Another Exciting Job

"Hey, Boss, I thought we were going to look for a job. Then what are we doing here right in the middle of the grand market!?" Kent shouted towards Clara as he noticed that something was very wrong.

"Worry not, my faithful servant! I will find the way back to the alleyway immediately!" Clara replied as she took a look around her vicinity, but it was all for nothing because all she could see was a large crowd of people blocking her view.

"Are you serious?" he said, sighing. He was then suddenly interrupted when he felt that someone was pulling the black jacket he was wearing. Kent quickly looked at where that pull was coming from; it was from Viena, who was just standing behind him.

"What is it Ms. Viena?" He asked to her.

"Uhh, T-the way is there." Viena replied, pointing towards her right, where you can see the sun hiding behind the big concrete walls and the entrance of the grand market.

Kent looked at it and aggressively patted Clara, who was still looking at the big crowd in front of her. "What is it, Kent? I'm busy here!" Clara said, denying looking toward him.

"Ms. Viena have found the way out boss." Kent replied.

"Where!" Clara yelled as she quickly faced Kent. Kent pointed at the way out and said, "There." Clara instantly ran toward the direction at which Kent was pointing; she then yelled, "Come on!" at the two behind her.

Viena and Kent pursued Clara towards the entrance of the grand market. When they finally reached the entrance, they suddenly stopped. Clara stood straight there and examined the place. She took a look at the street in front of her and quickly gazed at the two alleyways on the right and left sides of the street.

"There!" Clara yelled, pointing at the left alleyway on the street, and quickly took off toward there. The alleyway is dark, and it's because the two buildings surrounding it are not allowing the sun to go through.

The alleyway was your typical alleyway, full of garbage, stinky, dark, and full of stray cats who were eating the leftovers in one of the garbage bags. Not a moment later, the ravens above the sky joined them too.

After a while of walking around the alleyway, they finally stopped when they noticed a red door on one of the buildings. Without any hesitation, Clara immediately opened the door and walked in carelessly.

Inside is a bar; the place was pretty quiet since it was still morning, except for the men who were already drinking their booze on one of the tables. Near them is a jukebox playing some old music. One of the men stood up and headed toward the jukebox. He then put his right hand at the top of the jukebox where there is a handprint scanner. He then said, "Play ~Peak Of The Mountain~" towards the jukebox, and instantly the old jazzy music it was playing suddenly changed into modern music. The jukebox is now playing a rap song.

The man quickly came back to his table while his friends were singing with the jukebox. While Clara ignored them and headed straight towards the bartender, she then smirked and winked at him.

"Can I help you Ma'am?" The bartender blurted out.

"The Menu please." Clara said as she sat on the chair next to the bar counter. Kent and Viena joined her too and sat right next to her.

The bartender immediately went and slipped a paper at the counter. Clara took it and took a good look at it. After a while, she put the Menu back to the counter and said, "I want a cake.." as she pointed at the Menu.

The bartender took the Menu and said, "Right away, you can get your cake back later." to Clara. Clara then stood up and left the bar.

After leaving the bar, Kent immediately turned to Clara and asked her a question: "So what's the job?"

"Were doing an assassination!" Clara replied with an intense excitement on her voice.

"Already? haven't we just started today, and were already doing a high difficulty job?" Viena asked at Clara.

Clara laughed. "Do not worry, Viena, we are professionals." she said. Clara then looked at Kent and said, "Right, Kent?" As his answer, Kent simply nodded.

"Alright, form around me, briefing time!" Clara suddenly shouted, and the two immediately faced her and listened very closely to what Clara was about to say.

"Our target is a man named Alexio T. Bochyurim. The man just arrived here in Bo District; he is a government official that was assigned here to take control of Bo District since the revolution flipped this whole place upside down. This man is currently living on a hotel at the Broom St. Info said the whole hotel is heavily guarded by Alexio's men, and just right next to the hotel is a police department." Clara uttered.

Kent raised his right hand and asked Clara, "Do we have any detailed information about the hotel, like blueprints?"

"Unfortunately, no, we don't have any; since the building was built by the government themselves, those informations are going to be impossible to obtain." Clara replied.

Viena raised her right hand. Clara looked at her and asked, "What is it, Viena?"

"Uh, d-do you have a-any plan?" Viena asked to Clara.

Clara suddenly laughs, she then looked back at Viena and said, "I don't have one..."

Kent sighed. "As expected.. well, it looks like we are going to do another infiltration." He said.

"We need to be silent about it though, since the police are just right next to the hotel, and boy, I don't want them pursuing me. But! We are going to be absolutely fine, since I'm an expert when it comes to stealth, right, Kent?" Clara said as she looked at Kent once again.

"Alright! Let's go to the hotel; we will think about how we are going to infiltrate it when we get there!" Clara shouted as she pointed towards the exit of the alleyway.