Rumble in the Tunnel

sorry for the wait :)


Jake and Teesh followed the girl towards her vessel, passing by several customers, some familiar others not. Jake had really only been exposed to Humans, Trandoshans, and Geonosians, he didnt even know what those things at the bar were, some weird looking frog thing, according to Ada, they were Rodian, either way, ugly ass beings was all Jake would see them as. Jakes comm link started to beep, activating it he asked what was wrong.

"Whats going on?" Jake paused his steps, both Adaline and Teesh stopping to stare.

"Sir! Uh um..we! i dont know!! someone took Tac and hurt the ship!" Rustys voice crackled through the comm, Jakes eyes widened.

"Is that a battledroid?" Ada asked with a confused stare.

Jake completly ignored her "Teesh we have to go back and save Tac!"

"Agreed kid" Teesh nodded, swiftly grabbing his weapon.

"Oh um" Jake paused "Sorry but we might come back later" Ada stared for a moment.

"If i help you get this friend back..will it cover my ships repairs" Jakes mind flashed by the option, i mean he had enough droids and clones, but he didnt know how many people or things took Tac, not to mention a few of his friends would have to stay and protect the LAAT, and the Credits meant nothing compared to his friends safety.

"Deal, ready to help miss jetpack girl?" Jake asked with a snark reply, he was suprsingly good at giving quips during dire situations, probably got it from Rusty.

She scoffed "Course i am scrap boy" She said pulling out two wester pistols, following the scrambling boy as he broke into a sprint.

Rusty walked towards the others, "I just contacted Jake"

"Good" Mute spoke up "for now we have to gear up so we can charge with him once he arrives" 

"I know where he went, probably a hoard of them down there tho" Jammer informed, crossing his arms. "plus, those little buggers are known for being the Anti droid type"

"Irrelevant, i will crush them beneath my foot" Clank responded in a gurgling voice.

Barren gave a nervous chuckle "you do that"

Banging on the outside door caught there attention, as it opened Jake hopped in, Teesh right behind will Ada stood outside. Mute Barren eyed the Mandolorian, stepping backwards.

"Clones!" Ada yelled grabbing Jake and using her jetpack to throught both of them to cover behind the LAAT.

"AAAAAAAA what the fuck are you doing!!!" Jake yelled, throwing his arms about.

" not again" Adaline breathed harshly, dropping her weapons, as they clattered to the floor.

Jake stepped back slightly "Hey hey they are friends, i met them a while back" She didnt respond as her body began to shiver, through the helmet, her eyes stay fully widened and watering, staring into the void.

Jake was stunned, he didnt like her reaction, but she was obviously not ok, Rusty and Teesh were quick to show up, people already giving stares to the B1. Jake raised his arm as the B1 slowly put his blaster down, he was no therapist, as a matter a fact, he had barely had any living friends, so he was used to helping people. He watched as her breahting was shallow and quick, he felt bad, horrible even, so he did the only thing he that cheered people up, a hug.

Jake cautiously stepped forwards and hesitantly put his arms around the cold armor, his head floating above her left shoulder. The mando stopped shivering within a few seconds, her arms quickly going around Jake, causing him to tense up. She took a breath in, breathing out to calm herself down, she took a step back as their arms plopped down, Teesh watched amused as Rusty was still cautious. 

Ada stared at Jake, the boy giving a nervous stare, his chest felt weird, like an itch, but he ignored it. Ada nodded, before looking at Teesh and Rusty.

" apolgies, lets find your friend"

"Thanks" Jake quipped, jogging back into the LAAT, Mute and Jammer were seen patting Barrens back, Clank just standing there next to the Droidekka, Ada, Teesh and Jake shuffling inside, Ada last as she needed to be get her blasters.

"Jake, Jammer can lead you to the Jawa" Mute spoke, leaving Barren to stand by the teen.

"Jawa?" Jake let out confused.

"That makess sssense, damm things love scrap" Teesh snarled.

"Kinda like you Jake" Rusty let out, Jake giving him a deadpan look.

"Alright alright..where too" Ada asked, Jammer brows furrowed as he turned to Jake.

