Planning for the future part 2

Minato nodded at the Hyuga's words, he looked at everyone present and said "We should discuss what we will do about the Daimyo's threat" 


Fugaku and Hiashi looked at him confused.

"Didn't you decide that yesterday?" Fugaku asked.

"Yes I decided as Hokage of Konoha to back down since it would be a disaster for Konoha a war against all the other major villages. But there is something you guys don't know, the daimyo threatened the Uzumaki clan specifically" Minato said.

Everyone except Kushina looked at him in surprise to hear that the Daimyo had threatened the Uzumaki clan

"The Daimyo has threatened the Uzumaki clan? when?" asked Hiashi

Minato looked at him and said "Don't you remember what the Daimyo said before he left the hall?"

"Yes, but I didn't know that was a threat. does the Daimyo covet the whirlpool country?" Fugaku asked

"No, to explain that we have to explain something to you first" Minato said and then looked at his wife.

Kushina cleared her throat and said "Since before I re-founded the Uzumaki clan we were already planning to return to our homeland once the reconstruction of the main city is finished. After the formation of the Uzumaki clan was approved, the reconstruction started, we hired and invited builders to live on one of the islands in exchange for their work in the restoration of the country" Kushina explained

The Uchiha and Hyuga were surprised to hear Kushina's words and after a while they realized the seriousness of her words and one of the reasons why the Daimyo threatened them. In recent years the Uzumaki clan became one of the pillars of the fire country's economy, if they were to withdraw from the country it would create a great economic crisis, as the Uzumaki clan controls several industries within the country. If the Uzumaki clan were to leave the fire country there were two possibilities: One the Uzumaki clan keeps its possessions which would mean a great deal of foreign control over the country's economy. Two the Daimyo decides to buy or take over the companies owned by the Uzumaki which would create a major economic crisis and if it decides to take by force it would create a diplomatic crisis. In other words, it would be catastrophic for the fire country and for the Daimyo.

"But the question is how did the Daimyo of the fire country find out about the reconstruction of the whirlpool country. We have taken the utmost care that the reconstruction was not discovered before the right time, no one leaves or enters the islands conventionally as Minato or his clones are in charge of teleporting everything needed for the reconstruction" Said Kushina

"So what are you guys going to do and why did you call us here?" asked Fugaku

Minato looked at him and said "Besides fearing that we Uzumaki will leave the country, the Daimyo also seems to fear the shinobi as it would be simple for us to take control of the fire country and the whole continent. That's why he did all this, probably Orochimaru or Danzo's followers instilled in him the idea that Konoha was planning to rebel and that's why he participated in Orochimaru's plan. For that and other reasons the Uzumaki clan will fulfill his greatest fear, he will lose his entire realm. That's the reason why I called you here I want you to join the Uzumaki clan in this" Said Minato.

Everyone was dumbfounded to hear that Minato was planning to overthrow the Daimyo. Although almost all shinobi had the thought that ninja should have the power of the countries and they don't like to be subordinate to weak people, almost no one dared to conspire against the Daimyo some out of respect for Hashirama's decision in forming the village and others out of fear.

"Are you asking us to subordinate ourselves to you so that together we can take over the fire country?" Hiashi asked unconvinced.

Minato shook his head and said "I am not asking you to subordinate yourselves to me or the Uzumaki clan at this time, first we will overthrow the Daimyo of fire country and all those who join him, then in the future you will probably subordinate yourselves of your own free will" Minato said

Hiashi and Fugaku looked at him not knowing what to say, hearing Minato say that in the future they would willingly subordinate themselves to the Uzumaki clan seemed crazy to them. It was one thing to agree to be subordinate to the Daimyo and the Hokage since that was a decision of their ancestors, it was another thing that after they were free from the Daimyo they would once again bend the knee willingly.

"What makes you so sure that we will willingly go subordinate to the Uzumaki clan?" asked Mikoto curious. If it was anyone else saying those words they would be offended, but since they were said by Minato and Kushina, everyone was curious as to what they were going to say.

Kushina smiled and said "We are sure that in the future you will decide to subordinate yourselves at your own will for one thing. Naruto Uzumaki, my son" Kushina said.

Silence settled in the room, no one could believe what Kushina had said. They expected her to say a masterful plan to take over the fire country or promise them land and status if they joined them, but no one had prepared them for what she said

"Eeto Kushina, we know that Naruto-kun is very talented, the greatest talent in the village without a doubt, but what makes you say for sure that we will decide to subordinate ourselves to your son in the future?" said Hana

Kushina and Minato's expression suddenly became serious. Everyone in the room started to sweat because they thought that they had been angered by Hana's words

"To explain that you guys must promise to never reveal the information that we will reveal next. If you promise and decide to betray us in the future not only will our friendships be destroyed, but you will also become the enemy of the Uzumaki clan. If you can't promise that you can leave the room" Kushina warned releasing some chakra pressure to denote the seriousness of her words.

