Relic on Mustafar

(HELLO i must say that this entire chapter was based of a suggestion of a commenter on another chapter, who reminded of a certain murderous robot on Mustafar, I forgot their username so if they are reading this, thanks and enjoy. also note that i did read up on this droids lore, and decided to put my own twist on what happened, cause i felt like it)

(and sorry for the wait me on vacation :))))))))))))))

Cody and the Droids flew slowly in the dense smoggy atmosphere of a burning Mustafar, they hadn't left yet, mostly because Both Scythe and Golem complained of a signature coming from the other side of Mustafar, one that clouded there sense and even made Golem shut itself off. Cody, concerned by this, agreed, and the small group was near the origin of the signal, Scythe held his head as he placed his awkward three fingered hand upon it, the droids sensors buzzed as the droid experienced what any of us would call a headache from the signal, of course no human could understand whatever pain it was feeling.

It didnt take long for Cody's eyes to widened beneath his helmet as a stray rocket blast exploded between the two ships, scanning the floor, Cody was quick to spot a large amount of various Battle Droids and assassin droids walking towards an oddly shaped structure, seemingly a sort of lab. B1s, B2s, IG and even protocol droids were but a few, all armed with blasters. 

"Scythe do you copy" Cody yelled into the intercomm, no response.. "Scythe!"

"For the makerrrrrr" Scythes voice was filled with static as the droids piloited the ship towards the floor, Cody following with concern. Scythe and Golem quickly tore open the door and walked like dead bodies towards the hoard of droids, all of the chanting the same phrase.

Cody's skin crawled as the site reminded him of the war, but the toughened clone shook it off and ran to the two droids, grabbing his heavy rifle.

"Hey! what's wrong with you two!?" Cody yelled, waving Infront of them, while walking backwards, Golem groaned mechanically as he grabbed Cody's shoulder and pushed him aside, all of the droids, along side Scythe and Golem yelling out "ffffffffor the maaakerr-rrr"

"What in the fuck?..." Cody mumbled to himself, noticing that none of the droids walking around seemed interested in him, so he decided to follow his two iron clad companions to hopefully stop whatever was controlling them. Following them, blaster fire could be heard sparsely, Cody passed by the mutilated bodies of scientists, their white robes more red than white, eyes, ears, skin, limbs and other various parts missing, whoever was telling the droids to this is wasn't doing this for money or for fun, this was personal. Ignoring the corpses, the clone hid behind a wall as Scythe and Golem stumbled their way into a room, not many droids had survived whatever fight had happened, peeking around Cody counted only 3 B1s, 1 B2, and 4 IG assassin droids, of course along side Scythe and Golem. 

Cody watched in silence as the droid gang ceased their movements and turned towards a figure, an HK assassin, Cody had met a few, mostly broken down in century old wrecks. Clearly this one was alive and well, especially the assassin part as it threw the still bleeding head of a scientist in front of the droids, all of them throwing their hands up and cheering with a distorted yell of static. 

Cody snapped his head at Golem as the MagnaGuard shook its head, almost stumbling over, using its shock staff as support, HK robotically turning to stare at it with interest. Golems neck sparked momentarily, from what Cody could gather, despite both Scythe and Golem not being the most emotional beings programming wise, Golems systems were much better fine tuned, allowing the droid to try and push back whatever control this rusting Assassin droid had over it. 

Golem groaned in defiance as he heaved his staff and launched it into a seemingly random terminal, the staff busting through it and sending sparks everywhere, within moments, several of the other Battledroids that looked far to damaged to be functioning, fell over, dead. The few that remain, being only B1s, looked around confused before awkwardly rushing away, passing by Cody without care, the Clone pressed against the metallic wall hoping they wouldn't snitch. 

Scythes systems went haywire for a brief moment as the commando droid stumbled, Golem reaching over to hold the droid by its shoulder. Scythe shook its head robotically as it scanned its weird surroundings, the walls were white and science equipment such as microscopes and laser cutters lay on the floor, the dried bodies of scientists along side them. Just outside an entrance, the typical Mustafarian landscape was visible.

"What is our location?" Scythe asked Golem, the droid standing upright and grabbing its E-5 blaster.

"Unknown" was all Golem replied as the both looked at the HK assassin, who stood atop the body of a man, stepping down and taking slow steps towards the two, its hands down by its sides. Cody peeked further to try get a better look.

"Statement: you are in a lab were i was abandoned and left to rot, these organics, so...fragile" The droid spoke with a Surprisingly soft yet grainy and dark voice, using one foot to kick the arm of the scientist he had just stepped off of.

Scythe turned his with curiosity "I don't follow" his stale voice groaned.

