
Firstly, id like to apologize for the long waits between chapters, as stated way earlier i have no real plan and am just going with the flow of things, and yall should expect more votes in the future (Droidekka showing u soon i swear) 

But yeah, mi trying my best atm with school among other things, and once summer starts, ill be posting chapters like a factory does droids.

enjoy the readdd :>


A light breeze passed into Kelps helmet, filling it with the stale smell of the Venator, Tarkin had recently spoken to some scientist, Kelp didn't care much for it, but it was clear Tarkin was displeased by the situation. Flamer was in his barracks, and Sandstorm was in the lockers cleaning up after a recon mission on Utapau, which is surprisingly where they had tracked the Commando. The kid was also seen here by a patrol, but considering said patrol went missing, the Clones assumed they had died, and Sandstorms scouting had proved not only that, but they had also taken the Imperial ship used by the squad. 


Kelp chuckled to himself slightly, it was going to be easy to capture that boy now that they knew the ship he was in, and one look at the data for this sector would give the exact number of the ship they had used. Tarkin had already ordered nearby sectors to be on alert for the vessel.

Taking a final step out of the hallway and into the barracks Kelp turned to see Flamer armor-less laying on one of the beds. the lighting wasn't sufficient for the room, giving it an erie glow, combined with the grey architecture, gave the place a creepy look. With a sigh, Kelp walked over to Flamer and put his helmet down on the only table inside.

"So…we find that droid yet?" Flamer asked getting up and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"we know where he is but that Clankers been slippery, not to mention its heading to the mustafar system for some reason" Kelp explained holding out his glowing data pad. 

Flamer huffed with annoyance before stretching his back, "Alright I'm gonna get some shut eye"

"It's 6 in the morning Flamer" Kelp said with utter disappointment.


Ignoring Flamers complaints Kelp pinched his eyebrows and sighed. "Same shit different day" he muttered.

Leaving the Barracks a few mins later, both troopers fully armored they walked to the hanger, passing by several TK Troopers, dim lights and grey walls. Sandstorm was waiting for them at the hanger.

"I thought you were changing?" Flamer asked confused.

"I did" Sandstorm replied casually.

"well that was quick, afraid of water are we" Flamer shoved him lightly with a chuckle. "Afraid you'll turn into mud?"

"Well that's ironic…isn't it" Sandstorm replied to Flamer with a smug grin.


Kelp rallied several TKs around him, they were close to the exact position of the droid, or at least the droids stolen V-Wing, and they needed get ready for attack. The TK troopers didn't mind to much about being ordered by Clones, hell, some of them even looked up to clones, but those troopers were far and few between. 

"Alright men!" Kelp yelled out, holding a data pad. "We are set to arrive by the target in 5 mins, get your specified weapons and get ready to depart as soon as possible. Several "sir yes sir" followed as the troopers spread out, most of them grabbing Imperial DC-15s, but a 2 troopers grabbing large flamethrowers, the troopers shifted forward with every step with the sheer weight of them. Fire didn't seem like the obvious choice to fight droids, because fire from the throwers doesn't melt metal quick enough to be considered useful, but the word and components inside the droid would boil and pop almost immediately. Kelp smiled a bit as he remembered the yells of Battledroids he had killed in the Clone War, seeing the worth around waving there arms like idiots while set ablaze, before the pressure became to much and there optics popped out if their heads and limbs exploded, silencing theIr screams.

Kelp remembered the Clone Wars well, but never brought it up, he had killed many a droid in several horrific ways that would almost certainly be seen as cruel if done to any organic, but the droids have executed clones in the same ways, karmas a bitch I suppose.

the minutes passed by quick as he got confirmation from Tarkin via his comm link that they were free to depart the hanger, the group of 12 TKs along side the pilot, Kelp, Flamer and Sandstorm shuffled inside the LAAT, watching as the doors closed and felt as the ship slowly hovered upwards, everyone grabbing onto the the overhanging railing. 


The V-Wing whizzed by, flying in seemingly no direction, inside Golem and Scythe sit packed together due to space issues. the distant stars shine brightly against the reflective surface of the cockpit, Golem faced forwards, focusing on piloting despite not really needing to, Scythe stared off into the distant, only the maker knows what he was processing, but whatever it was, it was interrupted by a comm beeping rapidly. 

"We have received coordinates along with a message" Golem said aloud, followed by silence as it began to read what had been sent. 

"Greetings Droid, i am aware that you may distrust me at first, but you have something i want, and i have you want, so meet up with me, and well make a deal" 

Both droids stared at the message, along with the list of items that the deal promises, mainly resources useful in the repair of droids, but also intel that states it must be passed verbally. 

"That is not trustworthy at all, lets ignore it" Golem stated.

"wait, there is a high possibly i know these organic" Scythe interrupted.


"Commander Cody"

"I have heard of him in my files, a dangerous leader of the 212th"


The Magna guard stared in thought for a few seconds, its reflection shimmering of the blank screen.

"Fine" it said quickly copying the coordinates and allowing the navi-computer to take them there. The ship swinging around and speeding into the nearby planets atmosphere, Dagobah. The planet is almost all swap, with few high rises and no intelligent population as far as the droids knew. 

"Dagobah? great, i was looking forward to having my circuits moist" Scythe spoke clearly annoyed, Golem gave no response. 

