The girl with the flute

Kushina was now on the prow of the boat, she was lost in her thoughts thinking about what her next step would be, her first choice was to go to Kusagakure to meet her cousin, but she wasn't so sure about doing it 'I can't go to Kusa yet, I don't know if Kasumi-nee is already pregnant, if I go now I might avoid Karin-chan's birth' Kushina thought. 'Well I know what to do, I will go from country to country looking for more Uzumakis until Karin-chan is in her mother's belly' Kushina thought until she realized something 'Oh, I can't forget about Naruto, Naruto is supposed to be born in a year and three months, and if we subtract the nine months of gestation I would have less than six months left to look for the Uzumakis scattered around the world' Kushina thought. 

So Kushina and her group traveled from country to country and city to city in search of more lost Uzumakis around the world. They traveled from Uzushio to the hot spring country where they found a family of four the parents and a son and daughter of 6 and 7 years old. Then they went to Frost where there were three more Uzumakis and one of them was a shinobi of Chunin rank. Then they traveled to Lightning Country where Kushina believed there would be some Uzumakis captured by Kumo, but they did not find any Uzumaki in that country, Kushina believes that all the Uzumakis who escaped to that country were killed. 

They had spent 2 months traveling through those countries, the group now consisting of eleven people were heading to the Rice Country that in the future will be conquered by Orochimaru. 

Kushina stopped in the outskirts of the capital of the country, then she turned to her group and said "Set up camp here while we go to the city" Kushina ordered, to which they nodded and went to prepare the camp "Yusuke, you are in charge of the protection of the group while we are gone" Kushina said to the only shinobi of the clan that they had found. 

Tsunade intervened and said "You stay too Shizune and help protect the group, stay hidden" Tsunade said worried, Kushina had told her that Orochimaru was planning to take this country, so they had to be cautious while they were in these lands. 

Shizune nodded and stayed in the camp along with Tonton. 


Kushina, Tsunade and Kenji left for the city where Kushina with the scroll located two Uzumakis present in the city. 

Kushina and her group walked into the city in the direction where the scroll pointed, they were walking quietly through the city when they heard a beautiful melody, they quickly headed to the source of the beautiful melody and were surprised by what they saw. A girl of no more than 4 years old was playing the flute in the middle of a crowd that was listening to her in awe of her talent. 

The girl had the red hair characteristic of the Uzumaki clan, she had an abandoned appearance and her clothes, if you could call them that, were in tatters. 

Once the girl finished her music the villagers around her began to applaud and put coins in the hat right in front of her. Once the crowd dispersed Kushina and her group decided to follow the girl secretly. 

The girl went into a dark alley where she met a fat man who said "Are you done little girl?" He asked with a friendly smile. 

"Yes, sir here is your hat" The girl told him as she handed him the hat with the money. "When are you going to cure my mom sir?" the little girl asked. 

"Soon little one, a few more days and I will be able to pay a doctor to cure her" He said with a seemingly friendly smile. 

The little girl got a little frustrated "You told me the same thing last week sir, I can't wait any longer, mom is very weak" Said the little girl in a crying voice 

The man got a little angry and said "I'm helping you and you complain, you little ungrateful girl, do you think it's easy to find a decent doctor in this country?" replied the man 

The girl got a little frustrated but she had no one else to go around so she agreed to come and play again tomorrow in the hope that the gentleman would keep his word. She was about to leave, but her stomach rumbled, complaining that she hadn't eaten for days "Could I have some money sir, I'm really hungry" the girl asked. 

The man was going to refuse, but realized that if the girl didn't eat he wouldn't be able to play his flute, and therefore wouldn't bring her any more money "Fine, but I'll only give you a little, good doctors are expensive. Here, this will do you for today" Said the man as he threw her a few coins that would only be enough to buy stale bread. 

The girl picked up the coins from the floor and was getting ready to leave when she realized something "Sir, my mom hasn't eaten for days either. Can you give me some money to buy her food too?" the girl asked. 