"Follow me kid" Jammer pulled out his blaster and ran towards the ally, Teesh and Ada followed, Jake turning back for a moment.

"Rusty, Racket!" Jake yelled slamming his helmet on. "With me"

The B1 ran over, the Droidekka letting out an intimidating buzz as it rolled past Jake to follow Jammer.

"Clank defend the ship, Mute take care of barren" Said clone being on the floor hyperventilating, both nodded.

Jammer awaited the other within the alleyway, Teesh, Jake, Racket, Ada, and Rusty soon arriving, all trying their best not to be noticed. Jammer put his helmet on, putting a finger over his to be quiet. as much as they tried, two droids, a clone, a kid and a lizard aren't the quietest, but either way nothing happened as they walked. It was gloomy, a dark feeling waved about, trash cans and scrap metal littered everywhere, past Jake would've thrown this stuff onto his cloths near instantly, but he was to worried now. 

Passing a broken fence, Jammer stopped at an intersection, the small alleyway led to a left turn that only went a few meters before meeting a wall. But at the end of it lay a small stand, with two Jawas atop it chatting, an a sewer entrance beneath them, locked shut.

"I see two enemies to the left" Jammer looked back, Jake and other all pressed against the wall, expect for Racket, who kind of just stood there. Before Jake could speak, Clank laid a hand on his shoulder, the boy turning his head up to the droid.

"Trust me" Clank uttered in a deep voice, he stepped forwards and around the corner. Jake stared at him, "trust me" echoed into his head, a smile placing itself on Jake without him knowing, he needed that.

"Hunya!" one Jawa yelled out, the other scrambling around a pile to grab his stun blaster, junk cluttering all around. Clanks footsteps were heavy as he walked towards them, one Jawa grabbed the key and fumbled trying to open the sewer entrance to flee. 

Clank grabbed the Jawas back hood and lifted him up. The small being slowly raising its hands as it dangled several feet above the ground, the other Jawa firing at Clank, the droid grunting and throwing the Jawa in his hands across the alleyway, it passing by Jake and others smashing into the wall, a blood splatter making a disgusting squelch as the Jawa fell to the floor dead.

Jake stared at it with a surprised look, but mostly a proud one. Teesh just scoffed as Rusty looked at it, aiming and firing a blaster bolt into the Jawas dead body.

"Why?..." Adaline asked confused, Jake looking at her.

"Just in never know" The B1 explained, his voice crackling.

"Nyeta!" The Jawa yelled as Clank kicked it, the Jawa falling several feet away and the blaster flying out of his hands, before the creature could babble Clank placed a foot upon its head quickly crushed it, walking back to Jake, the droids foot drenched in crimson blood, a bone fragment still atatched.

"Oh...dear" Ada let out, lowering her guns slightly.

"Thats brutal, even for me" Jammer said with a nervous chuckle, Clank turned his body towards them.

"Your opinion is irrelevant...Manufactures protocol states, Assign commander, uphold orders, protect the Commander"

Jake shook his head slightly "Sorry he isn't trying to be rude, he's a nice guy trust me" Jake patted Clanks chest twice. "Aint that right" Clank didnt respond, just staring for a moment, lifting an arm to do a thumbs up, one Jake returned.

"Fair enough" The girl reasoned, Jammer shrugging his shoulders. The group followed Jake as they approached the Sewer entrance, the atmosphere still weird, almost a slimy feeling to it. Clank ripped off the hatch, Racket waddling forwards, shoving Jammer out of the way with its body, the Clone just scoffing.

"Wanna cause a Racket, Racket?" Jake amused face was hidden behind the helmet, but that didnt stop Jammer, Ada and Teesh to slowly turn their heads towards him, Rusty just looking at Clank and shrugging, the B2 barely moving.

"Really" Jammer gave a disappointed stare. 

Jake sighed "yeah yeah....jokes are the only things that keep me sane" Jake gave a fake laugh to himself, Teeshes eyes looking at him, the lizards leather jacket swayed loosely upon him, his gaze was eerie in a way, but caring. 

