The Trial part 2

"What's your name" Naruto said squinting his eyes.

The boy smiled and said "My name is Ka.... Kai"

Naruto hearing that squinted his eyes with suspicion 'That's not his real name. Looks like he didn't even know what name to say to us' thought Naruto.

"So what are you doing here Kai? Why were you in this tree?" asked Naruto looking at the grey haired boy.

Kai looked at him and said "Actually I had arrived before you guys. I'm here for the same reason as you guys, I can't see anything because of the crowd" Kai said with a smile.

'Impossible, I'm sure there was no one in this tree when we arrived. It sucks that I didn't awaken my mind's eye, so I could know for sure if he's lying or not' thought Naruto

"What about you guys?" asked Kai

"We what?" Naruto said

"Didn't you know it's rude to ask people's names and not say yours?" said Kai

Naruto was about to answer him when Sasuke beat him to it "My name is Uchiha Sasuke and this is Uzumaki Naruto" Said Sasuke earning a deadly stare from Naruto

'This dumbass has said our names, doesn't he know that it's dangerous to go out saying your name to strangers. If someone bad intentioned knows that we are from important clans they might kidnap us so they can trade us to our clans' thought Naruto who became furious at Sasuke's stupidity

"Oh, so you're from the Uchiha clan. I've heard great stories about that clan" Kai said.

Sasuke was glad that Kai admired his clan and said "Yeah, I'm an Uchiha."

Kai put on an admiring look and said "Awesome, how does it feel to be part of a big clan?" Kai asked

"I don't know, I don't know what it's like not to be part of the Uchiha clan, for me it's normal" Sasuke said

"Have you already started your training? I've heard that the Uchiha are very talented and that they are very strong" Kai said

"Yes, I have already started my training with my Dad and my brother. My brother is the most talented ninja in the village and he will be the Hokage one day" Said Sasuke proud of his family

"Wow amazing. what's your brother's name?" asked Kai

"Uchiha Itachi" Sasuke said.

Kai exchanged a few more words with Sasuke gaining his trust.

Naruto looked at this scene strangely 'It seems that this "Kai" is very interested in Sasuke and the Uchiha clan' Naruto thought suspiciously until Kai looked at him and said.

"And you, you're part of the Uzumaki clan. right?" asked Kai

Naruto looked him in the eyes and said "No, my name is just Uzumaki by coincidence" Naruto said.

Kai looked at him disconcerted

"Come on Naruto don't be like that, Kai is good guy. You can tell him that you are from the Uzumaki clan and that your parents are .... hmmm" Sasuke was about to say until Naruto covered his mouth.

"Well yes I am from the Uzumaki clan, I am an orphan" Naruto said to Kai as he covered Sasuke's mouth. After saying that Naruto brought his mouth close to Sasuke's ear and whispered "Don't tell him who I am you idiot. You've been stupid to reveal your identity, but you don't reveal mine" Naruto whispered stopping covering Sasuke's mouth.

Sasuke looked at his friend and said "Why can't I tell him that I'm from the Uchiha clan? Isn't it supposed to be polite to introduce yourself?" Sasuke asked in confusion

Naruto rolled his eyes and said "Not when you're from a big clan Idiot. If you tell someone with bad intentions that you're from the Uchiha clan they might kidnap or kill you" Naruto said

Sasuke was horrified to hear Naruto's words "Why would they kill me?"

Naruto sighed at his friend's naivety "Fool, the Uchiha clan is an ancient clan that has gathered enemies over the years. If one of those enemies knows you are from the Uchiha clan the best thing they can do to you is kill you" Naruto said

"Aren't we supposed to be in times of peace? Why would any enemy of the Uchiha clan do that?" said Sasuke confused.

"Let's say someone on the orders of a clan murders your mother, father, brother and your whole clan, what would you do?" asked Naruto

Sasuke's expression soured, just thinking about his dead family made his blood boil "I would kill them and exterminate that clan" Sasuke said with a gloomy aura

"And if decades have passed and neither the one who did the killing nor those who ordered is still alive, what would you do?" asked Naruto

Sasuke became thoughtful 'Would I kill them? But no one who did that to my family would be alive. would I forgive them? 'No, I can't forgive those who did that to my family, but no one who did that would be alive. Should children pay for what their parents did' Sasuke thought, after a few moments of silence he replied "I would still kill them, make them suffer what my family suffered" Sasuke said.

"See that's why you can't say your name to just anyone. If by any chance you meet an enemy of your clan you'll be finished" Said Naruto.

"But why would anyone be an enemy of my clan, we haven't done anything wrong" Said little Sasuke.

Naruto snorted in response "Listen well Sasuke there is no one who is innocent in this world, all clans have a great history of blood spilled.

Let's go back to the previous example, let's say after decades of training you are finally ready to get your revenge against the clan that murdered your family.

When you arrive at the clan you don't find strong soldiers and powerful ninjas, all you find are women and children who are in extreme poverty.

It turns out that they were attacked by another powerful clan that killed most of the men leaving behind women and children who now have to struggle to survive.

Despite all that you decide to slaughter them in the name of your revenge.

