Family reunion

Warning, this episode contains some torture and gore, if you are sensitive to these topics do not read it.


"I've finally arrived" Kushina exclaimed tired from the journey, It had taken her a whole day of traveling to reach this city. Looking at the imposing walls of the city Kushina was surprised as they were almost as tall as the walls of Konoha, but she remembered the kind of business that was done in this city and it all made sense 

'I guess casinos and brothels are a lucrative business' Kushina thought as she analyzed the city's infrastructure. It was certainly richer than Konoha, she thought. 

'How will I find her, this city is too big, finding her will be almost impossible' Kushina thought to which she heard a voice. 

"Are you stupid?" Kurama said suddenly to which Kushina replied "hey, what's wrong with you why are you calling me stupid" Kushina shouted angry at what the fox said. All around her people looked at her strangely. Kushina was instantly embarrassed by her outburst 'You'll pay for it Kurama, look what you've done. Luckily no one can see my face' 

"Don't blame me for your bratty stupidity, it's not my fault you're a loud brat, did you forget what Jiraiya gave you before he left?" Kurama said mocking Kushina. 

Kushina hearing what Kurama said "Ah, that's right" Kushina exclaimed again loudly making people look at her again. 

Kushina then took out a scroll from the bag 'Jiraiya had created it to search for his family, but modified it to be able to search for everyone with Uzumaki blood in their veins' Kushina thought as she looked at the scroll. The scroll consisted of several kanji drawn on the top and bottom, in the center was a circle drawn with a grid drawn inside. 

'Ji-chan told me that I just had to infuse some chakra into the paper and it would point me in the direction of the nearest uzumaki' Kushina thought as she provided some chakra to the scroll. 

'Oh, it's working' She thought as two circles appeared on the paper one in the center and one a kilometer away from the other 'The one in the center should be my position and the other must be her. Over there' Kushina thought as she started to move in the direction which the scroll pointed to. 

After a while of walking Kushina had arrived at the door of a casino, Kushina with a disappointed expression thought 'What was she waiting for? We're talking about the legendary loser'. 

Inside the casino A beautiful woman with blonde hair and large breasts, was playing cards against a group of men. 

"You've lost ma'am" said the Dealer 

"Another round" said the woman who was already drunk. 

"You can't bet any more you already owe us 20 million ryo" Said the Dealer to the drunken woman 

"I'll pay you back later now let me play" Demanded the blonde woman 

"We can't ma'am, we let you gamble previously because of your reputation as a sannin but since you haven't paid us for months now we can't lend you any more" Said the Dealer the woman 

Before she could complain a teenage girl with short shoulder length black hair said "We better go Tsunade-sama you've already bet and drank enough" Said the girl as she tried to pull Tsunade to get her out of the place, to which Tsunade replied pushing her away forcefully "Leave me alone Shizune, I haven't had enough yet, next time I will win. 

When the dealer was about to say no again, a tall and muscular man said "Dealer, let her bet, I'll pay myself" When he said that he gave Tsunade a strange look. The dealer hearing this asked "Are you sure about that Akira-san?" to which the man called Akira nodded. The dealer looked at Tsunade and said "Akira-san was kind enough to sponsor your next game Tsunade-sama." 

The game was done and Tsunade as usual lost, Tsunade who had drunk even more was getting ready to leave with Shizune when a group of men led by Akira surrounded them 

"Where are you going Tsunade-sama, you didn't forget you owe me money did you?" he asked to which Tsunade with difficulty replied " I'll paay yoouu tomorrrow, noww geet ouut of myy wayy" Said a very drunk Tsunade. 

"That won't do Tsunade I want you to pay me today. If you don't have money there are other ways for you to pay" Said Akira a lustful look, when Akira said that her minions started laughing out loud. "I've always wanted to taste the pussy of the legendary Tsunade Senju, the slug sannin" Akira scoffed and his minions laughed. 

Shizune seeing the intentions of these men stepped in front of Tsunade and said "You will not touch Tsunade-sama" She said as she prepared to fight. 

"Oh look what we have here, the little servant girl is very brave. and what will you do girl, are you going to hit me?" Akira said as he approached Shizune. 

Akira walked slowly towards Shizune but what he didn't expect was that suddenly Shizune kicked him in the chin which made him stagger and take a few steps backwards. Akira was surprised as he didn't expect shizune to be so fast, as he spit out the blood that was pooling in his mouth he said "You little bitch, you'll pay for this. Before I was only going to fuck Tsunade but now I'll fuck you too" Akira said angrily.

When Shizune heard the man's words she became enraged and went to attack him, she ran in his direction and threw another kick aimed at his head, but Akira was able to react in time she blocked the kick with her left arm and then grabbed her leg. With shizune's leg grabbed Akira gave her a very powerful kick in the stomach sending her flying knocking her out instantly. "How dare a mere chunin try to fight me" Akira snorted, then turned to his minions and said "Go and pick her up, when I'm done with Tsunade send her to my room, don't touch her until I've tasted her first" Akira ordered his minions, then he turned and looked at tsunade who was too drunk to react to what had happened, he approached her he put his hands on her shoulders and said "Come with me precious you will enjoy this as much as I do" Akira said with a look full of lust. Tsunade just mumbled "Shiizunee, weere is shiizunee?" Tsunade asked. 

