The life of Naruto

"This is the life your family is going to have if everything stays the same. This is why I'm here, look at your destiny." 


When jiraiya said those words the world around Minato and Kushina changed, They were in a strange building, in a room Kushina was lying on a bed with a tired expression, but with a smile on her face, next to her Biwako was holding a blonde baby with whisker marks on her cheeks 


Minato and kushina were amazed by the sight they had. 


"What is this, a genjutsu?" said a confused minato. But the strangest thing they were feeling a feeling that wasn't theirs 



 "No, this is not a genjutsu this is the future that awaits you, no this is the life of your future child. While witnessing the life of your future son you will experience his emotions." Said jiraiya's voice echoing in their ears "Ah, one more thing this is like watching a movie so you won't be able to interact with anyone or change anything." Jiraiya continued 


"Then let's go witness the life of our son." Minato said while looking at Kushina. "That's what it looks like. but dear do you really believe him? Doesn't it seem strange to you that out of nowhere a boy who claims to be our grandson appears and suddenly looks at us and his eyes turn white like byakugan and brings us to this weird space to see the life of our future son, all that in two minutes?"

"Yes, everything has happened very suddenly, but I feel very comfortable with that child it's a feeling I never felt before, since I haven't met my parents, that child feels like family, don't you think so?" Minato said while looking at kushina, to him that child felt like his family he feels he can trust him. "Yes, for some reason he could feel that he is part of my family" Kushina said while smiling at Minato. 


"I'm going to start, this ability consumes a lot of chakra and mental energy so I won't be able to talk to you. Once it starts it's only going to be years before it's over, but don't worry in the real world it's only going to take a second." 


As Jiraiya finished speaking the world began to move, Minato and Kushina watched with happy expressions as the birth of their child unfolded, suddenly a portal appeared in the room a masked man came out of it, the masked man killed Biwako Sarutobi and all the doctors in the room. 


Minato and Kushina witnessed this scene with horror, they saw how the masked man used Naruto as a hostage after that the man ripped the kyubi from Kushina and took him to attack Konoha. After that they watched as Minato fought and defeated the masked man. Minato then using his Hiraishin took the Kyubi, Kushina and Naruto to a forest away from Konoha and prepared to seal the Kyubi into his son. Kushina used her chains to immobilize the Kyubi, but as she was very weak after the removal of the Kyubi and Naruto's birth she was unable to restrain the Kyubi. The Kyubi seeing that it was going to be sealed again and now in a child, attacked the child with its claws, but what it pierced was not a child but pierced two people.

Minato and Kushina watched all this with tears in their eyes, their feelings varied between despair, fear, anxiety, and helplessness for not being able to do anything. They watched as the happiest day of their lives, the day of their son's birth, turned into their worst nightmare. 



Kushina watched as her future version said her last words to Naruto while Minato performed the Shiki Fuin and summoned the Shinigami. The Shinigami split the Kyubi into two parts, one sealed it in Naruto and the other in Minato, it also sealed part of Minato and Kushina's chakra in Naruto. After that they died. 


Kushina and Minato witnessed their own death a disturbing sight, Kushina was crying inconsolably and Minato had a panicked expression as he watched his family crumble a feeling of helplessness came over him as he witnessed that he would not be able to protect his family. 


"Minato" called Kushina in a tearful voice "this is a lie right, this is an illusion, it has to be" as Kushina spoke Minato hugged her tightly "According to what Jiraiya said what we are seeing is the future, I won't let that happen I swear" Minato said sternly. 


For four years Kushina and Minato witnessed the treatment Naruto received, how no wet nurse wanted to breastfeed her child, how he was treated in the orphanage and to top it all off they saw Naruto being kicked out of the orphanage. 

Minato who was watching the scene with sadness, witnessing all that his son is suffering makes him think about his priorities, his future version chose the village over his own family, he chose to sacrifice himself and his son's life to protect the village. The same village that now mistreats his son the boy who was condemned to be a living prison to protect the village. As Minato was lost in his thoughts he felt a chill, when he turned to look at kushina he saw her with white eyes and floating hair a vein was popping out on her forehead. 


