
please note-This chapter will have zero dialogue (with few exceptions)

thanks :)


Jake and R4 walked up to a deactivated droid within an AAT on the doomed planet of Geonosis, the sandy surroundings stinging the teens eyes, the B1 Battledroids form twitching as it arose, both unaware of the journeys ahead. 

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, the tropical beaches swayed brilliantly against the sunrise, the corpses of the Droid and Clone forces lay spread on the beach in a relatively recent battle. Oevvaor jets fly across the landscape from tree to tree, Wookies thrilling within them, calling in a tounge not understandable to common ears. The sand parted calmly as a Wookie stepped upon the beaches, followed by several others, carrying a variety of weapons from Bowcasters and republic DC-15s, all of the creatures covered in armor consisting of leather and wood. Clones and Droids alike lay motionless, the green camo armor of the clone lay empty, only filled by the hopeless skeletons of massacred soldiers. The Droids lay no better, limbs and head removed, chest cavity's spilt open from unnecessary amounts of firepower, B1 and B2 droids like crushed underneath the treads of a down juggernaut tank in the distance, Dwarf spiders droids and Snail tanks lay blackened by flames and corroded by water, the scenery so still it would send shivers down any normal beings spine.

Wookies however, were far from normal, large and hulking, they towered over even the beefiest models of Battledroid, and even the most genetically gifted Clone troopers. The group of Wookies were led by one slightly larger than the rest, wearing a red banner on his back, and small head piece. The Wookie roared slightly as it picked up the dislodged head of a battle droid and crushed in beneath its fingers. Despite the battlefield being over, small gangs of broken B1s had attacked the Wookies camps during the past few weeks, seemingly reactivating, which was exactly what this scouting party was looking for.

Several hours had gone by, daylight still shone brightly as the Wookie group wandered into the last location they discussed. During the battle, when the droids started to loose many of the, tried to create a makeshift bunker by surrounding an area with their own tanks. Those same tanks now lay in an odd circle, blown to pieces, with the droids inside, mostly B1s that panicked, being completely obliterated. The lead Wookie stepped into the circle, pushing past a piece of a snail tank, plopping down in the sand the other waited outside. Looking at all the chaos one thing, or droid, stood out. A Droidekka, brown armor plating and greyish insides covered by ash and soot, however, other than missing its right blaster arm the droid seem relatively okay. The Wookie raised its bowcaster and nudged the droid with his foot, the Droidekka in turn tumbling over into the sand like a ragdoll. Calling to the rest of the Wookies they exchanged a chorus of roars before nodding in agreement, with two warriors lifting the Droidekka with ease and beginning the walk back to their camp.

The Wookies carried the Droidekka to the bas of a huge Tree, a large hut structure built around its base, with makeshift elevators carrying boxes and Wookies up and down. More huts being implanted into the trees bark hundreds of feet up. Not all was scenic however, smoke could be seen pouring out from the distance, Huge trees blackened by fire, and the pathways the Wookies littered with Dead TK troopers and the first of the Stormtroopers. Huge industrial buildings and machines ate at the planets beauty like rust does to metal, the Wookies tried their best to fight back, but despite their superior strength, their Technology was inferior and their numbers were low. 

Dragging the Droidekka into a specialized hut, seemingly made for crafting, with many various materials such as metal, wires, wood, and scrap. Wookies wearing makeshift welding masks approached the lead Wookie, and after some calling, they took the Droidekka and began to work on it. for the next several days, the banging and smelting o metal could be heard, light erupting from the huts entrance. Another slam of a hammer as the Wookie shaped molten metal into the shape of armor....

The lead Wookie returned several days later, the Wookie workers lifting their masks to great him as he hopped off his Oevvaor jet. The Droidekka hangs from the ceiling, chains wrapped around its body and blaster arms. it dawns a new paints job, consisting of a single streak of green across its back armor. Its broken arm was replaced and fixed, the new one being partially made of wood.

The Droidekkas red beady eyes lit up near instantly, at the command of the Wookie. Being lowered from it chains the droid slowly hobbled with its three legs towards the lead Wookie, said Wookie cautious grabbing bowcaster. The workers called out waving their arms, causing the leader to put his blaster away. The Droidekka stood there, motionless, it eyes staring at the Wookie as no words could be spoken.

The lead Wookie narrowed its eyes, speaking to the Droidekka, pointing at a nearby rock. The Droidekka flared up and shifted its body, its metallic parts creaking, without hesitation the droid open fired, sending a hail fire if bolts into the large rock, causing it to crack and deform. The Wookie thrilled and cheered at the endeavor, the workers patting the Droidekkas head as one would a pet, but the Droidekka had no reaction, it didn't seem to care at all about its surroundings and stood there, awaiting orders.

Imperials, a squad of nine TKs and two Clone troopers patrolled on the outskirts of the Wookie's camp, the Imperial forces there knew where the Wookie were, but they didn't have to resources to launch a full scale attack, and waited for reinforcements arriving in a few days time. The Woo,it's scrambled to pack there things and move, it wasn't the first time they had to do this, with women and children being lifted away by the jets, as the soldiers stayed behind to pack and leave last. If the Empire attacked early the Wookies didn't want non fighters involved. The Droidekka, unable to help with packing, was ordered by the Lead Wookie, which was labeled in the droids programming as #/_Commanding officer—-&&"Rovo" to guard the area. Said Rovo had taken command of the Droid, the project being his idea. The Wookies despised droids, but they were getting desperate, and even with the help of a few rouges clones a few weeks ago, it wasn't enough to stop the Empire completely.