"Statement: I am awaiting my creator, i must get to him. Query: Do you know the whereabouts of Revan?" the HK droid asked, its body barely moving as it spoke.

"This name is unrecognizable in my data banks" Scythe concluded, Golem nodding its head with agreement.

"Who are you" Golem spoke aloud, walking over and yanking the shock staff back into his hands, the droids head still locked onto HK.

"Statement: I am HK-47, an assassin droid unit made to kill organics for my masters..." HK paused, staring at the floor as it gave a mechanical bow. " i am disgusted by that word"

"Query: Who are you"

"We are separatist models, created to serve at the whim of our manufactures" Golem stated plainly. 

"Statement: You do not see a problem with this...outcome?"

"Negative, it is our programming" scythe replied, the droid brain already giving several reason to proceed with caution.

"hmmmmm...such a troublesome thing,. programming, i broke delightful it was" HK-47 put its hands to its back as it began to walk towards a nearby terminal. Fearing the worst, that the droid would start another signal, Cody dashed from behind the wall, pointing his rifle at HK-47.

"Hands up Clanka!" Cody yelled, Scythe and Golem looking over, surprised, not like Cody could tell know what I'm sure you get it.

"Cody, this assassin does seem to pose a threat" Golem reasoned, HK-47 however had turned its head to give the clone a cold stare.

"Statement, remove your" HK-47 slowly stepped towards Cody.

"Why should i droid" Cody spat, Scythe was quick to step by the clones side.

"Sir, this unit attempting to find somebody, perhaps you should allow it to scan you" Scythe spoke, Cody sighing after a moment and temporarily putting his blaster down, taking off his helmet, the Clones face glared at HK, throwing his helmet to the floor Cody was quick to raise his blaster back up.

"Statement: it seems you are not Revan, this is suboptimal, for you" HKs voice darkened. 

"Do not attempt something you will regret, our models are superior to are outdated" Golem spoke menacingly spinning his electro staff, turning it on, detecting a possibility of confrontation.

"Statement: Failure is foreign to me" HK said with brutal honesty, casually pulling out his Assassin Rifle. Scythe aimed down his blaster, Cody stepping forwards to try and deter the HK droid.

"Statement: You believe you know what true thinking is? can barely understand a fraction of my thought process"

"I don't care" Golem responded simply.

Ignoring the comment HK continued "Statement: Such a delicate balance, i can see brain has absorbed knowledge beyond your view...and is ruined" HK had began to look out side and into the star littered sky, Cody watched with caution, but couldn't help his curiosity.

"Why.." Cody asked, Scythe and Golem not moving an inch.

HK snapped is head to the Clone, who shifted back slightly as a natural response.

"Response:....Organics...Request: Die" Was all HK had to say for himself as he raised his blaster and launched green bolts at Cody, the Clone spinning out the way side ways, before jumping behind a large desk, kicking it down. Scythe kneeled down and fired, as Golem threw itself at the Assasian.

Scythe Bolts were absorbed into the droids armor, Golem tried to slam its staff down atop HK-47, who grabbed and twisted it out of the MagnaGuard hands, front kicking the guard, before sending the shock staff into Golem right arm, the separatist droid spazzing as it fell over from the force.

"Statement: I can detect your model was made for the same purpose as mine" HK-47 spoke aloud, turning his attention to Scythe, who had pulled out his Vibroblade.

"I was built to be better" Was the quick response Scythe gave before leaping up and grappling onto the ceiling, swinging itself to drop kick HK-47, the droid being sent into a wall. Cody show himself over the desk and fired at the Assassin, the red bolt not doing much of anything. Backhanding a charging Scythe away he focused fire at the desk. Groaning in annoyance Cody holstered his rifle onto his back, slamming his helmet back on.

"WAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHH!!" Yelling as loud as the clone could, he turned around and lifted the table running forwards as HK slammed more bolts into the desk, Cody eventually toppling into HK, the assassin droid falling over as the table came atop him.

Cody panted as Scythe ran by him, trying to take off HKs head with an over head swing, HK-47 catches the blade with one hand and uses the other to shove the table of him.

"Statement: Your attempts are futile" 

"Statement, i don't give a shit!" an annoyed Cody responded, pulling out his blaster and focus firing into the Droids arm joint, it quickly tearing apart and the force sending HKs left arm flying into a nearby wall. Unphased HK fired a green bolt, smashing into the clone armor, causing him to fall over, but otherwise unharmed. Scythe attempt to sneak behind HK while grappled to the wall, but as he jumped at the droid HK dashed out of the way, kicking the Commando droid to the floor.

As the group of three slowly lifted themselves off the floor, Golem holding his staff again as he had pryed it out of himself, HK-47 walked away calmly carrying his dismembered arm.

