Bane of my Existence

heyo, it me, da author. just wanted to say hi..

so hi..



Jake and the others walked calmly across the large bridge that led to the landing pad they had landed on. The guards, despite having Jake reassure them of their intentions, were stiff with nervousness, gripping onto their blaster pistols shakily. The surroundings were lit a calm red by the rising sun, the metal structures glowing shades of white and orange, the color burning a hole through jakes fragile eyes, his helmet glowed along side everything else, the visor being filled with orange. Rusty, Clank and Tac, walked in sync by Jakes side, the B1s peach plating shining like a new plaster of paint on a wall, Clanks dark armor and Tacs green plating had less of an effect, but still glowed. Teeshs greenish yellow scales didnt react to the light, despite this, his sharp pupils followed the linings of glowing metal with curiosity. The Clones didnt care that much, simply following the guards, Who's blue outfits matched the surroundings oddly well.

Stepping through a glass door, the large group was met with a social room, guards and civilians walking about, some holding cups of coffee dressed in fancy white clothing, others in baggy cloths, doing more mundane things. It reminded Jake and Teesh of the village, even Rustys processors made a direct connection between the two. 

As the Guards led them towards a hallway, which most likely led to their higher up, something caught Jakes watchful eye through his mismatched helmet, or actually someone. A girl, she sat with a Datapad on a blue sofa, she had baggy grey jacket, with some fancier looking pants, Jake wasn't exactly an expert, 40% of his cloths are made of metal. Jake found his face heating up, shaking it off, he turned away, to late however, Teesh gave the boy a smug smirk, which was received with embarrassment. Rusty however, was more obvious.

"uh sir...who's enemy?" The B1 asked confused.

"no no Rusty, its nothing, don't worry your shiny metal head" Jake replied calmly, curious he glanced at this random girl again, only to find her staring at him and his group with a confused look. Jake practically jumped as he looked away, and at this point Rusty was concerned. The B1 turned its body to face her while its body walked forwards and stared at her, the girl was quick to get unnerved, and got up, walking away.

"hah!...threat dealt with" Rusty exclaimed happily, giving Jake a thumbs up. The teen could chuckle and thank the droid, he hadn't ever seen someone else his age, his village wasn't exactly a place most people wanted to have kids, even then the ones that were their were all toddlers. To him, people of his age were a rarity, and it gave his already fuzzed mind a confused shock when he saw one.

"Don't worry kid...its normal" Teesh whispered, Jake grunting and playfully shoving the lizard.

It didnt take much longer for them to arrive, the white walls started to hurt jakes eyes but he ignored it, entering a room the two guards stopped and turned, standing at the door as it closed behind them. In front of them, a long table with a window at the end of room lay, with an oddly nonchalant guy sitting at the end of it, Jake cloths shifted together to form a metallic scratch as he moved with nervousness. Rusty let out a nervous "uh" as the figure stood up holding a blaster in one hand a drink in the other, he wore yellow and blue cloths, with a dark blue cape.

"Hey..better not plan on using that" Jammer threatned, putting his hand on his blaster.

"Now why would i do that...well..i mean only if i have to" The guy stared at the group.

"Woooaaaaaahhh!...." He exclaimed in excitement, Jake judging him through the mask, which the boy then removed. Tac gave a confused head tilt.

"three Clones, three Battledroids a Trandoshan and a Teenager!?..this is my second week on this Job and I've got to deal with this..ha Haaaaaa..this is great!" The figure laughed to himself

"The names the Administrator of Cloud City" Lando said extending a hand with grin plastered on his face.

Jake happily took it "Nice to see someone who isnt trying to kill us"

"Agreed, its been pretty rough" Rusty chuckled with mechanical nervousness.

"A Battledroid eh..had a few bad encounter with these hunks of metal..but ya don't seem to bad" Lando said warmly as he pat the droids shoulder, Clank eyeing him with his disapproval hidden by the unmoving metal.

