The Initial Display of Brilliance

Upon hearing a word, he re-entered the world, walking the path of mortals.

The former grandmaster’s false reputation caused great harm.

As soon as he entered the world, he was recruited into the ranks of special forces.

After experiencing numerous life and death trials, he finally made it to the end of his retirement period.

However, due to a twist of fate, he ended up stepping into the training camp of international mercenaries, where everyone was an elite among elites.

No one could be trusted, and no one trusted him.

In his final mission, he had to infiltrate the lair of the Poison Emperor alone, with the tight protection of dozens of retired special forces, and take his head.

However, due to a leak of information, he fell into a carefully planned trap.

Outnumbered and unable to resist, he had no choice but to self-destruct, taking down the enemy with him.

Emerging from the thoughts of the deceased, he faced the present and was shocked to discover that this young body possessed an extremely rare innate Purple Spirit Body.

The seven meridians were filled with a large amount of innate energy, causing blockages in his entire body’s qi flow.

It was not an exaggeration to call it the condition of the Three Yin Extinguishing Veins.

However, at this moment, Lu Suifeng was no ordinary person.

Before he awakened, his powerful soul released a pure strand of true essence, which cleared the blocked meridians like a gentle spring breeze melting snow.

Under the illumination of divine light, every detail inside the human body became clear.

The robust meridians were crystal clear, and the surging qi flowed unobstructed.

In the lower dantian, there was even a suspended golden bead the size of a grain of rice.

Golden Pill Stage!

A light exclamation escaped his heart, as he managed to retain a trace of his cultivation.

Below the Golden Pill Stage, all were ants.

This was a common saying in the cultivation world.

Thinking of this, the impure qi in his heart dissipated.

With a wave of his virtual palm, a cluster of purple flames appeared in his hand.

With a slight movement of his divine consciousness, the flames suddenly expanded three inches, swaying and moving in the void...

This was not an ordinary alchemist’s fire, but the product of the Golden Pill Stage; the Samadhi True Fire!

It surpassed the Alchemist Spiritual Fire tenfold.

Although it was not as powerful as before, there should be no obstacles in refining pills within the fifth grade or weapons below the heavenly grade.

For ten years, he had played the role of a young child afflicted with an incurable disease in the Medicine Valley.

Apart from secretly cultivating, he occasionally sneaked into the pill refining room to refine a few furnaces of pills.

The rest of his time was spent in the Scripture Pavilion.

This was to have a convincing reason for his future travels outside.

Otherwise, his cultivation level would be difficult to explain.

The rosy light tore through the sky, dispersing the cold mist in the mountains.

Someone couldn’t wait and climbed to the top of the peak.

“Father! Uncle Hai!”

Lu Suifeng’s green robe fluttered in the mountain wind as if he had been standing there for a long time.

“You’re still alive!”

Lord Lu rubbed his eyes and trembled with joy.

“Hehe! I knew Second Young Master wouldn’t die so easily! Surviving a great calamity brings great fortune!” Uncle Hai laughed happily.

“Father! I’m worried about you. It’s windy on the mountain. Let’s go inside and talk!”

Lu Suifeng let the two of them into the attic, and Yun Wuying quickly served them two cups of steaming fragrant tea.

“Good! It’s good that you are alive! The people of Medicine Valley didn’t disappoint me. You have indeed cured this blocked meridian condition.”

Lord Lu took a sip of the tea, feeling relieved, removing the thorn that had been stuck in his heart for many years, and his heartfelt much brighter.

“Father! Have you taken that pill?”

Lu Suifeng didn’t want to continue discussing this topic and changed the subject.

“Ah! Right, what kind of pill did you give me?”

Lord Lu’s eyes lit up and asked in return.

“It’s the Extreme King Pill. But wait, Father, you are already at the peak of the Heavenly Realm. After taking this pill, you should at least break through to the fifth grade of the Profound King Realm. How did you just reach the initial grade?”

Lu Suifeng pondered, “It must be because the cultivation technique you practiced is of low grade.”

“Lu Hai is right! You indeed possess many secrets. Not only can you casually produce extremely precious pills, but you can also see through my cultivation level. And that day in the hall, when being severely injured by the people from the Flowing Cloud Sect, your elder brother lay in bed for a month without recovering, but you were able to stand up on the spot... Alright! I won’t ask anything, and you don’t need to explain anything.”

Lord Lu smiled meaningfully.