The Droidekka made no response, curling into a ball and tumbling down the ladder, landing on the floor with a loud crash, Jake and Rusty peaked over to see Racket uncurl and begin to open fire at seemingly nothing, the blaster bolts flying and shining the small sewer tunnel in red, only a distance "Utinni!" was heard before the Droidekka stopped entirely, and stood there. 

"Well, must be clear" Ada chimed in.

"Letsss check" Teesh smirked, Jake didnt even have to wait to know exactly what he was going to do.

"Wai-" to late, Teesh shoved a crouched Rusty into the hole, the B1 yelping as it clanked down, smashing its head against the ladder and doing a full spin mid air before landing on his backpack.

"oww-www..." Rusty rubbed his head "That was rude!" he yelled, pointing at the chuckling lizard.

Jammer chuckled along, Ada eyeing him, Jammer noticing and giving her an uneasy glare, the Mandalorian shuffling back slightly. Despite all this, Jake was the first to heave himself down the ladder, the other following, Jake hopping the last few steps and aiming his blaster down the dark hallway, five dead Jawas lay obliterated across the floor. The area was damp, trash littered everywhere, and other than the make shift chairs and lights made by presuming the Jawas, it was an empty concrete tunnel, with bits of the Asteroid sticking from the walls. 

"Nice job Racket, stay here and defend the entrance" Jake ordered, giving a thumbs up, Racket not moving.

"Forwards" Clank grumbled, raising up and arm and marching, Rusty following behind. Jake walked slightly crouched, his scrap shirt swaying, his stared through his helmet, it was hard to see from, but worth the protection, the boy held the blaster with on hand, and the other held R4s eye.

Ada noticed this, the other were used to it, and the droids didnt really know what it was like. She was confused, and extremely curious, she told her she would ask later, and removed her glance from Jake and back forwards. Teesh didnt bother to crouch, he walked casually with his heavy blaster laying lazily in his hands, Jammer walked more professionally, peaking corners and being more alert, only matched by Ada.

Eventually, they came upon a large area around a bend, noise filled their ears and receptors as Jawas yelled and talked, it was a makeshift camp, a fire, seats, stands all made of trash and rubbish, the Jawas themselves were drinking a disgusting yellow substance, But Jakes eyes quickly found their mark, Tac. 

The droid lay deactivated, but seemingly fine, tied up and sat down against the wall.

"They probably think your friend is worth more alive" Ada told Jake, bumping him with her shoulder.

"Well that's insulting" Rusty quipped.

"Yeah well..if they didnt think that Tac would scrap by now" Jake said turning to peer at the camp, Rusty letting out an "oh" in response. 

"Jake, i say we charge them, we overpower them significantly and cover is available" Clanks voice was lower, but still sounded like it came from the back of its imaginary throat. 

"i agree with the hunk of metal" Jammer replied, stretching his back. "Weve got this" 

Ada stared at jammer, her helmet clearing pointed at him, Jake pat her shoulder, their faces hidden by their helmets, but his intention clear, she nodded.

"Alright, rush tactics it is" Jake stood, gripping his blaster.

"Oh finally, i needed this" Teesh growled as he licked his teeth. 

"You have my full permission to make this as painful as possible, they deserve it" Jake voice was darker than normal, and he clutched R4s eye before letting it go. 

"Roger Roger" Both droids let out, the only difference being Clank low chuckle.

The group turned the corner, Jake and Ada diving behind a pile of bins and pipes, the Mando using her jetpack, Teesh and Jammer crouching behind a few large pieces of sheet metal, while Clanks stood out in the open, along side Rusty who stood behind him. 

"Huiwiee!" a Jawa screeched, the entire group dropping their drinks and pulling weirdly shaped blasters and firing electro bolts at Jake and the others.


"Ikee Uwanna Huat Dlaud!" 

Were among the things yelled out, Jake threw himself up and fired twice, missing, a nervous face splayed on him a ball of electricity flew by him, causing him to duck down. Ada followed up raising herself and firing her pistols, a Jawas stomach getting blown away as her bolt destroyed it. She quickly raised her wrist and fired two small rockets, sending three Jawas into the air, along side puffs a red smoke.