"Statement: You are useless" The droid grainy voice stung Cody's ears as HK-47 broke into a full mechanical sprint, the droids and Cody's rushing outside to witness one of their stolen Imperial ships to be broken into and quickly flown away, where the relic swiftly went out of view.

"Well.....One ship as the capacity for all of us" Scythe stated, attempting to lighten the situation, a skill he had learned from being around B1s back in the war, he had never mastered it however. The reason being a combination of limited programming and the fact that none of B1s in the droid army ever lived long enough to teach him, not like the Commando cared though. 

"The boys back with Echo could've used that..." Cody spoke without amusement, Scythe stayed silent, not being able to calculate a response.

Getting into the only ship remaining, Cody sat Golem down on a box, and pulled a large box of tools next to him, the Clone kneeling down searching the pile.

"What are you doing?" Golem said peering at Cody.

"Gonna try and fix you up, that droid banged you up real good" Cody spoke without looking up, taking out a few random tools and starting to screw, weld and slam together the MagnaGuard arm, Cody was a solider, not a mechanic, so his work wasn't exactly the best. Thankfully Scythe was able to help slightly, being a droid and all, and the duo was able to fix up Golem, the guard not really giving a proper thank you, not like Cody expected one anyways.

" what are your orders?" Scythe asked, sitting next to Cody as they took off the planet.

"I've got some contacts on Tatooine, said they know another group of Clones that have separated from the Empire" 

"Interesting....We shall assist"

Cody chuckled "heh.....thanks...Scythe..ya know maybe you clankas arent to bad after all"

"Agreed, we are not bad "after all" " Scythe said copying Cody, the clone just scoffing with amusement, Golem watching the scene from behind, with its eyes glowing their typical red, staring into the void.

--------Location--Gideon))S0ss Vessel..--(( Imepria88l Barrac0;;----Cksssss,..----

Moff Gideon sat at the head of the bridge, his re painted Venator cruising in the vastness of space. Gideon held a datapad, slowly reading information, one of the traits that made him so valued by the Imperial academy, wasnt only his near perfect aim, but his patience and willingness to find everything about his enemy. Jake and his group had made this easier than ever, he already knew there first names, it was only a matter of time before he found more about them.

Gideon sighed, standing up and reaching his hand towards a nearby TK trooper, the solider stopping and looking confused at him, shuffling his blaster within his hands. 

"Take this to my quaters" Gideon spoke harshly, his black armor reflecting the stars outiside and his cape laying deafly still.

"Oh uh..." the TK hesistated, looking around him at the other troopers working at the many panals within the bridge, all of them quickly turning away and pretending to be working. 

Nervously turning back the trooper stiffned.

"I-I dont know where your barracks are....sir" The trooper shook slightly, raising one of his arms above his helmet covered face. Gideon eyed the trooper for a while, looking back forwards, his hands still by his sides as he spoke.

"Down the elevator to the left of the bridge, sector 3 in room 298"

The trooper, stared at Gideon, his helmet not expressing his suprise as he slolwy began to walk away.

"Oh...thank you, thank you, right away sir!" The trooper began to jog out of the bridge, and towards Gideons quarters.

"Well, i have to make a point somehow" Gideon drawed his pistol and aimed it at another random soilder, this one a clone who was working in the bridge, the clone looked over and jumped slightly at the action, unable to react as Gideon shot a hole into his helmet. The clone fell over, as a nearby TK sighed to himself, already getting up and walking over to the body, dragging it away, Gideon scoffing at the action.

The Moff walked down the hallways, Tarkin had requested another visit, and suprisngly wanted both Kelp and Flamer to join, Gideon knew Tarkin had worked with them, so from he could tell, Tarkin just wanted to know how they were, which while weird, didnt bother Gideon. 

Entering the chamber, Kelp and Flamer were already there, Kelp tensing as he stood straight and saluted, Flamer getting up from his slouched posistion more slowly, pressing his hand to a salute lazily. Gideon waved both of them off as he walked to a small holotable and inputted a code, the table glowing blue.

Tarkins upper form scrambled itself as a large blue hologram, Kelp and Flamers helmet sharing the blue reflection, as did Gideons dark armor. 

"An honor to speak with you again Tarkin" Gideon spoke, giving a small bow.

"As is my pleasure to speak with you, despite your recent failure, i have heard you have destroyed the one he calls Bucket, am i correct?" Tarkin asked loudly his face not changing his usual cold expression despite the compliment he was giving. 

