This is the Way

It had been a week since they had left the humble Cloud City, and its passion filled owner Lando. Jake and his group had stopped at an independent fueling depot, ships of all makes and sizes surrounded them when they landed, the LAATs engine humming as the large ship landed. Rusty and Clank stumbled slightly within, the B1 letting out a yelp, Teesh and Clones not budging as they gripped the ceiling supports, Jake and Tac being in the pilot seats, the boys mismatched helmet reflecting off the glass. 

"Woah..." Jakes voice was filled with curiosity he scanned the area, the dark grey metal filled his view as station after station lined each wall, the depot was built on a large asteroid, hundreds of ships, pirates, bounty hunters, civilians, all were free to use it. Tac had found it on the map of the sector, it being only a weeks trip away from Bespin, "Forge of the Free" That's what it was called, a bit poetic, but Jake liked it nonetheless, so here they were.

Jake and Tac walked down to the main area of the LAAT, the Clones were gearing up, grabbing their rifles and Barren his medical bag, Teesh slung his DC-15 around his back, and Clank and Rusty lined up infront of Jake, the B1 saluting.

"We are ready to esort you commander" Rusty chirped, laying his hand down and unclipping his blaster from his backpack.

"Roger Roger" Clank followed.

Jake chuckled as he walked past them, grabbing a DC-15A from the pile in the storage, looking back, peering through the helmet.

"Look, as much as id like to take you there, Teesh here has guarnteed that 90 percent of the folk out there want to scrap you guys, and kill you guys" He said pointing at the droids and clones.

"So me and Teesh will go, stay here and defend the ship from...well everyone i guess" Jake finshed, kinda throwing his arms to the side a bit.

"Whatsssssss our goal here?" Teesh chimed in, stepping next to the boy, looking down at him.

"Well hopefully some work...Tac has already told me on our way here credits are pretty important, and i cant get as far with just trading scrap like back home" Jake explained, Teesh giving a toothy grin.

"Glad to sssssssssssee you learn quickly"

Mute stepped in "If i may" He held his hand out to Jake, with a comm link in it. "If you need help just hollor kid, we will cut down any in our way"

"Damm right" Jammer added.

"Thanks, and dont worry, if we do get some credits, we are spliting it" Jake said casually, raising his hand for a fist bump, one which a laughing Mute accepted.

"Thats good to hear" Mute spoke with humor, Jake turned to face his droid squad.

"Are you sure sir? id rather be scrapped then have you hurt" Rusty asked with a fearful voice, his hands fiddling with eachother.

"Ill be fine Rusty thanks for the concern tho" Jake said happily, pulling the droid into a quick one armed hug, one which the droid was to confused to return.

"Sir...your helmet may draw wary" Was all Clank had to give, Jake smiled and nodded.

"Will do...." Jake took a few steps towards the Droidekka.

"Alright Racket" Jake spokepatting the droids flat head, "Racket" was the name he had given the droid, if the Droidekka understood Jake didnt know, but he named him anyways. "You help with the defense got it bud? Tacs second in command, listen to him" The Droidekka stared at Jake with its beady eyes before nodding slightly, shifting to the side.

Jake sighed, his shoulders relaxing, despite the nervousness of going into such a public space, he was happy Teesh would be with him, it eased his tense nerves.

"Alright mister scaly..lets head out" Jake joked, Teesh just scoffing and shaking his head with a grin as the LAAT doors slided open, the clones and droid huddling into corners not viewable from outside. Jake and Teesh took a step out, the doors sliding shut behind them.

Jakes eyes widened as he scanned the dock, dozens of customers walk around, wearing leathers, rags, hoods, armor and more. Humans, other trandoshans, rodians, mon calamari and several other species Jake hasnt even seen before. Huge ships filled the hangers, scrapped V-wings, several pirate ships thrown together with parts from other ships, fighters, transports, civlian carriers, an X-Wing, even a vulture droid, who stood tall, its head being replaced with a cockpit, the pilot working on its leg with a blowtorch.

"holy shit" Jake mumbled, Teesh chuckling for a moment. 

"I know, differnt then home aint it" Teesh gave a toothy grin.

"Well you dont seem to conerned" Jake accused jokingly.

