Cursed soul seal

"Sensei?" said Jiraiya as he saw Hiruzen appear along with the toad.

Hiruzen looked at Jiraiya and said "What's going on Jiraiya? Who has kidnapped Sasuke Uchiha?" asked Hiruzen, but seeing Naruto he said "What is Naruto doing here Jiraiya?" asked Hiruzen worried about Naruto.

Jiraiya sighed and said " I needed Naruto to find the kidnapper since he has awakened his mind's eye."

Hiruzen was surprised to learn that Naruto had already awakened one of his clan's Kekkei genkai. "I see, but we must take him back right now."

When Hiruzen said that, a large snake appeared behind them and attacked them.


Hiruzen and Jiraiya who was carrying Naruto jumped and dodged the giant snake's attack.

'A snake? Orochimaru?' thought Jiraiya. Jiraiya looked at Hiruzen who nodded. Hiruzen will face the snake since Jiraiya has to take care of Naruto.

Naruto watching Hiruzen's fight with the snake marveled, he imagined himself fighting that giant snake.

Little by little they approached the place where Kai and Sasuke had entered.


With Sasuke


Orochimaru was preparing the cursed seal that he would implant on Sasuke, Orochimaru knew that a normal seal would be easily undone by the Uzumaki. So he decided to use a better seal, one that would bond to Sasuke's soul and would be almost impossible to remove. 'This seal will give him even greater power than the other would and enhance his talent, this body will be perfect for me. I hope he doesn't die' Orochimaru thought as he finished the cursed seal.

Orochimaru turned to Sasuke who was pinned down by Kabuto, suddenly his neck stretched in the direction of the boy.

Sasuke seeing this froze in fear. 'A demon' thought the little boy.

When Orochimaru was about to bite Sasuke's neck.


A rumble sounded as the cave collapsed raising a cloud of dust.

When the dust cloud settled a giant dead snake could be seen and on top of it three figures could be seen.


'Sensei?' thought Orochimaru as he saw Hiruzen . 'No, I can't let them stop me from putting the seal on him . I have to hurry' thought Orochimaru .

Orochimaru stretched his neck once again towards Sasuke, Hiruzen seeing this ran towards Orochimaru to try and stop Orochimaru. 'I can't let him do anything to Sasuke. Orochimaru this time I won't let you go. I'm going to fix my past mistakes and you are one of them' thought Hiruzen.

But it was too late, Orochimaru caught up to Sasuke. "Take my gift Sasuke-kun, if you survive you will thank me" Orochimaru said while biting Sasuke's neck.

"Aggggghhhhhhhhh" Sasuke screamed as Orochimaru bit his neck.

Sasuke felt as if fire entered over his skin, but this wasn't the worst of it, the pain spread throughout his body. His blood burned making him feel unimaginable pain. In a few moments the pain only intensified Sasuke felt an endless pain, it was as if his soul was on fire, it was the worst pain a human being could feel, not only his body hurt, but his soul also hurt.

'Mama, it hurts, please help me. Oni-san help me I'm dying' cried Sasuke who after a few moments fainted.

Hiruzen finally arrived and attacked Orochimaru who dodged.

Kabuto let go of Sasuke and walked away from the fight, he knew this fight was way above his level.

"Sasukeeeeee" Naruto shouted he jumped off Jiraiya's shoulder and ran towards his friend who had passed out.

"Long time no see, sensei" Orochimaru said with a smile.

"What have you done to Sasuke Orochimaru. You have overstepped all boundaries" Hiruzen said angrily.

"Ku ku ku ku, I have only given him a small gift. If he manages to survive he will thank me for it" said Orochimaru

"You are a monster Orochimaru, today I will stop you forever" Said Hiruzen

"Ku ku ku, you were the one who created me, sensei. If I am a monster it is because of you.

But today is a lucky day for me, I have secured a good body for the future and my prey has appeared in front of me. I was planning to attack Konoha to kill you, but that will no longer be necessary, I will kill you here and now" Orochimaru said with a creepy smile.

Hiruzen took out staff and prepared to face Orochimaru.


With Jiraiya

Jiraiya approached Naruto who was standing next to Sasuke. Jiraiya looked at the passed out boy and noticed a seal on his neck. 'A cursed seal. I have to contain it urgently' Jiraiya thought.

"Naruto stand back, I have to contain the seal" Jiraiya said.

Naruto seeing the seriousness in Jiraiya's voice did as he ordered

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Kabuto said. "If you try to restrain him he will surely die as the seal is absorbing Natural energy to feed the body and try to prevent Sasuke-kun's death. If you stop him now he will die" Kabuto said.

"You, why did you do this, what will happen to Sasuke?" Naruto said angrily.

Jiraiya analyzed the boy's words and saw that it made sense. 'The cursed seal is like a parasite that installs itself in the host's body and like all parasites will try to keep its host alive. 'We have to take it to Tsunade urgently' Jiraiya thought.

Kabuto looked at Naruto and said "Just following orders Naruto. Besides, it will be very good for Sasuke. If he manages to survive" Kabuto said with a smile.

Naruto seeing the indifference how Kai were talking about his friend got angry "How can you smile after you did this to someone who never hurt you?" Naruto shouted in anger

Kabuto looked at him and smiled "This is life Naruto-kun, Injustice happens all the time. Innocent people die everyday. what made you think it would never happen to one of your precious person?" Kabuto asked sarcastically

Hearing Kabuto's words Naruto was filled with anger, his hair started to rise, his chakra furiously surrounded his body, but unlike the other times his chakra was orange and violent.

