Synonyms 2

Scythe and Golem steadied their rapidly crashing ship as it came flying down in a burst of fire, landing in the middle of the Swamp, the droids tried to take out the enemy, but they easily swarmed the droids after a couple of minutes. Cody's ship fell before they had, and Golem attempted to fall in the same general area, as sticking together would insure survival, even if it was with a clone. 

The V-Wings engine finally exploded, both droids shaking as they hopped out of the ship before it blew up completely. The Imperials quickly left the scene, assuming they had died, Scythe turned to Golem, picking up whatever was left of the ships comm set.

"I do not believe this was a tactical decision" It spoke aggressively.

"That much is obvious....I am detecting Cody's ship due north, it is best we follow him for survival" Golem stated.

"This is Correct" Scythe commented.

Both droids finished picking up their weapons which had flew away in the blast, and marched towards where they presumed Cody's ship was, Scythe marching with his Sword in hand, and Golem walking much more robotically, his Staff resting on his shoulder. to say their was no conversation would be an understatement, neither droid said a word other than the occasional "Threat detected" if something moved, followed by "Threat misjudged" The swampy surroundings gave an indescribably uncomfortable tingle in the droids servos, the humidity poking at them wishing they'd fall and die, the sun lit very little beneath the expanse of trees, and the chirps and calls of creatures filled the air at all times. The droids however, didn't care, with Scythe happily stabbing some random creature that just so happened to get to close for comfort. 

"Scythe, search the area for Cody's vessel"

"Roger Roger" Scythe spoke leaping onto a nearby tree and climbing it branch by branch with outstanding flexibility. Looking into the distance, a large fire could clearly be seen, along with pieces of metal covering the trees, hopping down Scythe nudged Golem.

"Cody's ship is that way"

"Good work"

The brief talk ended as they swiftly made their way to Cody, Scythe stared at Golem as he walked behind it, despite not needing to say anything, the droid felt like sharing some info. 


"What?" The MagnaGuard answered instantly, turning to look at the Commando.

"Can you believe the Boy i spoke off decided in incorporate a B1 into his squad" 

"I am as humored as my programming allows" Golem said turning back around and walking, Scythe following suit.

"and why is that?" Scythe questioned.

"because B1s provide zero tactical advantage" Golem spoke with a tone of indifference.

"Affirmative, they are also ugly" Scythe added.

"that is irrelevant....but correct"

The droids banter was cut as Golem pushed into an opening of burnt plant matter and a huge wreckage, the droids scanned the area, climbing atop the ship, finding the cockpit completely destroyed, and Cody's body on the floor several feet away, Scythe recoiled slightly and jumped next to the downed the clone, with golem walking more calmly to him. 

"His systems are barely operational" Scythe said with concern.

"leave him, there is no medical supplies" Golem stated.

Scythe stared at Cody's lifeless form "negative" he said putting Cody over his shoulder.

Golem stared at him for a bit "Your loss" it spoke before moving on into the swamp. 

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The next few hours where spent with painfully slow walking, several breaks had to be made for the droids to shut off momentarily to recharge with sunlight, Thankfully they had crashed in the morning, so they sun going away wasn't going to be an issue for a long while. the squelching of the mud would've made any person go insane as it followed the droids with every step, but obviously, they couldn't care less. Cody still lay unconscious, and despite his stability increasing, Scythe still remained worried, something the droid tried to figure out why for the past few hours, he hadn't figured it out. It didn't take much longer for them to finally stumble upon something, or rather hear something. 

Blaster bolts fired rapidly in the distance, both droids immediately activated defense programs and moved in, the blaster noises getting closer as Scythe put Cody down and peaked around a tree, Golem doing the same. They witnessed several TK troopers firing at something out of view, but with a blue burst of light several of them went flying away screaming, the others panicking and moving away still firing at whatever they where fighting. 

But a few troopers caught the droids attention on their scanners, they wore all black, and carried shock staffs similar to Golems, they charged out of view behind a large structure, seemingly a makeshift hut embedded into a tree of sorts. Ignoring the yells and noises of battle, Golem was able to spot an Imperial LAAT, parked behind some tree cover.

"That ship is how we leave"

"Affirmative" Scythe responded.

Before they could move though one of the TKs yelled out.

"HEY! SEPIS" the Droids looked at the Troopers as a him and a few other fired at the droids, Scythe dodged away behind a tree, and Golem tanked a bolt as he did the same. The two of the prepared to fight, activating their melee weapons, but their programming was left surprised as three of the troopers firing at them got launched away, the last one turned and fired twice a small being, seemingly not hitting the target, before being thrown past the two droids and crashing into a tree.

The droids cautiously came of cover, Scanning the area for hostiles.

"Reveal yourself, an enemy of the Empire is an ally of ours" Scythe called out.

"Agreed" Golem Agreed (no shit) 

A noise from behind them startled them, both droids spinning around and scanning the area. The shrubbery moved as a small green lifeform, covered in a cloak emerged, it had large ears and looked to be of great age, Scythe stared at with confusion, slightly lowering his defensive stance. Golem on the other hand knew exactly who that was, he was programmed for this.

"Jedi!" Golem yelled, spinning his staff.

"How do you know?" Scythe asked.

