Unlucky Coincidence

So I will say this, this chapter is kinda weird. Has some good story but not much action. I would also like to say that Finals week for school is almost here, meaning that making the next chapter is going to take awhile. I promise you though I won't drop this story, if anything this gives me time to properly plan out what will happen next.

Also I never really explained how Teesh looks like, but he has tattered brown T shirts and shaggy shorts, both brown, his DC-15A strapped to his back, and his scales a light yellowish red, sorry for not mentioning this earlier.

anywho, please leaves comments on parts you liked, and remember that any and all criticisms are appreciated and taken into extreme consideration when I go back and do my secondary edits after the chapters been released. :)

have a nice read!!


The morning was quiet, still hot, but quiet. Teesh had awoken early to bath in the heat, the lava glowing vibrantly even in the morning, as the smoggy sky remained the same. The lizard sighs were interrupted by a metallic clank, looking behind him he saw Bucket walking over.

"How'sssss it going" Teesh remarked, turning back to look into the distance.

"all system's operational, but other than that….good" Bucket let out, sitting his lanky form next the lizard.

"why up so early, the othersssss won't wake up for a few hoursssss" Teesh asked.

"just curious, I've never been off Geonosis" Bucket said with awe as he finally took in the lava planet, being too occupied about the bugs before to truly process it, his red tinted armor shining a brilliant orange. Teesh scoffed with a grin, tilting his head to watch the lava as it moved through the river with Unnerving precision, Buckets reaction was hard for the lizard to gauge, but the B1's quietness was all he needed. The B1 hadn't opened up like the others, still dropping comments here and their, but mostly sticking to his overconfident and violent programming, not that Teesh cared, hell it probably made Bucket a better fighter, but it definitely made the droid hard to conversate with.

Several hours passed, Teesh had gone back to the ship and prepared Jakes breakfast, which was literally just rations on a rock. Bucket stayed staring at the Lava in silence. Jake and the other eventually waking up, Jakes bones cracking and the droids joints creaking as they heaved themselves off the ground. Jake let out a yawn and walked outside shirtless, grabbing his Scrap shirt he had removed due to the heat, and placed on a rock to dry off all the sweat, and putting it on. Rusty hit his head walking out of the LAAT, with Tac and Clank being more careful after witnessing it. 

 Jake stretched his back as he breathed in the smoky surroundings, coughing a bit while doing so, he cracked his knuckles as he turned to look at Tac who had called for his attention.

"Sir, this air is not suitable for sustained breathing" Tac reported. 

"Yeah i figured..the LAAT is almost done calibrating, so we will be up and outta here soon…just waiting on supplies from those bug guys" Jake said with confidence, letting out another cough. Rusty stared at his hands, the droid had watched Jake crack his knuckles, the noise unsettled the B1, who curiously wrapped its geometric fingers around each other and pulled to try and pop his own joints. Clank, watching what was about to happen tried to stop Rusty with a distressed grunt, but was cut short as Rusty pulled his arms apart, his left hand popping out from its socket and sparking everywhere, oil oozing from the broken wrist.

. . .

Everybody stared at the Droids limp hand still wrapped around Rustys right hand, the B1 also stared momentarily in silence befor-

"NNIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH OWWW OWWW OWWWWWWWWW!!!" Rusty yelled at his highest setting, running around in circles before running directly into the LAAT and falling backwards on the black rocky floor, squirming around.

"Holy Shit!" Jake yelped out rushing over to help, with the other walking around the two. "Your…an idiot" he followed.

"So...they do feel pain" Teesh confirmed to himself, receiving a push from Clank and an unnerving stare, Jake letting out a heavy sigh.

"its ok i can fix this, it'll take some time" Jake said with worry as he picked up Rustys left hand, it covering parts of his arm in oil. "But it's doable"

Jake got up and helped Rusty into the Ship, walking back outside he spoke loudly .

"Alright, Bucket your staying here with me to help with Rusty" Jake announced, followed by a Roger Roger.

"Teesh, you'll lead Tac and Clank to explore, see if there's anything useful here, ya never know, new planet new scrap" Jakes said letting out a small smile.

"Worksssss for me" Teesh grinned corssing his arms, already walking away.

"Goodbye Sir" Clank let out before turning to follow the lizard.

