

That's all that was reflected from the Droidekkas red beady eyes, Kravvo Stared at his surroundings, his left arm missing and his bronze she riddled with blaster marks, 7 dead TK troopers surround the Droidekka. The droid attempts to replay its memory, only finding segments of Wookiee's fleeing, TKs swarming the village and an old officer at the front of it all.

Kravvo moved forwards, his three legs barely lifting its burnt form, Crawling through the undergrowth the Droidekka tried to follow where it calculated the Wookiee's went, but it didn't get far before a Purge trooper yanked it backwards, despite he order in its program demanding it Kravvos arm cannons didn't fire, leaving it exposed. Being dragged across the floor, it's body awkwardly bending at the force, Kravvo was thrown in front of an old Imperial Officer.

"Good, very Good…D.C.S get to work" Tarkin spoke nonchalantly, unaware of the Droidekkas program cursing him to hell and back. Several Troopers covered in tools and with orange armor surrounded the Droidekka, without enough system power to resist, Kravvo lay there, unable to stop what is to come, as its vision was cut to static.

Rovo held his arm, blood dripping from his brown fur, calling over to another Wookiee, the ally giving him some bandages, of which Rovo applied. Rovo had escaped with most of the village, thankfully, the casualties weren't massive and only the village was destroyed. Of course, many of the warriors growled in agony at the loss of Krravo, Rovo especially, the emotionless droid had a place in their beating hearts, all the Wookiees swore to strike back, and hopefully find the Droidekka.

.. ..-. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / - .... . -.-- / -.- -. . .--

Walking through heavy shrubbery the large mass of Wookiees pushed into another small settlement, they had been walking for hours, and scouts had reported that the Imperial weren't following, and had headed back to base. But it was safe to assume they knew where they went, which is why with a few roars from Rovo the Wookiees began to gather supplies and prepare for a proper evacuation, rather then one induced by panic. Despite all this, any outsider wouldn't notice it, the sun shimmered with a gorgeous yellow as the beaches reflected it back, the dead droids and clones adding their own colors to the mix, creating a contradicting yet beautiful scene. The Wookiee climbed huge trees with their innovative yet primitive tech, their roars echoing through the jungle. 

The Empire had ruined it all, was the only thing any Wookiee could think when staring at the gorgeous nature around them. Rock stared into the distance, his arm bandaged nicely, his bow caster slung around his shoulder. He growled lightly, mourning the loss of another village, but ignoring the sadness, it only filled Rovo with rage, lots of it.

.--- ..- ... -

Tarkin stared through his tinted Window into an interrogation room, the Droidekka lay inside surrounded by TK engineers. Their tools spark and click off the deactivated droids plating, they wipe Krravos paint job, remove his programming and re modify his circuitry, effectively removing the small amount of free will the droid had in the first place. Sparking to life, the now greyly colored Droidekka stared at the engineers around, before standing perfectly still watching Tarkin through the glass, awaiting orders. Tarkin gave a smug look to himself, waving his hand at some random TK.

"Contact Gideon, i shall require his presence soon" Tarkin spoke calmly walking out of the room, the Droidekka following by command.

"Sir yes sir" the TK let out, side eyeing the mass of metal rolling by Tarkins side. 

It wouldn't take long after this for the Imperial force to land on the planet, the heavy jungle shimmered and exploded violently as Flame trooper Clones burnt the jungle to ash. the Droidekka stared into the distance, awaiting orders, no thought laid behind its dead eyes, its body unmoving, no breath or heartbeat, no way to distinguish droid from object. Tarkin walk beside the droid, staring at it with interest, but, as per usual, he dismissed whatever thought he was having and commenced the ground invasion. Several squads marched through the jungles, ravaging any animal or Wookiee in their path. turning behind a tree a huge Wyyshockk Spider leaped from within it, tearing apart a screaming TK clean in half, the other panicked and ran towards the large group, where the Droidekka, Tarkin and Commander Cody stare in the distance. 

None of the fleeing trooper make it, as they are each trapped with web and massacred, the Spider screeching towards the, raising its arm to mark its territory, the blood of the Tks dripping from its slender arms. Tarkin immediately nodded to Cody, who fired at the insect, other Tks following his lead, despite hitting a few shots they harmlessly were absorbed by the spider, with only the Droidekka rolling after it. the Spider tried to web up the droid but its piston powered limbs ripped the silk like butter, the droid setting the spider ablaze with its hand cannons, it writhing around in pain, the only reaction from the Droidekka was fire more, ending the Spiders miserable life. 

As Tarkin had hoped, the only thing the Droidekka felt when it fired....was the recoil.

This thought put a confident smile on Tarkins face.


Rovo and several other Wookiee had already been notified of the coming attack, and despite the fauna being part of their defense plan, it was clear that big bugs and frightful mammals weren't going to stop them. Roaring to the others the Wookie set up a stronghold type defense, warriors perched in trees with hammers and axes, made from wood and tar. Bowcasters and slug thrower Wookiees hidden behind crates and atop huts. Nonfighters were quickly were escorted away, Rovo had been told that Krravo was with the incoming attack, seemingly turned evil. Wookiee were by no means stupid, and Rovo and the other warriors knew that the Empire must've reprogrammed the droid, filling every Wookiee there with yet another reason to rip off Tarkins head from his body.

