A Dead Rat Under The Stars

"Hey Kent, shoot that guy manning the machine gun."



A white haired girl suddenly emerged from the wall she was hiding in when the head of the guy who keeps shooting at her suddenly blew up. "Nice shot." She utters to the mini walkie-talkie placed on her ears.

The girl then grabs the pistol on her hip and kicks the door next to the dead guy who was manning the machine gun earlier. She then entered the room very swiftly, making the four men inside panic and begin shooting all over the place. As the men inside tried to position their guns toward her, it was already too late, as she was already aiming for their heads. The girl fired four shots, hitting all of the men inside the room.

As the four men simultaneously fell down on the floor, the girl quickly headed to the next room without any sign of stopping. On the building where the girl inside is currently on a rampage, there is a parking lot next to it where a black haired man is proning with a sniper in his hands.

"Two men that's holding rifles are in the hallway, running towards that room where you are." he then said.

The girl inside the building immediately looked at the door at the entrance of the room she's in and pointed her gun, patiently waiting for the two men to arrive, when suddenly she was surprised by a spray of bullets coming from the wall next to her instead.

The girl quickly dodged it all. She then said, "Whoa, is that ZARs?" to the walkie-talkie in her ears.

"I think so. It's very hard to see what guns they are using up here because of the darkness." Kent replied through the radio.

"But based on the piercing sounds it makes after it shoots, those are indeed ZARs." Kent added as he shot the two men firing at the wall of the room where the girl is.

"Alright they are down." He then said while reloading his sniper.

"Thanks." she said and quickly ran toward the hallway where the corpses of the two men were and took one of the ZARs on the floor. She then began talking on her walkie-talkie again.

"So how close am I?" She asked through the radio.

"Very close, just right down the hall, and you're there." He replied.

"Unfortunately, that area is way out of my sight; I wouldn't be able to shoot anyone in that area. Do you want me to come down there?" Kent added.

"No, stay up there and guard my back; enemy reinforcements might come here soon, and it looks like this whole building has only two people left now anyway." She answered back.


The girl walked towards the end of the hall while holding the rifle with her two hands. As she began to approach more closely to the end of the hall, the smile on her face also began widening. And the more she walked, the more the door at the end of the hall was revealed.

At the end of the hall, there are no more enemies nor guns in sight except for the one the girl is holding; instead, there is just a wooden orange door. The girl slowly opened the door with such respect and walked inside the room. Behind the door is a desk, and behind that desk is a bald old man.

The old man is in his sixties, wearing a ragged black suit and ragged grey pants that have the same line pattern. He is leaning on the desk in front of him as he rests his head on his hands. The old man didn't make any gestures or movements; he just simply stared at the girl who is just standing next to the door.

The old man suddenly sighed and said, "What? Are you just going to stand there like a fool? Take a seat, Clara." He spoke.

The girl took a seat on the other side of the desk and just simply stared at the old man. "I hope you know why I'm here." she said.

"Hmm, no. I have no idea why you just suddenly barged in here and started shooting my men." the old man answered.

"Hey, it's not me who started that shootout. It's your men who started it. I just want to talk to you peacefully, but they all want to put me on the floor. Well, look who's on the floor now!" she said as she laughed maniacally.

Clara then suddenly stops and stares at the old man once again. She then leans towards the desk, places her hands on the desk, and rests her head on her hands, copying what the old man is doing.

She then smiled and said, "Let's get to business, father."

"Father, I, Clara K. Ellison, want to be free. I sent a letter to you two months ago when I'm currently in the Bo district, but you just ignored it, so I decided to head here in, Kallison, just to talk to you," she said with a smile and flames on her eyes, lighting up the darkness inside the room.

The old man stopped leaning on the desk and took a look at the ceiling of the room. "Tsk, I really don't get it, Clara. Why you want to leave this family? I gave all of my love to you and everything, and your just going to leave me alone here!? your just going to left me to rot here in the darkness like a dead rat? It's really a shame. I wonder where I failed. You're my best soldier after all. Now I wonder where I can get new soldiers that are just as strong as you." the old man said.

Clara slammed the desk so hard that it almost broke. She then stood up and shouted, "That's where you failed! You only think of me as a tool! You never think about your real family, only the made-up one! Hell, I'm sure you never even think of me as your daughter, instead just the girl who can make your business successful! You just want your shitty business to grow! You only think about money and power and all of this crap. I can't believe my mother died for you." right at her father's face.

She then took a break after being exhausted because of the shouting she did, while her father was just staring at her, stunned by her words. Clara then looked towards the door behind her and said, "I'm out of here; I quit." as she wiped her face with her hands.

"I will also bring Kent with me." She added while she leaves the room.

The old man tried to speak up, but he can't, he stop, and just watch Clara leave that room. 

Clara then talk to her walkie-talkie once again and said, "Kent, let's get out of here."