
Minato was in his office preparing for the root invasion, next to him were Kakashi, Gai, Tenzo, Usagi and Urara. They were dressed completely in black and wearing ambu masks. 

"Our mission is to infiltrate Danzo's base and get to his office where he keeps all the documents and evidence we must obtain. We must infiltrate stealthily and undetected by any Root Ninja. 

If we are discovered you must immediately eliminate the one who saw us, Kakashi, Tenzo and Gai will be in charge of eliminating them while Usagi and Urara will seal the bodies to leave no evidence. 

Understood?" said Minato explaining the mission to which everyone nodded. 

"Sensei I have a question" Kakashi said to Minato. Seeing that Minato nodded he said "Why are we infiltrating stealthily? Didn't you say we have proof of their actions. Can't we force them to let us in without having to do it this way?" Kakashi asked confused 

Minato smiled and said "Yes, but it's not that simple, Danzo is a leader of an official Konoha organization. Forcing them to provide us with proof would be next to impossible. Besides, if Danzo finds out that we want access to those documents he can simply destroy them and wipe out the evidence" Explained Minato. 

"But wouldn't it be worse if we were discovered?" Urara asked 

"If we get evidence, it doesn't matter if we get caught or not" Said Minato 

"What exactly are we looking for sensei" Usagi said. 

"We should look for documents about: Kidnapping of orphaned children or children of important clans to turn them into Danzo's slaves. Spying and betrayal towards Konoha. Conspiracies for the destruction of the Senju clan. Leaking of S-rank secrets, such as the identity of the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi. Plotting to destroy the Uchiha clan. Facilitating the infiltration of Kumo shinobi on two occasions. 

And many more things, but those topics are the most important" Minato said. 

"How are you so sure that he kept so much evidence that can incriminate him. wouldn't it be more logical for him to destroy the evidence?" asked Kakashi 

"No, root is a Konoha organization so it uses village resources to do its operations. He has to detail the missions of his shinobi. 

Besides, Danzo is very self-confident, he's used to Hiruzen's government that always let him do whatever he wants. Danzo would never expect someone to invade his base" Explained Minato. 

"Hokage-sama I have a question" Tenzo said. "Why are we taking two Rookies on such an important mission? Their inexperience can ruin the mission" Tenzo said to Minato while talking about Urara and Usagi. 

"They are my students so I know they are qualified for this mission. Their skills will be very important for the mission. 

Urara and Usagi are excellent sensors that will detect if a root shinobi is nearby, they have their healing bite that will be of great help if one of us is injured and they are experts in fuinjutsu that will help us eliminate all the defenses of the base" Said Minato to his question. 

Urara and Usagi felt proud to see that their sensei trusted them. 

"Ready?" asked Minato to everyone present. 

"Hai" They all said 

Seeing that they were ready Minato used his Hiraishin and teleported them inside the root base. They were in some sort of warehouse where the root ninja's equipment was kept. 

Minato motioned for them to start walking, Usagi and Urara were in charge of sensing if there were ninjas outside the warehouse, and since no one was there they walked stealthily in the direction of Danzo's office. 

They walked slowly step by step with Minato, Gai and Kakashi in the lead while Usagi and Urara were in the middle and Tenzo was in the background. 

The base was practically empty as it was three in the morning, there were only a few night guards. 

The group was able to advance quietly. With the detection of the Uzumakis they could easily avoid the root guards. 

When they reached Danzo's office they encountered a very complex fuinjutsu barrier, something only a fuinjutsu master can do. 

"Usagi, Urara break the barrier while we protect you" Minato ordered. 

Urara and Usagi began to analyze the barrier so they could design a seal to break it without alerting the barrier's owner. It took them 15 minutes to be able to break the barrier. 

Once they broke the barrier they entered Danzo's office and began to search for evidence that incriminated Danzo. 

Minato was able to find evidence of Danzo's plot with Kumo to have Kushina and Hinata kidnapped. Kakashi found the names of root ninjas among them many clan children and orphans who mysteriously disappeared. 

Usagi found something they didn't expect to find here, she found documents that told of deals with Orochimaru in exchange for his services. Among the forms of payment were kidnapped children belonging to the clans of Konoha, among them a child of the Uchiha clan. That added slave trade to Danzo's list of crimes that was only growing. 

