Lava is Hotter then Sand

The LAAT fly's silently by, the distant stars barely moving as it heads towards its destination. There was only another 30 minutes until we reached Mustafar, according to Tacs calculations. Jake hadn't done much of anything the whole trip, the droids mostly chatted about random things, with Rusty asking most of the questions while Clank just stood there confused. Tac spent most of the time in the cockpit, and despite Jakes efforts for him to socialize, Tac refused. Teesh talked to Jake some, mostly about what he saw back on Geonosis, only sending Jake mental fortitude further into the ground. The prisoner was still with them, but Jake had decided to remove his restraints and just have Clank by the door, he hadn't tried anything but Teesh was cautious, snarling every time he checked on him. The TK was still scared, but not as much, Jake had proven to be not willing of causing arm on him, which helped greatly to ease the young Tks nerves, the B2 still gave him the creeps, but he mostly tried to sleep off the nights. 

Jake stretched his back as he continued staring at the holomap of the sector, looking at Mustafars image, he was in the back seat of the ship, with Tac firmly placed Infront, typing away at the console.

"has your condition regarding R4 improved?" Tac asked randomly.

"Well, not really, thanks for asking" Jake responded quietly.

Tac ceased his typing for moment "Your...welcome" He stated plainly and begun typing again, Jake let out a hoarse chuckle and heaved himself up to walk into the main area. Teesh was trying to talk with Clank and both the B1s just stood there holding their blasters.

"ssssSo..when where you built Clank..jusssst curiousssssss" Teesh said leaning up against the ships walls, his forked tounge flicking out momentarily.

"My manufacture date pre dates the Clone Wars, but damage has caused slight memory loss" Clank said aloud, turning his hefty body to face the reptile.

"before the Clone Warsssss eh...Pheewwww..Old timer" Teesh mocked with a toothy grin.

"Can it" Clank ejected loudly, turning to look at Jake as he walked down the steps. "Greetings sir"

"how ya doin Clank" Jake asked with a small wave and a tired smile.

"All systems operational" Clank stated.

Jake sighed "no no remember?" Jake said for what he thought was like the 400th time this trip.

A hearable whirr came from within Clank as he stood motionless "Oh..right..." Clank shifted slightly "How do i feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel" Clank said extending the E like Jake had did to him the first time he asked.

"yes do you feel?" Jake said patting the droids shoulder, reaching up to do so.

"uuuhhhhhh.....fine" Clank said, the word coming out in an almost unnaturally deep and gargled voice.

Jakes tired smile widened slightly "That's good" he said walking off to sit against the wall. Rusty turned his body awkwardly towards Jake, walking to him with his usual stance, that of someone who is unsure if they can start talking during a conversation.

"Greetings sir, so are you?" Rusty chirped, Jake staring up at the droid.

" alive" Jake said grabbing onto his necklace.

Rustys optics focused on the eye, Jake hadn't told them what had happened, but clearly R4 was dead, and Jake wasn't taking it well. This was all Rustys program needed to calculate a way to try and help.

"I'm assuming you miss R4..." Rusty said solemnly, his squeaky voice lowering in pitch notably. 

Jake only hmm an "mhmm" in response while staring at the cracked eye, his body cold from the surrounding area, his scrap infused clothing no providing anywhere near enough insolation. Rusty looked at the floor for a moment, seemingly deep in thought, suddenly Rusty bent down and grabbed Jakes arm, heaving him to his feet, before Jake could ask Rusty slowly and awkwardly gave the boy a hug, it was cold, metallic, and extremely uncomfortable, with the B1s sharp edges digging into his skin, but he appreciated in nonetheless. The hug was quick, and Tac watched from the bottom of the cockpit stairs with slight fascination.

"I did not know you where advanced enough to comprehend have my applause. Rusty" tac said robotically shifting the Datapad in his hands.

"Why thank you" Rusty chirped happily, ignoring the hidden insult.

"Same here…didn't think you rust hurdlers could do much other than fight" Teesh hissed with a semi threatening voice, but still smirking cockily.

Rusty and Bucket catched on the insult a couple seconds later, both exclaiming insulted at the lizard, who only scoffed.

Jake chuckled slightly at the sight, before being pulled away from it by Clanks gargling voice.

"Sir…the prisoner wishes to speak with you" Clank spoke nonchalantly, Jake thanked the droid and patted his chest twice before opening the door that led to the storage room, Clank following close behind.