Kushina's words echoed in everyone's minds, they were not expecting this sudden change of mood. With these words Kushina put them at a dilemma, if they decided to leave now it would mean that they were not trustworthy people and the friendship between them and the Uzumaki would slowly end, if they decided to stay it meant that they were trustworthy people, but it also meant that they made an unbreakable vow between them and if any of them broke it they would face the fury of the most powerful clan in Konoha.

"You know I would never betray you Kushina, you can trust us" Mikoto said to her best friend. Fugaku nodded at his wife's words.

"If there's one thing I value it's your friendship, I would never harm it for anything in this world. That's why we are still here even though you implied that we would subordinate ourselves to the Uzumaki clan, if it was anyone else we would have been offended" Hana said with a serious look on her face

Kushina was glad to hear the words of her best friends, but she didn't show it outwardly, she kept her serious expression and continued

"Well, since you guys have decided to continue it means that we can trust you" Kushina said before taking a sip on her tea

"The reason why I say that you will willingly subordinate yourselves to my son is because of this" Kushina said while pointing her index finger to her eye which was closed

When Kushina opened her eyes everyone in the room froze in shock. Kushina's eyes glowed in an electric blue tone and in her pupils a swirling pattern of blue swirled in her eye.

Fugaku, Mikoto, Hana and Hiashi couldn't believe in what their eyes were seeing, this was definitely a Dojutsu, one that they had never seen before

"What is that Kushina?" asked Hana still in shock.

Kushina smiled and said "This is the Dojutsu of the Uzumaki clan, the Senpugan. did you guys think that your clans were the only ones that had their own Dojutsu?"

"WHATTT, how is it possible for the Uzumaki clan to have a dojutsu of their own?" asked the ever stoic Fugaku in a rare loss of composure on his part.

"This is the greatest secret of the Uzumaki clan. Senpugan only manifests itself in extremely talented members within the royal family. Because of its abilities and power our ancestors hide its existence even to the clan members fearing that our enemies would discover them and make a huge effort to exterminate us in fear of its power. Even I knew nothing about this Dojutsu until I awakened it the day I was told I was to leave the village. But you are mistaken if you think I am the only one who possesses it" Kushina said pointing towards Minato who also opened his eyes with a blue spiral in his pupils.

The Uchihas and Hyugas were surprised, they did not expect that Minato also had a Dojutsu.

After a few minutes of silence they were finally able to digest the revelation of the Uzumaki clan's dojutsu.

"Ok, so the Uzumaki clan possesses a secret dojutsu that no one knew of its existence, but despite being shocking news it doesn't explain why we would subordinate ourselves to your son, besides you also didn't explain how Minato has those eyes if he doesn't belong to the Uzumaki clan" Said Mikoto

"When I woke up the senpugan my father explained everything he knew about this dojutsu and ordered me to keep it a secret even from Mito-basan. He also gave me a sealing scroll which he ordered me never to open as long as he remained alive, I suspect he already knew of the plans of the three nations that destroyed the Uzumaki clan and the land of whirlpools.

Once I knew about the destruction of my village and clan I asked Mito-basan if I could return, but she never let me leave the village. I was depressed and angry about everything that had happened and one of the few things that reminded me of my father was that scroll, I tried to open it, but no matter what I did nothing could open the scroll and release what it contained.

Years later when I traveled to the whirlpool country to check its condition and plan the reconstruction, I went to the place where our inheritance stone was, there the scroll my father gave me started to vibrate and when I tried to open it it finally opened revealing a pair of eyes and a letter from my father where he said they were my mother's eyes.

I didn't know what to do with the eyes so I sealed them back up, but when I got home I had the idea to transplant them to Minato" Kushina said, she was about to continue, but was interrupted by Minato

"When Kushina came to me with the idea of transplanting her mother's eyes at first I refused as I didn't want to disrespect her, but Kushina managed to convince me. When Kushina transplanted those eyes something extraordinary happened, the eyes resonated with my soul and did something I would never expect to happen. They showed me visions of the future a future we did everything to change."

Fugaku, Mikoto, Hana and Hiashi were once again surprised, this day was a day full of revelations for them, but they didn't know why, but they believed that Minato was telling the truth

"What future, what is so serious that you decided to change at all costs?" asked the people present curiously

Minato looked at Fugaku and said "The Uchiha clan would be destroyed in four years, both Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi and all the clan members including children and women would be killed in one night. The only survivor would be Sasuke Uchiha who would become a renegade ninja looking for revenge" then he looked at Hiashi and said 'Hizashi would be killed for what happened on the day of Hinata's kidnapping, also Hana would die in the future for unknown reasons and Hiashi would become cold and emotionless' Minato said with a serious expression.


Everyone in the room froze hearing those words of Minato sent chills all over their bodies.



To be continued


Well, this chapter was quite difficult to write without being too boring to read. I hope I did it.

Obviously Minato and Kushina are lying about most of what they said so as not to disturb more events in the future. But they had to reveal part of the truth to gain even more of their friends' trust since it will be important in the future.

What did you think of the Senpugan's revelation?

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