Trial - final

The Anbu began to read all the documents Minato had collected from root. The documents did not clearly state the objectives of the missions, but instead told of the movements of root ninja. One of the reports told of root ninja stationed near the Hyuga compound on the day of the attempted kidnapping of Hinata Hyuga, others told of root ninja in the vicinity of clans which had members kidnapped.

The Anbu spent a whole hour reading the reports one by one.

Mission Report

Mission: Patrol between north and central area

Shinobi: Nagito kazumi, Hiato suzune, Giteno Naroto, ..., ..., ..., ....


The mission has been a success, no major event has occurred.

Date: 12/27/52

Finished reading the Anbu

"This was the day of Hinata Hyuga's abduction, the root ninjas were in charge of guarding the area where the Hyuga clan compound is located. That was the day the Kumo ninja infiltrated Hyuga compound and kidnapped their heiress.

The report ignores all that and says that everything was fine and there was no problem, which is a lie" Said the Anbu until he was interrupted by the Daimyo.

"And what exactly does that prove? There is nothing to indicate that root was an accomplice of Kumo in the attempted kidnapping of the Hyuga. You spent a whole hour reading reports and telling unfounded and lying information to try to destroy the image of an exemplary person like Danzo. If you don't provide us with valid information this trial is meaningless," said the Daimyo with a smile.

The Anbu smiled and took out another piece of paper "This is a document that tells of money being sent to people in Kumo, known to be root spies as their names appear in the files. Coincidentally the next day the Raikage sends a letter to our Hokage proposing an alliance between Kumo and Konoha. Days later the Raikage arrives along with his Shinobi among them the Jonin who tried to kidnap Hinata Hyuga" Said the Anbu.

"Are you suggesting that Danzo was the guilty party for inciting Kumo to kidnap a Konoha ninja? What motive would Danzo have for doing that?" the Daimyo asked.

The Anbu was about to answer when Shikaku interrupted him.

"In order to explain the motive, we first have to explain his plans to wipe out the great clans" Shikaku said as he stood up from his chair

"Danzo plans to wipe out the clans, all of them. First he started with the Senju clan, he started manipulating missions by making members of that clan embark on suicide missions, then when the war started he sent the senju to the war fronts. That caused the Senju clan to gradually disappear until there was only one member left alive."

After that Shikaku went on to recount all of Danzo's plans to destroy the clans of Konoha.

The members of the Uchiha, Hyuga and Uzumaki clans who were present were furious, even someone who was noted for his calm temperament was furious. Itachi who was in the middle of the crowd along with his mother and Shisui, had an angered expression, knowing that Danzo planned to destroy his clan infuriated him. Shisui Uchiha who was next to him was no better than him, he also had an expression of anger something that was unusual for him.

The members of the other clans were also a bit furious, if Danzo dared to conspire against the big clans what wouldn't he do with minor clans like them?

Even the clan leaders who supported Danzo began to doubt his loyalty. Is it worth supporting someone like him? They asked themselves.

"Calm down Itachi-kun, Danzo will soon die and he won't be able to do anything against us" Said Mikoto who due to anger had unconsciously activated her Sharingan.

Naruto in the tree had a furious expression as he learned what Danzo had done to the Uzumaki Clan.

"Naruto, calm down your chakra is filtering out" Kai said next to a confused Sasuke.

Sasuke despite being much smarter than a normal three year old was still thinking like a little kid. 'Why would anyone want to want my clan destroyed?' thought Sasuke. His emotions were not of Anger but of confusion, he still didn't understand the evil in the world.

The Daimyo also became a bit angry with Danzo 'This Danzo is a son of a bitch, if his plans were to be carried out the fire country would be greatly weakened. Maybe it's better that he dies. 'No, I must go ahead with the plan' thought the Daimyo before speaking "Those things you said is very serious, but they are nothing without valid proof. Do you think that only a pile of paper can prove your accusations?" Said the Daimyo

When Shikaku was about to answer someone stepped forward.

"I can prove it!"

Who raised his voice surprised everyone present.

Homura and Koharu froze in surprise.

Danzo who had a smile on his face during the whole trial froze first in surprise and then in pain

"Hiruzen you?" said softly Danzo with a painful voice.

Hiruzen looked at his old friend with a look full of pain and said "It is time Danzo, you have gone too far. I must remedy my past mistakes" Hiruzen said to his old friend.

Hiruzen after saying that looked at everyone present and said "I can prove that the accusations against Danzo are true. I was always aware of Danzo's actions, but I never had the value to stop him. Although I never participated in any of his plans I did nothing to stop him. During my government at the beginning I knew that Danzo manipulated the missions, not only sending senju to all S-rank missions, but he also manipulated the rankings of the missions, making S-rank missions to be classified as A-rank.

When I heard of his actions I didn't have the courage to confront him so I came up with a plan, from that day on only the Hokage could rank and assign missions.

Danzo was furious and came to me for explanations, to calm him down I promised to grant one of his requests. To which he asked me to create an organization in which he could lead. That's how Root was created.