"yes?" Jake asked, staring at the Trooper who sit curled up in the corner.

"are you gonna let me go….once we land, I heard we only have a few minutes left" the TK asked with a hoarse voice.

Jake visibly didn't want to, but didn't want to be cruel either. Sighing Jake looked at the TK.

"yeah….your technically not at fault so I guess it's fine…but only if you tell me what I want" Jake asked stepping closer, motioning to Clank, the droid moving next to the TK, grabbing the backplate of his armor and lifting him up, the TKs helmeted face snapping at the droid with fear.

"I told you I don't know why they want you! I don't even know who you are" The TK pleaded.

"Sir…I recommended we commence torture methods"

"wait what?!" The TK yelled.

"no Clank…no torture"

"but it is an effective strategy"

"just cause it works doesn't mean it's good" Jake snapped back, "now shut it, I don't wanna hear anymore talk of torture"

Clank dropped the TK with a Roger Roger, the trooper landing with a thud, the trooper tried to thank Jake, but the boy raised his hand.

"I'm not on your side, I will tell this droid to tear you in half if I decide you are no longer worthy of living" Jake said darkly, the TK giving the boy a hateful look, but his body still leaned away from the boy almost by instinct.

With that Jake walked out of the room with Clank in tow, closing the door behind them.

"Still nothin?" Teesh asked picking his teeth with a toothpick that seemingly came out of nowhere.

"yup….he could just not know" Jake said mostly to himself.

"or the organic could be lying" Bucket suggested.

"agreed, humans in particular do this often" Clanks stated matter a factly.

"fair enough" Jake accepted, walking over to Tac.

"we almost there?"

"we may begin decent as soon as your ready sir" Tac said lookin back from the cockpit.

"well go on then"

"I suggest you hold on" Tac said and immediately shoved the LAAT forwards, Bucket and Rusty crashing into each other with a screech, Clank almost falling over and Teesh sliding across the floor waving his arms frantically, Jake almost rammed his jaw into the stairs but caught himself, scrambling to hold onto the railing, the others doing the same.

it didn't take long for them to enter the atmosphere, getting low to the ground the side doors opened, the group stood on the side, with Tac coming down a few moment later after putting the ship on autopilot. Jake stared intently at the planet, its barren landscape still portraying beauty as the rocks formations seemed to shift with your thoughts, the lava beaming red light into the air, bubbles popping. The ships flew off a cliff edge, closing a giant lava fall to the droids. 

Even Teeshes eyes widened as they stared at it, Rusty let an audible wow.

"it is so…..beautiful" Tac let out, Jake turned to the oddly shaped droid with a mixture of surprise and delight, Clank agreed with the Tactical Droid with a gentle hum.

The ship slowly landed on an open spot atop the cliff of another lava they had passed.

"This was the only area that showed signs of civilization" Tac stated.

"I thought you said no one was here" Bucket questioned with a confused high pitched tone.

"Correction, there are some organics here" Tac spoke matter a factly his and the other droids body's shaking as the LAATs autopilot finally landed them safely on the ground. The droids stepped out, the two B1's moving there joints, Teesh stepped out with Jake, his DC-15A hoisted on his shoulder.

"Ssssssoonwhats the plan kid?" Teesh said handing Jake a small portion of rations.

Jake took the ration happily and took a bite out of it "so" Jake said between bites "we've gotta" bite "get some fuel for the" bite "Ship so we can make it to Crait" bite "and then get to Naboo" crunch.

"I could've just waited for you to eat" Teesh said with slight amusement, watching the droids gather their weapons and Clank drag the TK prisoner out of the cargo hold.

"meh" was all Jake responded as he eyed the TK, his metal armor glowing a p deep orange from the Lava river that lay not to far from their landing spot.

"uh sir? do you have any coolant in the back?" Rusty asked, his hands tapping together, as his long face twitched slightly.

"uh sadly not, I know you guys may overheat but we won't stay in the open rock for to long, according to Tac there's a base about 10 minutes that way" Jake explained.

"That's a relief" Rusty sighed happily.

"couldnt we just land there?" Bucket complained walking up beside Rusty, Tac visible in the background messing with a data pad.

"the map shows the terrain is to rugged, plus landing in the building isn't smart" Jake said, stretching his back.

