
"Sasukeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Naruto shouted as he saw Kai kidnap the unconscious Sasuke.

Naruto desperately ran in Kai's direction, but the crowd was running in the other direction due to the explosion.

Due to his short size the desperate running people ran over him.

"Help, somebody help me. Sasuke, Sasuke has been carried away" Naruto said as he tried to get up after being tackled down by the crowd.

Suddenly a tall man with long white hair appeared in front of Naruto.

"What are you doing here Naruto, what happened?" Said the Man

Naruto seeing the man was glad and said quickly "No time Oji-chan Sasuke was kidnapped" Said Naruto to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya hearing Naruto's words asked "What, who have taken Sasuke away? Which direction did they go?" Jiraiya Quickly asked seeing the seriousness of the situation.

Naruto raised his arm and pointed in the direction in which Kai had fled "Over there, the one who has taken Sasuke is a boy about ten years old, he has grey hair" Naruto said

Jiraiya nodded looked at Naruto and said "I'm going to make a clone that will take you to safety while I look for Sasuke" Jiraiya said as he made the Hand seal

"No, you will need a censor to search for Sasuke and I have awakened my mind's eye. You'll need me to find him" Naruto said.

Jiraiya looked at him for a few moments 'Kushina will kill me if anything happens to Naruto, but what she says is true I'll need a sensor and with this chaos I won't be able to find one quickly' Jiraiya thought as he looked at Naruto

Jiraiya sighed and said "Ok, I will take you on one condition, you will always be by my side and if I order you to do something you obey. got it?" said Jiraiya

Naruto nodded and said "Understood. Let's go Oji-san quick or he might run away" Naruto said.

"Do you have your father's seal?" asked Jiraiya earning Naruto's nod "When I command you infuse your chakra into it that will call your father. Let's go" Jiraiya said as he carried Naruto over his shoulder.

Jiraiya carrying Naruto ran in the direction in the direction where Kai had escaped.

On the stage

Tsunade had tried to finish Danzo before he escaped, but failed to do so. Tsunade looked around for Danzo, but couldn't see anything due to the smoke raised by the explosion.

"Grh, you bastard I'll find you. I'll kill you today, you won't escape" Tsunade said angrily.

Tsunade was about to start running to find Danzo when she was interrupted by a voice

"Don't go yet Tsunade" Minato said.

Tsunade looked at him and said "I have to look for him now or he will run away"

"Relax I have marked him with my seal, wait for the situation to calm down a bit here and then I will teleport us to where they are taking Danzo" Ordered Minato to which Tsunade nodded reluctantly

Minato looked around and could already see the situation better as the cloud of smoke was dissipating. He could see a large crater where the bomb had exploded, around the crater were dozens of injured and dead people.

Minato also saw the Daimyo's supposed guards fighting against the Konoha ninja 'So this was your plan Daimyo' Minato thought as he looked around for the Daimyo. He searched for a few seconds until he spotted him, he was hiding behind the stage shivering.

Minato went in the direction of the Daimyo angrily, when he reached his side he said "This was your plan all along? Look what you've done" Minato said leaking his murderous intent.

The Daimyo who was already scared sensing Minato's murderous intent pissed himself "I didn't know. I didn't know, they just told me that I had to bring these soldiers with me inside Konoha. I didn't know, they had my family, my son, my wife. I couldn't say no" Said the Daimyo as he trembled.

'So that was it, I knew something was wrong' Minato weighed in.

"Who ordered you to do that, why did you defend Danzo so much?" Minato asked

"I don't know, they were wearing masks. They told me to do everything to prevent Danzo's death, they told me that he was an innocent man who was suffering from your tyranny and that you wanted to conquer the land of fire" said the Daimyo.

( No one knows the Daimyo's name so I'll just keep calling him by that name).

"You cowardly fool" Said Minato who no longer looked at the Daimyo again.

Minato returned to the stage to look for Shikaku who was helping to hold back the attackers who were nothing but cannon fodder. The group of clan leaders quickly defeated them.

"Shikaku, regroup the shinobi and separate two groups, one to fight the enemies and one to evacuate the civilians" Minato ordered.

Shikaku nodded at Minato's orders.

"Also imprison the Daimyo, he is the one to blame for infiltrating the enemy into Konoha" Minato said as he prepared to leave to go find Danzo

Shikaku nodded and went to perform his duties

"Where are you going Minato-kun" Asked Kushina who had decimated the enemies.