"Well what brings you to my humble city"

"We just wanted to stock up on some supplies" Mute answered, taking a step forwards.

"And find a quick way directly to Naboo" Teesh finished.

"Supplies I've got...but Naboo? Kinda hard to get their with the Imperial presence that place has got nowadays" Lando explained.

Jake fumed inside, Naboo?! really, of course the Empire just had to go and ruin it, that was his home, R4 DIED to tell him this, Jake quickly found himself loosing his temper at the mere thought of it, they didnt deserve to lay a finger on his home. Teesh was quick to notice, so he changed the subject, "

"we can figure that out later, we could use the supplies for now"

"Of course of course....but above the administrator i consider myself a bit of a business man...a..gambler'll cost you" Lando said eagerly.

"Should've seen that coming" Jammer grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Well I'm sure we have someth-" Jake began but was cutoff by a loud alarm "really?..." he groaned.

The room blared red as Lando quickly snapped up from his seat, walking to the door and opening it, the group watched as Guards ran across, Lando grabbing one and pulling him to talk.

"What's going on here?!" Lando asked, slightly shaking the guard.

"w-w-We've got a report about two dead Guards at dock 4, some sort of bounty hunter...Cad bane i think"

Lando furrowed his brows "Good man" he said pushing them back as they ran to combat.

"Well Jake, i think we've got ourselves a deal, mind lending a hand with those droids of yours?"

"'ve got supplies for us mister businessman?" Jake responded smugly, Lando chuckling to himself.

"You learn quick..and how bout you Clones, feel like helping out?" Lando turned his head.

"Always ready for a fight!" Jammer exclaimed.

"We fight by Jakes side" Mute followed.

"well then gentlemen, i believe we have a deal"

"HaahahahaaAAAA..." Teesh wheezed with delight "Lets crack some skulls!!" He growled with a grin, Jakes mouth also curling into a smile.

finally, some stress relief.

The figures boots shackled as he hopped off his ship, the name "Justifier" plastered on the side. His large hat covered his eyes as his brown gear and jacket swayed softly in the wind, two dead guards lay Infront of him, their heads smoking, Bane had his pistol drawn when four more guard barged through the door and ran at him, opening fire.

"Come on ladies" He mocked as he used his rocket boots to fly up with a press of his wrist controller. Bane was quick to snipe a guard in the skull with his pistol as he flew down and landed Infront of another, swiftly uppercutting them, grabbing their shoulders and throwing them off the platform, their screams fading as they fell further and further.

"oh fuck oh fuck" One guard began to hyper ventilate as he dropped his blaster and ran for it away, the other guard raised his blaster was shot three times by an unamused Cad Bane, the Duros red eyes peering into the last guard who frantically banged on the door to escape. Banes lips twisted into a sick grin, he snapped his right arm up and shot a wire at him, the guard falling over it wrapped around his legs.

"AAAHHHH!!!" The guard squirmed around as Bane stepped on top of his chest.

"sshhhhhhhh.." Cad placed a finger above his mouth as he slowly pressed his blaster into the guard chin, the guard choked on his yells as tears ran down his face, his fear was quickly gone once Bane ended his life with a single bolt. Behind the hunter, an IG droid walked up, holding a large rifle.

"Sir...i detect the targets signature in the building heading our way" it grumbled in its distorted voice, the droids black and grey paint barely reflecting the light of the near ending sunrise.

"Good.. now come on droid"

(Note :this is not IG-88, just a random IG droid that Bane has sometimes used for missions in the clone wars show)

Bane and droid walked up to the locked door, with the IG unit quickly ripping the door from its frame, robotically tossing it off the platform.

Jake and the other huddled at the end of a hallway, the guards had overturned a sofa for cover, but those guards had left to lead civilians away from the dangerous scene. Landos eyes narrowed as the hallways around them went silent.