By not condemning Danzo and giving him an exclusive organization, his power and influence in Konoha and throughout the Fire Country grew, to the point where he was too big to stop. He had even gained the support of my counselors.

As time went by I became aware of his actions and by the time I decided to close root and judge Danzo for his actions it was too late. So I decided to try to stop him by other means such as espionage and to anticipate his actions to try to prevent them.

This way I was able to prevent many kidnappings of clan children and common village children.

Danzo has committed too many crimes.

I also committed one of the greatest crimes as Hokage, the crime of inaction," said Hiruzen.

The clan leaders who did not know that Hiruzen was aware of Danzo's crimes were shocked. Hiruzen was a person they deeply admired and to know that he did nothing to stop a monster like Danzo gave them a deep shock. Hiruzen the one known as the sage and the "shinobi god" was no more than a weakling and a coward.

Fugaku and Hiashi who were on stage looked at him with fury in their eyes, they had to restrain themselves a lot not to get up and hit Hiruzen. The leader they had sworn to follow had turned his back on them and left to die in silence.

The citizens of the village were speechless and an awkward silence reigned in the place. The Hokage they had always admired had let a monster like Danzo cause so much harm to his people. Their children had been kidnapped and treated like tools.

The citizens' respect for Hiruzen had fallen greatly.

The clan members looked at him angrily.

"Why should we believe you Hiruzen-san? What prevents you from having colluded with Minato-san to accuse Danzo? What proof do you have of your relationship with Danzo? I find it quite unbelievable that you as Hokage let Danzo do all this. Why are you only now exposing all this?" said the Daimyo.

Before Hiruzen could answer Minato spoke. "Here, read this out loud," said Minato as he handed Danzo's old diary to the Anbu in charge of conducting the trial.

Danzo seeing his diary became enraged "Don't you dare do that Minato. You don't have the right to do that" Danzo shouted in anger.

Minato just smiled and ordered his ninjas to keep him quiet.

The Anbu took the diary and started to read it aloud.

The diary started out normal but gradually got stranger and stranger. The first few pages showed Danzo's friendship with Hiruzen and his enmity with Kagami. Gradually the way Danzo saw Hiruzen changed from friendship to obsession.

People listening to what was in the diary gave Danzo strange looks.

Hiruzen upon hearing the contents of the diary froze, his gaze getting stranger and stranger as he looked at Danzo. With each page he read Hiruzen's expression grew darker. Hiruzen never felt anything for Danzo, to him Danzo was just a friend, so the contents of the diary made the way he viewed Danzo break into pieces. Knowing that your supposed best friend was obsessed with you was not a good experience for Hiruzen, but as the pages turned it got worse, Danzo hated his wife and his family, he wished his wife would die so they could be together.

Biwako who was also present was furious to see how Danzo actually saw her.

After the Anbu finished reading the paper everyone was silent. People could not process what had happened. The only thing that could be heard was Danzo's crying, the humiliation of the whole village finding out about his obsession with his friend made him cry, but the look that Hiruzen looked at him with, the person he admires the most now looks down on him.

Silence reigned for a few minutes until the Daimyo cleared his throat and said "Well it has been a rather disconcerting discovery, but there is something that seems wrong, if you are so close to Danzo why are you exposing him now?" the Daimyo asked.

Hiruzen sighed and said "The day I discovered this I decided it was time to stop him" Hiruzen said as he looked at Minato who stood up and pulled out a scroll and handed it to Hiruzen

Hiruzen undid the seal and a coffin appeared on the stage.

"This is the corpse of Kagami Uchiha whom Danzo kidnapped during the war" Hiruzen said.

Fugaku seeing the corpse of his ancestor was furious, he didn't know that Kagami had been kidnapped by Danzo.

All the members of the Uchiha clan were angry, but there was someone even more furious, Shisui Uchiha had an expression of pure hatred as he saw the corpse of his grandfather who he never knew due to the fact that he had died in the war.

"Kagami was kidnapped by Danzo and was tortured for years, he was forced to watch his sons die without being able to do anything. When Minato and his group broke into root Kagami let himself be killed on the condition that we take care of his Grandson" Said Minato.

Shisui hearing Minato's words became even more enraged, he looked at Danzo with his Sharingan, his eyes burning with anger. His eyes began to change, in his eye a pattern resembling a four-pointed shuriken appeared in his pupils.

Shisui's anger was already uncontrollable and he lunged at Danzo "DAMN YOU, HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY GRANDFATHER" Shisui said as he jumped on stage to kill Danzo.

The Anbu were going to stop him, but Minato interrupted them.

Shisui came face to face with Danzo with his mangekyo spinning in his eyes.

Danzo seeing Shisui's eyes marveled 'Those eyes, is that the mangekyo of the legends? The same eyes of Madara Uchiha' thought Danzo.

Shisui who was in front of Danzo said "WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO MY GRANDFATHER?" Demanded Shisui answer.