Jake stared at her with a certain admiration. "woah.." Jake considered himself okay with a blaster, but that was just badass. Ada fell down to a squat behind the cover, looking at Jake.

"You going to stare at me or fight?" Jake leaned back slightly and gave an awkward "heh" before using both hands to aim and land a bolt between a Jawas eyes. Unlike Jakes group, the Jawas had little cover, so they fell like fly's, Clank grunted as two shots sent a wave of electricity into him, but he raised his arms and smashed his fists together, starting to walk forwards while using his arm cannon to blast a Jawa into a wall, their arm breaking off and their neck twisting in the way that tells anyone looking your dead. 

Following suit, Jammer and Jake stood up fired openly at the now fleeing Jawas, they didnt stand much of a chance, and after a few of them died, the other ran away. Normally, Jake would let them leave, not this time. 

He sniped a fleeing Jawa in the back, others falling over dead as the group found their targets, many escaped, but Jake was happy either way. Teesh was the first to walk up to Tac, cutting his crude ropes and dragging the droid behind cover, the Tactical Droid eyes lit on and off glitching, Jake, Rusty and Teesh stood by the woozy droid, Ada staring into the distance, Jammer doing the same, Clank just standing there.

"You feel it too?" Ada asked Jammer, the clones helmet barely moving to look at her.

" surprised you do" He scowled.

Annoyed Ada just sighed "Typical, wither way, it doesn't feel right"

Jake dropped in hearing the talk "What do you mean"

"Jawas are persistent, they don't normally run, especially leaving all of this behind" Ada spoke, her pistols still drawn as she scanned the direction the Jawas had fled.

"I hate to say it....but she's right" Jammers insult was ignored by Jake, the boy nodded, thanked them and went to the others.

"Lets leave, they might come back"

"S-s-sir s-issir" tacs voice crackled as the droid turned to stare at him.

"You good buddy?" Rusty squeaked.

"Af-f-af-firmative..voi-voicebox, opti-ti-timal"

"Well its better than death" Teesh chimed in, shrugging his shoulders, Jake giving a look of agreement.

"Agreed" Clank hummed.

A loud nosie echoed through the sewer, Jammer and Ada stepping back, readying their blasters.

"Da-da-anger-r" Tac let out.

"Danger...i dont see any Danger?" Rusty squeaked, turning around shrugging his shoulder, pausing.


"Yes Rusty-.." Jake paused as he got up, staring at the demolshed Jawa camp, there stood a huge droid, hulking with two large arms and two smaller ones on its waist, it looked like Clank, but massive. Jawas rid on its back thrilling and yelling, the massive droid let out a buzz and smashed its fists together, Jammer lowered his blaster with disbelief.

"What....the fuck" Jammer let out.

"What issssssthat thing!" Teesh screeched.

"I don't know, I've only heard stories" Jammer started to rapidly take steps backwards, Teesh stopping him with one hand.

"Well tell us!" Jake exclaimed, holding his with both hands.

"Its a B3, i don't know much, mostly cause anyone who's seen one hasn't lived" Jammer lowered his blaster, "its over kid..."

Jake hand gripped his blaster firmly.

"I for one am not going to make R4s sacrifice useless!" Jake talked sternly, Jammer looking up at him, Teesh and the other listening as they huddled behind cover.

"HEY!! FUCK YOU!!!!!" Jake screamed peaking over some rubble, shoving his middle finger into the air, the large droid raised its armed and fired a huge blast, slamming into the rubble, sending concrete into the air.

Jake grunted angrily "Hey Jammer"

The clone looked over at him, removing his gaze from the floor.

"Your a clone aren't you?" Jake asked.

"Yeah.." Jammer asked with some confusion.

"Then fight like one!"

Jakes words set something off in Jammer, with a yell he stood up and used one hand to fire at the droid, the bolts bouncing off, until one hit a Jawa on top, it falling several meters to the floor.

"Get those Jawas!" Ada yelled, her jetpack spurting as she flew up.