"Alright, We need to split up and fight this Hunter before he causes any more damage" he spat out, spinning his pistol as he checked the hallway for any signs of movement.

"Agreed, Clones, your with me, Droids and Teesh, Landos got you..we will come back to report what we find" Jake said aloud, pointing at different people and getting up, the Clones nodding their heads and following the boy down a hallway and around a corner, Rusty waving slowly as Lando began to tell them the best areas to search, Teesh staring at Jake as he walked away. he had a bad feeling.

Bane walked down a hallway, its white walls and ceiling shining with positivity compared to the stench of death Cad dragged around, his red eyes beamed as he peeked slowly around a corner, Jake and the three Clones standing in the middle of what looked to be a lunch room, tables and chairs splayed about, most likely the handywork of terrified civilians. Bane shared himself a hushed chuckle as he equipped both of pistols.

Jake was talking about the Clones about who this Bane was, Jake had heard of him on the galactic net back at home, the idea sending a nervous shiver as he remembered the image of it in flames. Barren turned his head as he heard a shuffle, Bane noticed this and quickly stepped around the corner and fired at the group.

"Get down!" Barren yelled, shoving Mute and Jammer and then diving away behind a table, only one bolt hitting his back pack. Jake pulled out the DC-15A he had taken and fired, its blue bolts whizzing at Bane as he powered his boots and flew over them, landing behind an overturned table. 

"lets make this nice and simply boy, the Empire has fine price on your capture" Bane said aloud with a smug tone.

"Oh fuck off Bane! you'll have to wear jacket once I'm done with you, cause the floors gonna be cold" Jake threatened, Jammer chuckling as he readied his blaster, running out and firing into the table Bane was behind, trying to suppress the hunter.

Bane grunted with annoyance, "You Clones were always so devoted" He said kicking the table out of his way and firing at Jammer, nailing him twice in the chest and shoulder, sending the Clones tumbling into a table, breaking it in half. "But your all so predictable"

"Predict this!" Mute yelled out, having gotten behind Bane , kicking the back of his knee, causing Bane to fall forwards, Jake running up and kicking the hunter Chin before Barren tackled him to the floor, trying to pin him to the floor, the bounty hunter grunting in disapproval the entire time. Despite this attempt, Bane was quick to yank off Barrens helmet, exposing his surprised face as Bane used both legs to kick the clone off of him, Mute ran up to punch him but Bane ducked out of the way and stabbed Mute with a electro prod, the Clone seizing and falling over, Barren suffering the same fate as he tried to tackle Bane again, both him and Mute now twitching on the floor, still alive, but unable to move.

"AAAAGGHHHHHHHH" Jake yelled out as he heaved a half broken table over his head and bashed the back of the bounty hunters head with it, Banes hat falling to the floor, but otherwise didnt do much than make him stumble.

"Youve got guts kid...i respect that"

"I don't need your respect" Jake spoke staring at Bane through his helmet, Jammer tried to grab Bane into a chokehold from behind, but he was elbowed in the stomach and thrown over Canes shoulder by his arm, Jake firing two shots, both of which Bane acrobatically moved out of the way of, before launching a steel wire at the teen, Jake struggling to let him free as he fell over.

"Ugh!! oh don't you dare!" Jake yelled aloud, his voice trying uselessly to make a tough tone despite the clear nervousness in it.

"tisk targets never learn, i always get paid" Bane said crouching down, Jake cursing him as he stuffed a toxin into the boys face, knocking him unconscious as the hunter dragged him away by the wire.

Jammer stumbled upwards, looking around for the boy, but walking over to Mute and Barren frantically ripping out the shock prods, both clones gasping as they could move freely.

"where's the kid?" Mute asked panicked.

"Bane took him" Jammer replied.

"God dammit!" Mute cursed loudly as he smashed his fist into the floor, getting up and running into direction Jammer had pointed, Barren and Jammer following. 

Lando and Rusty checked another room, the B1 kicking the door down as he and Lando pointed blasters forwards, only to meet an empty room.