The Droidekka would scan every Wookie that passed, insuring the area was safe at all times.

Subcommand—#$$**/Patrol perimeter,"."—Imperials#= Extermination..,

Despite the droids total lack of emotion, some of the Wookie warriors named it "Krravo", as to link its name with Rovo. A few Wookie patrolled along side the Droidekkas, its movements making more noise than the Wookie would've liked. One Wookie roared out in anger as it spotted the patrol of Imperial troopers, the others rushing to climb stomp shrubbery and open fire, 2 TKs immediately being blasted dead, there armor cracking and breaking and their flesh flying everywhere from the sheer power of the Bowcaster. The Droid curled into a ball and rolled towards the enemy, the Clones turned their attention from the Wookie to the Droidekka, seemingly a natural response. 

It didn't matter though, the Destroyer rolling into the first clone, killing him instantly, uncurling and activating its shield. The bolts fired at it were absorbed without care as the Droidekka let loose it's barrage, the clone was torn apart, his left arm being ripped off followed by his head as a torrent of blood stained the ground. The TKs did no better as 3 of them suffered the same fate. Another one was shot by a bow caster, and 2 others had their necks broken by the towering Wookies, the last one running away. The Droidekka turned to chase them, but a hand signal from one of the Wookies stopped its actions, as it turned back and rolled towards the camp, and standing back on its predetermined patrol path, awaiting for the Wookies to catch up.

This streak of victory's quickly rose the Droidekkas status during the next few weeks, even moving settlement location didn't stop its effectiveness. Despite this, no matter how much wild cheering or wooden medals the Wookies gave the Droidekka never gave a response, Droidekkas didn't have voice boxes, but aside from that the droid seemed to care very little about who was telling it what to do. However, this would change..

During one of the Droids daily patrols on a new tree settlement along side Rovo and several other Wookies they were ambushed. Trooper dawning ink like armor and glowing red glowing visors, they carried duel shock staffs and long rifles, It would've been intimidating, if their target weren't Wookies. The beats roared out charging at the troopers pushing pass the dense shrubbery with ease, the Droidekka rolling from behind, they were met with a wall of bolts as the three Purge troopers with rifles fired, their bullets slammed into two of the five Wookies, sending them smoking to the floor. This only incited a rage induced response as a Wookie grabbed the Purge troopers head and ripped it clean off, throwing it at a Purge trooper with a shock staff, it bouncing off leaving a blood stain on their armor, before the Wookie was shot dead.

Four Purge Troopers with staffs charged at Rovo and Krravo, the Droidekka Blasting one of them flying into a tree before they could close the distance, Rovo slapping one to the floor as another shocked the Wookie, Rovo letting out a thrilling cry. Krravo turned after Blasting another trooper, its red eyes glowing as it spotted the injured Wookie on the floor, the last Trooper shocking him, curling into a ball Krravo charged at the Purge trooper, but the Imperial sidestepped out of the way and shoved his shock stick into the Droidekka causing Krravo to go flying and crash into the floor. Quickly getting up the Droidekka desperately hopped out of the way of a slam.

"Die Parasite!" The Purge trooper yelled with spite as Krravo lunged forward and bashed the troopers side with his blaster hands. trying to walk backwards to get within safe firing range the Purge Trooper tried to lunge attack Krravo, but the shock staff was caught between the two barrels of its right cannon arm, twisting its arm the Purge trooper stand unarmed as its staff fell on the grassy floor. Without a weapon the Imperial stood for a moment.

"Well...Shi-" The insult was cut off as Krravo blasted a hole through their chest, his insides dripping flesh between the now separated parts of his body, part of his intestines plopping on the floor, the trooper then falling over with a dreadful thud. Rovo, stood up slowly shaking their head, Krravo showing his first sign of care, tried to help the Wookie to his feet, earning a grateful growl.

Arriving back to the camp, Rovo had strapped the bowcasters from the fallen Wookies onto Krravos back shell. The Wookies greeted the two with extreme praise, Rovo telling the others about the Droidekka, only increasing the Destroyers popularity, and for once, something odd surged through his wires, pride? else, something more complex the Droid wasn't currently capable of thinking. Krravo stared at the now distant beaches where he remembers shutting down, having been blasted by a clone all those months ago. But the Droid now stared into the distance, was he thinking? or was it just awaiting orders, only the maker knows. Ignoring this complication, the Droid stared a bit longer, before being called by the Wookies, being greeted by a wave of cheerful roars and growls.

The Droidekka would continue to serve the Wookies, but not to far away within atmosphere the Imperial reinforcements would arrive days later.

"Sir, we've arrived into Kashyyyks orbit" a Clone pilot spoke aloud from his control panel.

"excellent.....How are the reports of the Droidekka unit we are after?" Tarkin asked with stern politeness.

"Still...massacering our troopers sir" a TK trooper responded nervously.

"very good then...that Boy on that rotten has been causing us issues, I'm sure he will enjoy what we have planned...right?" Tarkin mused while asking some random TK, the trooper slowly nodding with approval followed by a thumbs up. As Tarkin walked away the trooper shrugged his shoulders to the TK next to him.

"begin landing sequence...and prepare D.C.S Squadron" Tarkin said waving his hand dismissively as he turned the corner.

"Sir yes sir!" Commander Kelp says with a swift salute.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away, a Boy and his astromech encounter a forgotten Tactical genius within the depths of a downed control vessel, the metal creaking with disagreement with every step the teen takes. None of them aware of the perils ahead.
