Cruel fate

A red-haired woman lay on her bed with a tired and sick face. Her arms were full of bite marks which showed her cruel fate. She lay on the bed as she caressed her belly and thought about her past and what led her to her current situation. 

She was a happy child in Uzushio, as part of the royal family she lived a princess life with her sisters. All she did was learn fuinjutsu and have etiquette classes in the morning. She lived a happy life, but what no one knew (or so she thought) was about her nightly escapes from the palace to meet her boyfriend Takashi Uzumaki. She had fallen in love with Takashi when she saw him training hard with his Katana while walking around the island with her sisters. 

She fell in love with him the first time she saw him, although he was not the most talented or the most beautiful Uzumaki, his perseverance to overcome his limits captivated her. From that day on, whenever she could in her free time she came to watch him train. One day Takashi noticed her and came over to talk to her, Takashi seeing Kasumi's beauty fell in love with her.

From that day on they started talking every day until one day Takashi confessed his feelings to her and she accepted them. They were formally engaged, but they were afraid to tell Kasumi's father, although it was common for members of the royal family to marry common members of the clan, they would only marry the most talented, only the best talents were worthy of joining the royal family. 

So Takashi put even more effort into his training to be worthy enough to ask for Kasumi's hand. Months later when Takashi was finally going to ask for Kasumi's hand the fatal day came.

 Kumo, Iwa and Kiri joined together to destroy the Uzumaki clan. In the midst of the chaos and seeing that someone had disabled Uzushio's defenses Kasumi's father sent her and Takashi to flee. The three sisters together with their boyfriends fled together from Uzushio promising to strengthen themselves and avenge their clan, but they were intercepted by Iwa shinobi which forced them to separate. 

Without knowing the fate of their sisters Kasumi and Takashi began to live as merchants. Without a fixed home they traveled all over the continent working as merchants as Takashi was afraid that if they settled somewhere someone would eventually discover them. And so they lived for years. 

One month ago Kasumi felt dizzy and started vomiting, Takashi quickly took her to a doctor who gave them wonderful news. Kasumi was pregnant, Takashi and Kasumi were amazed with the news. With the news that he was going to be a father, Takashi was finally going to settle down somewhere to be his family's new home, after finishing this last business trip through the grass country, he was going to find a good country to raise his son or daughter. 

Takeshi and Kasumi were traveling towards the capital of the grass country, when they saw on the way a wounded and dying ninja from Kusagakure. Takashi was going to ignore it as he normally did as they had already found many dead or injured shinobi along the way, it was normal since the country of grass and the country of rain were at war. Takashi was going to ignore it, but Kasumi seeing that Kusa's shinobi was a boy of no more than 12 years old, wanted to help him. 

Takashi hesitated whether to allow his wife to heal that shinobi or not. But seeing his wife's face he could not say no to her. They picked up the injured shinobi boy and put him into their carriage. "Here, bite my arm, you'll get better" Kasumi said with a kind smile. 

The doubting shinobi did as the woman said in the hope that he might survive. When she bit his arm a great vitality filled his body repairing his wound and making him feel like new. The shinobi marveled at kasumi's ability. 

Once he was recovered he sat up and said "Thank you very much, my lady" Said The shinobi with an innocent smile. 

"Where do you want us to drop you off shinobi-san" Takashi said to the boy. 

"Where are you heading to, sir?" the boy asked 

"We are heading to the capital" Takashi said as he drove the carriage 

"Couldn't you get me closer to Kusa? It's only half a day from here, besides once we get there I'll talk to the village leader, so he can reward you for saving me" The boy asked as he gave them an innocent smile 

Seeing that Takashi was going to refuse Kasumi said "Ok, we will go to Kusa, but we won't stay since we didn't save you for a reward" Said Kasumi 

Takashi could only sigh 'One day your kindness will be our undoing dear' Takashi thought. 

The shinobi frowned, but quickly put on an innocent smile 'Ok, thank you very much for your kindness' Said the Kusa shinobi. 

Takashi, Kasumi and the boy headed to Kusagakure, on the way they chatted happily about life and the reason for the war. The boy was quickly gaining Takashi's trust, who was always on the alert in case he tried anything. 

When they arrived a few kilometers from Kusa the boy asked "How much farther to Kusa Takashi-san?" the boy asked. 

"there are still a few minutes left Yumi-san" Takashi-san said. 

The boy just smiled in response, Kasumi was happy to see the smile of the little boy, when she saw him in agony she couldn't help but think of the baby in her belly, if her son was in that situation she would also like someone to save him, just like she had done. Just imagining her future home with Takashi raising the baby made her anxious, she wanted to end this journey once and for all. 

When Kusa could be seen in the distance Takashi said "Look yumi-san, we are almost there..." Takashi was saying until he felt a sudden pain coming from his chest, when he looked down he saw a sword piercing him. 

"TAAAAAAKAAASHIII" Kasumi shouted as she saw the little boy who had saved stabbing her husband. 

