Planning for the future part 3

Minato looked at Fugaku and said "The Uchiha clan would be destroyed in four years, both Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi and all the clan members including children and women would be killed in one night. The only survivor would be Sasuke Uchiha who would become a renegade ninja looking for revenge" then he looked at Hiashi and said 'Hizashi would be killed for what happened on the day of Hinata's kidnapping, also Hana would die in the future for unknown reasons and Hiashi would become cold and emotionless' Minato said with a serious expression. 


Everyone in the room froze hearing those words of Minato sent chills all over their bodies. 



Fugaku and Mikoto's world started to spin. Hearing that you and your family would be massacred in a single night hit them like a punch to the chest, leaving them breathless. Even though Minato's words were not backed by proof, they trusted him; he had no reason to lie about something so serious.

Hiashi and Hana were also left speechless. Hana could only think about the horrible life Hinata would have if she died so young. The pressure from the clan elders on her would be immense, and she knew that, although Hiashi didn't show it, he was very dependent on his wife, and losing her would be a painful blow.

Minato hadn't mentioned Hanabi because he wanted to avoid any risk to her existence. However, thanks to this revelation, he might be risking the child's existence. But Minato was calm; Jiraiya had explained that those destined to be born would be born no matter what, so Hanabi would likely still be born as she was meant to be, whether sooner or later, as long as Hana and Hiashi were healthy. That's why they weren't worried about Naruto's premature birth; his soul was the same since he was destined to be born.

Fugaku recovered from the shock and looked at Minato with a serious gaze. "Are you sure of your words, Minato? If this is a joke, you'd better tell us now," said Fugaku. In his mind, it would be better if Minato were lying because if he wasn't, his clan faced an enemy capable of annihilating them in one night.

Minato looked at him and said, "I wish I were lying, Fugaku, but what I've said is the whole truth. That's why I knew so much about Danzo's plans and did everything to stop him before he completed his plan to wipe out the Uchiha clan," explained Minato.

Fugaku looked at him, sighed, and said, "Who? Who was the one who massacred the Uchiha clan in your visions?" asked Fugaku, his eyes burning with anger.

Minato shook his head and said, "I don't know. All I know is that he is a masked man who conspired with Danzo to massacre the Uchiha clan. But there are two things I do know about him. One, he is a rogue Uchiha since he has the Sharingan—no, he has more than just the Sharingan. He has the same eyes as you, the Mangekyo Sharingan," said Minato.

Fugaku froze upon realizing Minato knew his biggest secret. Now he was sure Minato was telling the truth, as no one knew he had evolved his Sharingan.

Before Fugaku could speak, Minato continued, "Two, he is the same person I fought the day Naruto was born. That masked man tried to steal the Kyubi from Kushina, which would have killed her. If it weren't for my knowledge of the future, we both would have died as we did in the visions. In the future I saw, Kushina and I died, and the Kyubi was sealed in Naruto. Without us, Naruto was mistreated and regarded as scum by the entire village. But that didn't stop him, and he grew stronger despite the village's disdain and abuse. Contrary to what one might imagine, his heart didn't become corrupted, and he became the village hero and the future Hokage. That's why I tell you that you will likely submit to him in the future; Naruto is a special person born with a great destiny."

Everyone in the room took their time to digest the information Minato had given them, understanding why Minato and Kushina did everything to avoid that future.

Hiashi looked at Minato and said, "Hmph, we'll see about submitting to your son in the future. Now let's talk about your plan to take over the Land of Fire. As a representative of the Hyuga clan and your friend, I will join you and the Uzumaki clan in your fight against the Daimyo," said Hiashi, while Hana nodded beside him.

Minato and Kushina smiled at Hiashi's words and then looked at Fugaku and Mikoto, awaiting their response.

Fugaku and Mikoto looked at each other and nodded. Then Fugaku looked at Minato and Kushina and said, "The Uchiha clan will not subordinate to the Uzumaki clan, but if you accept us, we will join the Uzumaki clan in this fight against the Daimyo and anyone who stands in our way," said Fugaku.

Minato smiled and said, "Alright, in any case, I didn't ask you to subordinate to the Uzumaki clan. I only said you would do so of your own will in the future. Thank you for joining this new alliance where the Uzumaki, Hyuga, and Uchiha clans unite to take control of the Land of Fire," said Minato.

"But before we start thinking about how to take over the Land of Fire, we must first address internal problems," said Minato, looking at Hiashi and Fugaku.

"What problems could Konoha have?" asked Hiashi, confused.

Minato shook his head and said, "I mean problems within your clans," said Minato. Then he looked at Hiashi and said, "I will not tolerate the continuation of slavery within the Hyuga clan, and I know that you and Hana are also against this custom of the Hyuga clan," said Minato.

