
Kushina was in her fuinjutsu store, it had been a very busy morning, customers kept coming in. 'This can't go on like this, we can hardly handle the demand from customers anymore, we don't lack workers as I can make thousands of clones that work 24 hours a day. What we lack are the materials, the materials produced by the fire country are no longer enough' Kushina sighed. 

Kushina was sitting in the main seat at the company's meeting table, next to her were Kenji, Kasumi, Kaori, Tsunade and Minato. 

"We have a problem" Kushina said gravely. 

"We don't have enough materials to supply our business. That only got worse after the release of the chakra storage seal" Kushina said seriously. "We have to figure out solutions to this problem" Kushina Said looking at everyone present. 

"One solution is to go into the materials business. That way we won't have to rely on third parties to get the materials, plus we can increase the production of those materials" Said Kenji 

Kushina and the others started thinking about Kenji's proposal. 

"That poses another problem, to do that we must expand the company enormously, Besides that would only solve the problem of fuinjutsu paper, the other ingredients like chakra ink is only produced in large quantities in the water country and some islands near it. Not to mention our biggest problem, chakra metal, the deposits of that metal in Konoha are already almost exhausted. The Iron country where the largest production of that metal is located doesn't want to sell it to us in large quantities even if we pay them double or triple for the gram" Said Kasumi. 

" What if we expand the company to more countries, it is clear that only being present in the country of Fire is holding us back. We can enter the paper production business in the Fire country. And we can directly enter the countries without having to rely on autonomous merchants" Tsunade said. 

They pondered over Tsunade's words until Kushina said "That's fine, but there's a problem. The chakra paper and regular paper business are controlled by the nobles of the fire country, they won't be happy if we stop buying from them to make our own production. Another problem is the merchants, they will not be happy if we expand our business to the neighboring nations. Another problem is the people, there are too few fuinjutsu masters in all the elemental nations, we won't be able to open branches in a short time" Said Kushina. 

"We have to start training new fuinjutsu masters to work for us" Said Kenji 

"With the fame the clan is gaining these past few months young aspiring shinobi will want to be trained in fuinjutsu, so it's only a matter of time until we have many young talents on our hands" Said Kaori 

And so they were discussing for the next few hours until the meeting came to an end. Minato and Kushina were now alone in the room. 

Kushina sighed tiredly and said "These last few months have been very tiring" Kushina said to her husband as they hugged each other. 

"Yes, with the creation of the company everything became more complicated, but we are doing very well. The Uzumaki clan is the richest clan in Konoha now, and soon we will be the biggest company in the fire country" Minato said to his wife 

"Yes, even though it was exhausting days, it was all worth it" Kushina said. 

"By the way. How is the reconstruction of Uzushio going" Minato asked his wife. 

"We have just started, we finally found builders who agree to live in the land of whirlpools.

 First we are rebuilding a city on the islands around Uzushiogakure where the builders and their families will live" Kushina explained. 

Minato nodded and looked down at his wife's belly which was already very big "How is the pregnancy going? Naruto is doing well? how are you?" Minato asked worried about his wife. 

Kushina smiled seeing her husband's concern and said "Me and Naruto are fine Minato-kun, Tsunade-nee said everything is fine" She said calming her husband . "By the way how are the preparations for Naruto-kun's birth going?" Kushina asked. 

Minato looked at Kushina and said "This room is sealed?" He asked his wife who nodded. "Is he nearby?" he asked his wife. 

"No, he must be watching our house. In the past few days he's been doing it very often" Kushina said. 

Minato nodded as he saw it was safe to talk "We've already prepared the places we've named A and B. A is the place where the delivery will supposedly be, while B is where actually according to the higher ups you will give birth. These two places are known by Konoha's high command. But what they don't know about is the third place we created to be the place of the birth. 

That's the plan, when zetsu is spying on us we will let slip that place A was fake and place B is the real one. On the day of the birth we will send an enhanced clone of you to place B where Obito or anyone who wants to harm us will attack. While you, Tsunade and Shizune will go to place C which is in the Uzumaki clan complex to do the real birth" Explained Minato. 

"Let me get this straight, Zetsu and the village higher ups who are the council, Hiruzen and Biwako. They will know about the positions of the two places and that one of them is fake. 

On the day of the birth I will send an enhanced clone to location B which is supposed to be real, while in reality I will go to location C along with Tsunade and Shizune to perform the birth" Said Kushina 

"Yes, we should also assume that Danzo knows about place A and B since the council or Hiruzen will tell him. I'm pretty sure Danzo will also try something since he has been targeting me lately and sending assassins. 