"Well ive lived other places than lifespan is triple that of yours"

"Your fucking with me right" Jake said with a light chuckle as he looked at Teesh from his helmet as the two began to walk forwards.

"Yesssssssssss...i am, my lifesssspan is arund 60 to currently 34" Teesh explained, shoving his clawed hands into his leather pockets.

"Old man" Jake mused, Teesh playfully elbowing the teens shoulder.

"scrawny boy" the lizard mused back, Jake just scoffed smiling beneath his helmet. Many passed by them as the two walked, Jake was looking for work, so he naturally was looking for bar, for whatever reason, it seemed thats always were shady people stay, even back at home the few bounty hunters that passed by always stopped at the towns bar...not like that could happen anymore.

It took several minutes of walking, Jake admiring the natural commotion of the customers and repair droids walking about, admiring so much that the kid ran into a protocall droid, Jake stumbling as the droid fell over, a few strangers staring breifly at the scene.

"Oh crap my bad.." Jake sighed grunting as he helped the droid up, Teesh grabbing the other arm and doing the same.

"Oh dear, no worries" The droids feminine voice rung out. "It was a simply mistake...enjoy your stay!" It waved, shimming away and towards another ship, Jake staring at them momentarily.

"Next time, dont bump into the localssssssssss, you got lucky thatssss a droid" Teesh spoke, raising a claw up from his pockets, the reptiles leather jacket shifting as he went to scratch his back.

"Fair enough" Jake said aloud with a headtilt, his eyes landing on a small glowing sign, from the looks of it, one of the repair stations had been turned into a bar, perfect.

"Well thats helpful" Jake spoke mostly to himself as he and Teesh stopped and looked at it.


----------------------Location(88--LAAT Gunship--

Customers who passed by stared at the ships unique paint job, some with admiration, some with confusion, others with disgust. Rusty and Clank sat inside, the B1 clutching his blaster with one hand as he fought Clank in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Obviosuly, Rusty was winning....haha just kidding, the two have been throwing Paper at eachother since Jake left, they were still having fun somehow, Rusty exclaiming ever time in disbelief that they had chosen the same thing.

"WOAH!! what in the maker?!" Rusty yelled out, Clank having zero response.

"ugggrhhhhhhhhhhh...Shut it tin can" Jammer complained, sitting up from his laid posistion on the floor, Tac looking over at the noise, the other Clones not caring.

"Watch your tounge organic" Clank grumbled, turning his body to look at Jammer. "You may be helpful..but i will not hesistate to murder you"

Before Jammer could reply, Barren and Mute sitting up aswell with the commotion, Rusty replied.

"Well that seems a bit rude Clank...they are friends" Rusty said, turn his skinny head to the clones and giving a thumbs up, Mute and Barren returning it, their faces contorted into one of humor.

"The B1s got a point..."Clank" nice" Jammer mused, standing up fully.

"I do not take orders from a clone" Clank retorted loudly, standing up as well, Rusty stumbling from his seated possition up aswell. Mute and Barren watched as they sat, Tac just staring as he held a datapad with one hand.

Jammer slamemd his helmet on he walked at Clank, who didnt budge. The clone threw a punch with an anger filled grunt, he hand bouncing off as he stumbled backwards, holding his wrist.

"Ah fuck off with your dumb armor" Jammer scoffed.

"I would make fun of you...however i have calculated you are already doing that yourself" Tac stated, Barren and Mute chuckling.

"Agreed" Clank followed.

"Leave the clanka alone Jammer" Mute spoke aloud. "Sit down, have some rations, i get your not a fan but this is how we survive....all of us"

Jammer grunted, nodding in displeased agreement.

Barren sighed "Slaves...thats what we all are" the droids perked up to this. "used to fight someone elses war....a war that ended in..this" he said waving his hand around. Rusty stared at the floor, as did the others.

"Well...least we can do is help eachother" Mute spoke

"Roger Roger" the droids responded, the Droidekka staring at the actions that have passed from the corner...just staring.

-----------------Location--99(((-Forge and Gorge Bar-----

Walking in, Teesh and Jake quickly looked around, most of the seats were apart of the wall, making a small half circle filled with pillows for comfort, other tables lay scattered throughout the bar, with a large center ring being used as the service area, with repurposed Protocal droids bringing drinks around the clock. Jake mused as an astromech rolled past him, a small built in table on its head as it beeped, offering Jake some water.