"Nothing personal, Takashi-san, but your wife has a skill that will be very useful for Kusa, I can't let you leave" Said the boy with a cold voice as he slashed Takashi's neck with a Kunai. 

Takashi's blood spurted out of Takashi's neck staining the whole inside of the carriage with blood, staining Kasumi with the blood of her beloved

Kasumi freezed in shock, seeing her beloved and the father of her child die like that paralyzed her 

Yami turned to Kasumi and said "Come Kasumi-san, let's head to Kusa" Said the boy as he threw Takashi's body out of the carriage and started to drive the carriage 

Kasumi had a dead look on her lifeless face, she couldn't take in what had happened. 

When they arrived Kusa Yami took her to the village leader and told him about her ability. Kasumi wouldn't listen to anything, she was still in shock about what had happened, they took her to a house and said that tomorrow she would start her work. 

And so a month went by, Kasumi was used as a cure battery where shinobi would enter the house they had given her and bite her body without caring if it hurt. And she could not resist as they threatened to kill her baby. 

One day a man wanted to rape her, but she threatened to commit suicide if he did and since they can't lose her they didn't do it. 

Her life was miserable, she felt constantly fatigued and the pain of the bites was unbearable. 

Because of her, because of her kindness her husband died and her future son or daughter was condemned to the same fate as her. It was her, she had ended her own happy future by being too kind. 

She lay on her bed with her arms bandaged and crying bitterly as she thought about her past and what her life could have been if only she decided to ignore that shitty ninja. Only her baby kept her from taking her own life. 

First thing in the morning another Kusa ninja walked in her door. 

"Give me your right arm bitch" Said the Kusa ninja. 

Kasumi who had her right arm bandaged said "My right arm is very damaged take the left one" Said Kasumi. 

The ninja got angry and said "Give me your fucking right arm bitch" Said the ninja while hitting her. As Kasumi was in agony the man grabbed her right arm and forcefully removed the bandages. "This is for you to learn to respect orders" Said the ninja as he bit the arm hard. 

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHH" Kasumi screamed in agony from the pain. 

The ninja after he finished biting her arm said "You're lucky we need you alive, otherwise I would have tasted that slutty body of yours" Said the man as he walked out of the apartment 

The man who was leaving Kasumi's hut suddenly froze, a great murderous intent hit him. He could only move his eyes. 

As he looked up he saw about three people outside the hut, one of them was a giant six foot tall man who had a giant black sword on his back and covered his head with a hood. Next to him two smaller figures who covered their entire body with black clothes only leaving their eyes uncovered. 

But that was not what he feared, one of the lesser figures emanated a terrifying murderous intent, his eyes were red in color and his pupil was slit shaped like a predator, from his body gushed red chakra that danced around him violently. 

All the Kusa ninja lined up at Kasumi's hut froze from the terrifying chakra emitted by Kushina as she saw with her own eyes the situation Kasumi was in. 

The entire village trembled at her anger. 

"WE ARE BEING ATTACKED" one villager said. 

"WE WILL ALL DIE" shouted the villagers of Kusa. 


The village leader summoned his shinobi and ambu and they rushed to the place of origin of that monstrous chakra 


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO KASUMI" Kushina shouted angrily. 

Seeing that the man didn't respond she became even more furious 

"ANSWER YOU TRASH, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FAMILY" Kushina shouted once again. 

The shinobi who had hit and bit Kasumi saw that if he didn't respond he was going to die "I JUST..." the man was answering when he suddenly turned into a blood pulp 

"YOU ARE DISGUSTING, YOUR VOICE DISGUSTS ME" Kushina said wiping her hand that she had killed Kusa's trash with. 

The men who were waiting for their turn to bite Kasumi seeing the man's instant death started to run in panic 

Kushina seeing this raised her chakra to the maximum increasing the pressure crushing them instantly 

"Calm down Kushina what happened to the plan to sneak in and retrieve her without alerting the whole village?" Tsunade said trying to calm Kushina down. 

Kushina calmed down a little when she heard Tsunade's words. 

"Come let's pick up Kasumi and get out of here" Tsunade said to Kushina who nodded. 

"Grab Kasumi, Kenji-sensei, take her to the camp" Kushina ordered Kenji who nodded and went inside the hut to pick up the Uzumaki who had fainted from the pain 

"What are you doing Kushina, we have to go" Tsunade said as she saw Kushina started to write on the floor 

"I'm just leaving a warning Tsunade-nee" Kushina said as she finished writing. She turned to Tsunade and kenji who was carrying Kasumi and said "Let's go" And they sped off towards the camp they had left far away anticipating that something like this could happen. 


When the leader of Kusakagure and his shinobi arrived at the place where Kasumi's hut was, they were horrified by the scene they found. 

There were dozens of crushed bodies and a pool of blood and organs that they assumed was a human corpse. 

The village leader was about to send his shinobi to chase after those who had done this, when he saw the letters on the ground. 


