Mingyu Pavilion

At this moment, Yun Wuying had been gradually pushed into a dense forest by her opponent.

It was her first time encountering such a situation, and she felt her mind go blank, unsure of what to do.

Her legs grew weak, and her whole body felt powerless.


With a cry of alarm, her opponent ruthlessly tore apart her upper garments, revealing a large expanse of skin—like snow under the sunlight.

“Tsk tsk! Such exquisite beauty, it’s truly a pity. Don’t worry, I will make you a true woman. Haha!”

Yun Wuying tightly covered her chest with her hands, a hint of despair in her eyes.

Her heart was in turmoil, hoping the man in front of her would stop at this point.

If they were to cross the line any further, she would...

The cries coming from the forest suddenly cleared Yun Wuya’s dizzy mind.

In an instant, he understood what had happened.

A surge of hot blood rushed to his head, casting aside the concept of “restraint”.

“You animals!”

In a burst of anger, Yun Wuya struck out with a palm.

The person who had attacked him earlier had already shifted his attention to the commotion happening in the nearby forest, imagining the passionate scene unfolding there.

His throat kept swallowing involuntarily.

Suddenly, a palm shadow enlarged before his eyes, and it was too late for him to dodge.


His chest felt as if struck by lightning, accompanied by the sound of bones shattering.

It was the most terrifying sound he had ever heard.

His eyes went black, and he opened his mouth, uttering his final syllable in this life,


His legs gave way, and he slowly fell to the ground.

Shocked, Yun Wuya leaned down to check his breath, only to find that he had become a lifeless corpse.

His heart trembled violently, causing him to fall to the ground, his mind buzzing in chaos.

He had killed someone!

He had actually killed a living person with his own hands, for the first time in his life.

He didn’t want to, but he did it! There were no “ifs”, only the cruel reality.

Killing someone was difficult, especially the first time.

Killing was not difficult; it only asked whether it should be done, whether it was worth it.

It was a bloody journey of the heart...

Even if one was killed spectacularly in the future, as long as their heart remained clear and free of guilt, the inner demons cannot invade!

At this moment, Yun Wuying staggered out from between the trees, her clothes torn and disheveled.

She tightly covered her chest with her hands, her expression filled with fear and panic.


Yun Wuya’s heart shook when he saw her, snapping out of his confusion and bewilderment.

He quickly took off his own clothes and draped them over Yun Wuying.

“Sister, are you alright? I’ll kill that scum!”

Yun Wuya was about to rush into the forest.

Yun Wuying grabbed his hand, trembling as she spoke, “I killed him! And he made me to it! I had no choice but to break his neck.”

As she spoke, her whole body trembled in fear.

“Sister, don’t be afraid. I have also killed someone! Look...”

Yun Wuya pointed at the lifeless body on the ground.

“These animals deserved to die!”

“You... you also killed him!”

Yun Wuying saw the corpse on the ground and immediately snapped out of her own shock.

She knew that this was a huge disaster!

The siblings had both taken a life at the same time.

Each had killed one person.

Moreover, the ones they killed were disciples of the Lu Family, the trusted subordinates of the young clan leader.

Once this matter came to light, it would surely implicate Young Master.

As for themselves, with their lowly status as siblings, their lives were inconsequential!

If they implicated Young Master, they would truly die without peace.

Faced with this sudden and overwhelming calamity, the siblings were still just two inexperienced kids, lacking any real experience or knowledge of the world beyond the Lu Family.

They had unwittingly caused this catastrophic event, their minds in disarray, not knowing how to respond or adapt.

Yun Wuying was so distraught that tears streamed down her face, while Yun Wuya’s face remained as calm as water, pacing back and forth in circles, lost in his own thoughts.

Where was the young master now?

What would he do if he were here? ...

Where had Lu Suifeng been these days?

No one knew!

If Lu Suifeng appeared in Hongye City, no one would recognize him.