Akira hearing her said "She will join us soo" Suddenly he felt a sword pressed against his neck and a voice saying "Don't move" Said an icy voice "Look to your right" Ordered the voice. When Akira looked to his right side his blood ran cold, there lay two headless bodies, from their necks still gushed fresh blood denoting that their heads were cut off only moments ago. They were the minions he had sent to pick up the knocked out Shizune. 

"If you don't want the same thing to happen to you as those two do as I say. If you lie you die, if you open your mouth without me telling you you die, if you breathe too hard you die. understood?" said in an icy voice. " Y ye yes, I understand" Akira stuttered. 

"Who are you and what did you want with Tsunade? Answer truthfully because I will know when you lie and you won't like the result" Asked the person with a cold voice. 

"I am Akira Shirakawa" Paused Akira afraid to tell the truth "I just wanted to collect a debt and since she had no money I suggested that she pay with her body" Lied Akira an instant after saying those words Akira felt an agonizing pain in her right arm, when she turned to see the reason she was horrified, her right arm was gone "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH" Screamed Akira. 

"I told you not to lie to me, now shut up or I will rip off your other arm" Said the person, Once Akira stopped screaming continued "I know you are a shinobi, tell me your rank, what village do you belong to and what are you doing here" Ordered the person "I am a jonin from kusakagure ( Hidden village between the grass), I am here on vacation" Akira replied trying not to scream from the pain 

"Oh, Kusa huh I have unfinished business with that village" Said the person listening to Akira's answer 

"Yes Kusakagure a big shinobi village, I am an important Jonin of the village if you don't kill me we can reward you" Said Akira in an attempt to tempt his torturer, but the result didn't go as he expected. In one swift sword movement his assailant cut off his left leg "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH" shouted Akira who fell to the ground as he lost a leg. "AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK fucking shit" Akira continued to scream. 

"I told you not to talk unless I ordered you not to, you're lucky I haven't killed you yet" Said the person as he slowly approached Akira 

"Don't kill me please, sorry I won't do it again, please I beg you, I have family if you kill me they won't have to eat" Pathetically pleaded Akira trying to avoid his death, seeing that the person wouldn't stop "Don't kill me, I'm a Kusa shinobi if you kill me kusa will investigate it and kill you" Threatened the pathetic Akira 

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, you and your pathetic village can go to hell" Saying that the person directed his sword at Akira's lower parts who became desperate "No, not that I beg you, kill me, but don't do that" Akira begged in vain, he watched as the person cut his balls and cock off in one cut "AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH" Screamed the now eunuch Akira "This is for all the women you have raped in your life" After that she hit with her sword again ripping off his other arm "This is for little Shizune" she gave another cut ripping off his other leg "This is for trying to rape my cousin" lastly she pierced his heart and whispered in his ear "Don't mess with my family you scumbag" Kushina said while looking him in his eyes. 

After that she turned to the customers and the casino staff who had witnessed this scene and ordered "Clean up this mess." 

Kushina then calmly walked over to Tsunade who had fallen asleep from drunkenness, She picked her up and put her over her shoulder. She then went in the direction of Shizune who was passed out, she patted her face and said "Wake up Shizune." 

Shizune woke up and looked around confused, once she was fully awake she noticed the scene around her and was horrified, all of Akira's minions were decapitated and Akira himself was butchered, she had never witnessed anything like this before. "Now everything is alright Shizune, come on let's take Tsunade back home" Kushina said to Shizune who nodded. 

After that Kushina who was carrying Tsunade on her shoulder and Shizune headed to the hotel where Tsunade and Shizune were staying. 

Once in the apartment they took off Tsunade's clothes and put her in the bathtub, they turned on the tap in cold water and bathed her. 

Tsunade woke up with a fright when she came in contact with ice cold water, she looked around and saw that she was in the bath, next to her were Shizune and a person who was wearing the whole body covered only exposing her eyes 

"Who are you, I don't think you're one of Jiraiya's spies" Tsunade said, it wasn't the first time she got drunk and other people tried to take advantage of her, but always one of Jiraiya's men saved her 

"How bad you are Tsunade-nee, you don't recognize your little sister" Kushina said taking off her cap. 

Tsunade seeing Kushina's face was surprised "Kushina-chan" She exclaimed seeing her cousin after a long time. 

"What are you doing here?" Tsunade asked with a smile to which Kushina replied. 

"I came to bring you back"


If you liked the chapter don't forget to comment and give me your power stones.

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I hope you liked the chapter.

For those who complain about Kushina's actions, don't forget that they tried to harm her family, the thing she appreciates the most and also the thing she despises the most are rapists and perverts.

Don't forget that Kushina is an Uzumaki and Uzumakis are even more temperamental after Jiraiya purified their blood.

Naruto will also be like that even more so being the son of an Uzumaki and a Namikaze who are known for their strong temper, if you want a story where Naruto is a kind person who doesn't kill this story is not for you.

The characters live in a world where literal children become murderers so don't expect them to be gentle.

Although if you care Naruto will not be a villain, he will only kill if necessary or if someone tries to harm his family.