The man got even angrier at the girl's request, but upon further thought he threw him another few coins. If the girl's mother died too quickly she would no longer play for him. One he gave the coins to the girl he turned to leave, but ran into someone, A man about 6 feet tall with his face covered stood in front of him. 

"Excuse me" The fat man apologized, after saying that he started to walk again, but a large hand on his shoulder stopped him. 

As the little girl was starting to leave the alley she was met by two people wearing black with only their eyes visible. 

"What is your name little girl?" said one of the people in a kind voice. 

The little girl with fear did not answer.

"Don't be afraid little girl, we won't hurt you" Said the person while taking off his cap. 

When the little girl saw the face of the person she was surprised 'Her hair looks like mine and mommy's' Thought the little girl now a little calmer 

"What's your name cutie?" asked Kushina with a kind smile. 

The little girl then replied "My name is Tayuya. and you onee-san, what's your name?" replied the little girl 

Kushina was surprised by the girl's name, she recognized her from Naruto's memories. 'She will be one of the sound four under Orochimaru's command. She will die at the hands of Shikamaru and Temari' Kushina thought sadly as she remembered this girl's fate. But since she was here she was going to change it, she wasn't going to leave this little girl in the hands of that bastard Orochimaru 

"My name is Kushina Uzumaki, beautiful" Kushina replied, she paused and then asked "Why were you playing the flute in the street, little girl? Where is your Mama" Kushina asked worriedly. 

The girl hearing Kushina's question was saddened, but replied "My mom got sick a month ago and can't get out of bed. Since she can't go to work we don't have money to eat so I went begging for money on the street. Since no one wanted to give me money I started to play the flute my mom gave me and people came to listen to me and gave me money" replied the girl. 

Kushina was saddened to see the conditions in which the girl lived. "And that man who is he? Why did you give him your money?" Kushina asked pointing at the fat man who had been stopped by Kenji 

Tayuya looked at who Kushina was pointing at and replied "He is a kind man who helped me when the bad men wanted to steal my money given to me by the villagers. He didn't let them steal from me, once I told him how my mom was doing, he told me he was going to help me find a doctor to cure her" Tayuya replied 

"So you give him your money so he can pay the doctor. right?" Kushina said angrily as she looked at the fat man. 

"Yeah, he told me that he would save the money to pay the doctor" Tayuya explained. 

Kushina sighed and looked at the girl "You shouldn't trust people like him, Tayuya-chan, he's a bad man who only wants your money" Kushina said to the girl 

Tayuya was surprised by Kushina's words, how could the man who had saved her from the bullies be a bad person. "Sir can't be a bad person nee-san, he saved me from the thieves who wanted to steal my money" Replied the girl unable to believe the older woman's words. 

Kushina then replied "He is just like the others, he is cheating you, he says he is going to collect money for a doctor, but it's a lie, he is taking advantage of you my dear" Kushina said in a kind voice 

The girl hearing Kushina's words got to thinking, it's been more than two weeks since the man said he was going to find a doctor, but he never found one, and when she asked him about he always said in a few more days. 

The girl then began to cry 

Kushina seeing her crying hugged her and asked "What's wrong tayuya-chan, why are you crying?" asked Kushina worriedly. 

The girl replied in tears "If the sir is bad, it means there won't be any doctor to cure my mom. My mom will die" Tayuya said in tears. 

Kushina then calmed her down saying "don't worry Tayuya-chan, we will cure your mom, my friend here is the best doctor in the world" Kushina said with a smile while pointing to Tsunade who was beside her 

"Really?" asked the girl who stopped crying. 

"Yes, show us the way, we'll go see her now" Kushina said with a smile. 

Little Tayuya then got down from Kushina's arms. She took Kushina's hand and Tsunade's hand and started to lead them home in a hurry. 

Kushina smiled seeing this and let herself be dragged by the little girl, but first she looked towards Kenji and said "Be quick and get the money back" She ordered Kenji who was holding the fat man, then she looked at Tayuya and remembered that the little girl was hungry, she looked at Kenji again and said "When you come bring us something to eat" She said to Kenji who nodded. Then Tsunade, Tayuya and Kushina went to Tayuya's house. 