Before Hiashi could respond, Minato looked at Fugaku and said, "We must curb the rebellious movement within the Uchiha clan. Despite Danzo's death and the end of the negative rumors about the Uchiha clan, they still plan to rebel against me," said Minato with a serious look.

Fugaku and Hiashi were left speechless. They knew Minato was right; these internal problems within their clans would only intensify over time and jeopardize future plans.

Seeing that they weren't speaking, Minato continued, "I have made some plans to calm the rebels of the Uchiha clan. First, if you allow me, I will take Itachi as my apprentice and train him to be the next Hokage," said Minato.

Fugaku and Mikoto were surprised to hear that Minato wanted to take Itachi as a student and train him to be the next Hokage.

"Are you serious?" asked Mikoto, surprised.

Minato nodded and said, "Yes, one of the biggest complaints of the Uchiha clan over the years has been that there has never been an Uchiha Hokage. Taking Itachi as my student would ease that feeling. Besides, Itachi is one of the most prodigious ninjas I have ever seen, and he seems to have Konoha in his heart. If well-guided, he would be one of the best Hokages," said Minato, praising Itachi. Minato did not like the Itachi of the future; for someone like him who valued family above all, what that Itachi did was one of the greatest sins. But Minato would do everything to prevent that from happening. Moreover, his love for the village would make him an excellent Hokage.

"Are you sure, Minato? What about Naruto or Kakashi? Wouldn't they also be perfect candidates for the position?" asked Fugaku, trying to hide his excitement at the possibility of his son becoming Hokage in the future.

"Yes, Itachi is the perfect candidate. Kakashi does not desire the position, and Naruto will be the prince of the Land of Whirlpools in the future. Moreover, he also seems to have no interest in the position," said Minato.

Fugaku and Mikoto were pleased with the compliments to their son. They were happy that finally someone from their clan would be Hokage.

"If you are sure about this, I will accept. I will inform Itachi when we return home," said Fugaku.

Minato nodded and continued, "Another measure to calm the rebels is that starting next month, Konoha's police force will accept members from various clans and will no longer be exclusive to the Uchiha clan. This may seem like a measure that will anger them even more, but it will be better for the Uchiha clan as it will clean up the image of abuse of power that the rest of the village has about the clan. These measures, along with the decision to move the Uchiha clan back to their former compound, will help to calm the rebels and clear your image," explained Minato.

Fugaku wanted to protest upon hearing that the police force would no longer be exclusively Uchiha, but he accepted it since Minato would train Itachi.

Minato then looked at Hiashi and Hana and said, "Your case is a bit more complicated. Despite not having rebels wanting to revolt against the village, your clan has the worst of problems: old customs. Centuries of repression and slavery over your own clan members. Although we managed to prevent it from intensifying with Hizashi's death, this resentment will only grow and lead to a brutal fate within the clan," said Minato.

Hiashi and Hana lowered their heads in shame. This was a topic they were ashamed of; they were completely against the slavery of the branch family by the main family. Hiashi had always been against this custom, but that feeling intensified with his brother's sealing. He never understood why he was special enough for his brother to be sealed and not him. Just because he was born a few seconds earlier? Hizashi was more talented in everything. Moreover, he was kind, calm, and valued his family. Hizashi being sealed and enslaved was a huge blow to Hiashi, who since then tried to end this custom but without success.

"The Hyuga clan is deeply rooted in its old customs, and the elders will pose a great challenge if we want to end slavery. What the Hyuga clan needs is to get rid of the old customs, and for that, it needs young blood to lead the clan. Two super talented children who will free the clan from itself, one from the main family and one from the branch family, united to eliminate the separation and discrimination within the clan and unite the branch and main families into one clan of equals," said Minato.

Hana was surprised to hear Minato's words; she knew exactly who Minato was talking about. "Are you saying we should entrust the future of the Hyuga clan to my daughter and Hizashi's son?" asked Hana.

"Yes and no. Neji and Hinata have a bright future ahead of them, and if we develop them well, they will be the ones to guide the Hyuga clan into a new era. But you are mistaken if you think it only depends on them. You, along with Hizashi and his wife, must start the change. You will show affection and respect for the branch family members and confront the elders when they mistreat someone from the branch family. By doing this, you will earn the respect and admiration of the branch family, but you will also make enemies with the elders.

But there is one point I haven't mentioned: Kushina and I developed a seal capable of removing the caged bird seal, although we haven't tested it on anyone yet. In the future, if necessary, we will forcibly free the branch family members," explained Minato.

Hiashi and Hana listened attentively to Minato's plan. They knew it would be difficult, but if they wanted to do it without violence or with as little violence as possible, this was the way. They had to reduce the elders' authority and show a bright future through Hinata and Neji.

After that, they spent hours in the secret room developing plans for the future.


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