
'Should I save him or not?' thought Tsunade.

"TSUNA HIME. what are you waiting for? I know you can't forgive sensei for what he has done, but not saving him would make you a worse person than him. Isn't it a doctor's duty to save people no matter if they are enemies or not" Jiraiya said seeing Tsunade hesitating to heal Hiruzen.

'That's true, why I hesitate to save him anyway. Dying would be the easiest way for him. You will live sensei, you will live to witness the consequences of your actions. You will see how those who once venerated you as the greatest Hokage now despise you. The rest of your life will be spent making amends for your mistakes' Tsunade thought as a light of resolve shone in her eyes.

"Shut up Jiraiya" Tsunade said.

"What?" asked Jiraiya confused.

"Shut up and let me do my job" Tsunade said as she started to analyze Hiruzen.

Hiruzen was growing paler and paler and his body was withering as if it was drying up little by little.

'This poison attacks the physical energy by constantly draining it, that makes his vitality decrease and his body can't create chakra.

Orochimaru waited until Hiruzen was low on chakra to inoculate it, so his victim wasn't going to be able to expel it or contain it using his chakra, making him unable to resist.

The question is, how will I be able to cure him? I don't have time to work out an antidote as he is dying quickly.

If the poison attacks the physical energy or vitality that is present in all the cells of the body, absorbing it and killing the cells. Thus it prevents physical energy and mental energy from mixing and creating chakra.

Maybe if an Uzumaki donated vitality it would work. No, that wouldn't work, knowing Orochimaru he has already anticipated the Uzumaki clan's ability. It is possible that the poison would get stronger if we provide it with more vitality since it absorbs it.

Maybe the answer is a chakra infusion. Maybe if he has chakra sensei can contain the poison on his own since the poison is in the chakra system. Once he contains the poison I will transfer him to the hospital where we will take a sample of the poison and I will have time to create an antidote.

But the question is, how do we go about transferring chakra to him. The traditional method implies that the chakra recipient at least has a small amount of chakra inside him so that he can transform the chakra of the donor into his own chakra, but sensei doesn't have a single drop of chakra since he tried to contain the poison on his own. If I infuse my chakra into him without him transforming it into his own chakra it might cause his body to block the chakra system due to the presence of foreign chakra in the body, that would condemn him to death.

That's it, we can use the Uzumaki clan's chakra batteries, those batteries contain neutral chakra filtered from the natural energy in the air' Tsunade thought.

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade silently, he knew she wouldn't let Hiruzen die, but that didn't take away his concern for his sensei. Jiraiya loved Hiruzen like a father, Hiruzen had raised him as his son. Something jiraiya had never experienced since he was an orphan. Although Hiruzen had always preferred Orochimaru or Tsunade, Jiraiya knew that his sensei loved him as well, so to see the person who had taught him everything in this state hurt his heart.

Tsunade looked at her storage ring and pulled out a scroll with several seals drawn on it that formed a circle and in the middle of the circle was the word CHAKRA written and highlighted. This is a chakra battery, it is used to infuse neutral chakra to people who ran out of chakra. It is different from the chakra battery used for fuinjutsu devices sold by the clan.

Tsunade ripped Hiruzen's shirt and placed the scroll on his abdomen.

"Hiruzen I'm going to inject you with neutral chakra, you have to use it to contain the poison, once you contain it we will take you to the hospital and there we will create an antidote. do you understand me?" Tsunade said

Hiruzen was semi-conscious, but he managed to understand what Tsunade said.

Then Tsunade activated the scroll, Hiruzen had chakra again which he used to stop the poison temporarily.

"Quick Jiraiya, let's go back to the village" Tsunade said.

Jiraiya quickly picked up Hiruzen who was still lying down and shaking in pain.

"Old man, if you run out of chakra say so that I can infuse you with more" Tsunade said.

Hiruzen couldn't answer, but he implied that he had heard her

Then Tsunade and Jiraiya who was carrying Hiruzen ran back to the village.


