You are pathetic right now

"I came to bring you back" Kushina said with a smile. 

Tsunade confused "Bring me back to where?" Tsunade asked Kushina. 

When Kushina was about to answer Shizune interrupted her "We better talk later, Tsunade-sama should take a bath first. Come Kushina-sama wait in the living room while I make you some tea" Shizune said seeing that it wasn't time to talk since Tsunade was naked in the bathtub "What would you like to eat, we have chocolate chip cookies or dango" Shizune said as she guided Kushina to the living room 

"Dango will do" Kushina replied as they left Tsunade alone to bathe. 

Kushina and Shizune were drinking their tea and eating dango while gossiping to each other "You're telling me that Tsunade hasn't won any bets in all these years?" Kushina asked in surprise 

"Yes, Tsunade-sama has not won a single game since we left Konoha. If it wasn't because I secretly bet against her we would have been ruined in no time" Shizune replied with a proud look. 

"How are you so good at gambling Shizune-chan? Show me your trick" Kushina asked curiously. 

"It's not that I'm good, you just have to bet, on the opposite, of what Tsunade-sama chooses" Shizune explained. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's really a good trick, how could I not have thought of that before. Tsunade-nee is truly the legendary loser, hahahaha" Said Kushina while hitting her thighs from laughing. 

Tsunade who had heard all this had a vein jumping on her forehead "How come you never told me that Shizune" Said with a cold voice Tsunade. 

Shizune and Kushina seeing that Tsunade had heard everything made their blood run cold and started to sweat coldly "Eto nee-san it was just a little joke don't get upset about it" "That's true Tsunade-sama it was just a little joke" Said the two trying to minimize Tsunade's fury, but the only thing that resulted was a smack on their heads 

Tsunade was now sitting across from Kushina eating dango and drinking her tea. "How mean you are Nee-san you hit me for a joke" complained Kushina to which Tsunade replied with a "Hump, don't ever make fun of me again" Said Tsunade still annoyed. 

"You said you came to bring me back didn't you, bring me back to where?" asked Tsunade curious 

"To Konoha" Kushina replied with a smile. 

"I refuse, I won't go back to that cursed place, all that place has ever provided me with was pain" Tsunade said refusing to go back to Konoha 

"You wouldn't go back because of your family?" asked Kushina 

"What family? I have no family left in Konoha, they are all buried underground, and all for fighting for that place" Tsunade replied angrily 

"You hurt my feelings Tsunade-nechan. Aren't I your family too?" said Kushina a little annoyed that Tsunade didn't consider her as family 

Tsunade felt a little guilty for saying that "You are my family I know that, but you have Minato and you live a happy life an old woman like me would just be in the way" Tsunade replied 

"You know that's not true Tsunade-nee, you would never get in my way" Kushina replied "Besides, soon I won't be the only family you have left" Kushina said with a smile 

"Whaatt are you pregnant?" Tsunade asked in shock, misunderstanding Kushina's words. 

"NOO, not yet, what I mean is..." Kushina said while pausing to clear her throat "I plan on rebuilding the Uzumaki clan" Kushina said with a smile. 

"Whaatt?" asked Tsunade no less surprised than before "And how do you plan to do this? To rebuild a clan you need members and as far as I know you are the last Uzumaki alive, plus you are a married woman so you and your children will be named after your husband" Tsunade asked curiously 

To which Kushina replied with a smile on her face "I am not the last Uzumaki alive. you are alive too aren't you?" replied Kushina 

"As far as I know the last time I looked at it my name was Senju no Uzumaki" Tsunade replied. 

To which Kushina replied waving her hand in disdain "Don't get hung up on the details. The important thing is that you have Uzumaki blood in your veins right. As far as I know you are the granddaughter of the Great Myth Uzumaki the former clan princess sister of my grandfather which makes us second degree cousins. So you qualify to be a member of the clan" Kushina replied with a silly grin. 

Tsunade was stunned by Kushina's explanation she had completely ignored the fact that she was a senju "Even if I agree to join your clan, there are only two of us and besides we are female. Your children will be called Namikaze and not Uzumaki" Tsunade replied. 

Kushina's smile widened as she heard what Tsunade said leaving her puzzled "Minato-kun has decided to join the Uzumaki clan, even though he won't change his last name, our children will be called Uzumaki" Kushina said with a proud smile on her face 

Tsunade hearing this was surprised, it wasn't common for a man to accept that his children wouldn't carry his last name. This proved that Minato loved his wife very much. 