The boy stood still, he didnt respond but just stared at the droid, who beeped in confusion. Teesh was quick to notice, answering for him.

"No thanksssssss" Teesh said taking a step forwards, the astromech beeped and rolled away.

Jakes head followed the droid "...R4..?" Jake whispered to himself, extending his shaking hand slightly.

"sssorry kid, that aint him" Teesh spoke with suprising softness, patting the boys back.

Breathing in heavily, Jake shook his helmeted head, he took lead towards an empty table within the wall, sitting down and melting into the cushions. Teesh sat beside him, chuckling in an attempt to change the atmosphere.

"heheheee.....comfy aint it kid, nothing like this in that ship" Teesh mused, rasing his arms behind his head.

"godamm....i need to have me some of these" Jake said with some laughter, shortly after his comment, one of the Protocal droids from the bar walked with quick steps towards them.

"Why hello sir"

"Oh..its you.." Jake looked up, he remebered the droids orangish yellow paintjob, it was the same one who he knocked over before. "Sorry for knocking you over"

"ah nonsense" the droid exclamied, shaking its head. "Im surpised you even remember my model...what would you like to drink?"

"Just some waters" Teesh responded, Jake removing his helmet and setting it down, nodding.

"Can do" the server spoke happily as its voicebox crackled, it stared at Jakes helemet momentarily. "Quite the interesting helmet sir"

"Ah...i made it myself"

"Why look at you...very impressive...i will bring your order..thankfully for you water is free" The droid walked away.

Jake snorted slightly to himself "yeah thats why i ordered it" he spoke with a queit laugh, Teesh being the only one who could here, the lizard letting off a low chuckle. The bar was loud, like extremly loud, it didnt really bother Jake or Teesh, but both were mostly used to the quiet shifting sands of Geonosis, so much commotion was uncommen. Either way, Jake set his mind back on

" the hell do we get some credits, cause i dont plan on being a janitor for five months to get like 3 credits and dead snail as my pay"

"Well it isnt that bad but i get your point" Teesh mused, shifting in his seat, the droid returning and placing two cups infront of them, walking away without a word.

"You could always try hunting..or maybe some repair pride yourself in mechanics dont you?" Teesh asked, presenting the idea.

"Well it would be better than hunting...." Jake shivered to himself, remembering when a bounty hunter passed by his village years ago, the memory stuck with him, the human hunter dragging away some townsfolk, taking out many Geonosains, and escaping unhamred in his ship.

"Well then itsssss sssssettled, we find ssomeone who could ussse repairssss"

"fair enough, for now tho lets just relax...i could certainly use it" Jake said picking up his water downing the entire glass in a few seconds.

"ha...and i thought i was thirsty" Teesh joked, taking a light sip of his water, Jake shifted for a moment before closing his eyes, and grabbing hold of R4s eye with one hand.

A few minutes have passed, and other thn Jake checking in with Rusty via comms, the droid being estatic to hear from the boy, nothing has happened. 


That would change when a group of several Rodians entered the bar, the people within instantly looked more tense, Jake hearing the gang and eying them, Teesh staring a hole right through the odd looking figures as they walked in laughing. The Rodians wore basic leathers, all had pistol strapped to their waists, one Rodain wore a long red cloth piece that wrapped around one of his arms above the leather jacket, probably the leader. Jake didnt want to judge to much, this changed in literally five seconds as a pair of gangsters yanked one of the server droids, an IG unit, and grabbed the drink it was carrying and shoving the glass over its mouth.

"Halt. Halt" The IG server repeated, the rodians stared at eachother, before one them yelled in their primary language, pulling out there blaster and firing into the server several times, the droids lights shutting off near instantly as it fell over, dead.

"Stupid droida, deserved miki bolt da hit him" The rodian let out in Huttesee, Jake tilting his head slightly at the weird speech, never having heard it. 

(i used some trashy translator for the Huttese, sorry if it sucks)

"Gangssstersssss....alwayssss worssssening people livessss" Teesh snarled, Jake putting his helmet back on.

"Do we help?" Jake muttered.