"Stay safe..Rusty" Tac said, the words seeming to spill out of his mouth as if they didn't belong, before walking off. The B1 in question to occupied about his missing hand to notice.

The trio walked away from the structure they had visited the previous day, Clank and Tac kept cool with their exterior coolant packs, and Teesh happily bathing in the warmth. The scenery struck the droids as confusing, the swirling masses of lava, towering rocks and uneven terrain. Clank had the most issues, while his hip had been repaired by the Imperial several days ago, the actual build of his legs weren't good on such rocky surfaces.

"Woah" Clank groaned, as he fell forwards into the rocks with a hefty crash, Tac awkwardly jogging over to help lift the droid back up.

"Be more careful…you are not suited for this terrain" Tac stated.

"Affirmative, will attempt to walk more effectively" Clank said with confidence, taking another step and almost tripping. Teesh gave a disappointed look and rubbed his eyes, his tattered brown shirt, glowing red, along side his shaggy shorts, also withered, reflecting some of the lavas light.

"Okay…" Teesh scanned the surroundings, they'd told on a rocky hill, allowing the Trandoshan to spot a small camp, assuming they were made by the Mustafarians, Teesh called the others over.

"Oi, we've got a camp up ahead, not too far, get your assssss up and let'sssss go" Teesh yelled, yanking the 2 droid to his feet, who had fallen again. With a series of agreement the 3 walked towards the camp site, getting closer, Tac used his Macrobinoculars, which he stole from Jake because his systems were confident he would do better with it, and scanned the camp. 

It was crude, cloth tents and fires. Defiantly made by the bugs, smoke obscured the Tactical Droids vision, but it was sure that it was safe. With this approval the team quickly made it, walking into the near empty camp, the smoke Tac had believed to be coming from the lava was coming from inside the tents, each ablaze from within, the hands and limbs of Mustafarians splayed out, cut from their bodies. Large bugs toppled over, with slashes and marks all over them.

Teesh immediately got a horrible feeling, taking out his Dc-15A, Tac responding with his E-5, Clank raising his arm.

"What is wrong" Clank grumbled.

"Something is off" Teesh said, scanning the area with his eyes, and sniffing in the air for any unfamiliar scents. Tac shifted slightly, despite having fought a few times already with Jake, the droids programmed screamed for it to run and take a safe position to order troops, of course there weren't any troops here. Slowly walking past the camp, and more dead Mustafarians, they huddled behind a large pile of rocks, Teesh peaking around as he heard talking in the distance.

???? "Good…Good…all of the insects were exterminated?"

A cloaked figure spoke at the end of a ramp coming from a ship, one Teesh didn't recognize.

"Yes..my Master" Said another, Teesh couldn't make out details, this figure being turned away from him, but their voice was deep and robotic in nature.

Only a large black cape and a triangle helmet being seeable. Tac jumped slightly when a noise came from behind the 3, Teesh darting back fully into cover.

Clank watched as a single bug, missing an arm, hobbled to its feet. Its remaining arm reached for a spear of sorts. Clank pointed robotically at the bug, Teesh and Tac sharing a confused look, despite's Tacs inability too do so, and watched in pure confusion as the bug yelled in its native language and ran wildly towards the two figures. As the Caped figure turned around Teesh got a better look, with lights covering the persons belt, an oddly shaped helmet and no parts of skin being revealed, the entire suit being black. Before the lizard could even question what it was the Bug began to fire blaster bolts from the spear, missing its attempts to assassinate the figure.

??? "Not all of them…it seems" the Cloaked figure spoke with a raspy voice.

As the bug closed in a Red beam erupted from an object the dark figure was holding. Teeshes eyes widened as he watched the bugs bolts get deflected, before the bug itself stopped moving and began to float in the air, seemingly launching it self at the figure, being cut in half.

the Beam user let out a clear grunt of frustration, Tac and Clank both carefully peaking by his point to watch. 

???? "Failure is unacceptable!" The cloaked figure yelled out before blue strands of lighting erupted from his fingers, shocking the dark figure. Teesh covered his eyes as the lighting spread out into the entire area, the dark figure yelling out in pain in a deep and muffled voice. A strand of electricity launched itself, conducted towards the droids metal and shocked Tac, who was slightly closer to the blast than Clank.