"You have found a good husband Kushina-chan" Tsunade said with admiration in her voice. 

Kushina proudly said "I know, Minato-kun is the best" Kushina said proud of her husband. 

"Answering your other question" Kushina said taking out a scroll from her ring and shows it to him "This is a search scroll, by infusing it with some chakra it pinpoints the nearby Uzumakis" Kushina said 

Tsunade was speechless, not because of the scroll but because of the ring Kushina was wearing "What is that ring?" Tsunade asked captivated by the beauty of the ring. It was a silver ring with a spiral pattern repeating along the ring. 

Kushina was a little frustrated that Tsunade had noticed the ring more than the quest scroll "That's what you notice first" Kushina said a little frustrated but a few moments later she smiles and raises her right hand showing her the ring "This is a storage ring, it has an internal space of 20 cubic meters where you can store everything. It is made of silver and chakra metal which makes it quite expensive. It also allows me to communicate with Minato-kun who has the other pair" Kushina said with a smug smile. 

"Who made it?" Tsunade said stunned by Kushina's explanation. She had never heard of a storage ring before, she had only seen the storage scrolls made of paper 

Kushina a little annoyed by Tsunade's question as she didn't consider her capable of making a ring like this "Why don't you think I made it?" Kushina asked a little irritated. "Even though I know that you are the best fuinjutsu master of the elemental nations, I don't think you are capable of making a ring as beautiful as that" Tsunade says 

"You're right I didn't make it myself, but I can almost make it myself. It was given to me by a mysterious man who didn't want to identify himself, he gave it to me along with this scroll that will allow us to find our family and he also gave me several scrolls with fuinjutsu plans of new fuinjutsu" Kushina said trying to keep Jiraiya's identity a secret 

Tsunade surprised asked "And what did that man want from you, why would he give you such valuable items?" Tsunade asked. He suspected that Kushina wasn't telling him the truth 

"He told me that he gave it to me because I was the heir of the Uzumaki clan and the only one who can revive the clan" Kushina said while sweating, she hoped Tsunade would believe her, she didn't want to reveal Jiraiya's identity as Jiraiya didn't want people to know about him. 'Don't ask me anymore Tsunade-nee I really can't tell you, at least not until Jiraiya-chan was born' Kushina thought hoping Tsunade wouldn't ask her anymore about the mystery man's identity. 

Seeing Kushina's clear lie she thought 'just because she's the clan's heir? What nonsense' thought Tsunade knowing that Kushina wasn't telling her the truth. 

"Ok ok, you don't have to tell me his identity if you don't want to" Tsunade said while waving her hands. She pondered Kushina's offer, although she liked the idea of going home to her cousin and rebuilding her grandmother's clan, just the thought of going back to that place made her heart ache. The village had taken her entire family from her, little by little they had died off from her grandfather, her parents, her little brother and her boyfriend. When she set foot in the village she would remember her loved ones, something she has been running from for years, she started getting drunk to try to end the pain in her heart, she sank even deeper into the vice of gambling to no longer think of her dead loved ones. If they manage to restore the Uzumaki clan they would be at the service of Konoha, they would begin to carry out missions and fight in the war, she is afraid that they would disappear little by little like the Senju clan did, she would not bear to lose her family again. 

Tsunade looked up and looked Kushina in the eyes, with a sad expression she said "I'm sorry Kushina, I'm not going back to that cursed place" Tsunade said. 

"Why?" asked Kushina with a stern voice. 

"I can't go back to the place where my family disappeared, I already gave too much to that place. And it has only given me back death and loneliness. Going back to that place will make me remember that I wasn't able to protect Nawaki or Dan. That place will make me aware that I was not able to keep my family alive" Tsunade said crying. 

"And your solution is to stay here getting drunk and gambling everyday, today you were almost raped and Shizune-chan for protecting you would be too and all because of you. Every day you try to escape from your pains with alcohol and your vices. Don't you realize how pathetic you looked when I found you in that casino, the once great Tsunade Senju the legendary sannin turned into a pathetic drunk. Don't you realize that you are hurting yourself and the people around you? What do you think Dan and Nawaki would think if they saw you now? You are a coward Tsunade, a coward who runs away from her past and is afraid of her future, you are not even the shadow of what you were, you are just pathetic" Kushina said with anger, anger to see the person she admired become like this. 

