The twins and the baby

Kushina was happy to discover her pregnancy, she was eager to tell Minato, but now was not the time, she had to check if there were any Uzumaki in this city first. 

Tsunade who saw Kushina's smile was happy for her cousin, but she was saddened when she remembered her boyfriend Dan, they also wanted to have a child. Tsunade and Dan had promised that once the war was over they were going to have a baby, but that never happened, Dan had died in that same war and all because of an old man greedy for power and another who turned a blind eye. Tsunade's eyes flashed briefly with rage, but then she returned to her cheerful expression, it was not the time for that, it was time to be happy for her cousin. 

Kenji upon hearing the news that his former student whom he trained when she was just a child was now pregnant. His eyes filled with tears, but he managed to hold them back with great effort. He was proud for his student, she was now all woman. But Kenji had a feeling about the baby in Kushina's womb, he felt the child was special 'That child will be the one to lead the Uzumaki clan to greatness, no, that child is the salvation of the shinobi world' Kenji sensed. On his back his sword began to vibrate. 'You feel it too don't you Kiba' Kenji said to his sword. 

Tsunade who was now hugging Kushina said "How are you feeling Kushina? Are you better now?" Tsunade asked worried about Kushina. 

"Yes, nee-chan, I'm better, I'm not dizzy anymore" Kushina said calming her sister down. 

"Are you sure? if you want Kenji and I will go check in this city and you can go to the camp to rest" Tsunade said still worried 

Kushina smiled seeing her cousin's concern "Don't worry nee-chan, I'm perfectly fine" Kushina said. 

"Ok, but at the first sign of weakness or dizziness I will send you to camp" Said Tsunade 

Kushina nodded to Tsunade's proposal. Then when they were at the city gates, she took out the search scroll and lit it. She didn't expect there to be Uzumakis here as there were none in the main cities of the waterfall country, but when she lit the scroll three red balls appeared. 

Kushina was surprised and said "Oh, there are three in this city" Kushina said as she started to move in the direction the scroll marked. 

Tsunade and Kenji followed her closely. 

As they followed the direction the scroll marked, they moved deeper and deeper into the city, the scroll led them to the port of the city, they walked through the port until they came to a place where ships were being made. 

Kushina looked at Tsunade and Kenji and said "They are inside this factory, better be prepared" Kushina said worried about the state the Uzumakis were in inside the building. 

All the Uzumakis they had encountered on their way had miserable lives full of suffering and pain. Kushina and the others were preparing themselves for the worst, but what they found astonished her 

"Can you pass me the hammer Urara-kun" Said an old man who was inside a half-built boat. 

"Yes, I'm coming Saburo-san" Said a boy about ten years old with a smile. The boy had the characteristic red hair of the Uzumakis, the hair reached his shoulders with two bangs sticking out on both sides of his face. He wore a plain white shirt with black pants. 

Urara walked over to where a boy much like him was standing guard over a baby also with red hair. 

"Has he lost his tools again already?" asked the boy who was guarding the child. 

"You know how it is, Usagi" Urara said with a smile as he walked into the office to get the hammer the old man had asked for. 

When Urara came out of the office he looked towards the girl and asked his brother "How is Honoka-chan, Usagi?" Urara asked with a smile as he watched the girl play with the little miniature boat that the old man saburo had given him 

Usagi was a boy very much like his brother Urara, he was 10 years old, He had long red hair down to his waist, he was wearing a dark green shirt and black pants. 

Next to him was a little one year old baby girl, she had the characteristic red hair of the Uzumaki clan with a small pink tie on the side of her head, black eyes, she had an adorable smile as she played with her little boat. 

Kushina,Tsunade and Kenji who were expecting to find a depressing scene were surprised by the cheerful atmosphere here. They were glad to see that the children were not being abused. 

They approached Usagi who was watching over little Honoka. 

"Hello little one" Kushina said to usagi with a cheerful and warm smile. 

Usagi was surprised to see Kushina, she had hair like theirs, looking at her she felt like looking at her own mother 

"Hello" the boy said timidly. 

Kushina seeing his reaction smiled and asked "What's your name, little one" She asked the boy 

"My name is Usagi and this is Honoka" "DADA DA" Said Usagi and he baby who was now looking at Kushina. 

Kushina seeing the little one trying to talk she got a fit of tenderness "OOOUU, what a beautiful little girl you are" Then she looked at Usagi and asked "Can I hold her?" Kushina asked 

Usagi hesitated a bit at first, but then agreed by shaking her head 

Seeing him nod Kushina picked Honoka up from her baby basket and hugged her "Hello little one, how adorable you are" Kushina said as she hugged her "DA DA DADA" babbled the little girl. 

After a few moments of hugging and kissing the little girl Kushina still holding the little girl asked Usagi "Can you call your brother here? We have something to talk to you" Kushina said happily. 

The child nodded and shouted "URARAAAAA COME HERE, AN ONEE-SAN WANTS TO TALK TO US" shouted the child. 

"I'M COMING" Urara shouted in response. 

