Turbulence Arises


Lady Zi Wei’s face lit up with surprise, yet she wondered about the grade of this pill.

There was an inexplicable sense of anticipation in her heart.

Although she was not an alchemist, she possessed considerable knowledge and discernment in the field of pills.

Otherwise, how could she firmly hold the position of the Pavilion Master?

The jade box gently opened, and a strong medicinal fragrance instantly filled the air.

A milky yellow pill quietly lay in the box, its color crystal clear and translucent.

“Extreme King Pill!”

Lady Zi Wei exclaimed in astonishment, a blush of excitement appearing on her face.


Lu Suifeng nodded approvingly, his tone filled with admiration.

“This is a third-grade pill!”

Lady Zi Wei patted her ample chest lightly, trying to calm her shocked heart.

“Lady Zi Wei’s insight is truly extraordinary. The efficacy of this pill is enough to help a peak-level warrior in the Heavenly Realm break through barriers and smoothly enter the Profound King Realm. It seems like a timely blessing for Lady Zi Wei.”

Lu Suifeng smiled meaningfully and added, “Apologies for digressing!”

Being able to see through her cultivation level once again, Lady Zi Wei was struck by lightning.

What did this mean?

Just the thought of it made her heart pound.

“The value of this Extreme King Pill should be equivalent to that of a pill furnace. What does the Young Master think?”

Lady Zi Wei put away her wandering thoughts and smiled gracefully.

“As you wish!”

Lu Suifeng stood tall and confidently said, “Deal!”

The transaction concluded in a harmonious atmosphere.

“A pleasant cooperation, until we meet again!”

Lu Suifeng left with these words, swiftly turning away.

“Pavilion Master! This young man is too mysterious. Should we send someone to follow him and investigate?”

The manager suggested in a low voice.

Lady Zi Wei shook her head thoughtfully and said, “This young man is even more extraordinary than you can imagine. It’s almost impossible to track and investigate him. Once he senses it, he will surely be displeased. Such a precious guest should be treated with sincerity. Moreover, our rules in this business do not inquire about one’s identity or the origin of goods. My intuition tells me that he will visit our Mingyu Pavilion again!”

Wandering through the streets and alleys, Lu Suifeng confirmed that no one was sent to track and pursue him, which added to his favorable impression of Mingyu Pavilion.

It had been several months since he left the mountain.

He wondered how the siblings on the mountain were doing.

Without someone urging them on, would they diligently cultivate?

He must not let himself be disappointed.

Slowly ascending the stone steps, when he left the mountain, the cold wind howled, and the trees withered.

But now, everything was lush green, with birds chirping and flowers blooming.

The gentle breeze carried a delightful fragrance, making it hard to leave.

“Young Master!”

Just as he reached the mountaintop, the Yun siblings exclaimed in surprise.

They rushed over, both kneeling down with a loud thud.

“Get up!”

Lu Suifeng commanded lightly, “Kneel only to the heavens, the earth, and your parents! From now on, you are not allowed to kneel before anyone, including me!”

Upon hearing this, both of them trembled and quickly stood up.

Standing solemnly to the side, they seemed to wanted to speak but was hesitating.

Yun Wuying was still in her brother’s cloth, while hers underneath was disheveled. Her eyes were reddened, and tear drains on her face could be clearly seen.

On the other hand, Yun Wuya bit his lip to bleed, but he was totally unaware of it.

“What happened?”

“Young Master, we killed someone!”

Yun Wuying choked with a trembling voice, pointing to a nearby corpse, “There’s another one in the woods over there!”

In a flash, Lu Suifeng appeared next to the corpse, bending down to examine it.

The victim’s sternum was shattered, with no other injuries. A single strike ended his life.

The other body in the woods had its neck directly twisted, leaving a chaotic scene.

Both victims were around twenty years old, strong, and robust.

They didn’t even have time to resist before being killed, an instant death!

Based on the scene, Lu Suifeng roughly understood what had happened.

After listening to Yun Wuying’s account, it matched his own judgment.

“Young Master, it’s our fault. We have caused this enormous disaster! My sister and I are willing to sacrifice our lives, not to implicate you!”

Yun Wuying tearfully pleaded, her eyes filled with sorrow.

“Sacrifice your lives? Who told you to sacrifice your lives?”

Lu Suifeng’s face turned icy as he sternly said, “These scum’s lives, even if they had a hundred, wouldn’t be worth exchanging for yours. What fault do you have? If I were in your place, I would do the same, without any mercy!”

“But they are disciples of the exiled branch of our family, and they were sent here. Their sudden disappearance will surely be investigated thoroughly. Moreover, it seems like someone knew about their whereabouts,” Yun Wuying worriedly explained.

Lu Suifeng let out a cold smile, “Have you seen these two people before?”

“Yes! It’s not about whether they know or not, but the fact that we don’t know anything about them,” Yun Wuying’s eyes brightened as she suddenly realized.

“Destroy the evidence, leave no trace!” Yun Wuying said coldly.

“That’s enough waiting. Find a hidden place as soon as possible to bury the body,” urged Lu Suifeng.

“Quickly change your clothes, as someone will be coming up the mountain soon.”

Upon hearing this, the two people took the bodies and left. After they departed, Lu Suifeng diligently cleaned up the two scenes until they returned from washing up, barely managing to tidy everything up.

Brushing off the dust from his body, Lu Suifeng pondered, “I saw many wandering orphans in the city. You should go down the mountain and bring back around thirty orphans, preferably around eleven years old, with exceptional aptitude.”

“Young Master! The monthly funds allocated to the branch are not much. With so many people coming, how will we sustain ourselves in the future?”

Yun Wuying, being a girl, had a meticulous mind and was particularly concerned about the finer details of life.