"agreeed, what if someone inhabits the area" Clank spoke aloud agreeing, his deep voice booming into Jakes and Teesh eardrums.

"we could always just shoot them" Bucket said casually.

"What is it with you and killing things?!" Rusty said with a concerned tone.

"I'm just itching for a fight!" Bucket proclaimed proudly.

"your programming makes you reckless" Tac spoke wisely from a distance away.

"and yours makes you…uh..makes!"

Buckets comeback causes Jake and Teesh to start snickering, even the prisoner chuckling at the B1, Clank and Tac let out a sigh, with Rusty standing there still trying to process the joke, untill Jake walked up and oat Rusty's shoulder, urging him that it was alright, the droid shrugging it of. Bucket didn't care to much about Jake and Teesh laughing, they were labeled in his program as "Friendly Friends" the prisoner of course had no right to laugh, leaving Bucket to back hand the TK.

"What was that for you Clanker?!" The TK spoke aggressively as Clank lifted him up and pushed him to follow the group as they began to walk.

"well it's rude to laugh at others" Bucket said as if it were obvious.

"but the kid laughed at you!?" The TK complained, only receiving and sassy "mmhmmm" from Bucket, walked away from the trooper. Clank had a tight hold on the troopers arm, and clearly wasn't going to let go.

The others were ahead, carefully navigating the rocks, while taking in the unnerving but beautiful view of their surroundings. Clank and the trooper were at the back.

"So big guy, why you gotta hold on so tightly?" The trooper said teasingly, their voice scrambled by the helmet.

"so you do not escape" Clank retorted.

"are you sureeee" the Trooper said leaning up to thr B2, Clanks only responding with a harsh no, and shoved the trooper away from him, before grabbing their arm and continuing behind the others, the TK pouting slightly.

Tac stared behind him for a second as he walked beside Jake. "I believe it is a human female"

"yeah I know..why does this matter?" Jake responded, stepping over an oddly shaped rock.

"Females aren't usually enlisted into armies" Tac responded.

"The last time you fought was against Clones, girls go into battle just as much as dudes, hell some of them are probably better fighters than us" Jake answered, Tac pondered for a little while, but was broke out of his thoughts when Rusty tripped and landed face first into a pile of ash, the same bugle coating parts of his peach body.

"ow….stupid rocks" Rusty complained to himself.

"maybe get a better processor droid!" The TK yelled out.

"Well you're quite the asshole aren't you" Teesh said turning his head slightly to face the trooper with one eye, Rusty not responding to the trooper's attitude. The prisoner visibly got uncomfortable around the lizard, probably due to witnessing the reptiles ferocity in combat, and she stopped talking for the rest of the trip.

it didn't take much longer for them to be able to see the large structure in the distance, floating droids carrying metal across the lava river could be seen as smoke and smog filled the sky, Jakes skin sweated profusely with every step, the droids movements had also slowed, their inner working heating up by the moment, Teesh was the most effected, but in a good way, his cold blood thanking him for the nice waves of heat. 

Looking at the huge structure in front of them Jake first tried to figure out what the hell it was, it looked like a command post no doubt, but parts of what he assumed was the mining sector had fallen into the lava river and lay there red hot and fuming. Floating droids flew by atop the river, staring at the group for a bit before continuing to haul around metal. Rusty and Bucket tried to introduce themselves every time one flew by, but they all ignored the Battledroids. Jake eyes glued to an insect like form, in the distance, carrying a large tool, the figure looked over at them and ran away into the facility.

"Hey wait!!" Jake called out running after it, the droids close behind, and despite Tacs warnings while running he ran head first into the facility. As his droids reached him and huddled close, several bug like creature detached from the roof and fell in a circle around them, making chittering noises. The bugs held long rifles, seemingly slug throwers of a sort, Jake noted their lanky limbs and heavy body's covered by thick plated armor, and cloth covering their joints. Their faces covered by a helmet with two glowing dots to represent where the eyes where. 

"Niaaahh!!" Rusty let out startled, Bucket flinching as well. Tac Teesh and Clank immediately raising there own weapons. Before Jake could go to interfere and speak, the Bugs started to lower there weapons and chitter to each other, Tac made attempts to translate.

"I Believe they area talking about us Battledroids" Tac stated.

"Why?" Jake asked, his hands still raised.

"Mustafar is a Separatist planet according to my programming" Tac answered.