"For Jake!!!" Rusty yelled, Followed by Clank as they ran out of cover and at the large droid. Jake hopped over the rubble as another blast came from the B3, flying over his head and making a crater in the floor, shaking the tunnel, Jammer sighed, hiding a smile as he ran out, Tac sitting behind cover, watching since he didnt have a blaster.

Ada flew around the large droid as she dodged its arm as the B3 tried to smack her, Rusty fired several times into the droids body, getting pulled out of the way by Teesh when the B3 tried to step on him, Jammer and Jake ran up to the B3s right side and fired at the Jawas, who held a variety of scrap metal to try and cover themselves in vain, four fell off dead as the B3 turned towards the two.

The Jawas atop threw metal and droid parts at the group, a Protocol droid head clanging against Teeshes shoulder, the lizard growling and blasting the Jawa who did it, the Jawa next looking to where his friend was and raising its hands, only to be blasted away with a screech. Jake fired at the B3s knees and Jammer tried to hit its face, the droid moving an arm to cover itself, Jake bolts bounced off harmlessly, so he scanned the droid, spotting a piece of metal clearly added by Jawas, smirking, he fired at it and it detached from the B3, exposing some wiring.

"hey guys loo-" Jake was cut off as a Jawa threw sheet metal at him, running away with his hands over his head Jake turned around and blasted the exposed spot on the droids leg, it burst into flame, the B3 letting out a low grumbling grunt. Ada flew behind the B3, aiming her pistols and killing off the remaining Jawas, their bodies showering the floor, she landing atop the droids head and tried to fire at it, her bolts doing nothing. Clank tried to push the B3s inured, hoping to topple it over, but the hulking droid took a step back, Clank just standing their as the B3 front kicked the B2 several meters away, crashing into the floor and skidding a few feet.

"Friend!??!!" Rusty screeched in his typical tone, ceasing blaster fire to turn and run towards Clank, not fast enough though, as the B3 quickly reached out and grabbed the droids leg, raising him up into the air.

"NNIAAAAAAAAAAAAAJHHHGHH" Rusty panicked, firing twice at the droid, doing nothing.

"Hold on scrap bucket!" Jammer ran up dropping his blaster and climbing up the B3s right leg, pulling out a knife and shoving it into the joint, it sparked and exploded, sending the Clone to the floor, Jake running over and kneeing down to check on him. The B3 groaned and its metal creaked as it fell on on knee, dropping Rusty, who scrambled to his feet, running away to Clank, who was sat up on the floor.

Teesh fired at the Droids head, causing a few dent due to his heavier rifle, Ada flying be him and floating Infront of the B3 using her flame thrower, it roaring to life as the droids right arm caught fire, the B3 shook its arm in a panic.

He fired at the droid to get its attention, the B3 stopped caring about the fire, and even as Ada, Teesh and Jammer firing, it clearly held a grudge against the teenager.

"Come and get me you fucktard! your metal looks like it was fucked by a WOOKIE!!" Jake insulted, firing another shot just to be sure, it clinging off the B3, as it grunted in anger, it slowly rose its right arm as its left arm continued to burn.

"What is doing!?" Ada asked landing next to Teesh as the B3 ignored their presence.

"trusssssssst me, not even he knowssssss, but it'll work" Teesh said, putting his weapon and putting his hands behind his head, Adas helmet gave him a judging look.

" met him today, trussssssst me, i know the kid"

Ada sighed softly.

The B3 aimed its right arm at Jake, its two cannons glowing as it charged up a shot, Jake breathed in...then out. he took of his helmet, dropping it to floor, aiming his pistol forwards, closing one eye.

"Eat shit"

Jake fired, the bolt flew into the air, glowing the surrounding in blue, the bolt slamming into the B3s hand cannon with a thonk noise. The droid let out a curious "hmm" as its arm imploded, the metal splintering and shattering as the chain reaction blew open the right side of the droids body, it shaking the entire tunnel, the force of it sending the clearly dead B3 flying a few feet backwards, falling on its back. Jake lowered his weapon with a look of disbelief onto his face, Ada was quick to fly over as the other cautiously approached, making sure there were no threats left.