Tsunade hearing the names of Nawaki and Dan from Kushina's mouth turned her sadness into anger "DON'T YOU DARE TO MENTION THEM, IF YOU CAME TO INSULT ME YOU BETTER LEAVE AND DON'T COME BACK TO FIND ME EVER AGAIN" Tsunade shouted in anger. 

"You don't want me to mention them because you know I'm right" Kushina said as she unsheathed her katana. Tsunade seeing this prepared to face her. 

Kushina who now had her katana in her hand made a cut on her own hand making it bleed. Tsunade seeing her blood panicked her hematophobia activated and she froze. 

"Don't you see how pathetic you are now? The once best medical ninja is now afraid of blood, what would your family think seeing you like this, what would Grandma Mito, Dan and Nawaki think seeing their greatest pride turned into this. I'll tell you myself they would want you to live a happy life for them" Kushina said as she bandaged her hand. 

Tsunade froze in place recovering after seeing Kushina's blood. 

Kushina who saw that she wasn't doing very well in her attempt to make Tsunade recover from her traumas decided to change the approach, if making her see how pathetic she was now didn't work she decided to change strategy "I know the reason why the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan were destroyed" Kushina said in a stern voice and a serious look 

Tsunade instantly looked up when she heard Kushina's words "What are you saying? The senju clan was slowly disappearing during the war and on missions" Tsunade stated angrily. 

"Doesn't it seem strange to you that the senju clan members were always sent to the front line in the war, or that their missions were always the most risky. Doesn't it seem strange to you that a newly graduated genin was assigned to an A-ranked mission?" Kushina said 

"What do you mean? Say it clearly" Tsunade said after thinking about Kushina's words for a few moments. 

"I'm only going to say one word, one name, the name of the person who is most at fault in the destruction of our clans" Kushina said pausing for Tsunade to prepare herself for what she was about to say. 

"Shimura Danzo" Kushina said in a solemn voice. 

Tsunade hearing that name made her blood start to boil, hearing the name of the possible culprit for destroying her family 

"I guess you have proof right?" Tsunade asked her cousin. 

Kushina then started to tell her everything Danzo did and everything he intends to do 

But what puzzled Tsunade was the mention of one name, Sarutobi Hiruzen her sensei. According to what Kushina said Hiruzen was aware of Danzo's actions but did nothing to stop him, Hiruzen didn't care about the death of his closest allies and he didn't care about the death of his clan either. This filled her with anger towards her sensei. 'Hiruzen sensei, you will pay for letting all this happen' Tsunade thought. 

"What I don't understand are these royal clans that you keep talking about" Tsunade said. 

Kushina laughed and said "According to the ancient books of the Uzumaki clan, the clans descended from the sage of the six paths are called royal clans. The Uzumaki clan, the Senju clan, the Hyuga clan, the Uchiha clan and the Kaguya clan are the only ones that can be called royal clans" Kushina explained. 

After half an hour discussing about Danzo's actions and Hiruzen's passivity. Tsunade said "I will kill that old creep right now" Tsunade said as she got up to go to konoha to kill Danzo. Kushina stopped her and made her sit down again. 

"You can't kill him now Tsuna-nee, Danzo has too much political support plus he has his root to protect him. Before we kill him we will expose all his crimes in front of all the elemental nations and then execute him publicly. 

Besides, if you go now you will die, you are too rusty and your hemophobia would make it impossible for you to fight Danzo and his Root" Kushina said. 

Tsunade could only snort, she knew Kushina was right, she wasn't at her best physically and mentally. 

"So what do you say, will you join the new Uzumaki clan so we can rebuild our family and get revenge on Danzo?" Kushina asked with a smile as she offered her hand to Tsunade. 

Tsunade hesitated for a moment, but then she thought of Danzo and Hiruzen and her blood boiled. She squeezed Kushina's hand and said. 

"Yes, we will rebuild what that man tried to destroy and then kill them" Tsunade said with determination. 

"We will kill them? Who is the other one?" Kushina asked 

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, he will pay for allowing Danzo's actions and not acting on it" Tsunade said firmly 

"What is the next step Kushina-chan?" asked Tsunade 

Kushina hearing the question looked at her and said "We will train, you have to get in shape since you are rusty, plus you have to overcome your hemophobia and quit your vices. Once we do that we will leave in search of our family" She explained with a smile to Tsunade.