Urara was searching through the drawers of the table when he found a diary, the diary went back years probably written when he was young. Urara read the first pages where he recounted his first mission as a genin and his relationship with his teammates, Urara was going to leave the diary as it only recounts personal things and from long ago, but curiosity did not let him do it. He read a few more pages and the diary became stranger and stranger, it mentioned Hiruzen more and more, the more he turned the pages the stranger it became. 

Danzo's diary 

February 6th, year 6 since the founding of Konoha. 

Today is the third month since our squad was formed. I didn't like the idea of joining with ninja who are not from the Shimura clan, but since the day I met my sensei Tobirama Senju and my partner Hiruzen from the Sarutobi clan, I like my team more and more. 

The only problem of the team is that Kagami Uchiha, I don't know why sensei has accepted to train an Uchiha, it is known that those of that clan only bring problems. Besides, I don't feel comfortable training with someone who can steal my clan's techniques. 

Today Hiruzen and I trained until we almost collapsed, after that we went for a bath in the river. Hiruzen has a muscular and strong body, which with his magnificent talent makes him the best partner I could ask for my team. Today he learned a jutsu after only seeing it once, even faster than that Uchiha. 


April 5th, Year 6 since the founding of Konoha 

Today was a rather exhausting and frustrating day, our mission was to escort a merchant to the capital of the Fire Country. We were ambushed by men from the Tento clan, a Fire Country clan that does not want to join Konoha and is dedicated to attacking the Shinobi of Konoha. 

We were outnumbered, I faced three of them, I managed to kill two of them, but he third one almost killed me with his sword, but at the last moment Hiruzen came and saved me. When he saved me my heart got warm and when I looked at his face I could hardly breathe, Hiruzen asked me if I was ok but I couldn't answer him. 

When the others finished their fights that Uchiha came to make fun of me saying I was too weak, Hiruzen intervened and defended me. 


July 10th of the year 6 since the founding of Konoha 

Hiruzen came to train with different clothes, today he came with a black shirt that fit him very well unlike his other brown shirt that did not enhance his perfect face. 

After training we went for a swim in the river, Hiruzen was wearing a different underwear, it was black and it marked his .... I'm not going to write that. 

July 11th, year 6 since the foundation of Konoha. 

Today was the worst day of my life. I asked Hiruzen about his new clothes and he told me that his girlfriend gave it to him. HIS GIRLFRIEND, why didn't he tell me before, am I not his friend? 

He told me he will introduce me to his girlfriend, a girl named Biwako, a clanless girl who is not worthy of a talent like Hiruzen. If she doesn't want to ruin Hiruzen's shinobi career, it would be better for her to disappear and never come back. 


Last written page of Danzo's diary 

August 20th, year 12 since the founding of Konoha. 

Why, why, why, why is this happening to me? 

Hiruzen called me at his house and told me that he is going to marry Biwako. 

I should be happy for my friend, but why do I feel this way, it hurts me, it hurts my heart when I hear that he is going to marry her. 

I shouldn't feel like that. I am happy, yes I am Happy, my best friend and hero is marrying the person he loves, why wouldn't I be happy? 

It hurts 

It hurts a lot. 


Urara read the last page, a part of him was disgusted by Danzo's feelings for Hiruzen but another part of him is sad for him. 

Urara said to Minato "Look at this sensei, it's very interesting" Urara said with a smile. 

Minato read the diary and was amazed with every page he read, he saw Danzo's obsession for Hiruzen and his animosity with Kagami. With every passing day Danzo became more obsessed with Hiruzen. 

Minato finished reading the diary and was speechless, when he was about to say something to Urara suddenly 


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeowww weeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooo 

A loud alarm sounded in the base. 

Minato realized that they were discovered, he was about to teleport everyone when suddenly a large fireball flew towards them. Dodging the attack they separated. 

Minato raised his head to look for his group when a one-eyed man stood in front of him. 

"Who are you? And what are you doing at my base?" said Danzo demanding that Minato reveal his identity.

Minato seeing this hesitated, if he left now, Danzo would undoubtedly escape Konoha seeing that we have proof of his actions. 

There was another option he could arrest Danzo right now as he has evidence against him, but doing that would be a big headache for him as Danzo's supporters would denounce his actions. 



'What do I do, do I leave or capture him?' 


The plan has not gone as expected, what will Minato do?

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