.--. .-. --- --. .-. .- --

Calling out with a loud horn, a few Wookiee Warriors, wearing leather strappings and loose metal gear, released several Can-Cell flyers, huge insectoid creatures trained by Wookies from birth, normally used for transport, these where being used as a desperate attempt to thin Imperial line as they approached. Rovo laid steady, his Bowcaster barely moving as the wind ruffled his brown fur, no Wookie dared make a noise as the natural noises of the forest filled the area, branches and leave shuffling and the buzzing of the Can-Cell bugs into the distance.

Rovo bathed in moment before the inevitable fight, so quiet, so peaceful. And yet the Wookiee sense where heightened as blaster fire could be heard, getting closer, the Can-Cells seemed to have engaged the enemy force, with no clear view the Wookiees wouldn't know who was winning until a Can-Cell flew out of the undergrowth, pancaking wildly before being shot out of the air, its wings falling apart and green blood splattering the floor.

Looking back, Rovo witnessed at least 30 TK troopers emerge and fire upon them, their bolts rattling the crates, the cry of a Wookiee to Rovos left as the Imperial got a lucky shot. Chaos followed, warriors jumping atop Tks from branches, ripping of limbs and beating terrified troopers to death with them, Wookiees and TKs being sent flying as bolts slammed into their bodies. 3 TKs approached Rovo, who roared threateningly before grabbing the arm of the much shorter TK and tossing them into a tree, he blasted the other two before they could fire, leaving gaping holes in their bodies, leaking burnt blood that showed as a rich black, staining the soil. 

Tarkin soon arrived, firing his pistol once with a still face, placing a hole into a nearby Wookiees head, who was charging him with a spear. Rovo recognized the older figure, roaring and charging at him, Tarkin smirked and stepped back, placing his pistol away. Confused but nonetheless pissed Rovo charged anyways, being caught off guard as the Droidekka came flying at high speeds from within the dense plants.

Rovos eyes widened slightly as it called to the Droid, with no reaction the Droidekka opened fire, and with repairs from the Imperials, turned on its deflector shield for the first time, it glowing a terrifying blue. Rovo, despite distressed at Krravos actions chose his people over the droid, firing twice at it to no effect. The Droidekkas Cannons set a huge yet ablaze, 3 Wookiees flying of the roof yelling, another warrior tried to tackle the Droidekka, being stopped by its shield before being blasted three time, with the Wookiees arms ripping off and a hole being neatly placed in its chest.

In full retreat, Rovo called for the Wookies to run, a nearby Can-Cell tried to carry away a TK but was shot out of the sky, the Tk falling as well, dying on impact, letting out terrified yell before doing so. the Droidekka rolled to intercept the Wookies, being the only one fast enough to do so, instantly killing two of them as they ran over the edge of a hill. Rovo growled and jumped atop the droid from above, the weight crackling against the shield as it failed, the Droidekka smacking Rovo with the barrels of its cannon arms, Rovo was able to stab the droid with nearby spear, spin dodging out of the way of blast and lodging it into the droid arm.

The Droidekka couldn't care less, opening fire and sending Rovo several feet flying into a pile of rubble, the Wookiee coughed blood, whining in its native tounge, begging the droid to remember, but to no avail, the once loyal Krravo blasting Rovo through the skull, ending the commander Wookiees life with zero reaction, and waddling away to continue massacring the jungle.

Just as Tarkin commanded.

Hours later, the Droidekka lay in a repair area, with Tarkin in the bridge.

"Word from Gideon?"

"He is on his way sir"

"good...very good...when will he arrive?"

"Moff Gideon is currently several hyperspace routes away, it may take months to get here"

With a heavy sigh Tarkin responded "understood..inform him of the Droid resistance on Geonosis, and tell him he will take command of ending it once he arrives"

"of course sir" the crew member spoke respectfully, walking away typing on their data pad. the Stars outside of the ship glowed a gorgeous white, but Tarkin didn't care for beauty, he knew Gideons style of working, and knew he would appreciate the Droidekka gift very much. He also knew, that whoever this boy was, he wasn't worth his time, and he had much more important things to do. Tarkin mumbled to himself annoyed, remembering the situation with "Project Necromancer" whatever it was, Hemlock was hesitant on telling Tarkin, denting the Imperials ego, whether Tarkin would admit it or not was not known.

the Droidekka stared at the wall of the room it was locked in, a cable stretching into its body and back into the wall, feeding it power. It stood there, unthinking. the droids actions would be seen as cruel by any standards, with the TKs having been at the battle a few hours ago needing breaks as to not get panic attacks. For a spilt second however, Krravo saw in his memory banks what it had done, but there wasn't anything Krravo could do, for it was just a program.

And no matter how much someone may try, a Machine will always be a machine, it just depends on who is behind the puppet strings, and why they have those strings in the first place.


Not the longest chapter, but a necessary one to introduce the Droidekka, and the eventual new "main bad dude" of this story.

The infamous Moff Gideon..

Why you ask?...good question, i kind of just felt like it. :/

(please comment on errors you may find, I'm pretty shit at finding errors so any feedback is welcome)