Capturing Danzo - Sharingan vs Sharingan

Kakashi was in the middle of a cloud of dust that had raised after the fire attack.

When he dodged the attack he got separated from his squad partners. 

Kakashi raised his head to look for his teammates when he spotted Gai standing next to him. 

Kakashi approached Gai who finally saw him "Hello Kakashi my eternal rival, we have to look for our youth teammates" Gai said. 

Kakashi sighed and said "Don't say my name out loud fool, anyone may recognize us" Kakashi said reprimanding his friend for saying his name out loud. He was also surprised that Gai had recognized him immediately. 

Kakashi looked at his friend and said "Come on we have to find the others" Kakashi said to Gai. 

"Yeah, lets go, the first one to find them wins..." Gai was saying when suddenly his senses activated and he felt the imminent danger. 

Gai crouched down to dodge an attack coming from behind him. 

The enemy seeing that he dodged, but was still in his range swung his sword down where Gai was crouching again. 

Gai again dodged the attack and moved away from the enemy. As the enemy was about to attack Gai again he sensed imminent danger coming from behind him, Kakashi appeared behind the enemy with his Wakizashi in hand and struck him. 

The man dodged Kakashi's attack moved away from the two and said "I see you are very capable ninja. who are you? what are you doing in root?" the man asked in a hoarse voice. Seeing that Kakashi and Gai were silent and not planning to speak he said "It will have to be the hard way huh" Said the man as he rushed towards the two and slashed them with his sword 


The sound of two swords clashing rang throughout the base as kakashi blocked the man's attack. Kakashi countered with a vertical slash with his tanto. 

The man managed to block Kakashi's attack but in doing so he got exposed, Gui gave him a powerful kick that sent him flying into a wall destroying it. 

The man slowly stood up cleaning off the dust and debris that had soiled his clothes. The enemy wore a black Kimono that came down to his feet and wore a mask in the shape of an eagle. 

"I guess I underestimated you guys. Now I'll get serious" When the man said that his eyes turned red and three tomoe were around his pupils. 

Kakashi and Gai were surprised to see that this man had the Sharingan. 

"Get ready to dance" Said the man as he suddenly disappeared from his position and pounced on the two at an absurd speed. 


Kakashi blocked the man's slash at the last second, he was going to counterattack, but the man kicked his stomach sending him flying and turned to block Gai's punch. 

Gai shortened the distance preventing the man from using his Katana and attacked him with a circular kick aimed at his face. 

The man crouched down to dodge Gai's kick and gave him a raking kick causing Gai to lose his balance. 

Kakashi rushed at the man again with his sword stabbing him in the back. 

The man stepped aside dodging Kakashi's stab causing Kakashi to step over and kneed him in the stomach, causing Kakashi to groan in pain. 

After attacking Kakashi the man was going to hit him again, but couldn't because he had to dodge a punch from Gai who had pulled out his Nunchaku. 

Gai hit the man repeatedly with his Nunchaku but the man managed to block and dodge all of them. 'Damn Sharingan' thought Gai frustrated for not being able to hit his enemy. 

Kakashi seeing the confrontation of the two rushed at the masked man with his sword and threw a slash aimed at his legs, forcing the man to jump. Once the man was in the air Kakashi started making hand signals "Suiton Mizurappa" Kakashi said as he threw a high speed water jet at the man. 

The man seeing Kakashi's attack that was aimed at his heart turned his body causing the water jet to hit his arm. The man landed and walked away from them to recover from his wound. 

Kakashi looked at Gai and they both nodded, they weren't going to be able to defeat the man without using their main skills. Kakashi opened his left eye revealing the sharingan that his friend had given to him. 

The man was surprised to see Kakashi's left eye. "Oh, so you're Kakashi Hatake, the boy who isn't an Uchiha but has the Sharingan. Interesting" Said the man as he went on the attack again. 

The man was about to attack Kakashi but was interrupted by Gai who threw a roundhouse kick at him while shouting "Konoha senpu". The man blocked Gai's kick but was unable to block the second attack with his Nunchaku which hit him in the face. 

Gai seeing that he had hit him kept punching, alternating between his weapon and his fists. Gai kicked him in the stomach which made the man spit out saliva, at that instant Kakashi appeared on the man's back making a cut on his back. 

"Aaaaggghh" Moaned the man as he was cut by Kakashi's back. 

Kakashi and Gai were about to continue attacking when the man screams expelling chakra from his tenketsus sending them flying. 

The man lunged towards Kakashi and kicked him directly in the face, when he was about to give him another blow he had to move away to dodge gai's kick coming from his right side. 

Gai lunged at the man sending him a kick to the chin launching him into the air, Gai jumped towards him and got under the parallel, the bandages on Gai's arms came untied and he wrapped them around the masked man, then Gai grabbed him as they fell and started to spin shouting "Primal Lotus" 

"BOOOOOM" A rumble sounded as Gai slammed the man to the ground forming a crater. 