Tac let out a garbled glitching noise and almost fell over, being caught be Clank, the Tactical Droids eyes were shut off, But Clank assured Teesh the T-series was ok. Teesh motioned for Clank to take Tac back to Jake, with Clank slowly clanking away carrying Tac as to not be spotted. The lighting had stopped by now, leaving the dark figure in his knees visibly smoking, parts of his suit ripped off exposing…metal? Underneath.

Teesh looked with growing curiosity, as the apparently robotic being lifted its-self up.

??? "Forgive me….Emperor" 

Emperor? Emperor of what…Teesh thought to himself.

"Rise Lord Vader" The Emperor said slowly.

Vader?! The dots connected in the lizards head, Teesh watched realizing this was who the bugs were after, no wonder they got attacked by him..or was Vader even human?

Recalling the camera footage this "Vader" seemed like normal Jedi. Blue sword thingy and stereotypical robes the geonosians loved to collect, but what stood in the distance..no, that wasn't human. Teeshes mind came to a simple conclusion, that Emperor guy must've done something to him, right? People don't normally call each other "Master" other than on Slave worlds.

Teesh pushed all these confusing yet surprising discoveries aside, deciding to slowly move away before sprinting back to the LAAT. He had to tell everyone what he had seen, especially because on the ship was the all familiar Imperial symbol, Teesh could only pray to whatever god there was that Tarkin didn't decide to send that…thing.. their way.

Reaching the ship, Jake and the others stood up to meet him, Rusty's hand was back into place and Tac was back online. Jake ram up and hugged the lizard, Teesh patting the shorter Jakes back.

"What happened?! Clank spoke of a person in a cloak and Lightning?! And some guy with a Lazer sword?" Jake blabbered out all at once.

"yeah..sssso, apparently thisssss Vader is here, and some human called "Emperor" issss hisssss "Master" at leassst that's what they said" Teesh said with a face just as confused as Jakes.

"Emperor? Seems a bit obnoxious don't ya think" Rusty screeched out turning to Clank.

"Agreed" Clank said calmly.

"Vader?!" The TK said fearfully, she had woken later then everyone else, while Teesh and the others had gone, Jake had Bucket keep her in check.

"You know who that is?" Jake asked intrigued.

"well…kinda, all I know is that he's some leader, really strong, Carrys around a red lightsaber" she explained quickly.

Bucket groaned unconvinced and pressed his E-5 against the back of her helmet "Better speak up before you get one to many holes" The B1 threatened.

"Bucket out that down!….jeez" Jake said sternly, the B1 slowly lowered his blaster.

"Lightsaber? I would prefer to not fight that" Rusty said fearfully.

"Yeah me neither, I mean I've never seen one but the Geonosians loved to give war stories" Jake said with a familiar somber tone.

"oh yeah" Teesh said quietly "I'll miss those..some were stupid but….still nice to hear"

Jake side eyed Teesh with a sorrowful look, his fingers fiddling R4s eye.

"it's ok….we will get revenge" Jake said patting the taller lizards shoulder.

"Damm right" Teesh hissed playfully, lighting the mood as Jake gave a chuckle. They were interrupted as the distant noise of a ship caught their attention, flying away it was weirdly triangle shaped.

"Hey! that was Vaders vessel" Tac stated loudly.

"How did we miss it landing?" The TK asked.

"Must've slept though it" Jake replied casually, watching it zoom into hyperspace.

"we should be expecting some bugs to show up, they said yesterday they would give us some last supplies, then we can leave" Teesh said walking over and sitting inside the open LAAT, Jake following along, with Jake telling Tac to close the ship and turn in the AC, (I'm assuming they had those) much to Teeshes displeasure.

Several hours passed, it was around midday, Jake had mostly worked on fixing up the droids, they were functional yes, but far from perfect. Tac also took Bucket to scavenge the campsite via Jakes orders, was it disrespectful?


maybe, but Jake really didn't care, scrap was always worth it, not to mention this wasn't reallllyyy scrap, it was being used just yesterday before they got attacked. Tac and Bucket came back with many things, spare parts, rations, and a few other general pieces of electronics, but most importantly Tac decided to swap his E-5, and take one of the dead bugs Spear rifle. 