Minato looked at his wife and said "I'm going to look for Danzo along with Tsunade, you can come if you want" Minato said as he walked towards Tsunade

As he was walking something caught his attention, a little further away Usagi was fighting with a girl around his age. The two were in an intense fight when out of the girl's arms came two pink colored blades.

The girl gained the upper hand by using her crystal weapons, but was quickly matched when Usagi pulled out his claws.

As Usagi was about to hit her a large crystal pillar knocked him away.

"You have an interesting skill" Usagi said as he looked at the girl.

"You're not bad yourself brat, it's a shame I have to kill you. I'll kill you quick so I can get back to Orochi.... Oops. You didn't hear anything" the girl yelled as she rushed towards Usagi.

'What a crazy girl' Usagi thought as she defended herself from the attack using her claws "Hey what's your name?" Usagi asked as he defended himself and counterattacked.

"So you have time to ask my name while we fight, you're pretty audacious so I'll tell you. My name is Guren, remember the name of the woman who will kill you" Guren said as he made crystal shurikens and threw them at Usagui who was able to dodge them

"Although you didn't ask me I will tell you my name, my name is Usagi, Guren the crazy one" Usagui said.

Guren upon hearing Usagi's words became enraged "Who are you calling crazy Usagi the fool" Said Guren as she attacked again.

Minato seeing this scene was surprised to see Guren in Konoha 'What is that girl doing here? Naruto is only supposed to find her later. I guess changing the past had strange consequences. But this is an opportunity, her ability is very useful, I have to attract her to the Uzumaki clan' Minato thought.

The confrontation between Guren and Usagi escalated, they clashed blow for blow. Usagi had the upper hand, her physical strength and speed surpassed her enemy's. Usagi suddenly accelerated and managed to reach Guren's back and hit her in the back of the head.

Guren fainted as she was hit in the back of the head.

Usagi was panting from the intense confrontation with Guren who was a skilled ninja. Minato appeared at Usagi's side and said "Don't let anyone take her away, take her to the clan prison. If anyone asks you tell them it was my order" Minato said to Usagi.

"Hai sensei" Usagi said.

"Then go to your brother and Naruto and protect them" Ordered Minato

"Hai" Said Usagi as he took out a restraining seal and stuck it on Guren's forehead. After putting the seal on her he put her on his shoulders and took her to the Uzumaki complex.

Minato returned with his wife and Tsunade.

"Are you ready?" Minato asked, but seeing the expression of the two he knew the answer.

With Danzo

Danzo was being carried by a group of Root Ninjas.

"Danzo-sama how are you?" a masked man asked as they entered a cave that served as root's secret hideout.

The ninjas seeing that Danzo was not responding because his mouth was gagged, uncovered his mouth.

"You fools, you have condemned yourselves, Minato has marked me with his seal" Said Danzo who already knew that he could not escape.

The root ninjas looked at each other when suddenly three silhouettes appeared in the cave

"Did you really think you could escape, Danzo?" Tsunade said in a cold voice

The root ninjas upon seeing the invaders rushed at them to attack them, but quickly their heads flew off and blood gushed from their necks bathing the cave floor

Kushina waved her sword to wipe away the blood and put it back in the sheath.

"No, I don't care about living anymore" Danzo said in an apathetic voice.

"I was going to kill you in a quick way, but with everything that has happened because of you I will take my time killing you" Said Tsunade

Tsunade started hitting Danzo multiple times, after a while Kushina joined her.

Minato who was watching the scene flinched. Danzo's face already bloody mess.

Blow after blow his face was deforming.

For more than ten minutes they continued to beat him non-stop in anger.

"ENOUGH" Said Minato "He's already dead."

Tsunade and Kushina hearing Minato's voice stopped, they looked at Danzo or what was left of him and tapped him to see if he was truly dead. After seeing that he was dead the two looked at each other and hugged.

"He's finally dead nee-chan" Kushina said.

"Yeah, we were finally able to finish off this scum" Tsunade said.

'Nawaki, Dan, Mom, dad, I finally got revenge on the one who destroyed our clan' Tsunade thought.

Kushina after hugging Tsunade went to hug her husband.

"It's finally over Min-kun" Kushina said while hugging her husband.

"Yes sweetie, Danzo won't be able to hurt anyone anymore" Said Minato

The two were sharing a loving embrace until Minato felt something

"What's wrong Minato?" Kushina asked

Minato looked at her and said "It's Naruto, the seal I gave him is sending signals. Something has happened"


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