In Konoha a few minutes earlier

Minato appeared in his office joined Kushina who was holding Naruto and Sasuke who was in his arms.

"Quick Kushina let's take Sasuke to the hospital" Minato said to which Kushina nodded.

As they prepared to leave the office someone walked in.

"Hokage-sama this is serious Sasuke Uchiha and your son Naruto Uzumaki have disappeared" Shikaku said as he entered the Hokage's office.

Beside him was Fugaku with a worried expression.

When Shikaku and Fugaku saw Sasuke and Naruto in Minato and Kushina's arms they were speechless.

"What happened to Sasuke, Minato?" Fugaku asked worriedly as he approached Minato.

"There's no time to explain now, we'll take him to the hospital, I'll explain on the way" Said Minato

"Shikaku, organize a meeting with the Shinobi and civilian council and make a report of the damage. The meeting will be held in two hours" Minato ordered.

"Hai Hokage-sama" Shikaku said as he left the office to do his homework.

Minato, Kushina and Fugaku quickly went to the Konoha hospital, on the way Minato ordered someone to go find Mikoto Uchiha

"Are you telling me that Orochimaru kidnapped my son?" Mikoto said furiously, her Sharingan glowed dangerously in her eyes

"Yeah, he also marked him with a cursed seal" Minato said without hiding anything.

Fugaku clenched his fists in anger "Why, why would he do that?" said Fugaku

"Orochimaru covets your eyes, but he doesn't want to simply transplant himself a pair. What he wants is to take control over the body of a talented Uchiha, so he would be a real Sharingan user. For that he uses the cursed seal on a victim and corrupts his mind slowly making him seek it one way or another" Minato explained.

Mikoto and Fugaku were furious upon hearing this. Mikoto looked at her friend and asked "Can't you just remove the cursed seal? The Uzumaki are the best at fuinjutsu after all."

"It's not that simple, this cursed seal is different from Anko-chan's seal, this seal is linked with the soul. I would have to study it for a long time to try to take it off, besides that would cause extreme pain to little Sasuke" Said Kushina

"There's something strange with Sasuke's seal" Said Minato.

Fugaku and Mikoto looked at it worriedly "What is it?"

"When the seal was spreading all over his body something stopped it, and I think it's something external, there's no way such a little boy could resist that mark, even me it would be very hard to resist that seal once it's spread all over the body"

Fugaku and Mikoto were filled with hope, but at the same time worry, they could only pray that this "something" was good news.

As Mikoto was about to ask if he had any theories as to what that something might be, a groan could be heard coming from Sasuke

"Look he's waking up" Fugaku said.

Sasuke had just said goodbye to his ancestor and wished he could stay and talk to him longer.

Sasuke groaned a little as he opened his eyes, when he saw his mother he was filled with joy, but that didn't last for long, the memories of the pain and trauma received from being marked with the seal invaded his mind all at once

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the little boy screamed in pain.

Mikoto got desperate and hugged him "What's wrong Sasuke? Look mom is here?" said Mikoto while crying, seeing her son in this state is very much for her

Fugaku was also grieving, but he didn't show it, but just clenched his fists tightly

Sasuke was screaming, his mind was filled with his feelings during the moment he felt all that pain, fear, pain, sorrow, sadness, loneliness, it all ravaged his mind all at once. He had a stabbing pain in his head.

'You must resist Sasuke' spoke a voice in the little boy's mind.

Minutes later Sasuke finally calmed down and hugged his mother tightly " Mom don't leave me" The boy said crying

"I will never leave you Sasuke, I will always be with you" Said Mikoto

Moments later Sasuke was finally able to calm down.

"How are you Sasuke, are you in pain" Fugaku asked worriedly.

Sasuke looked at his father and said "I just have a headache."

"Can you tell us what happened?" Fugaku asked.

Sasuke looked at him and said "Yes, Naruto and I were hiding watching the trial when an older boy approached us, he seemed friendly, but when there was the explosion I got separated from Naruto. While I was looking for Naruto I found that boy and told him let's go look for Naruto, but he said no and then I don't remember anything anymore.

