Good news

"Good to see you Tsunade" Said the person at the door with a sinister smile. 

Tsunade stared at him in surprise 

"You're not going to let me in..." Was about to say the person when she suddenly had to dodge. 

Tsunade had thrown a powerful punch to his face. 

The man who had jumped away to dodge from Tsunade's punch, stood up and said "This is how you receive me after all we have been through ku ku ku ku" The man said while smiling. 

"This is all you deserve Orochimaru" Tsunade said as she stood on guard. "How did you recognize me, Orochimaru?" asked Tsunade curious as to how the snake had recognized her even when his face is covered 

"Ku ku ku ku, I would recognize your smell even if 20 years passed" Orochimaru scoffed. 

Tsunade was a little angry that her disguise had been easily discovered. As she was about to attack Orochimaru again a hand landed on her shoulders stopping her "I'll take care of it Tsunade-sama, if you fight now it's possible that people will discover your identity" Kenji said as he drew his sword. 

Tsunade was a little resigned but then thought that what Kenji said made sense and stepped aside letting him take the lead of the situation 

"Oh, the legendary Tsunade Senju is hiding, I wonder why?" said Orochimaru mocking his former partner 

Before Tsunade could answer Kenji said while pointing his sword at Orochimaru "What are you doing here snake, what do you wish with Kaori and little Tayuya?" Kenji asked the snake sannin 

"Oh, another Uzumaki, that would explain the fuinjutsu barriers around the house" Orochimaru replied without taking Kenji seriously 

"Answer Orochimaru or I will have to attack you" Said Kenji threatening Orochimaru. 

"Ku ku ku ku, I just wanted to visit my old friends, nothing more" Said Orochimaru mocking Kenji. 

Kenji got angry with Orochimaru's answer and said "Since you don't want to tell me the easy way, it will have to be the hard way" Kenji said as he rushed towards Orochimaru and attacked him with his sword 

Orochimaru was surprised by Kenji's speed, but he managed to dodge it by the narrowest of hairs, he jumped high while performing hand seals "Katon: Gouakakyu no Jutsu" 

After throwing the fireball at Kenji orochimaru began to vomit a thing from his stomach, the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi. 

With the sword in his hand he turned to block Kenji's slash that was coming to hit him from behind. Orochimaru thought he could block the strike easily with his Kusanagi sword but he did not anticipate Kenji's monstrous strength that sent him flying towards the ground forming a huge crater and raising a cloud of dust and sand preventing the snake's state to be seen. 

Kenji didn't underestimate Orochimaru he knew that a hit like that wouldn't kill him, he moved quickly in Orochimaru's direction to prevent him from recovering. 

Kenji moved into the cloud of dust and sand that rose when suddenly a bunch of snakes of different size rushed at him, Kenji cut many with his sword, but as there were many snakes he decided to dodge backwards only to find orochimaru hitting him with his sword. At the last instant Kenji managed to block Orochimaru's blow by using his sword as a shield, then he moved away from orochimaru. 

Orochimaru was surprised by Kenji's weapon, as his Kusanagi sword was famous for being able to cut everything, as he fixed his gaze on the sword Orochimaru instantly recognized it 

"Ku ku ku ku, so you are Kenji Uzumaki" Orochimaru said to Kenji. 

"How did you find out?" Kenji said while taking off his hood. 

"Not many people can carry that sword Kenji-san, Hatō no Kiba (Fang of the turbulent waves), one of the legendary swords of the Uzumaki clan, carried by the best swordsman of the elemental nations Uzumaki Kenji" Orochimaru explained. 

Hatō no Kiba is fang-shaped sword that was two meters long and 50 cm wide, its blade was black with silver edges, the hilt was shaped like a leviathan. It is a semi-conscious sword, so it can only be wielded if the sword finds you worthy enough. 

Orochimaru was about to continue talking when suddenly he starts to feel something wrap around his feet, when he realizes this, he tried to jump to free himself, but it was too late, he was wrapped by silver chains. Seeing that he is locked up he looks around looking for something that could help him to get out of this situation, but he only finds a person dressed in black only leaving his eyes uncovered, from his back the chains that had trapped him were coming out. 

"You will answer my questions now, won't you?" Said the person who had trapped him 

"Ku ku ku ku, you are quite skilled Uzumaki-san, I have never seen an Uzumaki so good at using his chains" Orochimaru said with a smile. 

Kushina seeing the smile on Orochimaru's face, got angry and tightened the chains even more "Only speak when I ask you to" Said Kushina angrily 

"Ku ku ku, what a temper you have, typical Uzumaki, judging by your skills I guess you are Kushina-chan. right?" Orochimaru said mocking Kushina. 

Kushina hearing orochimaru's words got even angrier, another chain came out of her back, but this time it was thinner and had a needle shaped tip, the needle shaped chain landed on Orochimaru's chest aiming at his heart 

"If you speak again without permission, this chain will perforate your heart. understood?" said Kushina coldly. Without waiting for Orochimaru's reply she continued "Why did you poison Kaori-san?" Kushina asked in a cold voice 

"I just wanted to see how my poison reacted on someone with as much vitality as the Uzumaki. I must say I'm surprised, a normal person wouldn't have lasted a day, while Kaori-chan has lasted almost a month. I am fascinated by the vitality of the Uzumaki" Orochimaru said with a smile. 

