame, and Sandstorm. Turning around Tarkin stares at them as they walk up, their footsteps echoing in the metal room. 

"Any luck with finding them?" Tarkin asked slowly.

"No sir...They are completely off the grid. But the commando droid is still being tracked, and is seemingly heading to the Mustafar system"

"why but of course, they need to refuel" Tarkin said scolding himself.

"once we arrive prepare your men, i want all three of you on this mission, i hope your personal quarrel with this child will only improve your spirt to find him using this Commando" Tarkin said in a questioning tone. 

"You bet it will" Sandstorm replied with an angered voice.

"good, see to it that that droid is captured functional" Tarkin said before waving his hand, casuing the Clones to leave the area.

"We can do this..right?" Sandstorm asked.

"Course we can, what's one Commando droid gonna do to us?" Flamer said confidently.

"Your courage is exciting but it'll get you killed, that droid is fighting for more than programming, it wants revenge...." Kelp spoke loudly.

"Against US"

(Tyyy for readinggggggggggggg :>)

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