Five years later

The sun was shining in the sky of Konoha, it was a warm summer day, and the wind was moving the leaves of the trees. It was a perfect day to bathe in a pool and relax all day, but there was someone doing the complete opposite of resting. On the branch of a tree in the middle of a forest, a red-haired boy of about 8 years old was panting tiredly.

The boy had a concentrated expression as he looked around, searching for something. The boy was tense as a drop of sweat rolled down from his forehead to his chin and then fell to the ground. Suddenly, the boy felt an imminent danger, then his body was covered with yellow lightning, his crimson hair stood on end while the lightning enveloped him, giving him an intimidating appearance.

In an instant, the boy disappeared from the spot where a huge pink crystal stake landed.

"Hey kid, didn't I say you couldn't use your yellow lightning, your mind's eye, or your chains?" Said a young woman with blue hair, wearing a green Kimono with a flower pattern.

"Hey, that's not fair, if I hadn't used the yellow lightning, you would have killed me, crazy-neesan," Naruto said indignantly.

"What do you mean unfair? Your very existence is unfair, if I don't put restrictions on you, you'll never train your basic shinobi skills. You rely too much on your Kekkei Genkai," said Guren, indignant at the monster before her. Naruto had just turned eight and could almost face her as an equal. A child who hadn't even started the ninja academy was already stronger than most of the village's chunin, the boy was an absolute monster.

"How can you expect me not to use my Kekkei Genkai if you almost kill me? Besides, I'm already very competent in basic skills, my parents only trained me in that for two whole years," Naruto said.

"Hump," Guren snorted. "Okay, training is over, come take this," Guren said, taking out two cans of orange soda and handing one to Naruto.

Naruto took the can and sat on the ground, exhausted, as he opened it and began to drink.

"Ghghg, There's nothing like drinking a good orange soda after training," Naruto said after burping.

Guren looked at him with disgust and said, "Don't burp in front of a lady, Naruto, that's bad manners," knowing he only did it to annoy her.

"Hai Hai Guren-san," Naruto said, waving his hand mockingly. Naruto looked at Guren, and a mischievous glint shone in his eyes.

"Hey Guren-nee, how's it going with Usagi-nii?" Naruto asked, knowing that Guren was angry with Usagi.

A vein popped on Guren's forehead when she heard Usagi's name. Yesterday, she had seen him talking with Anko and had been angry with him since then.

"Hey kid, do you want to go back to training?" Guren said, angry.

Naruto shivered and said, "No, no nee-san, it was just a joke."

"Hump," Guren snorted.

"Eto nee-san, in my opinion, you should forgive him, he hasn't done anything wrong," Naruto said.

"What do you know, kid, you know nothing. His eyes were shining while he talked to her. I saw it," Guren said.

"I know a lot more than you about this, I have four girlfriends. Besides, I know something you don't know about what happened yesterday," Naruto said.

Guren looked at him curiously but quickly turned her head not to show it. "Hump, you don't even know what it really means to have a girlfriend. But if you're going to say something, say it already," Guren said.

Naruto chuckled and said, "What happened yesterday was that Urara-nii won a fight against Anko-san, and since then she's been chasing him, demanding he be her boyfriend. Urara-nii ran all over the village, but Anko-san kept chasing him until Urara-nii met Usagi-nii and asked for help. Then Usagi-nii delayed Anko-san until Urara-nii disappeared, that's when you saw them. I know all this because I was with Urara-nii when he fought Anko," Naruto explained.

"Are you serious?" Guren asked, looking into his eyes to see if he was lying.

"Yes, I would never lie about something so serious," Naruto said with a serious look.

Guren examined him and saw that he seemed to be telling the truth. 'It seems I've been too jealous,' Guren thought. Since the day she first fought Usagi, she fell in love with him. He was the first man of her age who could keep up with her in a fight, and besides, he was very handsome. Since then, she became a bit obsessed with him and easily accepted Minato's offer to stay in the Uzumaki clan as a member. Years passed, and her relationship with Usagi flourished, and one day he confessed his feelings to her, it was the happiest day for her, so she was afraid of losing the love of her life.

Guren looked at Naruto and said, "I'm leaving, goodbye kid." Guren disappeared with a shunshin.

"Hey nee-san..." Naruto was going to say, but Guren had already disappeared from there.

Naruto sighed as he got up from the ground and dusted off his pants. Naruto then walked back home. While passing through the bustling streets of Konoha, Naruto walked calmly, all the villagers greeted him. It could be said that Naruto was a celebrity in the village, not only because he was the son of the Hokage and Kushina, but also because rumors about his talent started spreading in the village.

Naruto didn't dislike the attention from the villagers, and he greeted them back with a cheerful and warm smile. For him, if someone respected him and was kind to him and his family, he would return their kindness and respect.

Konoha had changed a lot in the last five years, it had modernized greatly thanks to Minato importing technologies spread across the continent. Now Konoha could be considered the most modern shinobi village, and that wasn't all. The streets were being expanded to prepare for the new invention of the Uzumaki clan that promised to revolutionize the world. The Uzumaki clan specialized both in technology and fuinjutsu, something Jiraiya had suggested to Kushina.

Naruto walked through the village towards his home. On the way, he passed by the park where he looked for his friends but found no one. Everyone was preparing for the start of the academy, which would be in two months. None of the children wanted to fall behind the others, so their parents intensified their training and studies, a nightmare for Shikamaru who just wanted to watch the clouds and sleep.

Naruto sighed when he saw that there was no one in the park. He had nothing to do after training and wanted to play. He thought about looking for Sasuke but knew he was the one training the most in an attempt to reach his level, so he decided to go home and wait for dinner.

Naruto reached his house's door, opened it, and said, "I'm home."

"Welcome, honey," said Kushina, who was in the living room watching TV.

Naruto went to the living room and sat next to his mother. "What are you watching, mom?" Naruto asked, seeing her so engrossed.

"I'm watching a Drama, the husband betrayed his wife, and she found out. Now she's going to confront him in front of his whole family," Kushina said excitedly.

Naruto got bored listening to what his mother was watching, so he got up from the sofa and walked towards his room until his mother's voice interrupted him.

"Hey Naruto, go take a bath before going up to your room and finish the homework I gave you before playing video games," Kushina said without looking at him, as she was staring at the TV screen.

Naruto nodded and did everything his mother had ordered before going to his room and playing a ninja game that had just been released, although playing ninjas wasn't as exciting as doing it in real life.

And so two months passed. Naruto's days were summed up in training and studies, but today his routine was finally going to change. Today he would finally start the ninja academy.


The ninja academy is finally about to begin

I hope you liked the chapter

What did you think of the timeskip, I could have written more chapters before the timeskip, but I felt I was taking too long to get to the best part of the plot. I hope I managed to create coherent relationships between the characters and that it didn't seem unnatural.

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