Kabuto froze for a few moments when he felt Naruto's violent chakra.

Jiraiya was surprised when he felt Naruto's chakra. 'What's wrong with him, is it kyubi chakra, no, he looks like Kushina when she gets angry' Jiraiya thought.

Even Orochimaru and Hiruzen who were facing each other looked at Naruto.

'What's wrong with Naruto?' thought Hiruzen.

'That kid. What an absurd amount of chakra for such a small child. Could that be Minato's son?' thought Orochimaru as he licked his lips.

Naruto was getting angrier and angrier, from his back red colored chains came out and gave him the intimidating appearance

Kabuto sensing Naruto's chakra and anger started to sweat coldly.

"You will pay for what you did to Sasuke" Naruto said angrily.

Kabuto prepared to escape, but suddenly one of Naruto's chains headed towards him.


Kabuto managed to dodge the attack which hit the floor of the cave.

Another chain came out of Naruto's back and attacked Kabuto who could only dodge, as the chains were very fast

More and more chains appeared filling the terrain with red chains. Naruto attacked Kabuto from all directions making it almost impossible to dodge all the attacks and one of the chains hit Kabuto in the arm.

"urrghhh" Kabuto moaned. 'If he keeps this up I'll die, I need to get close to him to hit him.

Kabuto dodged the chains and slowly managed to get closer to Naruto. Kabuto quickly got behind Naruto and tried to hit the back of his head, but what he didn't expect was that Naruto suddenly turned and punched him in the belly sending him flying

Kabuto coughed blood as he hit the cave wall 'Not only does he have those chains, but he's also faster and stronger than before. If he keeps this up I won't be able to beat him' Kabuto thought.

Jiraiya who wanted to intervene decided not to, he was curious about this condition of Naruto. 'He seems to move only by instinct, like a furious wild animal. It looks like the way Kushina transforms whenever she gets really angry, but it seems that Naruto's form is stronger and wilder than hers, or could it be that he can't control it yet. Is this a Kekkei genkai of the Uzumaki clan?' thought Jiraiya as he watched the children's fight. Naruto kept attacking while Kabuto could only dodge, slowly Naruto overwhelmed Kabuto with his multiple attacks.

Kabuto was dodging, but he was getting tired until when he tried to dodge his foot slipped and Kabuto stumbled. 'Shit' thought Kabuto as he saw a chain coming in his direction when he had slipped.

Jiraiya seeing that Naruto would kill him shouted "Naruto, nooo" Jiraiya shouted but it was too late a chain went through Kabuto's stomach.

Naruto who was furious woke up when he heard his grandpa's scream, he looked around and saw what had happened. A chain coming from his back had pierced his enemy.

'Did I kill him?' wondered Naruto in confusion. He was feeling something he had never felt before

Naruto ran over to Kabuto's body and lifted him up and shook him

"Wake up Kai, come on. Wake up you can't die. Come on don't die now" Naruto said desperately as he shook him. Naruto couldn't believe he had killed someone.

Tears flowed from his eyes as he shook Kai's body in a desperate attempt to wake him up

Jiraiya walked up to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder "Come on Naruto, put the body down. He's already dead there's nothing to do" Jiraiya said.

Naruto looked at his grandfather with tears in his eyes "I killed him Ji-chan, I killed a person" Naruto said.

Jiraiya seeing his grandson's state broke his heart and hugged him. He didn't know what to say to him he could only comfort him, this was something that all shinobi went through, but few did at the age of three.

Suddenly three people appeared next to Naruto and Jiraiya.

Minato, Kushina and Tsunade teleported towards Naruto as they received signals from Minato's seal.

The three looked around and saw what was going on, in the distance Hiruzen was confronting Orochimaru and Naruto was crying in Jiraiya's arms with chains coming out of his back and a body of a child next to him

"What happened here, sensei?" asked Minato.

"Naruto" Kushina shouted as she felt her son's emotions. Kushina ran in her son's direction and grabbed him from the arms of Jiraiya who sighed and told everything that had happened

Kushina was furious to know that Jiraiya had brought Naruto to such a dangerous place, but decided not to do anything now because of Sasuke's condition who was still passed out

Tsunade was checking on Sasuke.

Suddenly an evil chakra boiled inside of Sasuke, from the seal black colored patterns came out and spread all over his body.

'It's the cursed seal' thought Kushina and Minato 'but it looks different from the one Orochimaru put on Sasuke in the future. will this be another effect of changing the past?' thought Minato

Tsunade turned away from Sasuke's body and joined the others to observe it.

The pattern was slowly spreading over Sasuke's body until it suddenly stopped

"What's going on? It looks like Sasuke was able to stop it" Kushina said.

"Yeah, it looks like something is counteracting the seal" Jiraiya said.


With Sasuke

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked around. "Where am I?" wondered Sasuke as he tried to identify where he was

Sasuke was in a totally dark place, there were no walls there was only a grey colored floor.

"Am I dead?" Sasuke wondered as out of nowhere a small floating light appeared.

Sasuke was amazed at the sight of the small light, Sasuke tried to catch it, but it moved

"Hey, wait for me" Sasuke said as he followed the light.

Sasuke followed the light until he came across a illuminated room.

As he walked into the room he came upon a man sitting down

"You've finally arrived kid" Said the man.

"Who are you, where am I?" asked Sasuke



"I am someone who has lived a long time ago. I am your ancestor. My name is Indra Otsusuki and you are my reincarnation."


Indra Otsusuki has appeared

What will happen to Sasuke?

Will it be good or bad for him?

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