A Recurve Bow (3)

Chapter 61: A Recurve Bow (3)

It took Viktor over an hour to fetch an effigy to his workplace.

A few complications and old faces interrupted him, but Viktor had nothing to lose and dealt with them in a way unbecoming of royalty.

That said, he looked pissed.

"Where is she?" Viktor asked Jake upon noticing that Ingrid was gone.

Jake turned around and replied, "Master's gone. She has to walk her dogs and eat supper before six p.m."

"It's already this late?" Viktor looked over his shoulder at the skies through the ajar door. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he could see he was away for a while.

Jake nodded. 

Before Viktor returned, he had been sitting on the floor, lost in thought. 

His Master's challenge was quite difficult. She didn't go easy on him and tested him to the extent so much that Jake's temporary bow broke.