"THAT FAT BITCH DARES TO MISTREAT MY BABY, WHEN I SEE HER I WILL RIP HER GUTS OUT AND FEED HER TO THE FISH." Kushina shouted with a furious expression as she unsuccessfully tried to hit the orphanage matron. 


Minato standing next to her had a bead of sweat beading on his forehead as he swallowed dryly. 

Watching Naruto's childhood was torture for them they could feel all his pain. They saw when the villagers beat him on his birthday, when they raised the prices of everything he bought, they saw how the Hiruzen turned a blind eye.

Naruto was a boy that all he wanted was to be accepted by people, he wanted to have friends, he wanted to know how it felt to have a family that loved him. Love an emotion he never felt, his very existence was rejected, he was treated as the worst aberration in history without having done anything to deserve it. 


Kushina and Minato watched as despite everything their son had a pure heart, they watched as Naruto stood up to the thugs beating the Hyuga heiress, even though he came out beaten he was able to stop the thugs. 


Minato looked at the girl's eyes with curiosity, the Byakugan the Hyuga's dojutsu, he remembered that Jiraiya his future grandson had similar eyes. "So this is our daughter-in-law" Minato said with a proud smile at his son for marrying the Hyuga crown princess. "She looks a lot like Hana, I guess she's his daughter. As expected of my son, he conquered the Hyuga princess" Kushina said with a proud smile. 


And so the years went by, they saw how he failed his graduation, but made it later by saving his sensei, they saw his first C rank mission where he faced Zabuza Momochi and Haku, they saw the chunin exams where he faced Orochimaru and Gaara. 


Upon witnessing Hiruzen's death, Minato and Kushina found themselves divided, on one hand he was Minato's mentor someone they trusted with their son's life. But Hiruzen had failed them, he had let their son have a shitty childhood, he let the townspeople beat him, he didn't give him enough money for food and clothes, that made Naruto malnourished and only wearing that Horrible orange jumpsuit. 


The respect they had for Hiruzen faded away turned into contempt, witnessing his death they felt nothing. 


They saw Jiraiya take Naruto to look for Tsunade and how Naruto won her appreciation, then they saw the fight between Naruto and Sasuke where Naruto was defeated. 


They spent many years watching how their son's life went from rescuing Gaara to fighting Pain, then to the fourth ninja war where Naruto managed to bring peace to the shinobi world. They watched their son's wedding to Hinata with a smile and tears in their eyes. After that came the birth of his first grandson who they thought was Jiraiya, but it was Boruto, then Naruto's second son only one year younger than the first Jiraiya Uzumaki. After that the birth of Himawari Uzumaki. 

Five years passed, Naruto and Hinata were standing in front of Jiraiya who had itchy eyes. 


"Mom, my eyes itch" said Jiraiya while scratching his eyes. 


Naruto and Hinata worriedly told him "Don't scratch them Jiraiya, let me look at you" Naruto said as he bent down to look closely at Jiraiya. "Can you open your eyes?" 


When Naruto said that Jiraiya opened his eyes. Naruto was surprised he saw that it was the Byakugan that had awakened, but what he didn't expect was that Jiraiya's Byakugan glowed. 



Suddenly Minato and Kushina were back in the real world, when they looked to their side they saw Jiraiya crouched on the ground with a pained expression. 


"What did you guys think of my father's life Ojisan and Obasan" Jiraiya said as he gave them a warm and affectionate smile. 

Minato and Kushina looked at each other for a moment and ran over to hug him 


"It was wonderful Grandson."


Sorry for taking so long to post a new chapter. This chapter was very hard for me to write, I rewrote it three times and I don't think it's right but I'll post it anyway.

Anyway if you like the chapter and the novel please review it and give me stones of power.

Poll, vote for the name of the new dojutsu that jiraiya will create, comment on the option you like the most. 

Eingan- infinite eye

Tokigan- Eye of time

Tenyōgan- Celestial Eye

Kaseigan- Eye of evolution

Senpugan- Eye of Whirlwind

Rasengan- Spiral eye (I know the technique is called like this but this name is perfect for dojutsu)

You can also post your suggestions here, the one with the most votes will win.