Tell me, who is the villain in this story?" Naruto said to Sasuke

Sasuke became thoughtful 'Who is the villain, are there any villains? Those people were not the ones who destroyed my clan, but yet because of the destruction of my clan they were able to live in peace until they were destroyed by a more powerful clan. For them I would be the villain, but for me they would still be the villains, no matter if they were weak or not they killed my family under that flag and they will die under the same flag.

Is life like that? The big one eats the small one to get stronger without caring about their suffering, is that why wars exist?' thought Sasuke.

"That's a good story Naruto-san" Said Kai behind Naruto who jumped in fright.

'How did he get there without me noticing' Naruto thought.

"Sorry if I scared you Naruto-san. I liked your story, it portrays the reality of the world well. The big fish always eats the little fish, I wonder what the little ones can do to survive?" Kai said

"They group with another small one to create a village" Naruto said.

"Yes, that's sometimes the answer is to join with others in order to survive or to destroy the bigger fish, I wonder what happened to the big fish that didn't want to join together to get stronger? Would they have been destroyed?" Kai said

Naruto hearing his words became furious he knew what Kai was referring to 'He's talking about the Uzumaki clan' Naruto thought furiously. When he was about to say something to refute his words Sasuke spoke up.

"Look he's about to start already" Sasuke said.

Kai turned to watch the trial 'Hump you're too smart Naruto-kun, sometimes too smart for your own good' thought Kai

Naruto after giving Kai a death stare turned to see the trial that would start. 'Why did he suddenly decide to attack me? That boy is not normal. does he have some enmity with my clan?' thought Naruto as he saw someone come out of the Hokage's tower.

A man with short black hair and a bandage around his head and right eye walked slowly up to the wooden box mounted in front of the Hokage tower. The man had a lifeless look in his left eye and was walking crestfallen.

Behind him were the two council members Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu also chained, but in much better condition than Danzo Shimura.

The chained ones were escorted by elite Anbus from the village.

Behind them came out Minato followed by the new council formed by Shikaku Nara, Fugaku Uchiha and Hiashi Hyuga. Behind the new council came out the Shinobi council formed by the clan leaders and the civilian council formed by influential civilians of Konoha.

The participants took their seats. Minato sat in the middle and next to him was his council, to the right of the Hokage was the Shinobi council and to his left was the civilian council.

Shikaku Nara stood up and addressed the audience "LET'S START THE ...." Shikaku was about to say when he was interrupted by a voice.

"STOP, I DEMAND A PLACE FOR ME IN THE BOOTH" Said the Daimyo who was walking up to the box accompanied by a guard who was carrying a chair much taller than Minato's

Shikaku looked at the Daimyo and then looked at Minato who nodded.

"As you wish sir" Shikaku said.

Once his chair was set the Daimyo looked at Minato with a smug face, but was ignored 'How dare he' thought the Daimyo

Minato looked at Shikaku and nodded his head.

Shikaku turned to the audience again and cleared his throat to say.

"As I was saying we are going to start the public trial of Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. It was decided that the trial will be public due to the seriousness of the crimes of Danzo Shimura in collaboration with support of Homura and Utatane. The list of crimes for which they are accused will now be read, please keep silent or you will be expelled" Said Shikaku who turned and nodded towards an Anbu and then sat down again.

The Anbu stepped forward took out a piece of paper and began to read it out loud.

"Danzo Shimura you are charged with these crimes:

High Treason

Leaking classified information

Kidnapping of minors

Kidnapping of clan members

Slave trade

Abuse of minors, both mental and physical

Attempted assassination of clan leaders

Attempted assassination of the Hokage's family

Conspiracy with other major villages to abduct people from Konoha

Attempted abduction of Kushina Uzumaki

Attempted kidnapping of Hinata Hyuga

Manipulation of missions

Leaking information to enemies during wartime

Enslavement to a clan leader, Kagami Uchiha

Spying on the Hokage

Spying on clans

Spying on civilians

Conspiracy to destroy the Senju Clan

Collaboration to destroy the Uzumaki Clan

Conspiracy to destroy the Uchiha Clan

Conspiracy to destroy the Hyuga Clan

Collaboration with renegade Ninjas like Orochimaru the sannin

Attempted coup d'état

Bribery of clan leaders






How do you plead to the crimes you were accused of?" asked the Anbu.

"Not guilty, everything I did was for the good of Konoha" Danzo said.

The villagers who had heard Danzo's crimes began to become more and more enraged as the Anbu said a crime Danzo had committed, but after hearing Danzo's words they could no longer contain their anger






Shouted the furious villagers.

"Silence" Minato shouted making everyone silent. Minato had a smile on his face as he heard the words of the people. He turned to the Anbu and nodded his head.

The Anbu was about to continue when he was interrupted by the Daimyo "I guess you must have evidence to prove your accusations right?" Said the Daimyo with a smug smile.

Minato looked at him quizzically 'Does he seriously think I would have convoked a trial without evidence? Is he that dumb or is there more to it?' thought Minato

"The evidence section is after still missing mentioning the crimes of two people" said Minato.

The Daimyo was furious that Minato ignored his request, but decided to remain silent for now.

Homura and Utatane you are charged with:

High treason

Leaking confidential S-grade information

Assisting Danzo Shimura in conspiracy crimes against the clans.

How do you plead to the crimes you have been charged with?" Said the Anbu

"Not guilty" "Not guilty" Said the two.

"We will now move on to the evidence section" Said the Anbu.

To be continued...


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