Naruto's birth day is the perfect time to eliminate the 2 of us, and without us the Uzumaki clan would be an easy target for him. 

Only Tsunade, you and I know about Place C. And if they somehow discover Place C it's impossible to invade even with his Kamui" Explained Minato. 

"And you, where will you be dear?" asked Kushina. 

" I'll be with your clone, to receive obito and the possible shinobi from Danzo, I'll also be there to calm the doctors once they discover that the one there is not you but a clone" Explained Minato to his wife 

"Although I know you are very strong you should take care, you never know what could happen. Besides, what do you plan to do with Obito?" Kushina asked. 

Minato nodded at the first sentence and became thoughtful at the question "I don't know what to do with him, a part of me wants to kill him because of his intentions towards us. But another part of me can't stop blaming myself for what happened to him. Besides, Jiraiya-kun said that he is an important part in strengthening Naruto. Without him, Akatsuki won't exist, which on one hand would be good for the world, but on the other hand would take sharpening stones and experience away from Naruto. Jiraiya said that fighting Akatsuki will be a good for Naruto and they will give him a lot of combat experience, which will be very useful in our fight against the Otsusuki. 

So I've decided to just beat him a little, until the Danzo ninjas arrive" Minato said to his wife. 

Kushina nodded as she watched his preparations and stroked her belly 'Only 2 more months Naruto' Kushina thought with a smile. 


2 months later 

Kushina with a very large belly was leaving the Uzumaki complex escorted by Biwako and a group of shinobi doctors. 

As they walked towards the gates of Konoha Kushina met her friend Mikoto who also had a very big belly. 

Seeing her Kushina was happy and shouted "HELLO MIKOTO" Kushina said as she approached her best friend. 

Mikoto smiled and replied "Hello Kushina, I see you are as energetic as always" Mikoto said while smiling. 

Kushina hearing the words smiled 

"What has you so cheerful today?" Mikoto asked her friend 

Kushina looked to the side seeing if anyone was listening to them, she walked up to Mikoto and whispered in her ear "Today is the day of my Naruto-chan's birth" Kushina whispered to Mikoto who was surprised 

"So it is today, congratulations Kushina" Mikoto said to her friend. 

"And how is Sasuke-kun?" asked Kushina to her friend 

"He's doing great, he'll be born soon too" Said Mikoto 

"Hey Kushina let's go" Biwako shouted. 

Kushina smiled and said to Mikoto "Well I have to go, see you Mikoto" She said As she said goodbye to her friend to join the group. 

A few hours of walking later they had finally arrived at the hideout where they would do Naruto's delivery. 

When they entered they activated the protection barriers so that no one could enter. 

Kushina instantly sensed a presence that was on the wall 'So you're here huh' thought Kushina. 

'So it was true, the other hideout was fake. How clever, too bad I found out the truth. 'With the Kyubi in hand Kaguya-sama will soon return' thought Zetsu as he watched Kushina and the doctors prepare for the delivery. 

A couple of hours later Kushina was lying on the bed as the doctors started connecting her with the equipment, but there was something strange, the equipment couldn't measure Kushina's vital signs. No matter what the doctors couldn't measure her vital signs it was as if she was dead the doctors thought. 

Until one used a stethoscope , but he couldn't manage to hear anything. 

Kushina who was laughing seeing the scene felt a little bad for the doctors. 

Biwako who found it all very strange said "You're not Kushina, are you?" said Biwako Kushina. 

Before she could answer, suddenly a blond man appeared in the room "No that's not Kushina, it's just a clone" Said Minato who had suddenly arrived. 

Zetsu seeing this got desperate 'This is a trap, I have to warn obito' Thought zetsu. 

But it was too late, suddenly a whirlpool formed in the middle of the room, out of it came a man dressed all in black and wearing a mask that covered his entire face with only a hole for one eye. 

The man who had arrived took a few moments to adjust his vision as the hiding place was quite dark, he looked around looking for his target, but what he saw confused him. 

The room was empty, there were no doctors, no pregnant woman. There was only a blond man sitting on a chair looking at him furiously, he knew him very well, it was Minato his old sensei. Seeing his eyes Obito felt fear, a fear he hadn't felt in years. 


"Hey boy, I've been waiting for you" Minato said in a cold voice.


The next chapter will finally be the birth of Naruto.

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