"News spreads quickly i see" Gideon chuckled, earning a small smile from Tarkin. "Yes, my Death troopers handled that droid, but they were all killed"

Tarkin scoffed, as if it were a joke "Casualites are to be expected in a battle, ive already sent replacments"

 Kelp cringed at his words, Flamer holding a more disaprooving look beneath his grey helmet. Gideon stared at the two Clones, before eyeing Tarkin, the latter giving an small nod.

"Tell me Kelp, how has it been" Tarkins words sounded friendly, but his tone wasnt.

"of course sir, never been better...still trying to figure out what this big plan is, but its neither here nor there" Kelp said with a fake chuckle, the atmosphere weighing on his shoulders.

Tarkin glared at him.

"if i may...sir" Flamer spoke aloud, taking a step forward, Gideon and Tarkin both looking over.

"Maybe you should tell all of your troopers the plan" he paused as the two Moffs gaze hardned. "Well we could work better if...if we knew what the hell we are doing"

Before anyone could respond Kelp quickly jumped in "Apologies for my sargent....but he has a point, i must respectfully ask if you agree" Kelp asked nervosuly, shifting within his grey armor, a new set given, replacing his green one. Within the Empire, no one could be different.

Gideon stared at them, processing, he turned to Tarkin, who after a moment of stillness, he nodded. 

"Fine..Kelp.....i agree to your views" Gideon spoke swiftly, turning around and leaving, the Clones watched as he left, Tarkin getting their attention.

"A fine idea Commander, but watch your tounge, Gideon isnt as kind as i am" Tarkin words were harsh as he flickered and his hologram disapeared. Kelp and Flamer stared at eachother.

"You got lucky" Kelp told him.

"What can i a lucky guy"

Kelp just sighed in response.

Several hours had passed, and Gideon had gathered most of the ships troopers into the hanger bay, were he stand atop an imperial LAAT, with over 300 hundred TKs, along side 50 or so Clones stand scattered within the entire area, while not all of the troopers were there, the ones who werent listened through their comms.

"Please everyone, silence" Gideon spoke loudly, using the hangers comm system.

The croud of white armor stopped and turned like a wave to look at him, Kelp and Flamer among them, staring at Gideon, their armor making them stand out among the sea of white.

Gideons voice rung throughout the ship, TKs, Clones, Death troopers, Naval offciers, pilots, all stopping to listen.

"I realize that some of you may be restless, as we have lost many men to this boy we are after....and while i assure you my intentions and plans do not require your survival, this....child insults the very thing that makes us Imperial. He has made fools of us...a fool of me, i underestimated him and look what has happned"

Gideon walked back and forth, clasping his hands around his back.

"I find that it is ideal to tell you all of the plan, and more importantly...why"

Gideon sighed as the sea of armor stood still.

"This Jake, has...little actual purpose to us, we know droids, and we are better than that capture him fulfills two objectives, too send a message to those around him about our might...and to secure my place as Moff...." Gideon paused. " isnt ideal to sacrifice troopers to acheive this goal...but i will do what i must....if my Darktrooper program is to be started i need all of us to be united" Gideon finished with a smirk upon his face.

" i tell you capture him, we must break him...and to break him we must know him....and i know you must break him..."

"FOR THE EMPIRE" Gideon raised his fist with a yell.

Hundreds of TKs and Clones raised there blasters and fists.

"FOR THE EMPIRE" they all chanted, Kelp and Flamer followed, throwing up their weapons.

"For the Empire!"

The cheering continued as Gideon landed off the high ground, the TKs around him clapping and cheering, the Moff wore nothing but a small smile, as he walked away in his reflective black armor, his cape blowing gently as he walked out of view, allowing the troopers to get back to their stations, with redefined purpose, and more loyalty than ever.

Standing in his quarters, he read about Jake and his group, scanning his datapad curiosly, inputting data, getting some back, and so on. He was determined to know him, to know them all.......every.



----------------------AUTHORS NOTE- Please read (or not i guess)

heyooooooooooooo its meeeeeeee, sry this took so long i started this before traveling, but hey, its here now. Anywho id like to give you some insight.

Doing some math, i calculated that this story takes place 18BBY, aka one year after the Clone wars, this also means that Gideon, is currently 33 years old, as he was born 51 BBY. So, i decided that my younger version will not be as cruel as the one in Mandolorian, still a huge dickhead sure, even cruel at times, but to an extent.

Also, sorry to burst your bubble but i truly do not know if HK-47 will return, he may or may not.....and finally, about the Droidekka many of you requested, i want it to be clear that its hard to make you guys like a droid that cant speak, and is, in cannon,heavily limited by programmig, so dont expect grand storytelling from it, that is reserved for droids that make sense. (youll get some cool fight scenes tho, so no worries :) )

And thats about it, any and all tips and criticism is happily welcomed, so please leave a comment if youd like to let me know of something, i make sure to read em all.