Return of the Uzumaki clan

A blond man was sitting in his chair, on his desk was a huge stack of papers he had to read and sign, normally he sends shadow clones to do the job. But today is a special day, today is the day when finally the Uzumaki clan would return. 

Minato sighed in his chair. Before, being Hokage was his dream, but now he couldn't wait to get rid of this position. His loyalty was no longer with this village, even though he still loved the village, knowing how they treated his son when he died, made him care less about this place. All he wanted now was to help his wife with the creation of the clan and at some point in the future he hoped to be able to go to his clan lands. 

These last few months he was training his clan's techniques, the seven lightning bolts, the Denkouken clan's taijutsu and he also trained his senpugan a lot. He wanted to be in shape for future events and for when he traveled to his clan's home, he didn't know what awaited him so he was preparing himself to the fullest. 

Minato was lost in his thoughts when a voice came out of his ring "Minato-kun, we'll be there in a day, you can call the meeting now" Kushina's voice said through the ring 

"Ok, dear, I will call the meeting for tomorrow morning" Minato said to his wife. 

For the past few months he had been preparing all the papers stealthily, avoiding being discovered by Danzo's spies, although now there was nothing Danzo could do to prevent the formation of the clan. 

He called an ambu and said "Warn all clan leaders and the council, first thing tomorrow morning there will be a meeting to decide the future of the village. No absences allowed" Minato ordered the ambu. 

Minato had been cleaning out the ambu division of the village, slowly removing the root shinobi that were infiltrating the organization. Doing so was quite a challenge without Kushina's help, without her mind's eye. But he had succeeded, he had managed to get half of the root spies out of the Ambu division, and the other half only went on missions outside the village making it impossible for them to get any important information. 

After ordering the Ambu, he made 4 shadow clones to do his job and teleported home to continue his training. He had to be in shape to face the aliens that would come to this planet, he was not worried about akatsuki, he feels he can easily defeat any of them. 

On the next day Minato was now sitting in the main seat of the meeting room, around him were all the clan leaders of Konoha along with the council formed Koharu and Homura. Danzo as the leader of the Shimura clan was present. 

"Why have you convoked us here Minato" Koharu said. 

"This meeting was called to discuss the addition of a new clan to Konoha" Said Minato. 

The clan leaders had different reactions, those who already knew didn't react while those who didn't know were surprised. Hiruzen who was here as the leader of the Sarutobi clan and as Minato's mentor was even more surprised, the meeting to vote is supposed to be the last thing to do, if Minato called the meeting it means that the process of annexing the new clan was already well advanced. Neither him or the council were aware of this. 

Danzo frowned, but quickly regained his stoic expression. 

"What does that mean Minato, why weren't we warned from before?" Homura said a bit elated. 

Minato looked at him and said "I as Hokage already made all the necessary arrangements for the process and with the contract elaboration. All that's missing is the vote of the clan leaders" Said Minato. 


"I both can and have done it. Now let's proceed" Said Minato in an authoritative voice. 

"And which clan is it that we are going to add to Konoha" Said Hiruzen to calm things down. 

The clan leaders who didn't know which clan it was, were expectant 

"The Uzumaki clan requests to be part of Konoha" Minato said. 

Danzo frowned again, but managed to return to his stoic expression with difficulty 

The clan leaders along with the advisors and Hiruzen were surprised by what Minato said. 

The Uzumaki clan is a stain on Konoha's history, so much so that they wanted to erase it from history so that future generations wouldn't know that Konoha couldn't help their closest ally. 

"But the Uzumaki clan has been destroyed, hasn't it? There are no living members left besides..." Said the head of the Kurama clan. 

"Only the Kyubi is left over from that clan" Said Danzo completing the words of the Kurama clan leader. 

When Danzo said those words a chakra pressure hit him, the whole building started to shake. Everyone in the room broke out in a cold sweat and had to lower their heads because of the pressure coming from Minato. 

Hiruzen who also had difficulties to raise his head said "ENOUGH MINATO". 