Read the leader, as he read Kushina's words he shuddered, he knew that whoever had done this would keep their word. So he decided not to pursue them 

"The woman is gone sir" Said an Ambu who had entered the hut to look for Kasumi. 

"Ok, let's go back to the village" Said the leader. 

"But sir, aren't we going to look for the ones who have done this?" said a Jonin from Kusa 

The leader gave him an impassive look and said "Can you face someone with that chakra?" the leader asked the ninja, seeing him shake his head he continued "Then shut up. We should be thankful that he hadn't decided to destroy the whole village" Said the cowardly leader of Kusagakure to the disappointment of his shinobi. 

Away from Kusa Kushina, Tsunade and Kenji who was carrying Kasumi ran towards the camp they had set up on the border between fire country and grass country, they had set it up here in case they had to run out of grass country. 

Half a day later they finally arrived at the camp, they were panting, running at full speed shortening the trip that would be three days in half a day. 

Tsunade looked at Kenji and said "Put Kasumi in a tent so I can examine her" Kenji nodded and placed Kasumi in a tent. 

Kushina looks at Shizune, Kenji, Usagi, Urara and Yusuke and said " guard the camp and get ready to fight, we don't know if Kusa will send his Shinobi to look for us" Kushina ordered to which they nodded and left to go about their task 

Kushina entered the tent that Tsunade and Kasumi were in. "Will she be alright nee-chan" Kushina asked Tsunade who was analyzing Kasumi. 

Tsunade and said "Yeah, she just needs to rest and she'll be good as new" then looked at her and said "There's one more thing" Tsunade said. 

"What's wrong with her, will she be okay?" asked Kushina anxious 

"No, don't worry, there's nothing seriously wrong with her. What's wrong with her is that she's pregnant" Said Tsunade 

Kushina sighed in relief, she was afraid that she had prevented Karin's birth 

Tsunade seeing Kushina's reaction frowned, what was Kushina hiding from her. Since the day she searched for her in Tanzaku-gai, Tsunade noticed that Kushina always seems to know more than she should, as if she had knowledge of the future. Then she shook her head thinking that it was just something in her head. 

"She almost lost he baby when that man hit her, her baby is in bad shape due to the low vitality provided by her mother in the most important part of her formation. It is likely to develop some condition because of that" Tsunade said explaining the baby's situation. 

Kushina sighed in relief that Karin would be fine and was surprised to see why she will have to wear glasses. It was almost impossible for an Uzumaki to develop any diseases at birth due to the high vitality of the clan. Karin will be among the few Uzumaki born with vision problems. 

"Agghh" Groaned Kasumi as she woke up. 

Kasumi looked around confused, she wasn't in her hut. She then noticed Kushina and her eyes began to fill with tears 

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming" Kasumi said crying. 

Kushina hugged her and said "No, nee-chan, you're not dreaming" Kushina said with a smile while hugging her 

"What happened? Why are you here Kushina-chan? This place is dangerous" Kasumi said in desperation, afraid that Kushina would suffer the same fate as her 

"Don't worry nee-chan, we are no longer in Kusa, no one can hurt you anymore" Said Kushina hugging her. 

Kasumi being free from her torment cried even more, she was finally free from that hell. 

Kushina and Tsunade began to tell her how they had taken her out of Kusa and how they had begun to gather the Uzumakis to rebuild the clan. 

Kasumi then decided to tell them everything she had been through since the day of the clan's destruction. When it was time to tell them what had happened to her husband because of her and what her life was like in Kusa 

Kushina wanted to go back to that village and destroy it once and for all. 

Kushina hugged Kasumi who was crying and said "You had no way of knowing that child would kill Takashi, nee-chan. Don't blame yourself blame the people who repay kindness with cruelty. We should learn from the past and get over it, I'm sure that's what Takashi-san would want" Kushina said comforting her. 

Kasumi fell asleep after venting to Kushina and Tsunade. 

Kushina looked at Tsunade and said "I guess my warning worked" Kushina said. 

"You've terrified them Kushina and from what I know the current leader of Kusa is a coward. I'm sure he won't send anyone after us" Said Tsunade 

Kushina sighed, in her opinion she should have destroyed the whole village or at least all the shinobi in Kusa, but she knew that wasn't the way. There were innocent people in Kusa too, if she killed all the shinobi the country would collapse and innocent people would suffer, just like the Uzumaki clan members had done 

"You should have killed them all" Said a voice in Kushina's head. 

'Shut up Kurama, I wanted to do it too, but it's not the right thing to do. There were innocent people there too' Kushina mentally said to Kurama. 

'Hump' Snorted the fox. 

"I guess we'll be heading to Konoha tomorrow. right?" asked Tsunade snapping Kushina out of her thoughts 



"Yes, the time has come, to restore our clan."


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The naruto harem will have 6 members, Hinata, Ino, Karin, Tayuya, Honoka and (...) 

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