Before Jake could answer back a large Mustafarian emerged, gently pushing another out of the way. The bug came up to Jake and stared down at the boy, despite what tac had said, Clanks till moved next to Jake, staring intently at the bug. The insectoid scanned Jakes ramshackle appearance, dirty black hair, pale skin and weary eyes, the bugs eyes locked on the astromech eye around the boys neck briefly before he made several chittering noises and spoke.

"greetings out sider...I see you are a Separatist" The Mustafarian Captain spoke with rough basic language. Jake didn't answer for a moment, before letting his hands fall to his sides.

"umm...not technically but i do fight with you can...uh....see" Jake spoke nervously, looking at the group around him.

The bug released quick chittering noises, causing the other bugs to lower there weapons completely. We don't get many visitors, but welcome! any friends of the droid army is a friend of ours" The Bugs spoke happily, the other bugs cheering with insect cry's and thrills, the Captain putting his arm around Jakes shoulder and leading him further into the base.

The other bugs tried to strike conversation with the droids and Teesh, the lizard being most on edge. the Mustafarians seemed to understand Galactic basic, but only some could speak it, and even then their words were cut off by shrieks and thrills. 

"Whatssss going on?" Teesh asked aloud to no one in particular.

"beats me" Rusty responded, the B1 much calmer knowing he was in Separatist territory. Bucket stayed silent, just staring at the bugs.

"No idea, but thankfully they are friendly" Clank responded to Teesh.

"Your right their Old Timer" Teesh joked, Clank pushing the lizard slightly. Jake laughed aloud at the scene. 

The prisoner was shitting herself, the bugs stared at her intensely, and their cries clearly became aggressive. Jake walked over to calm them down, trying to explain she was with them.

"Hey hey calm down, she's with us...right" Jake said looking behind him at the TK, nodding his head at the bugs.

"Oh right...yeah i sure am" She said behind her helmet, the bugs accepting the lie and walking ahead.

"Thanks..." The Trooper said awkwardly, as they started walking, Clank letting go of the prisoner by Jakes command.

"No problem...i dont like..but you shouldn't be hated for wearing that armor, i dont know your past, i have no right to judge" Jake explained calmly.

"That's an uncanny amount of wisdom...for a sepi" She said with a light chuckle, Jake scoffing playfully.

"yeah yeah whatever Imp" He retorted grinning.

Clank walked up and grabbed her again, Jake jogging slightly to get back next to the Captain bug as they entered a large area, it was an abandoned facility, specify the lunch room from the looks of it, but the Mustafarians had remodeled the place, glowing goo and sticky slime coating the walls, and tons of dirt covering the floor, hole in the side of the wall seemingly led deeper into what Jake assumed was the nest.

"So..what brings you to our world" The Lead Bug exclaimed.

"We require Supplies and Fuel to continue our journey" Tac stated calmy clasping his hands together

"and where does this journey lead?"

"That's classifi-" bucket began before Jake interrupted him.

"To Naboo, we stop at Crait first" 

"Naboo *chittering* why Naboo?"

jake stayed silent, grabbing R4s eye, the TK trooper staring at him before looking away, remembering the file she read about the boy before being captured. The bug was confused at first, Teesh caught its attention, the lizard making a cutting motion on his own neck with a sour face.

The bug chittered in understanding "My apologies on your loss boy...we would know how droids can be seen as..brothers" The bug spoke aloud, Jake smiling slightly.

"Thank you" The shaky boy responded. 

"allow me to show you something" The bug captain said, leading the group thru a door. The B1s chatted quietly in the back during their short walk.

"What's with this R4 anyways?" Bucket asked.

"..he was a great astromech" Rusty said solemnly.

"I didn't know him for to long but he didn't seem that special" Bucket said, Rustys head snapping at the other B1 near imminently.

"Take that back" a deep voice uttered out from Clank who stood towering over Bucket.

"hey not saying he wasn't great I'm just saying, I don't know him well" Bucket stammered.

"Good" was all Tac said before catching up with Jake and the Bug. Sliding doors opened, showing a small system with several cameras, Jake walked in looking around, quickly noting it was a security room. 

"Several months ago...*Chittering* Mustafar was attacked by an Unimaginable force" the Bug turned on the cameras, their feeds glitching to life. 