Kushina sensing Orochimaru's emotions with her mind's eye, she was conflicted his emotions were telling her that he was telling the truth, but she had a feeling that he was hiding something. 

As Kushina started to think about the future, she realized something, Orochimaru wasn't here for Kaori, he was here for Tayuya, he must have noticed her talent for sound ninjutsu and wants her in his army ranks. To do that he will kill her mother first making her live in a miserable state, then he will come as her savior making her completely loyal to him. 

Kushina looked at Orochimaru and said "You wanted to kill Kaori, to make Tayuya-chan have a miserable and lonely life, then you would appear as her savior making her completely loyal to you. right? But what I don't understand is, what did you see in the girl that made you love her so much?" Kushina said hiding the fact that she knew she loved her for her talent in sound ninjutsu. 

Orochimaru was a little shocked by Kushina's answer, he had almost gotten all of his plans right, if he were to think any further it could pose a risk to his plans for the future. If he stays a little longer Kushina might find out what his intentions are for creating the sound village. 

When Kushina was about to ask her another question suddenly Orochimaru threw up himself leaving his old body behind, Kushina tried to stick him with the sharp pointed chain but it was too late, she then tried to find him using her mind's eye, but failed to find anything. Orochimaru had escaped 

"Damn slippery snake" Kushina exclaimed. 

Tsunade who was next to her sighed "He has always been like that, he is very hard to catch and kill" Said Tsunade 

Kenji didn't say anything, he just put Hatō no Kiba back on his back. He was a little frustrated that he couldn't take on orochimaru. 

Kushina seeing Kenji's expression said "Forgive me for interrupting your battle sensei, but we had to get answers" Kushina apologized for interrupting the swordsman's battle. 

"No problem, something tells me we will face each other again someday" Kenji replied. 

The three of them went back to Kaori's house to pick them up and head to camp. Thus Kaori and Tayuya said goodbye to their former home, a place that gave them a lot of pain, but also where they created beautiful memories. 

Kushina and her group headed to the camp where the Uzumakis they had picked up along with Shizune and Tonton were anxiously waiting for them. 

Once Kaori and Tayuya introduced themselves to the group they resumed their journey. This time in the direction of the iron country where they found no Uzumaki. 

After the country of iron they headed to the country of waterfalls, they searched from city to city for the presence of any Uzumaki, but they could not find anything, until they arrived at a port city north of the country of the waterfall. They performed the same procedure, setting up camp while Kushina Tsunade and Kenji went to check if there were any Uzumaki in the city. 

Kushina did not expect to find any Uzumaki in this country, just as she did not find any in the iron country. 

"This is the last city before we leave for Kusa to look for Kasumi-nee. Then we will finally leave for Konoha" Kushina said. 

To which Tsunade and Kenji nodded. 

It had been two months since the encounter they had with Orochimaru, there was only one month left until Naruto's birth. 

"You're anxious to get back to your husband Kushina" Tsunade said mocking her cousin. 

"I don't think she's that anxious to see him Tsunade-san. Haven't you noticed Kushina-chan's late night escapades?" said Kenji teasing his former student 

Tsunade was surprised "OH, so Minato-kun has been seeing you at night" Tsunade-san continued mocking 

Kushina was red as a tomato from embarrassment, she thought that no one had seen her leaving the camp at night. Somewhere along the journey Kushina Kushina couldn't hold the urge to find her husband, so every night she would call him with the ring to come find her. 

"ENOUGH ENOUGH" Kushina shouted in embarrassment. Suddenly she started to feel dizzy and threw up. 

Tsunade and Kenji who were teasing her for her outburst, seeing her vomiting ran to come to her 

Tsunade started to examine her and as the great doctor she was she knew immediately what was wrong with her 

"Your nights out paid off Kushina-chan, congratulations you are pregnant" Tsunade said with a smile. 

Kushina was surprised with the news, she was only supposed to get pregnant in three months. While it was true that she was having unprotected sex with Minato every night, she thought that since she would originally only get pregnant a few months later. 

'So now Naruto-chan will be a little older than she would be originally' Kushina thought with a smile, she was looking forward to being the mother Naruto deserved. All the effort she was making to restore the clan was for him. 'Grow up healthy Naruto-kun, the world that awaits you will be wonderful, I promise' Kushina thought as she rubbed her belly fondly.


I hope you liked the chapter, don't forget to comment and give me your power stones.

what did you think about naruto being older than in the original? now he will be older than sasuke.

I originally wanted to make an epic fight between Orochimaru and Kenji, but I think it's not the time for that yet. This chapter served to establish the power level of the characters.

Kenji is an S class shinobi at the same level of the sannin or a little stronger who knows. (Sannin level)

Tsunade is stronger than in the original (sannin level)

 Kushina is too strong, she is a perfect Jinchuriki of the Kyubi, plus her chains transformed into a Kekkei genkai like wood style, not to mention senpugan. Kushina is currently on par with Naruto with Rikudou mode (I guess I exaggerated with the power ups). (Shinobi God level)

 Minato with the seven lightning and senpugan is on par with Kushina. (Shinobi God level)

And Naruto will inherit everything, both the seven lightning and the Uzumaki's Kekkei genkai and senpugan (I've definitely overdone it with the power ups).

In the next chapter I will put all the ranks of power and ability that range from gennin to shinobi god.

A question.

Which is the character you hate the most in Naruto? and why?

The character most voted by the community will have a horrible death in this fanfic.