It didn't take long as they sped across the skies, the vast swamps flying by them as they passed. Many flying creatures would come from the trees as the ship flew by, the moist sky already fogging up the cockpit, making Golem activate the star ships cleaner product, which was normally used for if an oil spill would cover up your vision. (yes i made this up)

They quickly arrived at the pre determined spot, it was a clearing in the swamp, the ship landed into the muddy area, the trees leaves shifting as the ships hit the ground gently, some mud splashing up and covering the underside of the ship. Both droids turned to see Cody, standing there still as the trees around him, his arms behind his back and his grey armor standing out against the lively background. Scythe detected a shiver in his program, an almost automatic response to run...and hide.

"Stay cautious" Golem said plainly, opening the cockpit and hopping out, his tattered cape getting slightly covered in mud. Scythe followed suit, his legs also getting dirty. They walked over toward Cody, their feet squelching in the mud as they stopped several feet away. Cody brought his head up, his ship in the background with a few crates by it outside.

"You have something i want" He spoke loudly, turning to eye the Magna guard thru his helmet. "and i was unaware you had a friend"

"What do you want from us" Golem stated.

"yes yes, straight to business, shoulda seen that coming from a droid" Cody said with a light scowl. 

"but I'm sure he knows" Cody said point at Scythe, Golem looking at the droid as well. 

"The data...i know you have it..i saw it" Cody semi yelled at the droid.

Scythe took a step back, looking at Golem before staring at Cody.

"I thought i wasn't seen" 

"Well we loose some we win some....back on that Venator...tried to sneak some info for yourself, well, where on the same side on that front, we hate the Empire"

The droids looked at eachother.

"So, you want a copy of this Imperial info in exchange for materials and your own Info" golem stated.

"Yes" Cody said aloud, the droids stared a bit longer, reason and logic was quickly leaving their circuits as they saw the clone.

"Heres a trade deal" Golem began, Cody already narrowing his eyes with suspicion.

"You give us everything..." Scythe said aloud, unsheathing his Vibroblade.

"and we tear you to pieces" Golem finished, Taking out his staff and turning it on, with only the top part lighting up with purple electricity, and the bottom sparking a few times before shutting off, broken.

Cody grabbed his DC-15A Long rifle "You don't want to do this droid"

"No... but we don't have a choice" Scythe uttered before both him and Golem dashed forwards, Cody instinctively raising his blaster and firing two shots at Golem, smashing into his chest and sending the droid stunned to the muddy ground with a splat, Scythe dashed out of the way of a third bolt, jumping into the air with a flip. Cody sent two more bolts at, both missing as Scythe fell at him with an overhead swing, Cody blocking it with long rifle turning it sideways, quickly pushing away Scythe and kicking him to the ground.

Golem came from the side and wacked Cody's blaster away with the bottom edge of his staff as Cody tried to raise it at him. Cody instantly tackled the Magna guard to the floor, both of them rolling around covered in mud, with Cody landing punch after punch, but the Guards eyes glowed brighter as it got pissed, grabbing Cody's neck and throwing him several feet to the side. Scythe came running with his sword, launching it down at Cody aiming for his privates, with Cody scooting away so it barely missed, after a second of no movement the Commando tried to stab his face, but Cody rolled out of the way and took out two Blaster pistols and aimed them at the droids, both of which where standing at this point. 

"I'm sure we can talk about this…peacefully" Cody yelled out, getting off the ground.

Scythe thought for a moment, thinking back to how Cody saved him.

"This ..,meatbag… saved me in the Venator….i do not enjoy that fact, but it would be illogical to repay his….kindness" Scythe said the word with distaste in its voice "with death".

"This is true" Golem followed, "proceed with the trade"

the droids walked up to Cody, him cautiously putting him pistols away, and grabbing his Long rifle from the floor. He gave Scythe a remote that opened one of the crates by Cody's V-Wing, which had several droid repair supplies, that would've been used on Republic astromechs, but still served great for the two droids. The commando handed over the data pad, and watched unmoving as Cody transferred the data and handed his pad back. 

"Thanks…droid" Cody said

"My name is Scythe" 

Cody paused for a second, before scoffing playfully.

"fine then..Scythe" he said reaching his hand out, it being robotically grabbed and squeezed into an uncomfortable shake.

"and what of the info you bring"


A Loud boom echoed through out the atmosphere as a Venator came out of hyperspace into orbit, the group stared up at the sky, panic filled Cody as he began to run back ti his ship.

"go GO GO! WE CAN MEET LATER!!" He yelled as the droids quickly ran back to their ship, Golem carrying the crate And Scythe firing useless shots from his E-5 at the Venator, none of the bolts ever reaching their target. Golem shoved the crate into a small compartment and scrambled into the cockpit with Scythe. Both V-Wings took off with the droids following Cody, who was able to patch in though the commas as a hoard of around 13 Imperial V-Wings came screeching at them.

"You better know how to fly that thing, it's gonna get messy" Cody yelled out.

"the only thing messy will be their ships when we carve out their insides and paint the walls with it" Scythe said with a excited tone, electric volts coursing through him.

"HaaHhaAAAHAHAHaaaHHAAAA" Scythe laughed maniacally as he accused the ships bottom gun, spanned into around and opened fire using the screen, Golem laughed along the commando as the first few V-Wings fell to the floor, crashing in a fire ball as birds flew to escape the flames. 

Cody only had to hear their laughs through the comms as he watched them pick of the V-Wings skillfully, and having accessed the Enemies comms as well, he heard each scream as fire engulfed their bodies and burnt their skin, the pain as they physically disintegrated while ships exploded, the droids savoring every moment.


sorry if this end felt a little rushed, and sorry for that cliffhanger to but I hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter, and don't worry, next Chapter will continue this, as all Jake is really doing is flying to Mustafar.

tyyyy :>