Dressed in a green robe, Lu Suifeng wandered through the streets and alleys of Hongye City, occasionally stopping to ask passersby a few questions, as if inquiring about something.

Then he would walk a few more streets, traverse a few alleys, and perhaps even lose track himself.

Looking up at the signboard hanging high above the entrance of the Mingyu Pavilion, with its iron hooks and silver inscriptions, it exuded an imposing aura.

On both sides of the gate stood two robust men, seemingly possessing the strength of the Profound Spirit Realm.

In the military, they could lead a hundred soldiers, but here they only served as gatekeepers, indicating the profound background of the Mingyu Pavilion.

Mingyu Pavilion was the largest and most influential commercial and auction house in Hongye City.

With a deep-rooted background, its headquarters were located in the capital city, while this was just a branch.

Inside the main hall, the windows were clean and the furnishings were simple yet elegant.

Apart from a few wooden chairs, there were no common counters or similar displays.

It seemed to be solely for receiving customers.

Lu Suifeng walked into the main hall, and as soon as he took a seat, a young servant brought him a steaming cup of fragrant tea.

Then, a middle-aged man who appeared to be in charge approached with a professional smile.

“Welcome to Mingyu Pavilion, Young Master! My surname is Wang, the manager of the front hall. May I ask what Young Master needs? Mingyu Pavilion will do its best to satisfy your desires. Even if the business doesn’t succeed, leaving behind a sense of goodwill is still a great reward.”

The middle-aged manager’s demeanor was sincere. His words were appropriate, making one feel a sense of warmth.

He did not underestimate or neglect Lu Suifeng due to his age and status.

He treated everyone equally.

The reputation of Mingyu Pavilion was well-deserved.

After savoring a sip of fragrant tea, Lu Suifeng spoke leisurely with the wind, “I happen to have some demon beast crystals here. I wonder if you need them?”

“The kinds of demon beast crystals are vast, and one cannot make premature judgments without proper examination,” the middle-aged manager solemnly replied.

Upon hearing this, Lu Suifeng placed a bag on the table, and the middle-aged manager carefully opened it, revealing a dazzling array of colors.

“These are all crystals from Earth Rank Realm demon beasts, and their quality is superior. They are valued at 500 gold coins each according to the market price. In total, there are 120, amounting to a total price of 10,000 gold coins,” the professional manager assessed and quoted without hesitation.

Lu Suifeng smiled faintly, saying nothing, and placed another bag on the table.

“Heavenly Realm crystals!”

The manager exclaimed softly, a hint of astonishment flashing in his eyes.

Normally, it was nearly impossible for a cultivator to slay a demon beast of the same level, as it could easily become a meal for the beast instead.

Only by surpassing a higher realm would it be possible to hunt them, but even then, the risks were great.

Yet, before him lay hundreds of crystals, each ranging between the eighth and ninth ranks.

Just imagine how many experts at the Profound King Realm would be needed to simultaneously hunt down so many Heavenly Realm demon beasts.

It was almost an impossible feat, yet it had truly happened at this moment, all accomplished by a young man in a green robe.

Not only was this an astonishing sight in the small Hongye City, but it would also be difficult to find such a grand display even in larger towns.

Facing the manager’s astonished reaction, Lu Suifeng remained indifferent, merely asking, “I wonder how much these goods are worth?”

“Right! Let me see.”

The manager regained his composure, his face turning slightly red.

Apologetically, he smiled and said, “I apologize! It’s the first time in the history of Mingyu Pavilion that we have encountered 280 Heavenly Realm crystals in a single transaction. It is truly remarkable! After a comprehensive evaluation, the market value of these cores is 1,000 gold coins each, totaling 280,000 gold coins. Adding the previous 60,000, the grand total is 360,000 gold coins. I wonder if the young master is satisfied with this price?”

Lu Suifeng lifted his teacup noncommittally, took a sip, and suddenly asked a question unrelated to the previous conversation, “I wonder if Mingyu Pavilion has any pill furnaces for sale?”

