Sasuke's kidnapping

Sasuke groaned in pain as he opened his eyes, the back of his neck ached.

"Where am I?" wondered little Sasuke as he looked around unable to identify the place he was .

He was in a dark cave, which was only illuminated by torches hanging on the wall.

'What place is this, how did I get here? I was talking to Kai-san to go look for Naruto' thought Sasuke as he stood up and started walking through the cave.

After a few moments of walking Sasuke could finally see two people, one of which he recognizes.

"Kai-san, where are we?" asked Sasuke as he approached Kai.

Kai looked at him and said "Hello Sasuke-kun, I see you finally woke up. Say hello to Orochimaru-sama" Kai said as he pointed to Orochimaru standing next to him.

Hearing Kai's words Sasuke looked at the person next to Kai. Seeing Orochimaru Sasuke shuddered, the man was terrifying and had a strange look on his face as he looked at him.

Sasuke unconsciously took steps back as he saw Orochimaru. Sasuke wanted to run, but suddenly Orochimaru appeared behind him.

"Don't be afraid Sasuke-kun, I won't hurt you" Orochimaru said as he had a hand on little Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke started to tremble as Orochimaru put his hand on him. His instincts were screaming at him that the person in front of him was dangerous

"Let go of me or my brother and my dad will hurt you" Shouted Sasuke scared.

"Orochimaru-sama you are leaking your emotions and are scaring little Sasuke" Kabuto said seeing that Orochimaru had forgotten to hide his emotions which frightened the boy

"Ku ku ku ku, sorry for scaring you Sasuke-kun. Don't worry little one, I won't hurt you" Orochimaru said putting on a kind smile.

Orochimaru's attempt to look kind only made Sasuke more scared.

Orochimaru looked at the little boy and said "Why don't we get to know each other better Sasuke-kun? Tell me, how is your family?" Orochimaru asked.

Sasuke didn't want to answer, but out of fear of what they might do to him if he didn't answer he said "My family is very good" Sasuke said giving a vague answer.

"And your brother how is he? I heard he was the greatest talent in Konoha only behind the fourth Hokage" Orochimaru said.

Sasuke seeing that the man talked about his brother replied "Yes, my brother is the best, my dad tells me he will be even stronger than our ancestor Madara" Said Sasuke proud of his brother temporarily forgetting about the danger in front of him

"Oh, so your brother is amazing, how about you, have you started your training yet? Since your brother is so talented I'm guessing you are too" Said the snake

Sasuke was saddened to hear the question "No, I'm not as good as my brother. My brother took a whole day to unlock his chakra while it took me three days. Even Naruto is better than me as he managed to unlock his chakra in seconds" Sasuke said sadly.

"Don't worry Sasuke-kun, taking a little longer to awaken your chakra doesn't mean anything, I'm sure you'll be as good as your brother and you'll be much better than that Naruto" Orochimaru said comforting him

"Really?" Sasuke asked. Sasuke didn't want to be behind his brother or Naruto. He always imagined himself being left behind by those two

"Yes Sasuke-kun, even if you're a little less talented than your friend you can catch up with hard work. Although I have something that can help you become stronger and more talented than Naruto and Itachi."

Sasuke was surprised to hear Orochimaru's words 'There really is something that will help me become as good as Itachi-nii and Naruto?' thought Sasuke excitedly, but something didn't sound right.

 He remembered Itachi's words. 'When something is too good to be true always distrust' thought Sasuke at his brother's words.

 Then he remembered his father's words 'There are no shortcuts to getting stronger, if Itachi or Naruto are more talented than you, you have to make up for it with hard work.'

'No, I won't accept this, this man is too suspicious. And I don't want to take shortcuts, I'll catch up with them with hard work' thought Sasuke.

"No thanks, I will overcome Naruto and my brother on my own" Sasuke said to Orochimaru.

"Ku ku ku ku, you are interesting Sasuke-kun, but who told you that you had a choice to refuse?" said Orochimaru with a sinister smile. "Kabuto" Orochimaru said.

Kabuto upon hearing his name quickly stepped behind Sasuke and pinned him down.

" Let me go" Sasuke shouted as he tried to free himself from Kabuto.

"Are you sure about this Orochimaru-sama, the target was Itachi Uchiha not Sasuke" Said Kabuto

"Yes, Itachi is too closely guarded, because of his talent he is too valuable an active to the village and to his clan. Besides, it's too difficult to capture him quickly" Said Orochimaru

"What about Shisui, rumor has it that he is as good as Itachi" Said Kabuto as he held Sasuke who was trying to escape

"Shisui is too old and is hard to influence" Answered Orochimaru "What's wrong? Don't tell me you've grown fond of the boy" Asked Orochimaru

"No Orochimaru-sama, it's just that Sasuke is too bad compared to his brother. Even that kid Naruto would be a better choice" Said Kabuto

"No, Sasuke-kun is perfect for that, his mind is very easy to influence" Said Orochimaru

"Hey, I'm not easy to manipulate" Shouted the boy.

"Which seal are you going to use lord?" asked Kabuto

Orochimaru got to thinking and said "Hmmm, if I use a normal seal the Uzumaki clan would easily take it off. I'm going to have to use an enhanced one, a seal that connects to his soul and is impossible to remove."

Kabuto's expression froze "But sir that cursed seal is too strong for a child, even the stronger adults you have tested with died instantly" Said Kabuto

Sasuke shuddered at Kabuto's words 'I'm going to die' he thought in despair 'Please Oni-chan, Mom, Dad, Naruto. Somebody help me' thought Sasuke as tears came out of his eyes.

"Something tells me that this kid is special and will be able to survive, and if he doesn't we will go after his brother" Orochimaru said.

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke who was crying and said "Oh come on kid don't cry, you will thank me in the future. If you survive of course" Orochimaru said as he prepared to implant the seal on him.


With Naruto and Jiraiya


Naruto was on Jiraiya's right shoulder as they followed the trail that Kabuto had left. Naruto had his eyes closed as he used his mind's eye to see farther.

"Can you see anything Naruto?" the sannin asked.

"Not anymore, Kai entered somewhere where my mind's eye can't penetrate" Naruto said.

"Tell me the place where the barrier is" Jiraiya said.

"Over there about two kilometers away" Naruto pointed.

Naruto and Jiraiya went in the direction of the barrier.

'Only a barrier from a fuinjutsu master can avoid the Uzumaki's mind's eye. This is getting too dangerous, and even more considering I brought Naruto with me' Jiraiya thought.

Jiraiya suddenly stopped and summoned a small toad.

"What do you wish Jiraiya-sama?" said the toad.

"Go to Konoha and bring powerful shinobi with you, tell them that Sasuke Uchiha has been kidnapped. I will summon you using the reverse summoning scroll" Jiraiya said.

"Who should I bring?" the toad asked.

"Whoever is available, but it must be someone powerful. Once you are ready I will summon you" Said Jiraiya.

"Hai" Said the toad as it disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto and said "Let's wait until I bring someone powerful."

Naruto was anxious to save his friend, but he nodded

A few minutes later Jiraiya received signals from the toad saying he was ready.

Then Jiraiya took out a scroll and put it on the ground, then activated it.



From the cloud of smoke came out the toad accompanied by a person that neither Jiraiya nor Naruto expected.


Orochimaru has managed to get his hands on Sasuke, what will happen?

Who is the person who has come to help?

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