The richest clan in Konoha

Kushina was on her way to the Konoha market to buy ingredients to make lunch, on the way the villagers happily greeted her, something she had to get used to these last few months. As she was entering a store she met Mikoto and Hana who were chatting happily. 

" Look if it is not the new princess of Konoha, or should I say queen" Said Mikoto to Kushina who blushed at her best friend's words. 

"Don't talk nonsense Mikoto, you embarrass me, dattebane" Said Kushina blushing. 

"It's not nonsense Kushina, since the day Minato made your marriage official, everyone started to adore you. And it only got worse after you opened your fuinjutsu store, by the way, that's a very nice ring Kushina congratulations" Hana Hyuga said showing her the ring she had on her finger. The ring was similar with the one Kushina had, it was made of chakra ore mixed with silver, but unlike Kushina and Minato's, this one had the Hyuga clan symbol marked on it. 

"That's true, although it's quite expensive it's a very good ring, it has become popular among clan leaders and their wives. Besides, I heard that you are selling it all over the continent" Mikoto said showing him her ring with the Uchiha clan symbol. 

"Yes, Kenji-sensei is a good craftsman, he made the rings while I only had to make the fuinjutsu engravings. 

"Although I expected these rings to be a success, I didn't expect it to be such a big hit, we have orders from all the nobles of all the elemental nations. Sometimes it is hard to get the materials and even harder to be able to make them all" Kushina said. 

"That only makes them more special Kushina, being so expensive makes it a status symbol to have one" Said Mikoto 

"Yes, and with that amount of customers you will soon be the richest clan in Konoha" Said Hana 

"Oh, you know nothing Hana, those rings are not our biggest source of income" Said Kushina with a smile. 

Hana and Mikoto were surprised. "And what would be your biggest source of income Kushina?" 

Kushina smiled and said "The villagers." 

"Whaath. how can the villagers be your biggest source of income?" the two asked surprised. 

"Because of this" Kushina said as she pulled out an object that looked like a coin, but was completely gray, with Fuinjutsu engravings on it. 

"This is a chakra battery, it allows people who can't or don't know how to use chakra to use our fuinjutsu" Said Kushina with a proud smile. 

Hana and Mikoto were amazed. "How had we not heard about this before? And how does that work?" Hana asked Kushina. 

"I guess, as chakra users, you haven't paid attention to these products" Kushina said taking out a kind of controller made of black colored plastic, it was rectangular in format (Like a TV remote) on one side there was nothing and on the other side there was a single red button. 

Hana and Mikoto were puzzled. "What is that" They both said confused. 

"This is a new version of storage scrolls that allows users who don't have chakra to use it. It works like this, see these two side slots?" Kushina said waiting for their responses, seeing that they nodded she continued "In this one you insert this chakra battery that will work as a power source for the device, in the other one you insert fuinjutsu paper for the scroll making, see?" Kushina said as she inserted the chakra battery and a small roll of paper into the other slot. 

When the two nodded to her question Kushina placed her shopping bag on the ground and continued "Once the device is recharged, you bring it close to something you want to store or seal and press the button" Kushina said as she brought the device closer to her shopping bag and pressed the button 


Kushina pressed the button on the device and her shopping bag disappeared "Now we just have to wait for a little while, until the scroll is ready" 

The device vibrated a little, but suddenly a small hatch opened where there was a mini scroll. 

The mini scroll was like a normal scroll but in miniature, it had two buttons on both ends. 

Kushina took the scroll and said "And here it is" Kushina said with a smile as she held the mini scroll with a giggling smile. 

Hana and Mikoto were amazed by the new technology that Kushina had developed. "And how do you get it out of the scrolls" Mikoto asked curious. 

"It's very simple" Kushina said while holding the scroll "You just press the two buttons at the same time, then you put it on the ground or wherever you want and a few seconds later the scroll will disintegrate and release the contents it had stored" Kushina said while performing those steps 

Once Kushina had pressed the two side buttons on the scrolls, she placed the mini scroll on the ground and stepped back a bit. Moments later the scroll began to glow and suddenly Kushina's shopping bag was in the position of the scroll. 

"Pretty simple, isn't it?" Kushina said with a smile, seeing the expressions of the two women she continued "This has been very popular among the villagers of Konoha, but the ninja don't want to use it, they say that's only for those who can't use chakra. But once they see Minato-kun use them, they will come running to buy them" Kushina said as her eyes glowed in the shape of the Ryo (Money of Naruto's world) symbol. 

Mikoto and Hana started to sweat when they saw Kushina's face. 

"Are those devices very expensive?" Hana asked. 

"No, they are actually very cheap, the only downside is that they have to buy new chakra batteries and fuinjutsu paper rolls, every month" Kushina said with a smile. 'Although they can't know that reducing the battery life to just one month' Kushina thought. 

"Wow, if they are cheap, I will buy some for the children and civilian members of my clan" Mikoto said. 

"Yeah, I will also buy some for my clan" Hana said. 