"He was indestructible, our warriors destroyed, the Battledroids.*Chittering*.cut to pieces"

Jake nervously eyed the other Droids, who despite not having faces shared the same look, even the TKs body seemed to curl into herself as she awaited the reveal. The bug turned the cameras feed back to months ago.

The feed appeared, showing several people of differing species standing around, Namodian guards and Security class droids guarding doors and walking about. 

"The separatist council?" Tac asked confused.

"So that's who they are" Teesh hissed slightly, Jake nodding his head.

the feed glitched slightly as several Mouse droids came scampering through the doors, and a Cloaked figure walked into the room. Even through the feed something about him made Jakes gut wrench, it having a similar effect on Teesh and the TK. 

"Lord Vader..weve been expecting you" A green alien spoke aloud, the figure moving his hands causing all the doors to close, the Battledroids and Guards looking around confused. this so called Vader jumping in and slashing at a Namodian, their body falling over. The other members backed away confused and terrified as Vader went on a killing streak, slashing and hacking away at the Guards, dismembering the Battledroids and using the force to choke Namodian guards. Jakes eyes widened and even the droids were taken aback by the scene, watching as every council member was slaughtered, the only one putting up a fight being the Geonsonian, who screeched and wacked Vader from behind with his cane while flying, the cloaked figure simply turning around and grabbing the bug with the force, crushing it, the Bugs legs and arms snapping into itself as it leaked green blood, eventually exploding and covering the area with mangled green flesh and organs.

The mustafarian cut off the footage, and look over at the group. Jake stared at nothing as he processed it, Teesh doing the same. the TK muttered to her self "But..the files...they say they were displaced"

"i was not aware that Poggle the lesser, Nute gunray, Watt tambor and the rest of the separatist council were murdered" Tac stated out, fear in his monotone voice for the first time.

"me neither" Rusty muttered, his lanky body shaking as his motherboard replayed the scene.

"I wanted to show you this because we buried them, Droids included, and we have been searching for this Vader, not all of my kind want to *Chittering* But some of us want revenge for what happened"

Jake nodded in understanding "we can help however we can...but i doubt we can take that....thing on" Jake said with concern.

"You don't have to fight him, leave that to us" The bug handed jake a small holo recorder "Contact us of you require assistance or find this Vader..and we will arrive as soon as we can"

"of course..Sir" Jake said as if speaking to high authority.

"Thank the maker we don't have to fight that guy" Rusty let out.

"For once i agree with your cowardice" Clank grumbled.

"Thank you!" Rusty exclaimed, Bucket shaking his in disappointment. 

Their time their was spent quickly, the bus offered food, and Jake happily took it and stored in the containers they gave them. The Bugs happily gave them many supplies, mostly revolving around droid and ship repairs, and rations. The Captain walked with them back to their ship, and ordered several Mustafarians to help with repairs. Rusty and Bucket stared in awe at the huge six legged bugs the Mustafarians rode, hauling supplies that was placed in the LAATs back. Thanks to Teeshs suggestion, they had agreed to spend the night on Mustafar, but it wasn't night yet and the Bug captain had surprise for them.

"Your ship cannot be out and about looking like that *Chittering* So we painted it for you" The bug showed the LAAT not colored a combo of black and Red paint, it was a basic pattern, mostly black with red strips here and there, but it pleased Jake nonetheless.

"Those are the only colors we have, so we were limited with our *Chittering* options"

"It looks amazing, thank you!" Jake exclaimed happily, the droids also fawning over it, even Tac and Teesh looking at each other and nodding, non verbally agreeing it was badass. 

It had been several hours since the bugs helped load supplies, the droids were all shutdown, coolant packs strapped to them, a gift from the bugs. Teesh is sleeping huddled in the corner of the ship, and the TK, without space in the cargo hold, was fast asleep, a large piece of metal atop her legs to keep her from running, a brilliant idea from Clank himself. 

Jake stands outside, temporarily opening the LAAT Doors, the Mustafar nights aren't to different to the days, but the lava glowed brighter, and calmed Jake as he looked it. Sighing, he took out R4s eye, it slightly more cracked than before, its glass shimmering with the lava. suddenly a tear landed on the glass, as Jake cried silently, clutching onto the eye. 

He looked into the dusty sky and narrowed his eyes, sorrow being replaced with anger.

"I'm going to find Tarkin" He whispered to to himself.

"and then..."

"Take of his head" Jake scowled " a promise"