Danzo looked at him and said "Your grandfather was a despicable person, as well as all Uchiha like you" Danzo said.


Shisui gave him a punch.





Shisui punched Hiruzen multiple times making him cough up blood.

The Uchiha clan members saw that and praised him and encouraged him to hit him more.

The villagers looked at the boy with pity and encouraged him.

"That's it, kill him."

"Hit him hit him hit him"

"Die you scum!"

shouted the crowd

After a few moments of beating a hand landed on Shisui's shoulders.

"That's enough Shisui-kun" Minato said.

Shisui looked at him still with the mangekyo activated, his eyes were no longer filled with anger but sadness. Since he was a child he lost his parents and had to live alone since that, and the responsible for all of that was in front of him.

Shisui began to cry from the sadness of knowing what had happened to his grandfather.

Minato seeing that hugged him warmly and comforted him.

Despite all his talent Shisui was only a twelve year old teenager who had to live his whole life without his parents.

After a few moments Shisui returned to his place and Minato spoke.

"Danzo has kidnapped many children either villagers or clan children among them he has kidnapped two children we were able to save" Minato said.

When Minato said that two teenagers came out of the tower in the direction of the stage.

"FU" Shouted a woman "My son" Shouted the woman as she ran in the direction of the child.

"TORUNE" shouted the leader of the Aburame clan.

The Anbu were going to block the woman's way, but Minato let her through

"My son you are alive" Said the woman with tears in her eyes as she hugged the boy

"Ka..san I'm fine" Said Fu trying to smile.

The woman hearing her son's voice felt all the suffering he had gone through. It broke her heart.

A man also came on stage with tears in his eyes and addressed Fu "My son you are alive" said the man with tears in his eyes.

The leader of the Abúrame clan stood up and went in the direction of his nephew and hugged him. A rare show of affection from the Abúrame clan.

"Torune, you are alive" Said the clan leader.

Torune looked at him with an emotionless look, emotions that Danzo had removed.

"Danzo kidnapped Torune Abúrame and Yamanaka Fu and turned them into emotionless slaves, trained them for years to be killing machines without emotions or morals. Causing irreparable damage to these children.

Not only did he do that to these children, but he did this to several children who were not so lucky to be rescued."

The whole village was enraged to see the state of the two children.

Kushina in the shinobi council was furious to see how those children were and imagined if that had happened to Naruto and Honoka.

All the mothers and fathers present were enraged.

"Die Danzo"

"You don't deserve to live scum"

"You bastard!"

Shouted the villagers

The Daimyo seeing that there would be nothing left to save Danzo was silent.

Minato seeing that no one could stop him from condemning him said "Danzo's reign of terror ends today. From today on he will no longer be able to touch anyone, he will no longer be able to harm anyone and he will no longer be able to conspire against anyone.

Danzo for all your crimes I sentence you to death" Said Minato.


"Die die die die die" They shouted

From the Hokage tower came out Tsunade angrily carrying Kushina's sword.

Tsunade slowly walked up the stage until she reached Danzo's side.

"You old bastard today will be the end for you. Today you will finally pay for everything you have done" Tsunade said in a cold voice.

Danzo looked at her and remained silent nothing mattered to him anymore, his reason for living despised him, death no longer mattered to him.

Tsunade pulled out the Katana and raised it.

The whole town was silent, seeing what was coming.


When Tsunade was about to cut his head off there was a big explosion that raised clouds of dust.

Tsunade seeing that they were trying to save Danzo quickly slashed with the katana but it was too late, Danzo was no more



Naruto and Sasuke who were on the tree branch had to come down quickly

"Come on Sasuke, let's get out of here" Naruto said.

Sasuke nodded at Naruto's words and started running beside him

The two boys broke into a run amidst the chaos.

Naruto and Sasuke were run over by the fleeing villagers in panic causing the two to get separated.

Naruto who struggled to his feet looked around in search of his best friend.


"SASUKEEEEEEEEEE I'M HERE?" shouted Naruto who was getting nervous.

"SASUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Naruto shouted without getting an answer.

'No it can't be, he must be fine, he's just lost' Naruto thought.

'Calm down Naruto, let's do what mom told us. In dangerous situations panic will be my worst enemy. I have to calm down' Naruto thought.

Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath, just like he did with his mother, but today there was something different as he closed his eyes he could feel his surroundings and see people's chakra. 'This is the mind's eye' Naruto wondered then Naruto extended his mind's eye to look for his friend. It's Sasuke there, he's talking to a slightly older boy, Kai, yes he's talking to kai.'

"Come on Kai-san let's go look for Naruto" said Sasuke.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible Sasuke-kun" Kai said.

"Why not? Naruto may be in danger we have to help him" Said Sasuke

Kai just smiled and shook his head

Sasuke seeing that Kai wasn't going to help him said "If you don't help me look for him I'll go..." Sasuke was saying when Kai appeared behind him and hit him in the back of the head.

Kai picked up Sasuke who was passed out and started to run.

Naruto who saw the whole scene shouted



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