Capturing Danzo - The Uzumaki Twins

Usagi who had separated after the sudden attack used her mind's eye to search for her teammates. By using the technique he could see everyone's position, he noticed that Kakashi and Gai had encountered an enemy, he also saw Tenzo fighting a group of Chunin level ninja, he saw Minato next to a man he assumed was Danzo, he also saw his brother quite close to him. 

Usagi ran in the direction of Urara who was also looking for him, when she reached his side she said "Come on Urara, we have to help the others" Usagi said to her brother. 

"Yes, let's go look for them" Urara said as he closed his eyes to use his mind's eye, when he used his mind's eye he saw a cloud of insects coming in his direction. "BEWARE" Urara said to his brother as he jumped to get away from the bugs. 

Urara and Usagi dodged the bugs, they looked up to see who attacked them and saw two ninjas no older than them staring at them. 

One of the ninja had a mask that covered his entire face leaving only his mouth and nose uncovered, the other was a teenage boy with orange hair carrying a sword on his back. 

"Who are you and what are you doing in root?" said the masked one in a monotone and emotionless voice. 

Usagi and Urara were silent at the masked man's question. 

The two root ninja seeing that they didn't speak looked at each other and nodded. Suddenly they moved quickly towards the Uzumaki to attack them. 

The masked man's skin turned purple and he lunged at Usagi who prepared to block the attack with his arm, but when he did he felt imminent danger from the masked man's attack and decided to dodge and not let it touch him. 

'Why is his body turning purple? Why do I feel like if he touches me I might die?' Usagi thought as he snapped his fingers and his Tekagi-shuko appeared in his hands, the Tegaki-shuko were claw-like weapons that Usagi had asked Kenji to make him a pair. 

Usagi dodged the purple masked man's attack and countered with a quick attack with her claws aimed at the masked man's face. 

The masked man dodged the attack and moved away from Usagi. Thousands of purple insects came out of his skin and formed a cloud of poisonous insects which he directed towards Usagi. 

'An Aburame! I can't let those bugs touch me' He thought as he made quick movements with his hands and said "Suiton-Suijinheki (water wall)" Usagi said as a large wall of water rose up blocking the cloud of bugs. 

'Now that the insects are wet they can't fly' Usagi thought but it wasn't true, the insects got up from the ground and flew again not caring if they were wet and pounced on Usagi again. 

'Shit, if I had an affinity for fire these bugs would be nothing' Usagi thought as he prepared another jutsu "Suiton-Suisenpūjun (Water whirl shield)" Usagi said as the water he had used in his previous jutsu swirled around his hand forming a water shield that was able to prevent the bugs from reaching him. 

'Shit, I have to do something about these annoying insects' Usagi said as he held his water shield, but in doing so he was exposed to his enemy. 

The Aburame appeared at his right side and punched him in the ribs sending Usagi flying who groaned from the pain. 

"Arghhh" Usagi shouted from the Aburame's attack. 'I won't be able to win if I keep hiding my abilities, sorry sensei but I have to use all my power' Usagi thought as a rolled up scroll appeared in front of him. Usagi quickly unrolled it and undid the seal. Suddenly a huge container of water appeared in front of him. 

The aburame seeing this moved towards Usagi trying to avoid her next technique, but it was too late. 

"Suiton: Tsunami" Usagi shouted. Suddenly a huge stream of water filled the corridors of the root base dragging and drowning the masked Aburame. 

Usagi was exhausted after that Jutsu, it was an S class jutsu his father had taught him, the one Usagi had used was at most level A. Usagi looked at the fallen Aburame and thought 'I think I overdid it a bit'. 

Usagi cautiously approached the masked Aburame and saw that he was passed out. Usagi decided to seal him in a scroll as this could be a child kidnapped by Danzo. 


A few moments earlier with Urara 


Urara blocked the orange hair's attack with his Kunai moved away from him and said "Who are you?" Urara asked the teenager, seeing that he didn't answer he continued "Danzo is the real enemy, put your weapon down now and I can free you from the seal" Urara said trying to convince the orange hair. 

"YA YA FU" Tried to say the orange hairy "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGRRRRHHH" He suddenly shouted while grabbing his head. 

Urara wanted to get closer to him, but he didn't. 

The teen suddenly stopped complaining from the pain, raised his head and looked at Urara with an emotionless face. He pulled his Tanto of the sword from his back and ran towards Urara with speed. 

Urara seeing this sighed 'I guess I'll have to knock him out first' Urara thought as silver colored chains came out of his back. 'I'll try not to hurt you too much' Urara said to his opponent as his chains shot out towards him. 

This was the worst confrontation for Root's ninja, Urara attacked at long range with his chains and with jutsus while root's ninja could only dodge Urara's attacks. 

Root's ninja tried to move forward, but Urara's endless chains attacked him non-stop, he could only block and dodge Urara's attacks. 