I woke up in a dark and empty cave, the only thing there was that boy along with that monster" Said Sasuke, when he thought of Orochimaru he started shaking uncontrollably, his mere figure terrified him.

Mikoto hugged him again "Mom is here Sasuke, that monster can't do anything to you."

Once he calmed down Sasuke continued telling the story "The monster told me he had a way to make me more talented than my brother or Naruto, but I rejected him. Still, he said I had no choice and that I would thank him later and he bit my neck.

At that moment I felt a lot of pain and I thought I was going to die" Said in tears the boy. "After that I opened my eyes and I was in a dark place and there was only a ball of light that guided me to a place, a room in which there was an old man" Said Sasuke

Everyone who was listening tensed up, they were curious about who that man was.

"Who was that man son?" Fugaku asked.

Sasuke looked at him for a moment thinking whether he should say who this man was or not "He told me his name was Indra Otsusuki" Said Sasuke

Everyone in the room froze, they knew who he was talking about. Indra Otsusuki the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, son of the sage of the six paths and rival of his brother Ashura Otsusuki. A legendary figure

"He told me that I was his reincarnation and that what that monster did had awakened him" Sasuke continued.

Mikoto and Fugaku froze as they heard their son's words.

Minato and Kushina already knew that Sasuke was Indra's reincarnation from Naruto's memories, but they were surprised that Indra's soul had awakened and talked to Sasuke

Seeing everyone's expressions Sasuke stopped the explanation.

A few moments later everyone was able to digest the shocking news they had received

"Are you telling me that you are the reincarnation of our ancestor?" asked Fugaku

Sasuke nodded his head and said "Yes, that's what he said" Sasuke replied, seeing that everyone was silent he continued "Ji-chan told me that I was one of his reincarnations and he told me that when he woke up he could see the memories of his previous reincarnations and that's why he decided to give me a gift.

He gave me three options, one where he permanently erased the monster's seal, one where he left it as it was and one where he just removed the monster's soul from the seal making me able to use its powers and abilities without that monster playing with my mind. I chose the last option since he told me that the seal will be very useful for me in the future."

Everyone were surprised by Sasuke's words and sighed in relief knowing that Orochimaru would no longer be able to influence the boy's mind.


In a dark cave


Orochimaru in the form of a white snake with a human face arrived at one of his hiding places.

Upon reaching the hideout he vomited Kabuto's body and said "Wake up already Kabuto."

The boy opened his eyes and groaned a little from the pain

"I guess you used the technique I taught you" Said the snake.

"Hai Orochimaru-sama, I used your technique to change the position of my organs when I knew I couldn't dodge Naruto's attack" Said Kabuto

" Why didn't you do everything you could against the kid? I don't think that kid could defeat you so easily" Said Orochimaru

"I didn't do my best against him due to the fact that I wanted to test his skills, besides if I did my best Jiraiya-san was going to interfere in the fight and kill me" Explained Kabuto

"So what did you think of the boy". Is he any good?" Orochimaru asked

"He's a monster" Kabuto replied.

"Good, now go find me a promising candidate, I need a new body now" Ordered Orochimaru

"Hai Orochimaru-sama" Kabuto said.

As Kabuto was going to look for a new body for Orochimaru he suddenly heard a scream

"Arrrrrghhhhhhhhh" Orochimaru shouted.

Kabuto worriedly asked "What's wrong with him Orochimaru-sama"

"Someone has burned a piece of my soul. I think it's the one that was in Sasuke's seal" Orochimaru said as he gasped from the pain "WHO IS IT? IF I FIND OUT WHO HAS BURNED PART OF MY SOUL I WILL KILL HIM" Orochimaru shouted furiously.

As he thought about who could have been the one who burned his soul he remembered someone, he didn't remember a certain clan


"It can only have been someone from that clan. Damn you Uzumaki clan and your talent for fuinjutsu, I WILL EXTERMINATE YOU FOR GETTING IN MY WAY!"


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