A New Friend

After the Kallison shootout, Clara and Kent went back to the Bo district after finally getting their freedom from the hands of the family. They instantly head to their personal hideout, a medium-sized house. The house has everything they need: a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms perfect for the two, and last but not least, a living room where they can watch the news on their very own holographic television.

The two immediately head toward their own respective beds and rest there for the whole night because tomorrow a new work will come.

"Keeeeent, wake up now! Today we are going to look for work, remember?" Clara shouted towards Kent, who was having a deep sleep as she walked inside his room.

"Already? It's still 6 in the morning; let me have more sleep, boss." Kent spoke as he watched Clara head towards him.

"No." Clara grinned.

Kent quickly stood up and went to the bathroom to give himself a wash on his own face. He then headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast for them to eat before they headed outside.

30 minutes later, after finishing eating their breakfast, they both went back to their bedrooms and dressed properly for their upcoming early morning trip to the Bo District. It was all quickly interrupted when suddenly, someone outside the house rang the doorbell.

"Oh! That must be her, Kent. Open the door and let her in, and don't bring any guns; you're going to scare her off." Clara shouted as she was still dressing herself in her own bedroom.

Without any hesitation, Kent immediately opened the door. He was then met with a face he had never seen before. A short girl with red bunned hair and amber eyes that have the same temperature as her hair. With her height and her school uniform-like clothes, Kent is now wondering why a girl in junior high is visiting his boss.

Kent moves his eyes toward the girl, examining her, while the girl is just there, standing and looking at Kent's face as her entire body shivers in fear. Currently, the girl is looking at a tall, black-haired guy who has those eyes that will eat you like a snake will.

"Please come in." Kent said with a kind smile, removing the tension around him.

The girl simply nodded and walked inside the house. It was her first time inside this house, so as every normal person will do, she immediately took a look around the house, but what captured her eyes the most was not what was on the house but that shining, luxurious necklace that was placed around Kent's neck.

After the Separation, this type of necklace cannot be seen around Bo district or any place near it anymore. Due to her intense curiosity, she ate her own distress and confidently said, "W-where you got that n-necklace? S-sir?"

Kent looked at the necklace, and said, "Oh, this? it's a gift from a friend.." 

After hearing his answer, the girl then quickly asked another question, "That seems like a v-very expensive n-necklace, what type of metal was it made of?"

Kent scratches his head and answers with a shrug. "I have no idea." he says.

When the girl was going to speak up once again, she was suddenly interrupted by Clara, who had just finished dressing up. Clara immediately shouted the mysterious girl's name, "Viena! Good morning!"

The girl immediately took a look at her back when she heard her own name. She saw Clara, who is currently wearing a fully black formal suit with a black tie that was placed on her chest, which all fit perfectly with her long white hair.

Viena replied to her with a wave, "Good morning, Ms. Clara." She then said as she watched Clara run towards her with her hands reaching out toward Viena as if she was about to hug her very tightly...

"Kyaaaaaa!! It's been a long time since I saw you, Viena!! You're still as cute as ever!" Clara yelled as she indeed hugged Viena very tightly.

"I-it's good to see you too, Ms. C-Clara!" Viena said as she wiggled her hands on her sides, hoping for someone to saved her from this hug of death.

"Come on, Clara, you're hugging her very tightly, let her off now." Kent said to Clara while casually pulling Clara away from Viena.

After a while of pulling, the three finally sat down on the couch in the living room of the house. There, Clara introduced Viena to Kent. "Kent, this is Viena, the friend I made when I was on Barbarossa."

"And Viena, this is Kent; he's a sniper." Clara added.

"Thank you for that very detailed introduction about me, Clara. Anyway, I got a question. What is she doing here?" Kent asked Clara as he crossed his arms, expecting a good answer from Clara.

Clara's eyes suddenly widened up, as if she were expecting this question from Kent. She then leaned toward Kent and whispered right in his ears, "A new teammate."

"What?!" Kent shouted.

"Wait, wait,wait a damn minute, Clara, we can't add a kid with us, this is a serious business, no way a kid will survive here!" Kent stated.

Clara simply smiled and calmly said, "It may not look like it, but she is also a soldier like us; she exceeds in medium-range combat; she's very good at using rifles; Viena is also very intelligent; she graduated from Arkana College, of course, the poor one."

After hearing Clara's answer, Kent immediately took a closer look at Viena. Kent's sharp stares at Viena made her very uncomfortable, making her anxiety go up in the sky once again.

Clara noticed the discomfort Viena was showing, so without hesitation, she quickly pushed Kent back to the couch and hid his face by blocking it with her hands.

"Can you stop looking at her like a pervert, Kent?" she yelled at him as she kept hiding Kent's face.

"I'm not! I'm just examining her to see if she is actually a college graduate, because if you look closely, there is no damn way she is indeed a college graduate!" Kent replied to her while trying to remove Clara's hands from his face.

"You don't believe me!? Then go ask her yourself." Clara said. She then removed her hands from Kent's face, allowing Kent to ask Viena.

"Alright.." he said. He then took a look back at Viena and said, "Age?"

"Twe-twenty-two.. I'm currently twenty-two," Viena replied as she held her hands together.

"what" Kent suddenly blurted out.

"Your older than us! what the hell." He then added.

 "See." Clara said with a smirk on her face as she faces Kent.