"Clear" Rusty informed.

Before Lando could respond Mute frantically ran up to him, the other droids and Teesh taking notice from a distance. "He took Jake! we've gotta get to his ship!"

Lando nodded and yelled out while running "I know where the sector is!" Everyone's nervous footsteps echoed as they rapidly ran through the bright hallways, as they approached the door to the landing pad, Clank shoved Lando out of the way and ran through the already destroyed door, instantly taking fire from the IG droid, only taking minor outer damage, Bane being seen with an unconscious Jake, stuffing him into a compartment in his ship. 

"Let him go!" Rusty yelled in a panic, the droids voice crackling as he fired at the IG unit, the B1 managing to blast the droids blaster away, Teesh filling the IG with holes, the droids metal bending and warping as holes formed, the droid quickly falling onto to his knees and then forwards, its eyes dimming rapidly.

"Its been fun boys but i believe I've got credits to earn" Cade said with a grin while tipping his hat, ignoring his droids death and taking off.

"Die" Was all Clank responded with as the B2 raised both its arms, firing at the Justifiers engine, its red bolts slamming into the ship as the others stared with fearful hope. The engines bursting into flames as the ship tried to take off, it shakily hovering around before flying backwards uncontrollably, its metal groaning as debris flew off it, tumbling onto the platform and towards the group, in a fireball.

"Duck!!" Lando yelled out, The Clones and Tac being the first to do so. Rusty yelping as the ship passed overhead ducking as well with Teesh, Clank was to tall to duck quickly, so the B2 raised its arm and got into a stance in a poor attempt to stop the ship, the droid being tossed onto the floor several meters away as the ship crashed into the roof of the large floating platform.

Bane broke through the glass, his cloths and hat tattered, he mentally cursed the B2 in particular for wrecking his ship, using his boots to fly towards another platform in cloud city, Rusty being the only to notice and firing at him, ultimately missing as the Hunter flew out of range and landed on another platform, Lando watching in anger as Bane kicked a guard off the platform and stole a ship, flying pass the clouds and into space with it, escaping the scene.

Mute didnt waste any time, climbing up the side of the white outer walls of the large structure, the other Clones and Teesh following, the droids watching with worry. Teesh was able to crawl around the destroyed ship and rip open the area Jake had been stowed, boys head falling limp as he lay knocked out. Carefully, Teesh along side the clones were able to carry him down and lay him down on the floor.

Clank came over and gripped the wires, tearing them apart, Lando rushing over and landing one knee, placing a hand on Jakes neck.

"He's got a pulse, and seems fine, but we've got a medical building just a short trip away" Lando rambled, helping Clank cautiously life the boy, Rusty stared at the unmoving, something about its stillness sent a timid shiver down the droids hypothetical spine, even the Tactical droid, averted its gaze.

The group hurried behind Lando as he led them back to where there ships had landed, Teesh and tac starting up the LAAT, the Clones, Lando, Rusty and Clank deciding to just get in as well, leaving the other Imperial ship as they took off. Quickly landing on a smaller floating structure, rushing into it.

Clank gently placed Jake onto a small hovering bed as a human nurse and a rodian doctor took Jake away, removing his helmet and begin to scan his body for injuries. Mutes shoulder visibly lowered as he sighed, Barren sitting down, taking off his helmet, Jammer doing to same, they both gave each other a weak fist bump. Rusty nervous snapped his head around, twidling his fingers together as he stepped closer to Clank.

"What..." Clank let out in his deep voice.

"Just uh...are you got hit pretty hard back their"

"systems optimal, this unit doesn't require repairs"

"Oh well that's good" Rusty said, some relief being lifted off the droids skinny arms. The medical area was filled with injured civilians and guards, all of which stared at the odd group with confusion, not everyday you such an array of beings.

"We could've used that Droidekka" Jammer complained. 