“Second Young Master is definitely not an ordinary person! Now that the incurable disease is cured, your future cultivation in martial arts will undoubtedly be extraordinary.”

Uncle Hai knew about the Scripture Pavilion.

This kid had a wealth of knowledge.

Once he cultivated martial arts, he would undoubtedly achieve twice the result with half the effort and soar to the sky.

“Lu Hai is right! When we return, let’s test Suifeng’s attributes and profound power.”

Lord Lu nodded and instructed.

“No need. I tested it privately. My attribute is zero, and I’m at the second level of the Profound Qi Realm.” Lu Suifeng said calmly.


Lord Lu exclaimed in anger, “Then why did you challenge the Flowing Cloud Sect? Why did you make a blood oath? What will you use to contend with them in five years? It infuriates me!”

“Yes! Second Young Master was indeed a bit impulsive. The Flowing Cloud Sect is a top-level sect in the capital. Going there is like seeking death!”

Uncle Hai also expressed deep concern.

He never expected that the second young master was still not suitable for cultivation.

Lu Suifeng sighed lightly and said, “I am not impulsive! The Flowing Cloud Sect is overbearing and domineering, constantly threatening to annihilate the Lu Family. This is not a mere joke. With the cultivation of that old man alone, the Lu Family is defenseless. My actions are just a temporary measure, ensuring the safety of the Lu Family for at least five years. A lot can change in five years. Don’t forget, I spent ten years in the Scripture Pavilion of the Medicine Valley.”

“What does that matter? Can mere words bring someone down from the clouds?”

Uncle Hai responded dismissively.

Lord Lu wore a worried expression, his brow furrowed.

The situation at that time was filled with murderous intent from the Flowing Cloud Sect, and Lu Suifeng had no choice but to act.

However, he couldn’t help but feel heavy-hearted, knowing that he would eventually have to face that formidable opponent.

In this world where strength reigned supreme, mere words couldn’t solve any problems.

Seeing his father’s worries, he couldn’t bear it.

He had to reveal his true abilities to ease his father’s concerns.

“Wuya, go and spar with Uncle Hai!”

Lu Suifeng suddenly said something astonishing.

“This... Young Master, isn’t this a bit too much of a humiliation?”

Yun Wuya standing beside him said with a bitter face.

“What? Second Young Master must be joking, right?”

Uncle Hai shook his head disdainfully.

“Letting this kid compete with me would be intentionally insulting me!”

“Uncle Hai! Please don’t judge a book by its cover. Underestimating one’s opponent is a great taboo for warriors. Even when a lion hunts a rabbit, it must give its all. Underestimating one’s opponent usually leads to a miserable outcome. So, even if it means sacrificing everything, injuries and deaths included!”

Lu Suifeng said astonishingly once again.

“Is that so?”

Uncle Hai’s expression turned serious, slightly annoyed by the seemingly nonsensical words.

“Lu Hai! Just guide the younger generation and spar with them!” Lord Lu spoke up.

This young man always surprised people with his actions, and today they wanted to see what astonishing feat he would perform.

Since the head of the family had spoken, Uncle Hai reluctantly shrugged his shoulders.

“What is this kid’s strength? I never bully the younger generation, but even with lowered cultivation, I can still beat him to the ground!”

“No! I have already been bullied enough. Lowering my cultivation further would make it impossible to fight back!”

Yun Wuya urgently waved his hand.

“Hmm! What did you say?”

Uncle Hai’s face darkened.

“Forget it! Even if I explain, you probably won’t understand. Let’s just start fighting!”

Yun Wuya said, walking straight ahead.

“Arrogant! Second Young Master, let me teach this ignorant kid a lesson!”

Uncle Hai’s face turned red, speaking with anger.

“Uncle Hai, as you wish! I have no objections!”

Lu Suifeng casually replied, shaking his head inwardly and silently mourning for him.

The group walked out of the attic and arrived at an open area.

Surrounding them were a group of young men and women who appeared out of nowhere, each with a solemn expression, sitting quietly on the ground.

“Are these the orphans you have taken in?” Lord Lu asked curiously.

“Yes. I consider them as brothers and sisters and treat them like family.”

Lu Suifeng said solemnly.

“These people seem calm and composed. Did you train them?”

Lord Lu immediately noticed the extraordinary qualities of these orphans.

“A well-built camp and a well-trained army. They are the foundation of my future, a powerful force.”

Lu Suifeng’s expression revealed a confident and proud radiance.

Lord Lu nodded silently as if capturing something from that fleeting brilliance.