Kenji who was alone with the fat man gave him a cold look and said "Give me all the money you stole from the girl" He said with a cold voice. 

The fat man stammered and said "I have already spent most of the money, I only have this left" Said the man with fear as he took the money out of his pockets and gave it to Kenji "I have already given you what you wanted, now leave me alone please, I won't talk to that girl anymore" Said the man with fear 

Kenji looked at him coldly and said "Even though I will leave you alive, I will teach you a lesson, so you will learn to never mess with an Uzumaki again" He said coldly as he started to hit him 




Kenji beat the fat man up leaving his face puffed up like a pig and with several broken bones. He then left the alley and went to buy food for the girl and her mother. 

Kushina, Tayuya and Tsunade went deeper into the city, gradually moving away from the center and going to the poorest area of the city, full of slums, sick people and criminals. This was the place where the marginalized of the town stayed. 

They followed Tayuya to a small house, if it could be called that, it was made of old rotten wood and the walls were full of cracks and mold, the house would not last long and just being inside it was a danger as the house would collapse at any moment. 

When they entered the house they saw that it was much better inside than outside, although it was not a nice house, it was as clean as possible. 

"Do you clean the house Tayuya-chan?" Kushina asked with a smile. 

"Yes, my mom tells me that the house should always be clean" Tayuya replied, earning a pat on the head from Kushina 

Tayuya directed them to the room of the house, when they entered they saw a red-haired woman lying on the bed, her complexion was pale and her eyes were deep set, she had dark circles under her eyes denoting the state they were in 

Tsunade upon seeing her immediately knew what was wrong with her, she turned to Kushina and said seal the house, to which Kushina nodded and sealed the entire house so that no one could see or hear inside the house 

Tsunade approached the woman and began to examine her. The woman woke up frightened and said "Who, are you? What are you doing in my house? Where is my daughter?" she asked scared. 

Tsunade was about to answer her when someone said "I'm here mom, she is the best doctor in the world and she came to cure you" Said the girl with a smile. 

Tsunade then introduced herself "I am Tsunade Senju, I have come to cure you at your daughter's request" Tsunade said as she performed the tests on her 

The woman was surprised by the woman's identity and said "My name is Kaori, Tsunade-sama, I hope my daughter didn't cause you any trouble" Said Kaori 

"Nonsense, how can such a cute girl cause me trouble" Tsunade replied with a smile. 

Tayuya who heard Tsunade's words blushed and laughed at being called cute. 

A few moments later Tsunade frowned. 

Kushina upon seeing it asked "What's wrong with Kaori-san, nee-chan?" she asked worriedly 

Tsunade looked at Kushina then looked at the girl then looked at Kaori who got the message and said "Tayuya-chan go to the living room and let Tsunade-sama do her job." 

Tayuya frowned as she listened to her, she didn't want to leave, she was worried about her mom "Will you be okay mom?" she asked worriedly 

Tsunade replied "She will be fine sweetie now leave us alone so I can heal her" She said With a smile 

When Tayuya left Kushina and Kaori looked at Tsunade who said "You have been poisoned, Kaori-san" Said Tsunade seriously 

"Who could have poisoned me? I have no enemies with anyone in this city," Kaori said worriedly. 

"Can it be cured?" Kushina asked worriedly. 

Tsunade frowned and replied "I recognize this kind of poison. There is only one person who uses it" Tsunade replied angrily "Orochimaru poisoned you Kaori-san" Tsunade said solemnly. 

Kaori shuddered when she heard the name of the snake sannin "Do you know any way to cure me Tsunade-sama" Said Kaori worriedly 

Tsunade lowered her head and said "If I had arrived two weeks ago I would have given you 100% chance of survival, but since it's been 3 weeks since he poisoned you you only have 10% chance of survival. You have only stayed alive because you are an Uzumaki" Tsunade said without being able to look him in the eyes. 