"that was....a nice shot" Ada said, still slightly wondering how he evben did it.

"Thanks...i have no idea what happened" Jake shrugged his shoulders, clipping his pistol to his shorts, Rusty and Clank walked up, as did Teesh and Jammer, followed lastly by Tac.

"That's was an impressive display sir" Tac compliment.

"Woah, i didnt even know you could say nice things" Jammer joked, Tac turning to stare at him.

"Do not push me clone" Tac said sternly, the Clone just chuckling along side Teesh.

" proud" Clanks deep voice dragged Jakes attention.

"Me too sir!" Rusty yelped in the B1s stereotypical tone.

"hehehheh....thanks was just luck" Jake reasoned.

"Luck my asssssssssss, your a good shot kid"

"I agree with the reptile" Ada smirked beneath her helmet.

"an i agree with the Mandalorian" Jammer turned to meet Adas surprised gaze through her helmet. "Your not that bad" 

Ada scoffed "Neither are you clone"

Jake just smiled, and he kept smiling as they walked all the way back to Racket, who didnt appear because Tacs call for help was declined, as Jakes was higher in its programming as a leader, so his orders to stay surpassed Tacs for help, Jake told himself to fix it when he could. The group slowly climbed back out, Clank awkwardly shoving itself back outside, and Teesh pushing up Racket who was curled up, as Ada used her jetpack and a rope to pull it up. Eventually, everyone was back in the alleyway, and not only that, Jakes and Teeshes pocket were filled with credits, both of them had engaged their scavenger instincts and grabbed almost all the credits the Jawas had stolen, both of them laughing to each other the whole time, gloating about their luck, they needed this sort of happiness. 

It didnt take long for them to get back to Jakes ship, the Forge was quiet, dark and eerie, no one wandered the path and the lights had shut off, the area only dimly lit by a distant sun, Jake stared up for most of the trip to his vessel, enjoying the beauty of space, he had always been scared of it, such emptiness, it at times reminded him of the droids surprisingly, so full of emotion, yet so empty. 

As promised, Jake, Teesh and Rusty made their way to help Ada fix her ship, while the rest stayed on the ship, Jammer encouraging the other Clones that this Mandalorian is alright, and Tac repairing Clank from the huge kick he received, while Racket did what he does best.

Stand there.

Ada owned a Komrk class ship, Jake had only heard about them, it was larger than the LAAT, and was also classed as a troop transport, it was colored Black and grey, and Jake was able to quickly fix it with her and Teeshes help, what was Rusty doing, well he running away from rats...thats what. Jake did noticed that Ada would glance at him as he worked, even though it was hard to tell through her helmet, it was still obvious, the boy didnt know what to think of it, guess she must have liked his shirt, or his helmet, she did seem confused about it, either way he didnt really know.

The day ended peacfully for once, no Empire, no nasty Jawas, no random criminals, Ada was staying the night at the forge, sleeping in her ship, and after spouting some stuff about a Creed, and needing to adventure to complete her appericantice blah blah blah she decided to join Jake, much to the dismay of the Clones, the boy knew he would have to talk to the 3 copied humans later, but for know he welcomed the new member, she instantly became a favorite among the droids, and Teesh enjoyed her snarky attitude.

As she left the LAAT and waved to Jake, the teen giving an awkward wave back, the LAATs doors closed, and it didnt take long for silence to follow, the Clone huddled up peacefully snoring, the Droids shut off in a different corner, no longer in their original position, but splayed out more naturally, Jake curled into a ball clinging to R4s eyes, and Teesh sleept in the cock pit. The only who didnt sleep was Racket, who assigned himself to guard duty, the Droidekka didnt know why, but he didnt want to loose Jake, not again, not another friend.

As Jake slept, he was completely unaware of the plan he would formulate tomorrow, one that would require trust between now three waring factions, Droids, Clones, and Mandalorians, but also trust in himself, for after all, where he's going to tomorrow...

He's just another spec in the sand.

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