Minato withdrew the pressure a little, but the murderous intent emanating towards Danzo did not stop "Call Kushina like that again and I will kill you" Minato said coldly to Danzo. 

Danzo couldn't keep his unemotional face as the pressure and murderous intent hit him, his eyes flashed with fear and rage. 

Once Minato said that he stopped emitting his pressure and murderous intent. 

"I'm not going to let anyone here treat Kushina like a monster or a weapon. understood?" said Minato coldly looking at everyone present. 

The people in the room breathed a sigh of relief when Minato ceased his pressure, they were amazed by the power of their Hokage. 

Hiruzen and Danzo were even more shocked, the power shown by Minato was comparable to the power of the first Hokage. Hiruzen thought it was a blessing for Konoha to have a Hokage with the strength of the first, while Danzo made it a priority to kill Minato. Minato would be a huge risk to his plans in the future. 

A few moments later Danzo spoke again "Kushina Uzumaki, she married you Hokage sama, so her name is Namikaze and not Uzumaki. There are no male members of the clan left, so it's impossible its restoration" Danzo argued to which the Koharu and Homura nodded agreeing with Danzo's argument. 

Minato smiled as he pulled out a sheet of paper and showed it to everyone present. 

"This is the marriage contract between myself Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. In it is stipulated that neither of us will take each other's last name. Also, we have decided that our children will be named Uzumaki and not Namikaze" Replied Minato. 

The clan leaders were astonished, it wasn't common for a man to let his wife keep his surname much less let his children take his wife's surname. 

"Even if that is true, it is stipulated by law that clans that want to join konoha must have at least 10 members. The only clans that can have a smaller number of members are the ones that were already part of Konoha previously and their number was reduced by casualties in service to Konoha" Homura said to which Danzó nodded. 

Minato just smiled at that and said loudly "You can enter". 

When Minato said that the doors opened and 14 redheads started to enter along with Tsunade who came right behind them. 

The clan leaders were surprised to see so many redheads in the same place. 

Danzo frowned even more angrily, he knew what this meant, Minato had planned it all. He didn't know how they had managed to gather so many Uzumaki while he had them watched 24 hours a day. When he saw Tsunade at the end of the line, he could connect the dots, his mind traveled back to that day when Kushina wanted to go see her, but with her intervention he was able to stop her from leaving the village, since that day Kushina hardly ever left the house, she only went out to meet her friends and buy food. But since she was supposedly having a argument with Minato and knowing her obstinacy he didn't find anything strange. 

Minato and Kushina had managed to distract him as they gathered clan members scattered around the world. Danzo had nothing to do now, he could only wait for the vote against the Uzumaki clan gathering Konoha. 

"I present to you the surviving members of the massacre of the Uzumaki clan" Minato said leaving everyone in awe "Kushina traveled through the elemental nations gathering her family to bring them here to rebuild her clan" Minato said with a smile. 


When Minato was about to answer her Kushina spoke "One, I am not the Kyubi, I am Kushina Uzumaki. Two, I didn't go out without permission, the HOKAGE allowed me to do it" Kushina said shutting the old woman's mouth. 

Hiruzen was surprised by what was happening, but was even more surprised to see Tsunade. "Hello Tsunade, how have you been?" Hiruzen said loudly drawing the attention of everyone present who had not noticed Tsunade sitting in the seat of the Senju clan. 

Tsunade looked at him with a disgusted look and ignored him, then looked towards Minato and said "Sorry for being late Hokage sama." 

"No problem lady Senju, the important thing is that you have come" Minato said with a smile. 

"Well since there is no longer any impediment for the voting to take place, let's get started" Minato said to everyone present "First, the Uzumakis please wait outside, only Kushina is staying in the room as the clan leader" Minato said to the Uzumakis in the room 

Hearing his words they withdrew only leaving Kushina who sat in a free seat. 

Well let's start the voting 

"Raise your hands who are in favor of the annexation of the Uzumaki clan into Konoha" Said Minato. 

When he said that the heads of the Uchiha clan (Fugaku), Hyuga (Hiashi), Senju (Tsunade), Hatake (Kakashi), Nara (Shikaku), Yamanaka (Inoichi), Akimichi (Choza) and Inuzuka (Tsume). 