Kaori was saddened by her chances of survival she raised her head and said "If I die, please take care of Tayuya, she doesn't deserve to live alone in this world" Kaori requested to the women. 

"Don't give up Kaori, You won't die, you are an Uzumaki, Uzumaki never give up" Kushina said trying to cheer up the women 

Tsunade hearing her words says "I won't let you die Kaori-san, don't worry, I'm called the best medical ninja in the world for a reason" Tsunade said with determination 

"We have a problem, the poison settled in her body, if I remove it now her organs may collapse and she will die. We would need an antidote based on cochlearia to strengthen the internal organs to prevent them from collapsing, so I can extract the poison from her body without any problems. The problem is that this plant only grows in the border region between the land of wind and the land of fire, and it only grows in the spring," Tsunade said sternly. 

"If you want I'll call Minato to go look for that plant" Kushina said. 

"No, that plant only grows in the spring and besides once plucked it only lasts a few days, it's not possible to find it at this time of the year" Said Tsunade 

"The only thing we can do is to take out the poison without the antidote and hope that Kaori-san can resist, but that will decrease the chances of getting out alive to 1%" Said Tsunade 

Kaori hearing Tsunade's words froze, 1% chance of survival is too low. But she had no choice, if she wants to stay alive to take care of her daughter she has to take the risk. She raised her head looked at Tsunade and said "I will do it Tsunade-sama, let's try" She said with determination. 

Tsunade seeing Kaori's expression nodded and looked at Kushina "Bring me a container with water and an empty one, Kushina" Tsunade ordered. 

Kushina nodded and brought the two containers, when Tsunade was about to start the procedure Kushina said "WAIT" Tsunade frowned and asked. 

"What's wrong Kushina why are you interrupting me?" Tsunade asked. 

"You said that the internal organs were already badly damaged and may collapse if we take out the poison. right?" asked Kushina to Tsunade, seeing her nod she continued "And if we were to use my Kekkei genkai of healing bite?" Kushina said 

Tsunade hearing her idea marveled "Yes, exactly, if we use my healing bite while I extract the poison from it, you would prevent the organs from collapsing and heal them" Said Tsunade cheerfully "Sometimes you are a genius Kushina" Said Tsunade happily 

"SOMETIMES?" said Kushina a little angry. 

"Anyway, let's get started, let's tie her to the bed to keep her from moving" Said Tsunade as she pulled out a rope 

"No need for ropes nee-chan" Kushina said as chains came out of her back and wrapped around Kaori. 

Tsunade Put away her rope and put the containers of water next to her 

"Get ready Kaori, because this will hurt a lot" Tsunade warned, when Kaori nodded she started. 

Tsunade put her hand in the container with medicinal water prepared by Tsunade, the water stuck to Tsunade's hand forming a water bubble, then she proceeded to put the bubble on Kaori's chest and said "Now, clench your teeth" When she said that she inserted the bubble into Kaori's body. 

Kaori began to moan and shudder from the pain she felt once Tsunade inserted the water bubble into her body. 

Tsunade washed Kaori's internal organs using the medicinal water to extract the poison, then used the other hand to remove the water together with the poison from her body. 

She did the same procedure three times until she was satisfied that there was no more poison left in her body. 

Once the poison was removed Kaori began to cough up blood, her organs were collapsing. Tsunade seeing this said "Now Kushina give her your hand to bite" Tsunade ordered. 

Kushina gave her hand to Kaori who bit it hard, Kushina almost screamed because of how hard she was biting her hand, but she held on. 

When Kaori bit Kushina's hand she felt the enormous vitality entering her body repairing everything in its path, her organs that were wounded by the poison healed almost instantly, even her old scars were repaired and her body was as good as new in no time. When she felt that she was completely healed she stopped biting Kushina and fainted, not from the pain, but from the mental toll she suffered since she was poisoned. 

Kushina and Tsunade seeing that she was better sighed in relief and headed to the living room to let her rest. 