A few moments later the other boy arrived 

Urara seeing Kushina almost cried, she looked so much like her mother and aunt 

Kushina seeing the boy's expression smiled at him and hugged him. 

Kushina looked at the siblings and said "I guess you guys know that you are part of the Uzumaki clan. right?" Kushina asked the siblings as she held little Honoka who had fallen asleep. 

The siblings looked at each other and then nodded. 

Kushina seeing the affirmation of the little ones asked a question that she knew would make the children sad "Who were your parents?" 

Hearing the question the children's eyes filled with tears, they stood for a while crying as they were comforted by Kenji and Kushina 

"My mom was named Kaede Uzumaki and Honoka's mom was named Kanae" Said Usagi who had recovered first. 

Kushina was surprised Kaede, Kanae and Kasumi were her cousins. She knew Kasumi was in Kusa but was surprised to find out that the other two were here and that they had children. She knew Honoka from Naruto's memories of the future, she knew she was going to die trying to contain a beast. But in Naruto's memories he had never heard of twin brothers. 

Kushina apprehensive asked "Where are your parents?" Kushina said already assuming the worst 

Urara and Usagi cried even more, they told her what happened to them in tears 

"My mom, dad, aunt Kanae and uncle Taichi came here to escape the destruction of the clan, My dad Ryu and uncle Taichi wanted to have stayed to fight, but the clan leader sent them away to carry on the legacy of our clan. 

We lived here for years. My dad and Uncle Taichi were practically the leaders of this town, they are the reason why this town is prosperous today. But one day a merchant came from the rock country who was not satisfied with the price my father wanted to pay for his goods. The merchant was a friend of the Tsuchikage so he sought him out in search of revenge against my father and uncle. Once he told the Tsuchikage, everything that had happened and told him my father's appearances, the Tsuchikage discovered that they were survivors of the Uzumaki clan and sent Shinobi to kill us. 

My parents found out that Iwa was coming to kill us and decided to hide us together with Honoka who had just been born. 

They died fighting against Iwa's Shinobi who tripled in number, my mother and my aunt also fought. 

Since then old Saburo took us in and gave us this job," said Usagi in tears. 

Kushina walked towards them and hugged them tightly "Don't worry little ones, I'll take care of them from now on" Kushina said with pain as she discovered the fate of her cousins. 'If I had come a few months earlier I could have saved them' Kushina thought with pain knowing that she had been able to avoid her cousins' tragic fate. 

Moments later an old man in his 70's hunched over approached them and was met with the scene of Kushina hugging the children. 

"Who are you?" Saburo the boatman asked. 

Urara and Usagi answered "This is Kushina-san my mother's cousin, Saburo-san" Urara replied. 

Kushina seeing the old man knelt down and said "Thank you for taking care of my nephews saburo-san" Kushina said deeply grateful to the old man, she was used to meet mistreated Uzumakis, but saburo had taken very good care of them 

Saburo quickly lifted Kushina up and said "No need to thank me Kushina-san, I just did my duty, I owed a lot to the children's parents, so I took care of them once I heard about their death" Saburo explained as he lifted Kushina up 

Saburo then looked at the children and said "I guess your aunt has come to take you with her" Saburo said with a gentle smile 

Hearing Saburo's words brought tears to their eyes, they had become attached to the old man. They were worried about him as now he would have no one to help him 

"Don't worry little ones, I'll be fine in your absence" Saburo said as he pulled out two miniature boats from his bag 

"This I made this for you, so that you will remember me" Said the old man as he gave a boat to each of the brothers 

"I hope you have a happy life little ones" Said the old man. 

Urara said "This won't be the last time we see each other saburo-san, we will come to visit you often. right, Kushina-san?" Urara asked Kushina 

Kushina replied "Yes, once you are strong enough you can come to visit. Don't call me Kushina-san, call me auntie" Kushina said looking at the children. 

"But we are already strong, my dad and uncle taught us how to be shinobi, we already have the chunin level" Usagi said to Kushina 

"Oh well, when you have the Jonin level you can come anytime" Kushina replied as she walked away and left the kids so they could say goodbye to the old man 

She then took them to her house to get their things and they went back to camp where the kids and he baby were greeted warmly by the rest of the group 

They spent the night at the camp and the next morning they began their journey to the grass country, their last stop before returning to Konoha and finally officially re-establishing their clan


Yes, Kushina will adopt Honoka, which will make her Naruto's older sister.

La mayoria de vosotros habeis votado por Danzo, pero como yo ya planeaba darle una muerte horrible, He decidido matar tanbien a los ancianos Koharu y Hamura 

Esta será la ultima encuesta que haré aqui en webnovels, la proxima se realizará solo en mi p"treón (p" 

Soy un autor muy debil y no puedo dejar que Tayuya o Honoka tengan a otra persona como pareja.

 Asi que deberia agregarlas al haren de Naruto?

o deberia dejar una de ellas para que sea parte del haren de Jiraiya cuando nazca?

Estaba pensando en hacer que Tayuya sea pareja de Naruto mientras que Honoka sea pareja de Jiraiya en el futuro

Don't forget to comment and give me your power stones