"It was recovering from the repairs and refurbishes me and Commander Jake made on it" Tac explained, clasping it hands together.

"We also weren't planning on getting attacked" Tac continued.

Jammer scoffed "Droids.." Barren softly elbowing his side as he was sitting next to him.

"You cant talk, if it weren't for your poor fighting performance, then maybe Bane wouldn't have even taken Jake in the first place" Teesh growled at the Clone.

"hey leave him out of this reptile" Mute said getting up from his seat "we tried, not like you could do any better"

"Oh I'm sure i would've" Teesh said smugly, taking a step towards the Clone.

"Oh just try it Slit-eyes" Mute mocked, Jammer now getting up aswell, cracking his knuckles. Teesh growled as his hands splayed out, ready to strike. Thankfully Rusty was quick to scramble himself between the two.

"Hey, as much as my programming doesn't mind Clone injury we are a team! not enemies" Rusty rambled in a high pitched voice, placing his hands on their chest and pushing them apart.

Ignoring the first part, both parties sighed, Teesh raising a hand for Mute to shake, the Clone doing so, no words were spoken as they both turned and sat back down on the clean seats in the waiting room. For the next 40 to 50 minutes, the group waited patiently, Lando went about checking on all of the civilians and guards. Clank and Rusty talked shortly about what the sun would feel like again, the B1 being reminded it of it as the yellow shadow entered the waiting room through a window. Tac and Teesh talk about adjustments to the ship, while Barren and Jammer tried to comfort Mute, the old Clone Commander having a rough time mentally, remembering the battles he fought in before he got stuck in space with his battalion. 

It didnt take much longer for Jake to hobble out, Lando by his side, they boys face was twisted into a weak smile, several wrapped bandages covered his arms and his face had a few bruises on it, he held his helmet by his side as he dirty brown hair lay completed messed up, but he couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. The boys pale skin and weak smile didnt stop Rusty from immediately jumping up and running over, halting Infront of him, Lando and Jake stopping aswell.

"JaaAAAaaKe" Rusty voice extended weirdly, either way he sounded happy.

"Hey ya doin" Jake responded, feeling better already by just talking to his friends. The other walking up aswell, leading Jake outside the Medical center, were Jake admired the pretty sky.

"we are all doing good" Rusty exclaimed happily.

"Yeah..Clank sssssssssaved you big time, knocked down the whole ssssssssship" Teesh said, playfully smacking the B2s back.

"I only did as my programming commanded"

"Well it was badass" Jammer followed up.

"Thanks Clank" Jake spoke weakly "Mute...thank you and your boys for trying, we put up one hell of a fight" Jake thanked the clone for his actions, Mute stood still and sighed shakily, slowly pulling Jake into an awkward hug, the boy remained conflicted as this Clone was what he had believed for the longest time evil was manifested.

But he accepted it, Clank went to take a stepped forwards, but Tac placed an arm Infront of him, Barren glancing at the Tactical Droid and giving it a thumbs up, the droid not returning the favor.

Lando smiled at the scene as Jammer patted Mutes back, seemingly snapping him out of his trance and letting Jake go silently.

" say you've earned those supplies, consider Cloud City an ally of your Jake.." Lando said happily.

"Oh don't mention it, i just did what was right"

"Its harder then you think to find that nowadays" Lando said patting the boys shoulder, Jake staring off the platform and into the clouds as they reflected and glowed with red and yellow, he smiled...

sure, he had been beaten so badly they slapped his ass in a hospital, and sure, an entire structure was damaged, his droids were semi hurt, Mute seemed troubled and he wasn't able to hide his feelings as well as before. But at least they survived, and the supplies would help them get the Droidekka up and running, plus, they were one step closer to Naboo.

He smiled, placing his helmet on as he and the others began to walk to the LAAT, Lando sending them off with a friendly wave.

Its been one head of a day, even so, Jakes thoughts where clouded by another topic..

His family.