When they got to the living room they saw Tayuya with a mouth full of candy next to Kenji who was sitting on the couch. 

Tayuya seeing them was happy and asked "How is my mom?" 

Tsunade answered her "Your mom is very well, she just needs to rest a little bit and she will be fine." 

Tayuya upon hearing the news began to cry, not from sadness but from joy, the last few days were very hard for her, she had to work, beg and go hungry. That for a girl of only four years old is a big mental burden. 

Tayuya finished eating and fell asleep on the sofa. 

Tsunade, Kenji and Kushina laughed as they heard her snoring and watched her sleep with a smile on her face. 

2 hours later Kaori opened her eyes, she felt better than ever, she looked around and there was no one there, she got up and went to the living room where she found Tsunade, Kushina and Kenji talking. 

When they saw her they smiled and Tsunade asked "How are you feeling Kaori-san?" 

"Better than ever Tsunade-sama, Kushina-sama" When she answered she realized something, she looked at Kushina's appearance along with her signature red hair and said "HIME-SAMA" Kaori said surprised. She then walked up to Kushina and knelt down "Forgive me for not recognizing you Hime-sama." 

Kushina seeing her reaction smiled and lifted her up "Don't call me that, Kaori-san, just call me Kushina, I don't like honorifics." 

They spent half an hour talking about how Kaori got here and who Tayuya's father was. 

"Who is Tayuya's father, Kaori-san?" asked Kushina. 

Hearing her question Kaori's expression soured "When I escaped the day of the massacre I headed to the hot spring country, but I was kidnapped by the shinobi of that country, I suffered physical and mental abuse and was raped countless times" Kaori said painfully remembering her past "Until a merchant from the rice country saw me and fell in love with me, he bought me in exchange for a few more kilos of rice. Once I arrived at his house he treated me well and kindly. Although I did not love him, I liked him, he was the only person in years who treated me like a human being, we lived a happy life until one day when we were on a business trip we were attacked by bandits. The bandits killed him, but left me alive because of my beauty, luckily the chief bandit claimed me as his own so I was only raped by him, one day one of the countless times he raped me he got careless and dropped his knife next to me, I took the knife and stuck it in his neck killing him while he was still inside me. Then I started running with all my might until I reached this city, but a few months later I found out I was pregnant, my world fell apart. I could barely provide for myself and now I had a child and it was the fruit of my greatest torment. I can't count the times I thought about aborting the baby, but in the end I decided to have her, I was afraid to look at her and just see that bastard. But when my baby girl was born, I fell in love with her, she was not the symbol of my torments, but my greatest hope. From the moment she was born I loved her with all my strength, even though it was hard to raise her alone, I did it with the greatest love in the world, Tayuya-chan is my greatest treasure in the world and I love her more than myself" Kaori finished her story. 

Kushina hearing her story hugged her and said "I'm sorry Kaori-san, for letting you go through all that suffering" Kushina said crying 

Kaori patted her back and said "Don't worry Kushina-sama, you were just a child when all that happened, besides all the suffering I've been through led me to conceive my little Tayuya" Kaori said 

A few moments later, Kushina said to Kaori "Kaori-san, come with me to Konoha, I plan to rebuild the Uzumaki clan, you would be happy there and Tayuya can have many friends" Kushina said to Kaori who happily accepted it 

A few minutes later while they were discussing their next steps they hear knocking on the door. 

Knock knock knock 

Kushina and the others looked at Kaori "You're expecting someone Kaori-san" 

Kaori nodded her head 

Knock Knock Knock Knock 

Knocked again 

Kushina and Tsunade put back on the hats that covered their faces and Tsunade got up to open the door 

When Tsunade opened the door she was frozen by the person she saw. 



"Good to see you Tsunade"


Quien será la persona que llamó a la puerta???? 

descubrelo en el proximo capitulo

Que te pareció el capitulo?

si te gustó no olvides comentar y darme tus piedras de poder

que te pareció que Tayuya fuera un Uzumaki?

Te gustó su historia de fondo?

Te gustó el personaje de Kaori?