Kushina hearing that cheered up "If you guys are going to buy them I'll give you a big discount if you tell the other clans about it" Kushina said with a smile 

"And you can't just give us discounts just for being your friends?" Mikoto said a bit annoyed 

"I'm already doing that, and as a favor I'm asking you guys to spread the product of your dearest friend, right?" Kushina said with a sly smile. 

And so Kushina, Mikoto and Hana were talking for a whole hour. 

"Oh, it's getting late, I have to go take care of Honoka-chan" Kushina said as she prepared to go back home. 

"I still can't believe you adopted that little girl Kushina" Mikoto said. 

"Yeah, she's my cousin's daughter, she was very adorable so I adopted her, she'll be a good big sister to my Naruto" Kushina said as she patted her belly. "And how is little Sasuke Mikoto?" Kushina asked her friend. 

"Tsunade-sama said that everything is going perfect with my pregnancy, Sasuke will be a very healthy boy" Mikoto replied to Kushina's question. 

Kushina smiled when she heard Mikoto's answer, she looked at Hana and asked "And how is little Hinata? Hana" Kushina asked her Hyuga friend. 

"Tsunade-sama said she is very healthy, Hinata-chan will be a lovely little girl" Hana replied to her question. 

"You better take good care of my Naru-chan's future girlfriend" Kushina said with a smile. 

"And how do you know that my Hinata-chan and your Naruto will be dating?" Hana said. Ever since she found out that she was pregnant and told Kushina, Kushina started saying that her future daughter will be her son's partner 

"I have a feeling, Hana-chan" Kushina said teasing Hana. 

Hana could only sigh while Mikoto and Kushina were laughing 

"Ok, it's getting late, I'm leaving. Bye Hana, bye Mikoto, see you" Kushina said as she left for her new home which was located in the former Senju compound now Uzumaki compound. 

They had moved here 6 months ago when the clan's union to Konoha was approved. 

Kushina entered the complex and made her way to the main house where she now lived. 

"I'm home" Kushina said as she entered her house, hearing no response she headed to the living room of the house where she could hear baby sounds 


Kushina smiled as she heard Honoka's voice. 

She entered the living room to find her clone sitting on the sofa as she watched Honoka who was playing with her toys. 

"I'm home Honoka-chan, are you hungry?" Kushina said with a smile as she approached the girl. 

"DA DADA DA DA DA" Babbled the lively little girl as she heard her mom's voice. 

Kushina picked her up in her arms and hugged her warmly and said lovingly as she sat down on the sofa and undoing her clone "Come let's feed you" Kushina said as she pulled out a boob to breastfeed her daughter 

From the first day she saw Honoka her maternal instinct activated and she started to breastfeed, or so Tsunade had told her 

Honoka started sucking on Kushina's tit drinking her milk, minutes later she fell asleep. 

Kushina put her in her crib that was in the living room and started to prepare the food. 

When she finished preparing the food she noticed that Minato still hadn't finished training, she left a clone taking care of Honoka and went to the clan's exclusive training camp to look for him. 

Arriving at the training ground she heard her husband's voice 

"Come on Urara just one more lap" Minato said sternly to a Usagi wearing a vest weighing, over 100 kg as he ran around the training field. 

Up ahead Usagi was running with the same weight, but seemed to be able to hold it much better than his brother 

"Didn't you say you wanted to get stronger to go see Saburo-san?" 

Urara hearing Minato's words was filled with determination started to run faster 

"You're going to break them Minato-kun" Kushina said with a smile as she saw her husband training the two boys 

"They won't break, they are Uzumakis. You have to take advantage of their monstrous vitality" Minato said with a smile. 

"It's time to eat Minato-kun, finish the training and let's go eat" Kushina said to her husband 

Minato upon hearing his wife's words said "GUYS TRAINING IS OVER, IT'S TIME TO EAT" Minato shouted to the two children. 

The children upon hearing him collapsed on the ground extremely tired. 

Kushina, Minato and the boys went home where Tsunade and Shizune were already sitting at the table. 

Kushina looked at Minato and the boys who were stinking smelly with sweat and full of dirt said "Go take a bath or you won't eat" She said as she sat down at the table and started chatting with the girls. 

Minato and the boys headed to the bathroom to bathe. 

"How was your day at the hospital girls" Kushina said looking at Tsunade and Shizune. 

"It's been good nothing serious happened" Tsunade said as she drank some sake 

"Finally a day where nothing serious happened" Shizune said tiredly. 

Tsunade had become the director of the hospital at Minato's request and Shizune was her secretary 

They got to talking about their days until Kushina said. 

"This house still feels very empty" Kushina said sighing, she had wanted everyone to stay in this house, but they refused, everyone wanted to have their own personal space. If it wasn't for much insistence from Kushina, Tsunade and Shizune would also be living in another house. 

"Don't worry, soon this house will be full of life" Tsunade said. 



"Yes, very soon" Kushina said as she stroked her belly.


This has been a "slice of life" chapter.

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