Gai looked down at the ground expecting to see the man's body, but what he saw puzzled him. The man's body disappeared with a 'Puff' transforming into smoke. 

'Kage bunshin' thought Gai as he sensed imminent danger and jumped to dodge the man's slash. 

The man lunged at Gai as he said "That's a good technique kid. I guess you are Maito Dai's son, he was a great man, too bad he didn't want to join root" Said The man as he attacked Gai with his sword cutting Gai in the arm. 

Gai countered with a kick to the chest pushing the man away. 

The man was about to attack Gai again when suddenly three Kakashi appear out of nowhere and grab him immobilizing him 

The man tries to get rid of the Kakashi clones but fails, suddenly he felt imminent danger but he couldn't do anything since he was immobilized. 

Kakashi rushed towards the man while grabbing his right hand from which a bright blue glow was coming from while making sounds of thousands of bird. Kakashi moved at high speed and punched the man in the chest while saying "Chidori". 

Kakashi's arm pierced the man's chest making him spit blood while his mask fell off revealing his face. 

The masked man's face was slightly wrinkled denoting his age, he had long black hair typical of the Uchihas. Kakashi could recognize his face from pictures from when his father was a genin, this man was his father's Jonin sensei. 

"Are you Kagami Uchiha?" Kakashi asked as he removed his hand from the man's chest. 

Kagami coughed blood and answered with difficulty "Huh, I haven't heard that name in a long time" The man said. 

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to have died during the second shinobi war?" Kakashi asked confused 

Kagami stuck his tongue out at him and showed him the bondage seal that Danzo put on him 

Kakashi quickly took out the seal given to him by his sensei that served to free Danzo's slaves from his seal. 

Once Kakashi removed his seal he said "In the war I was sent with a small team to attack an enemy camp at night. When I got there no one was there, it looked like the enemy camp was abandoned, when suddenly dozens of enemy shinobi appear out of nowhere. It was a brutal battle where all my team died, but I managed to finish off my enemies.

 I was tired and wounded when Danzo appeared, I was filled with hope when I saw him as I thought he was coming to help me, but I was wrong. Danzo attacked me and told me how much he hated me and that from that day on I would know the pain I had supposedly made him suffer. 

Danzo kidnapped me and tortured me physically and psychologically, for years until he decided to put that seal on me and use me as his pawn. Every day he saw me he would tell me that he was going to destroy the Uchiha clan and that he would send me to slaughter them personally. 

My life here was hell, I was trapped in my own body unable to do anything while doing horrible things. I couldn't do anything when my son and his wife died, I couldn't take care of my grandson either. All I did was follow orders from that maniac" Kagami finished saying while coughing up blood. 

Kakashi and Gai who was beside him were horrified by Danzo's actions. 

"You have to kill him" "GHHHGGG" Kagami said as he agonized "Danzo is a monster full of resentment and with a distorted view of the world" Kagami said to them both 

Kakashi and Gai nodded at his words, Danzo has to die 

"I have one last request to make to you before I die" Kagami said. 

"Tell me, I'll try to acomplish it" Kakashi said to the old man 

"When I die carefully pluck out my eyes and give it to my grandson, he'll need it when he awakens those eyes" Said dying Kagami 

Kakashi nodded, but asked "Who is your grandson Kagami-san?" 


"Shi, Shisui Uchiha" Kagami said with his last breath. 

Kakashi and Gai kept silent in respect to this great shinobi. 

After a few moments Kakashi proceeded to take out his eyes carefully and sealed them inside a scroll to preserve them. 

Suddenly someone appeared behind them 

"I finally found you guys" Tenzo said when he saw them. 

"What are you doing?" he asked quizzically as he saw Kakashi gouging out the eyes of a corpse. 

Gai and Kakashi told him what had happened. Tenzo approached Kagami's body and made a wooden coffin to store it, then Kakashi sealed it in a scroll. 

They were getting ready to search for the others when they heard a rumbling sound 


Kakashi and the others looked at each other and said "Let's go" they said as they moved at high speed towards the source of the noise. 


When Kakashi arrived at the scene he was shocked by what he saw. 


This is the first battle scene I've ever written in my life, tell me if you liked it and what you would change in it. I would like to hear your opinion.

I hope you liked the chapter. 

If you liked it, don't forget to comment and give me your power stones.

The poll on who should be Naruto's last wife ended and the result was ... ... ... tie.

Yes, it was a tie between Tenten and Haku (Female Haku)

Then I decided to make another poll this week, between Haku, Tenten, Shion (Who I forgot to put in the last poll) and Fu Jinchuriki of the 7 tails (I also forgot to put in the last poll).

You can vote for free in my patreon

Two advanced chapters in my patreon (