Hiruzen hesitated whether to raise his hand or not, on the one hand, he wanted the Uzumaki clan to be part of Konoha, but on the other hand he knew that Danzo would not stand still for this, so he decided to be neutral in this vote 

"Now raise your hand who are against it" Minato said. 

Danzo, Homura, Koharu, leader of the Kurama clan, and two minor clan leaders raised their hands. 

"8 against 6, the joining of the Uzumaki clan to Konoha is approved" Said Minato with a smile. 

"Yeeessss!" Celebrated Kushina drawing everyone's attention, which left her embarrassed. 

Danzo was furious to see the clan he had destroyed re-emerge and worse, do so within his village. He got up to leave, but was stopped by Minato's voice. 

"The meeting is not over yet Danzo-san, sit back in your seat" Minato said in a mocking voice. 

Danzo became even more furious, but he had to obey the Hokage, not doing so would be considered treason. 

"Alright, once approved, let's hear the words of the new leader of the Uzumaki clan" Minato said looking at Kushina. 

Kushina stood up and said "First, thank you very much to everyone who supported the Uzumaki clan, we will never forget this" Kushina said grateful to those clans and holding a grudge to those who voted against. She paused for a breath and continued. 

"And as my first request as a clan leader, I demand that the Uzumaki clan symbol be removed from the uniforms of the shinobi of Konoha" Kushina said sternly. 

Koharu was indignant "Impossible, that symbol was on the uniform of our ninja since the foundation of the village. It represents the alliance and friendship between our villages" Koharu said. 

"Friendship and alliance you say. Where was your alliance and friendship while our clan was destroyed by your enemies? Where was our alliance when you extinguished our clan from the history books of Konoha?" said Kushina angrily as her gaze oscillated between the elders, Danzo and Hiruzen. 

Koharu remained silent at Kushina's words. 

"I demand that from today only members of the Uzumaki clan or whoever we allow, can wear our clan symbol" Kushina said firmly. 

Minato then started a vote on this topic and again it was approved 

"Second, I demand that our clan be reinserted into the history books of Konoha, from where it should never have left, as one of the clans that helped in the building of this village" Kushina said 

Again a vote was taken and the petition was approved, after that Kushina went on to explain what the Uzumaki clan would be doing from now on and their business plans. 

As the meeting was coming to an end Tsunade suddenly stood up. "Hokage sama, news to give everyone here present" Tsunade said to Minato. 

"Go ahead" Said Minato 

Tsunade then left her seat and went to the middle of the hall and said "As you know I am the last living member of the Senju clan, and since I am a woman and have no intention of having descendants, the Senju clan is condemned to extinction. Therefore, as I also have Uzumaki blood, the leader of the Uzumaki clan and I as the leader of the Senju clan have decided to unite our clans under the banner of the Uzumaki clan" Tsunade said firmly. 


Tsunade looked at him and snorted "First, the blame for my clan's disappearance falls on Konoha, since they died fighting your wars and doing missions. Second, according to Konoha's statute the clans are sovereign about their decisions and their members. Therefore I declare that as of today all the possessions of the Senju clan along with its last living member will belong to the Uzumaki clan, our cousins. We will unite as in the origin of our clans. And from today my name is no longer Tsunade Senju but Tsunade Uzumaki" Tsunade said in a loud voice. 

The clan leaders were shocked by the news, not only by the disappearance of the main clan of Konoha but also by how strong the Uzumaki clan became. Now that Tsunade had joined that clan they had three S-class shinobi, Kushina, Tsunade and Minato, although he did not officially join, everyone knew he was part of the clan. The Uzumaki clan had gone from the missing and exterminated clan to the strongest clan in Konoha passing the Uchiha and the Hyuga who only beat them in the number of members. 

Once the meeting was over Danzo quickly left that room in anger. 

'This won't stay like this, if I destroyed it once I can do it again'.


The Uzumaki clan is finally back.

Danzo is angry, what will he do?

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