The manager was momentarily stunned by this unexpected question.

He had been contemplating how to respond to the young master’s possible dissatisfaction with the price, but now he was caught off guard by this seemingly unrelated inquiry.

“Pill furnace? Those are exclusive items for alchemists and are usually quite valuable. They are rarely seen on the market. Do you need such an item?”

The manager reevaluated the young man before him, who exuded a sense of tranquility and elegance, devoid of the domineering aura of a martial artist, making it even more unlikely for him to have any connection with alchemy.

Yet, his actions were astonishing, and now he was inquiring about pill furnaces, adding to the air of mystery surrounding him.

Despite having encountered countless people, the steward felt as if he were shrouded in a fog, unable to catch a glimpse of the true nature of this young man.

“It is said that Mingyu Pavilion has a profound foundation. There should still be some stock of items like pill furnaces, right?”

Lu Suifeng calmly remarked.

“Well... items like pill furnaces are beyond my authority. I need to consult our pavilion master. If Young Master is not in a hurry, please wait a moment!”

After finishing his words, the manager hurriedly left.

An attentive young servant approached and refilled the tea, carefully wiping away the water droplets that had spilled on the table, before smiling and retreating.

After a while, the manager reappeared in the hall, followed closely by a graceful young woman.

She appeared to be around twenty years old, dressed in purple garments, exuding an elegant and dignified aura.

With every smile, she brought a breath of fresh air into the room.

“This is our pavilion master, Lady Zi Wei!”

The manager introduced.

Lady Zi Wei nodded slightly, her smile illuminating the entire room.

This time, Lu Suifeng was truly surprised.

The pavilion master turned out to be a young and beautiful lady, which was indeed unexpected.

“Pavilion Master Zi Wei...”

“Call me Lady Zi Wei. I prefer that one,” Lady Zi Wei assertively corrected.

“Well... Lady Zi Wei! I wonder if you have what I need?”

Lu Suifeng coughed lightly, finding it somewhat amusing.

“With your keen perception, it is unnecessary to ask such a question. If I were empty-handed, would I still be sitting here?”

As the pavilion master, her words were sharp and imposing, befitting her status.

“May I have a look?”

Lu Suifeng quickly adapted to her presence, getting straight to the point and avoiding her sharpness.

Lady Zi Wei raised her delicate hand, and a young servant swiftly brought a pill furnace, carefully placing it on the table.

The pill furnace had an antique bronze color and showed no signs of damage.

It appeared to be about seventy to eighty percent new and could be used for pill refining at any time.


Lady Zi Wei chuckled leisurely.

“This furnace is only of the higher level of Profound Grade. It can barely be used to refine third-grade pills, but for slightly higher grades, it may explode at any time. Therefore, this price is somewhat overvalued,” Lu Suifeng frankly stated.

Lady Zi Wei inhaled sharply, a hint of surprise flashing in her beautiful eyes.

With just one glance, she could accurately discern the grade of the pill furnace, a feat that even ordinary alchemists might not possess.

It seemed she had a considerable understanding of pill refinement.

Coupled with the astonishing quality of the crystals, it was enough to make anyone’s mind go blank.

Being the pavilion master, she must have her own extraordinary qualities and would not judge someone solely based on their appearance.

Her womanly intuition told her that the young man before her was not an ordinary person, despite his youth.

“From your perspective, how should this furnace be priced fairly?”

Lady Zi Wei tentatively asked.

Lu Suifeng lifted his teacup, pondered for a moment, and replied, “400,000! No more, no less.”


Lady Zi Wei readily agreed.

“The value of the young master’s crystals is 340,000 gold coins. Adding 60,000, this pill furnace will be yours.”

“I didn’t bring so many gold coins with me when I left home,” Liu Suifeng seemed to be prepared. He raised his hand, and an exquisite jade box was appeared in his palm.

“What I do have is a pill, I wonder how much does it cost?”