"I hate to break it to you kid, but out here, droidsssss arent exactly cared for..."

"Fine...ill stay" Jake grunted with disapoint, watching the still IG body as it lay splayed over the counter. The Rodians were quick to walk over to a table, currently occupied by a girl, seemingly a teeager wearing straneg armor neither Teesh nor Jake had seen, despite the commotion, the music had returned and the bar was back to normal. Encounters like this are commen. 

Jake watched with intrest as the gang of five Rodians surronded the armored ones table, the leader infront. 

"Get tonka um give us this table. Mandolorian, u shouldnt have this" The leaderspoke harshly, slamming his fist on the table, the mandolorain turning her head slightly to stare at him, before looking back at the desk.

"a Mandolorian?.....the hell is that?" Jake whispered to Teesh, leaning over.

"A cult maybe?" The lizard answered in a whisper, sharing Jakes confused gaze.

The girl didnt respond, the Rodian leader quickly grunting out in frustration, pulling out his blaster and pressing it onto her helmet. 

The girl chuckled as she grabbed his wrist, squeezing it, the Rodian was startled at first but began to fire at her, the bolt bouncing off her helmer and striking his chest, with a wheeze the gang leader fell over backwards, smoke coming out his chest. The other Rodians stared at their leader body then back at her, quickly grabbing her amr and yanking her out the seat, she fired a wire from her wrist but it wrapped around one of the Rodians arms, the gangster using it to pull her into an right hook, another ganster kicking her back as the other two grabbed her shoulders and threw her to the ground, stepping on her back.



"Now we help" Teesh got up from his seat snarling, he knew Jake was the quiet type, so he roared out.

"Handssss off" Teesh walked up towards the group, the Rodians chittering as they turned, Jake hopped up behind Teesh, grabbing and aiming his DC-15A Blaster.

"Let her go" Jake let out, well, at least they seemed like a girl, i mean the fact that Jake could very clearly see two small bumps on her chest armor suggested that, plus her grunts when being shoved around were pretty femine.....yeah thats a girl, Jakes thoughts were snapped away when one of the Rodian whipped his pistol out, pointing it Teesh and firing a single blast. The reptile ws quick to move his body out of the way and with a snarl sent three bolts into the Rodian, they got sent a few feet backwards and tumbled into a chair.

Silence followed, as the last two Gangsters did the smart thing and ran out the building, after a few uncomfortable seconds, the music returned and everyone began talking again.

"Damm...people here really dont give a shit" Jake mumbled to himself. The armored girl rose slolwy from his flat posistion on the floor, Jake quickly kneeling down and extending a hand to help, the girl taking it. Once up, Jake could make out her armor better. It was mostly blue, with tints of orange around the corners, the visor was a straight T shape, and many bumps could be seen throughout the armor.

"Thanks....always find myself in these situations" She sighed, rearming her grapple as it zipped back into her wrist piece.

Jake shifted slightly, putting his blaster on his waist "Of course...would be rude to just watch" Jakes words seemed to affectthe mandolorian.

"huh..lucky me" she playfully shoved Jakes arm, the boykinda just staring at her beneath the helemt.

"And you, trandoshan..thanks" 

"No wassss the kidsss idea though" Teesh said, patting the teens back. Jake chuckled nervosuly.

"Well, you have my thanks, may the songs of Mandalore bless your path" She spoke softly.

"Um...i dont your a Mandolorian?"


"So is that like....a race or something?" Jake asked, his head tilting.

"No...its a creed...we follow the way of the Mandalore" she explained, sitting back down at her table. "Sit, let us chat"

Jake and Teesh sat down, the lizard giving a smug look as he waited for Jake to sit first, putting him next to the Mandolorian, he didnt seem to notice this though.

"I didnt catch your names" She asked turning to stare at Jake.

"The names Jake, and this is my pal Teesh" Jake responded happily, removing his helmet, reveal his pale face and messy hair, his brown eyes displaying nervousness. The mandolorian girl paused for a moment, scanning him.

"Well Jake..i am Apperntice Adaline, but just call me Ada cause lets be honest its easier, it is a pleasure to meet you...its hard to find kind souls" She spoke with gratitude, looking at him.