"It is in my database, that is Grand master Yoda of the Republic"

Yoda chuckled slightly "yes..yes....expecting you..i was not" He spoke lightly.

"That makes both of us" Scythe said turning to golem, "Stand down, despite the danger, he would have dismantled us already if he wanted saw what he did to those troopers" The Commando tried to explain.

Golem hesitated but eventually put his staff on his back "Fine..but i have my photoreceptors on you" the Guard said looking at Yoda.

"Blame you..i do not...but a friend i promise to be" Yoda's speech pattern confused the droids, but it was still legible so they didn't bother asking.

"we require assistance, Commander Cody has been damaged" Scythe explained walking over and dragging Cody's mud covered form from behind a tree

"Mmmmmm...Help i can...come come" Yoda said hobbling slowly with his cane towards the large hut structure. The droids crouched to enter, trying their best to not knock anything over, Scythe dragged Cody inside and laid him on an open section of the floor, Yoda sitting next him.

"Working with droids...didn't think i would" Yoda said aloud, placing his hand on Cody's armored covered chest, with a chuckle.

"We could say the same about Jedi" golem said with obvious distaste, Scythe nudging him robotically giving him a cold glare with his unmoving face.

"Insulted...I am not....programmed you are..natural this is" Yoda said with understanding.

Golem didn't respond, watching as Yoda closed his eyes and focused himself. scythe watched with confusion as his programmed grew confused as Cody's visibly wounds began to close up and heal. The Commando visibly turning his head slightly. Golem didn't seem to care as much, just staring at the Jedi. Cody lay unconscious, but Scythes scans suggest that his vitals are improving.

"Illogical" as all the commando could say, receiving a laugh from Yoda.

"Medicine he" pointing at Golem "Gather this flower..i ask" Yoda said holding a white petalled flower "More i need.."

"Roger Roger" Golem said aloud leaving the hut. Yoda looked at the Commando droid with a grin, Scythe stared at the Jedi, confused. 

"Will the Clone be okay?"

Yoda chuckled "mmm there it is...yes yes... fine..Cody will be"

"There is what?..nothing is appearing on my scanners"

"Care for this do...helped you in the past i presume"

Scythe stayed silent for a moment "Affirmative....I was not programmed to care"

"My point that is...the force...flow through through all living things it does….not alive you are..but even you..i can sense"

Yet again silence from the droids, as it pondered.

"I am unfamiliar with the force .... The concept of belief is irrelevant to me"

"mmmm..programmed to say that you are....but what you think this is?" Yoda asked with his slow voice. Scythe had no answer.

"Expect you to know....i do not....think about" Yoda said, finishing a bowl of herbal medicine, placing it on the floor next to his small form as he waited for the MagnaGuard to return. Golem returned moments later, handing Yoda a few flowers matching the one from earlier, the Jedi quickly finished the herbal soup and fed it to Cody, who almost instantly woke up at the bitter taste.

"That tastes horrendous!" Cody yelled out, sitting upright quickly and hitting helmet on the roof. the Droids stared at Cody as the Clone took in the surroundings, the inside of the hut resembling any normal home, kitchen, bed, table, but it was made from natural resources, or scrap metal, and despite the natural composition, the house is relatively un touched by the surrounding nature.

"What the..." Cody looked at Yoda "Master Yoda?! you where reported dead in the files, how are you alive?"

"Easy to kill...i am not" Yoda said laughing slightly "Thank these sould...brought them to me..they did"

"This is true" Golem followed, Cody chuckled.

"Well isn't that something, saved by some clankers...hah!" Cody said playfully pushing Scythes shoulder, the droid didn't budge. 

"Well..sir, we could use your help, we got shot down by some imperials and our ships are in no condition to fly.

"Saw you i did...worry you should not..." Yoda got up slowly and walked outside he hut, the others crawling their way out, Cody stretching his back once standing up fully, his boots squelching in the mud.

"Attacked i was...dealt with the Imperials i did...two starships there are..take use for them i have" Yoda explained calmly as Golem lifted the helmet of a Darkly colored trooper helmet, with a red visor, the troopers actual head falling out of the helmet and plopping onto the floor. 

"Brutal..i like your style..Jedi" Golem remarked, throwing the helmet away. 

"Not proud i am...but do what i must..i shall"

"Thanks for the help Sir...would you like us to contact any other Jedi..we could use you against the Empire" Cody asked.

Yoda hummed with thought "Appreciate the offer i do..but participate i shall not...there is another... destined to end the empire...he is" Yoda answered, the droids accepted this and began to walk away to the parked LAATS. 

"Understood sir" Cody said starting to walk away as well, Scythe turning to stare at the Jedi, still calculating from before. Yoda saw this and chuckled lightly, watching Cody enter one ship, and both droids enter another and begin to take off.

"mmmm wield the force..a droid cannot...but affected by it...they..are" Yoda spoke queitly to himself, turning around and going back into his hut, where unbeknownst to the droids or Cody, he would stay for years to come.


Sorry that these are being released so slowly, school among other things take priority no matter how much i love this story, anyways, Thanks for reading and please let me know how you feel about Yoda being here, there's a good chance he wont appear again, but i kind of just felt like adding him and it works well since they were gonna be on Dagobah anyways. Plus we get to see him kick some ass for a bit, before being all wise and shit.