In the chilly wind, Yun Wuya and Uncle Hai stood ten meters apart, both empty-handed, testing each other’s martial arts skills.

“I know Yun Wuya. When he first came to the mountain, he was only at the Profound Qi Realm. In just a year, he dared to confront Lu Hai, who was in the Heavenly Realm, without losing any momentum. I wonder what his true combat power is?” Lord Lu expressed surprise.

“Father, you will know when you see it! Even three days would make a great difference.”

Lu Suifeng said calmly, showing absolute trust in Yun Wuya.

Uncle Hai immediately unleashed a powerful aura at the Heavenly Realm, hoping that this kid would know his limits and retreat.

However, to his surprise, Yun Wuya seemed unaffected, allowing the overwhelming aura to wash over him.

He displayed an unyielding spirit, like a gentle breeze brushing against a mountain peak.

“Uncle Hai, please don’t hold back. Give it your all, and I can handle it!” Yun Wuya said calmly.

“You can remain so composed under eighty percent of my pressure. You deserve my attention!”

Uncle Hai put away his underestimation and regarded his opponent as an equal.

“Let’s begin!”

The wind swept by as Yun Wuya’s hair fluttered, his expression growing colder.

“You insolent brat!”

Uncle Hai’s palm turned into a blade, instantly creating dozens of palm shadows, layer upon layer. They rushed out like a tidal wave, carrying sharp vigor, and engulfed Yun Wuya in a sea of palm shadows.

“This kid is in trouble!”

Lord Lu, seeing the situation, shook his head in disappointment.

“He lost the initiative right from the start, trapped in the palm technique with no way to advance or retreat. He can only endure the beating.”

Before the words fell, Yun Wuya’s figure was torn apart by the powerful palm shadows, bursting open.

Uncle Hai’s heart was filled with joy, secretly laughing at this young man’s lack of self-awareness.

Suddenly, he noticed the appearance of seven or eight figures resembling Yun Wuya.

The shattered one earlier was just a phantom.

What kind of martial arts technique was this?

It seemed as if he was effortlessly maneuvering through the countless palm shadows, like a graceful dancer on the waves.

Each step landed precisely between the palms, with impeccable accuracy.

Amidst his frustration, a sense of astonishment filled him.

At that moment, he instinctively reverted to his moves, retracting his palms and retreating.

Simultaneously, he leaped into the air, and his legs swiftly kicked like a gust of wind.

In an instant, a series of thirty-two consecutive kicks were unleashed, with leg shadows overlapping and merging into one powerful strike.

All possible angles for Yun Wuya to evade were sealed off, forcing him to confront the attack head-on.

Witnessing this, Yun Wuya coldly smiled and casually took a step forward, effortlessly evading the ferocious onslaught of leg shadows.

Both parties created distance between them once again.

Uncle Hai’s forehead glistened with sweat as he stared vigilantly at Yun Wuya, fearing he might attack suddenly.

Yun Wuya stood calmly, and his expression was still cold.

“Prepare yourself for my next move, I concede,” he said.

Uncle Hai furrowed his brow.

“One move to defeat me? That’s overly arrogant!”

“Is it?”

Yun Wuya’s words fell as he took another step forward, unleashing an overwhelming aura akin to a collapsing mountain.


As if a giant wave crashing through the air, Uncle Hai felt as if he had been struck by a heavy blow. His entire body was lifted by a powerful force, soaring seven or eight meters into the sky.

Then, he was gently supported by a soft energy, averting a dangerous fall to the ground.

The sensation of narrowly escaping death sent shivers down his spine.

It was only now that he truly understood the vast disparity between them.

“Thank you for sparing me!”

Uncle Hai’s face turned pale.

In his eyes, there was no distinction of status, only the recognition of strength.

“We are family, no need for thanks,” Yun Wuya lightly smiled, his demeanor no longer cold.

Uncle Hai staggered over. There was no disappointment on his face, instead, he appeared extremely excited.

To have such a young and skilled expert by second young master’s side was truly a great fortune.

“Second Young Master, you’ve hidden such a formidable expert here. I was completely caught off guard!” He exclaimed.

“I did warn you, but you turned a deaf ear. However, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. At least now you won’t underestimate your opponents so easily.”

Lu Suifeng chuckled, handing him a small booklet.

“Inside, you’ll find a set of knife techniques called Five Tigers Severing Souls. It belongs to the intermediate level of the Earth grade. Remember, never let anyone know about it!”