"Well of course....your the first Mandolorian ive ever heard of so apologies if i get some...ya know cultural things wrong" Jake mused with a ligt chuckle, Teesh giving an approving nod.

"Dont worry, Mandolorians pride ourselves on our secrecy, it is actually a kind gesture you do not know" She explained, relaxing her posistion against the cushions, one of the server droids heaving away the two Rodian bodies in the background.

"well thats good then" Jake spoke with a smile.

"sssssssssssooo...would like a drink?" Teesh offered, looking back at the two, he was kinda just staring towards the rest of the bar.

"Your new to my culture but my creed cannot be shown to anyone, i havent removed my helmet since i was 6" She explaine calmy, her voice filled with pride.

"oh...thats cool i suppose" Jake said looking at the table before looking back at her helmet visor. "So how old are you know then? Jake asked with geniue curiousity.


"Youve been wearing that thing for 11 years?" Jake asked with bewielderment.

"well im asssssuming sssshe takesssss it off when ssssshes alone" Teesh suggested, the girl looking up at the lizard.

"thats right...its not so bad i must admit" Silence followed as the three kinda just sat there, Teesh observing the bar, and Jake fumbling his hands together .

"So what brings you here...Jake?" Ada asked, putting her elbows upon the desk, holding her head as she turned towards Jake.

"Well we were looking for work, repair work, im pretty good at that and some credits" Jake strained his voice, his mind questioned what was going on.

"Well lucky you, my ship could use some repairs, i must warn its a larger vessel" Ada spoke, standing up and shimming out of the table pocket, Jake also getting up, grabbing his helmet to stand.

"that ssssssoundsss like work" Teesh mused.

"Sure does" Jake said happily. Ada peered at his helmet.

"Nice helmet...cant say im the biggest fan of the battledroid" Adas words cut into Jake, the boys face turning into one of judgement as the group walked outside the bar, stopping nearby outside where the commotion from before had never left.

"You got something against battledroids?" Jake asked, looking at her as he turned to face Ada fully.

"Well that depends on if there trying to kill me or not...and the ones ive met have" 

"Well.....thats fair" Jake admitted, not like Ada was going to see the others...right?

Ada just laughed "your bad you dont swear the would make a fine ally"

"Well i could use more allies, do i have to be Mandolorian?" Jake asked, putting his helmet on.

" you do not Jake" Ada walked away afterwards, stopping after a few steps and turning around, causing Jake to jump, he had been staring at her jetpack.

"You coming" she asked softly.

"Coursssssssse we are"


The droids had shut themselves down a while ago, the clones were playing Sabac in the corner, a gift from Jakes gambler friend Lando. Nothing has happned, a few talks here and there, ominous staring from the Droidekka, typical Rusty jumpiness but otherwise nothing. Jammer played a card as he heard banging coming from outside.

"Jammer, check it out, we dont want anyone stealing"

"with pleasure" Jammer mused hoping to kick someones ass for touching their ship. The droids were waken up by Barren just in case, Tac giving the clone his thanks.

Mute, Barren, Clank and the Droidekka hid within the storage area, squeezed uncomfortably, as Rusty, Tac and Jammer opened the doors, RUsty staying hidden behind the closed doors.

"Alright....Find the source" Tac stated, ignroing the stares from passer byers.

"Uttini!!" Tac turned around as a small figure jumped from atop the LAAT.

"What the?" Jammer let out as the Jawa threw a wrench at him, it knocking Jammer backwards.

"Halt!" Rusty appeared, only for the jawa to screech and fire its stun blaster at him, the B1 convulsing as electricty coursed through it, Rusty falling over in a ball of smoke, the Jawa turning to Tac who attempted to stomp on them, the Jawa rolling out of the way and fire three shots into the tactical droid, Tac falling over and being dragged away by more Jawas who arrived at the scene. Jammer shook his head and sat up, aiming his blaster and firing, nailing a Jawas back, killing them, before the rest escaped down a allyway.

Jammer ran inside and slammed the doors closed as a confused Rusty stumbled to his feet. Jammer shoved open the storage doors.

"Call Jake! they took Tac!!"


so this chapter may have many grammer errors due to language issues on my computer, so if you find any i havent, please lemme know :)

thanks for da support and adiosssssssssssss