“Don’t worry about that!”

Lu Suifeng waved his hand and took out a shiny gold card.

“With the gold coins here, we can cover all the expenses of the branch for a short period.”

“Young Master! Someone is coming up the mountain again!”

Yun Wuying furrowed her brows.

“You have good perception!”

Lu Suifeng expressed surprise.

“You sensed someone halfway up the mountain; I suppose you’ve entered the Profound King Realm, haven’t you? It seems you have been working hard during this period!”

“We have completed all the training tasks set by the young master. I have also broken through to the Profound Emperor Realm!”

Yun Wuying proudly puffed out her chest.

“Is that really impressive?”

Lu Suifeng’s face turned serious.

“It’s merely transforming from an ant to a small insect, and you haven’t even found the threshold of martial arts. Hurry down the mountain, the sooner you go, the sooner you’ll return!”


The siblings responded with great disappointment, thinking that their current strength would earn them the young master’s praise, but instead, they received a harsh reprimand.

With a sense of endless disappointment, the two hurriedly descended the mountain and encountered Uncle Hai on their way.

“Captain Hai!” They greeted.

“Where are you two going?” Uncle Hai asked with a smile.

“Young Master asked us to go down the mountain to handle something!” They replied.

“Then go quickly! I’m going up the mountain to find the second young master for something,” Uncle Hai casually said, continuing his way up the mountain.

“Sister! The captain must be here for them!” Yun Wuying said.

“Don’t worry! The young master will handle it. Let’s focus on our task,” Yun Wuying said, feeling relaxed.

“Second Young Master! Why haven’t you returned to the mansion? The patriarch has been waiting for you!”

Uncle Hai shouted as soon as he reached the mountain.

“Huh? What happened?” Lu Suifeng asked with a puzzled expression.

“What? No one informed you?” Uncle Hai said in surprise.

“Someone came up the mountain? How did I not see them?”

Lu Suifeng shook his head. “What does my father want with me?”

“It’s a big matter! I came here specifically to inform you, so you can be mentally prepared,” Uncle Hai wiped his sweat and urgently said.

“Uncle Hai, don’t rush. Take your time and explain. What exactly happened?”

Lu Suifeng remained calm and nonchalantly asked.

Uncle Hai took a deep breath before slowly speaking, “You’ve left the mansion since you were young, so there are some things you don’t know. When you were still in your mother’s womb, the patriarch arranged a marriage for you, a betrothal. The intended bride is Lord Bai’s daughter from the City Lord’s Mansion, and her name was Bai Xiaoyan. The Bai and Lu families have had a long-standing friendship for generations, which led to this betrothal.”

“It’s the first time I’ve ever heard of something like this.”

Lu Suifeng furrowed his brow, seeing that Uncle Hai had more to say.

With a thought, he vaguely guessed what had happened.

“It’s not that the other party wants to break the engagement, is it?”

“Young Master is indeed clever, seeing through it at once,” Uncle Hai sincerely praised.

“This Bai Xiaoyan was sent to a top-tier sect for cultivation several years ago and has now become the sect master’s direct disciple. Moreover, she has been designated as the future fiancée of the next young sect master. She has truly risen to great heights.”

“I understand! The City Lord’s Mansion is willing to tear apart their relationship with the Lu Family just to dissolve this engagement. After all, I am a well-known waste, and anyone would know how to choose. Being in different places is not unreasonable.”

Lu Suifeng knew that dissolving the engagement involved the honor, prestige, and reputation of the entire family, and it was not as simple as imagined.

“Young Master, the other party is coming with great momentum, pressuring us. When I arrived, the patriarch had already completely severed ties with Lord Bai. Due to the formidable background of the other party, the patriarch had no choice but to leave the final decision to the young master.”

Uncle Hai said heavily, unsure of how the young master would handle the situation.

In the hall of the Lu Mansion, the oppressive atmosphere made it difficult to breathe.


Lu Suifeng calmly entered the hall, scanning the room.

Besides his father and elder brother, Lu Changfeng, there were four unfamiliar people.

One was a middle-aged man in luxurious clothing, around forty years old, with an air of authority.

He should be Bai Xiaoyan’s father, Lord Bai.

Another was an elderly man with graying temples, who lowered his head and seemed to possess deep internal strength.

Standing beside him was a young man with a cold expression, a faint smile always on his lips.

The last person was a young girl with delicate features, her eyebrows like willows, and her nose and lips exuding radiance.

Given time, she would undoubtedly become a stunning beauty.

Without guessing, Lu Suifeng knew that this girl was Bai Xiaoyan.

“Are you Lu Suifeng?”

Lord Bai, full of authority, asked with dominance.

“Who are you? Shouting and causing a ruckus in the main hall of the Lu Mansion, showing no respect or manners!”

Lu Suifeng glanced at the person, shook his head, and sat down next to his father.

“Outrageous! I am the lord of this city, yet you dare to show such disrespect towards me!”

Lord Bai furrowed, angrily rebuking.

“This is not City Lord’s Mansion, so don’t flaunt your authority here. I know why you have come. Present a convincing reason, and I will consider it seriously.”

Lu Suifeng cut to the chase, avoiding any unnecessary detours.

“Very well! You have more sense than your father.”

Lord Bai suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice, “My daughter is now the personal disciple of the Flowing Cloud Sect Master, while you remain a despised and worthless individual. The difference between the two is as vast as the heavens and earth. Moreover, whether you can survive this year is still unknown. I cannot let my daughter become a widow before even entering the marriage. Therefore, this engagement has no reason to exist and must be terminated immediately!”

With that, Lord Bai completely turned his back on Lu Suifeng, leaving no room for face-saving.