
Minato, Fugaku and the girls were silent for a few moments in order to assimilate Sasuke's revelations.

For Fugaku and Mikoto it had been a very stressful day, to start the day there was the trial of the guilty man for all the current problems of their clan, then there was a terrorist attack on the village that cost dozens of lives, when they had managed to repel the invaders they discover that their son and the son of their friends had disappeared. They were relieved to learn that Minato had rescued their son from Orochimaru's hands, but were bitter to discover that their son had been marked by a cursed seal and not just any cursed seal but an enhanced one that attached itself to the soul. Now they discovered that not only Sasuke had met his ancestor while passed out, but they also discovered that their son was the reincarnation of Indra Otsusuki. Fugaku and Mikoto didn't know what to feel right now the day was a roller coaster of emotions and they were exhausted

"That was an amazing revelation Sasuke-kun, that explains why you were able to stop the seal from progressing" Said Kushina breaking the silence in the room.

"Yes, that's incredible, that's why we must keep this a secret. You must not tell this to anyone Sasuke-kun. If this information leaks out it will be dangerous, for your clan, for the village and for all the elemental nations" Minato said.

Sasuke looked at him confused "Why Minato ji-chan? Why can't anyone know about this?" asked Sasuke.

Minato was about to answer, but Fugaku jumped in ahead of him "If the rest of the Uchiha clan finds out about this you will have a miserable life son. If the clan finds out that you are the reincarnation of our ancestor they will adore you like a god, but that's not all, you will have to live up to their expectations and you will have to be perfect in everything. In addition, the ego of our clan will grow even more and the people who are already conspiring to take control of the village will intensify their desires and use you to do so. If that happens they will pressure me to train you to be their weapon to take control of the village" Fugaku explained trying to simplify it so that he could understand.

Sasuke shuddered as he heard his father's words.

"If that happens it could be the end of the Uchiha clan since they will have to fight the whole village. But that's not all, imagine if the rebellion of the Uchiha clan doesn't happen, at some point the other great villages will discover that you are the reincarnation of a legendary figure and they will do everything to prevent you from growing and developing for fear that one day you will conquer them. They will raise their flags and declare war on Konoha and the Uchiha clan, probably allying themselves to destroy us.

The danger will not only be the large villages, many criminal groups will try to recruit you into their ranks at any cost. Let alone if Orochimaru finds out, if he discovers that not only his seal will no longer work, but also that he has lost the opportunity to take control over the reincarnation of Indra Otsusuki he will do everything possible and impossible to take you for himself" Minato explained exaggerating a little to scare him and prevent him from leaking the secret.

Sasuke was scared to hear Minato say what would happen if people found out that he was the reincarnation of Indra. He was slowly feeling the pressure of his legacy, not only he was the son of the head of the Uchiha clan one of the most important clans in the world, but on top of that he is the reincarnation of some of the strongest people that ever existed, the pressure will only increase as he grows up not only for others but for himself.

"That's why no one is allowed to leak this information, understood?" Minato asked, to which everyone nodded with serious looks aware of the seriousness of the matter

"You too Naruto, you must not tell anyone what you heard, not even anyone in the clan or any of your girlfriends, understood?" said Minato Looking at his son who was supposedly asleep in the bed next to Sasuke's bed

Everyone in the room looked in their direction and Naruto who had woken up and heard everything opened his eyes and sat up

Naruto had a serious look on his face, the eyes that once had a playful glow were now dull and listless

"Hai, oto-san" Naruto replied emotionlessly.

Minato and Kushina were saddened to see their son's mood, but they knew it was the normal thing to do, Naruto had taken a human life for the first time so feeling this way was the normal thing to do and even more so for a child of just three years old

When Kushina was about to say something to comfort him, someone knocked on the door.

* knock knock knock knock

Minato looked at everyone and they all nodded their heads understanding that no one should reveal Sasuke's secret.

"Come in" Minato said.

The door opened and Itachi appeared with a worried look on his face. When he saw that Sasuke was okay he was filled with happiness and ran to hug him

Sasuke was happy to see his brother and to feel his warmth

"Are you okay Sasuke?" Itachi asked worriedly.

"Yeah, nii-san I'm fine" Sasuke answered trying to smile, but he couldn't do it

Itachi noticed his brother's strange behavior and looked at his parents who shook their heads

"What happened to him?" asked Itachi to his parents.

Fugaku and Mikoto looked at each other and nodded. Then they began to tell everything that had happened to Sasuke hiding his encounter with Indra and that Sasuke was his reincarnation.

As he listened to the story Itachi activated his Sharingan due to his anger, his sharingan glowed brighter and brighter as he listened to the story, but when he heard that Orochimaru had put a cursed seal on him and not only that, but an even more cruel cursed seal one that attached to the soul and gave his brother immense pain not only physically, but also burned his soul, Itachi's Sharingan changed its pattern quickly assuming a three pointed shuriken shape with curved tips, but as quickly as it appeared the pattern in his eyes disappeared going unnoticed by everyone in the room except for Minato who had noticed it

'So he almost awakened his Mangekyo sharingan, this boy is certainly an incredible talent, if it weren't for the presence of Naruto and now Sasuke, Itachi would undoubtedly be the greatest talent in the village' thought Minato.

They spent a whole hour talking to each other and comforting the two boys. Minato wanted to know why they were watching the trial when he ordered them to stay home, but decided not do it, he knew it was not the time to ask that question due to the mental state of the kids

"Okay, it's time to go to the reunion" Minato said.

Fugaku got up to attend to the met.

"If you want to stay and be with your family you can Fugaku" Said Minato

Fugaku shook his head and said "It is my duty to be at the meeting as the head of the Uchiha clan and advisor to the Hokage"

Minato nodded and looked at his wife

"I'm not going Min-kun. I'll stay with Naruto" Kushina said to which Minato nodded.

Minato and Fugaku said their goodbyes and walked out of the room


Minato and Fugaku arrived at the meeting room which was filled with the members of the civilian council and the shinobi council and the Hokage's advisors

The atmosphere in the room was heavy and sad

Minato entered the room and sat in his chair with a serious expression and Fugaku sat on his right hand side


Minato looked at everyone and said "Well, let's start this meeting".


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