T-series droids aren't made for melee, so Tac enjoyed the idea of sniping from a distance with the spear, and being able to deter enemies in melee with the same spear until helped arrived. The spare E-5 was given to Jake, as he hadn't paid attention these past few days and hadn't even gotten himself a weapon since Utapau. The TK was held under Clanks watchful stare for the majority of the time, scared shitless as the droids didn't share Jakes empathy.

Teesh sat there, thinking. He was glad, glad he didn't reveal his history. He had no hard feelings to the others, Jake was his best, if not only friend. But he didn't feel comfortable with sharing so much, The Trandoshan knew, what a lightsaber was, matter a fact, he had seen, what it can do. Teeshes yellowish scales shivered as he sank himself into his own memory, screams haunting him, looking back between the ground and Rusty, who sat blissfully unaware on the floor talking to Jake, his eye slits closed almost instinctively. 

Teesh growled to himself lightly, shaking the memory away, the lizard didn't like lying to his friend, and he knew he could only keep the charade on for so long as these…..Separatist droids….stayed around him. He would be fine though… that's what he told himself at least, Teesh was snapped away from his thoughts as Jake helped him up, a group of Mustafarians in the distance walking their way. The droids had all stood up and were awaiting the bugs.

Jake and Teesh, both glanced at Rusty's E-5, both with no knowledge of the other, and shuddered, with Jake gently holding R4s eye, which held a new crack in it. Jake breathed out a large breath,

"They are my friends, don't let me think that way…just forgot about it" Jake thought desperate to himself, brushing some ash off his shoulder, getting ready to talk with the bug commander.

"Can they be trusted? It wasn't their fault, they probably weren't even built when it happened" Teesh told himself, pushing through his thoughts and playfully pushing Clank, who gave a low robotic chuckle in response. Teesh gave a semi fake grin, his nerves easing as the droids continued to show him that they aren't all the same.

Rusty spotted the bugs in the distance, letting out in his familiar squeaky voice an alert to everybody. Jake and Teesh snapped from their thoughts, preparing for the last round of supplies. The TK prisoner shifted uncomfortably as Clanks grip tightened.

"you do realize the more you struggle the harder I hold?…correct?"

Clank said in an obvious tone.

"Pfff..Duhh" The TK said puffing out some air in annoyance. "What are you even gonna do with me?" 

"That is for Commander Jake to decide, I personally would prefer to dunk you in lava, but Jake tends to avoid violence if possible"

"lucky me" the TK grumbled.

"I detect sarcasm, I was not being sarcastic, there is no reason for sarcasm" Ckank stated in a low rumbling voice.

"I will gladly shove you into lava"

despite trying to stay serious, the TK let out a small whimper in fear, Jake walking up to the two of them.

"Clank you can let her go" Clank did so.

"so you wanna hang with us or leave?"

"You'd just let me go?"

"yup" Jake said nonchalantly.

"Oh…" the TK slowly got up and walked out of the ship, as if she was trying to navigate a minefield. Before long she started to Jog away, going over a hill and running out of view.

"well…I applaud you for you humanity, however it would've been better to simply kill her, she could leak info" Tac stated.

"I agree with mr Tinhead" Teesh spoke up from behind them.

"if we kill prisoners we aren't any better that those dick head Imperials…I didn't even want to keep her here for this long"

"Ya know what kid..you do you.., Teesh said with a stretch, turning his head as the bugs arrived at the LAAT. "But jussssst remember what I alwayssssss tell you..the galaxy assssss a whole doesn't care for kindnessssss…you'll have to get your handssssss dirtier than they already are if you wanna sssssssurvive…esssspcislly with the Empire after ussss" Teesh said calmly, patting Jakes shoulder as he walked away to join the droids in loading cargo.

Jake simply nodded his head slowly, with a nervous expression on his face, he didn't want to be a brutal killer. Had he killed a few Imperial before, sure…yeah, but he didn't feel any joy from murdering them. Despite that, much to the teens dismay, the lizard was right. The Galaxy didn't care about his weakness, especially the Empire. walking over to help with cargo Jake swore one thing to himself.

Never let the cruel ways of this existence harm his friends, he would gladly lay down his life to save the droids…..

"for R4" he mumbled to himself.