A Recurve Bow (2)

Chapter 60: A Recurve Bow (2)

"People feel mana in various ways," Ingrid explained.

Jake's ability to sense mana through resources was mainly found in crafting professions, where players and residents were forced to interact with this energy to receive the best boons.

Talented mages often say they can feel mana flowing in their veins. During the magic revolution—The Dawn Of Mana—those claims had gone out of control, and lots of talents were shoved aside and buried beneath mediocre talents only because they couldn't sense the blue blood.

Perhaps Ingrid had mentioned that because she thought Jake would get that method to his head and think of himself as incapable of properly wielding mana. 

A part of being an archer in the game world included using skills and mana, after all.

Such a thought, however, didn't cross Jake's mind.