Urara became confident as he saw his enemy's inability to approach him 'He can't do anything, now I will seal him with my chains' Urara thought as he moved his chains towards the root ninja. 

The root ninja seeing that he could not get close to Urara, did something unexpected. He gave a powerful hit on the ground, which raised a cloud of dust and made Urara unable to see anything with his eyes. 

'Hump, you think I can't see you if you raise a dust cloud' Urara mentally sneered as he closed his eyes and used his mind's eye that he could see through the dust cloud. 

Urara saw the root ninja behind the dust cloud, but what he saw confused him. The ninja had both arms extended while his hands formed a Triangle and lined up with his eyes. 

What is he doing? Is that a jutsu? No, I don't see any chakra in his hands. That posture looks familiar' Urara thought in confusion as he watched the ninja with his eyes until he realized. 'That's the Yamana technique...' Urara thought when he suddenly felt someone controlling his body. 

'Shit, it was a Yamanaka. I got too confident' Urara thought as he watched his body move in the direction of the root ninja who was now on the ground. 

The root ninja in Urara's body approached his body that was lying on the ground, he bent down to pick up his Tanto on the ground. 

'What is he doing? Why is he picking up the knife' Urara thought as he became anxious. 

The root ninja picked up the knife and aimed it at the heart of Urara's body. 

'NOOOOOOOOO, DON'T DO THAT' Urara shouted desperately as he saw his body pointed his weapon at himself. 

Usagi who had already finished his fight walked towards his brother who was fighting with the other Ninja and what he saw made his blood run cold. 


Urara stabbed himself or so Usagi saw when he approached his brother. 

"URARA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Usagi shouted as he ran in the direction of his brother. 

Urara's body was falling on the ground, but was picked up by his brother 

"Nooo, Urara. why did you do that?" said Usagi in desperation as he tried to stop his brother's bleeding. 

"Here, bite my hand" Said Usagi desperately to his brother who bit his arm. 

As Urara bit his arm Usagi said "I'm going to take out the knife so you can heal" Usagi said waiting for Urara's response, who nodded. 

"Ok, here goes. 1 2 3" 

"AAAAARRRRRRGGHHH" Urara screamed as Usagi pulled the knife out of him. 

The blood gushed out of his chest. 

"Now bite down, you'll be able to heal a bit and hold on until we get to Tsunade-neesan" Usagi said as his brother bit his arm. 

Urara was able to recover a little and said "Careful, he's a Yamanaka. It's not his fault" Urara said before fainting. 

Usagi set him down on the ground after verifying that he was still alive. She looked around and saw the Yamanaka clutching his head and moaning. 

Usagi's blood heated and fury began to consume him as he saw the guilty person for his brother's condition. His chakra surged and his hair lifted into the air, a great murderous intent hit the Yamanaka. 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER" Usagi shouted in anger. 

The Yamanaka's survival instinct activated and he started to run away, but it was too late, Usagi appeared in front of him and punched him. 


The root ninja had been sent flying into the wall transforming it into nothing but debris. 

"I won't forgive you" Usagi said angrily. 

The root ninja was lying knocked out in the middle of the debris. 

Usagi raised her arm to give him another punch when a hand pulls on his arm. 

"Don't don't d d do that U-Usa-gi, it's not his fault" Said Urara who had stood up to stop Usagi from killing the Yamanaka, after saying those words he fainted from the pain and blood loss. 

Usagi calmed down when he heard his brother's words he sighed and said "You are too kind Urara" Usagi said while holding Urara, he looked towards the fainted Yamanaka who was whispering. 

Usagi moved closer to him to listen to what the fainted Yamanaka was saying. 

"Yamanaka Fu, my name is Yamanaka Fu" Fu who was fainted said. 

Usagi regretted for almost killing someone innocent, Fu as well as the Aburame were being controlled by Danzo. They were victims of Danzo's abductions. Before they were just normal kids living happy lives, but they were taken from their families and transformed into emotionless killing machines by Danzo. 

"I will kill him, I will kill him for what he has done to either my brother, my clan and all the innocents he has hurt" Usagi said. 

Kakashi, Gai and Tenzó who had heard the rumbling appeared beside Usagi "What happened here Usagi" Kakashi said. 

"This is bad Kakashi, Urara is hurt and won't last long. We have to get out of here and find Tsunade" Said Usagi desperately carrying the passed out body of his brother. 

Kakashi nodded and said "Okay, let's find Minato sensei and let's get out of here" Kakashi said to Usagi, then he looked at the fainted Yamanaka Fu and said "What will you do with him?" Kakashi asked Usagi. 

"Let's seal him to later remove the seal. He is one of the children that Danzo kidnapped and transformed him into an emotionless killing machine. His name is Yamanaka Fu" Usagi said to Kakashi who nodded and sealed the young Yamanaka. 


The group moved in the direction of Minato who was facing Danzo. 

Kakashi wasn't worried about his sensei 'I hope sensei didn't kill him before the time' Kakashi thought as they moved in Minato's direction. 


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