
Uncle Hai’s eyes nearly popped out in astonishment as he looked at the book.

It was incredibly difficult to find a mid-level martial technique, even if one were to move mountains.

The entire family only possessed a low-level martial technique.

Anxious, he glanced around, fearing that someone might catch sight of it.

Lord Lu was shaken by the scene just now.

A cultivator at the Heavenly Realm couldn’t even withstand a single move, no, not even half a move, from a young teenager.

“What cultivation level does that kid have? And that mysterious body technique, unheard of! His cultivation level must be high,” Lord Lu’s eyes gleamed as he asked.

“Can we not speak of it?” Lu Suifeng said with a troubled expression.

“Why? You don’t even trust your own father?” Lord Lu’s face darkened.

“Well... everyone has secrets hidden deep within their hearts. The fewer people who know, the safer it is. It provides an extra layer of protection in critical situations,” Lu Suifeng solemnly replied.

“That makes sense.”

Lord Lu pondered for a moment, sighed, and said, “Your future opponent is incredibly powerful. Having more hidden cards will increase your chances of winning.”

“Second Young Master, how big is the gap between me and that kid? How could I not even withstand a single move?”

Uncle Hai glanced at Yun Wuya in the distance, filled with resentment, and asked.

“Heh, just a few steps away!” Lu Suifeng smirked.

“What do you mean?”

Uncle Hai shook his head in confusion, not quite understanding.

Lu Suifeng understood and took a sharp breath.

He glanced around and whispered a few words into Uncle Hai’s ear, causing him to take several steps back in shock, staring at Lu Suifeng in disbelief.

“Is that even possible?” He exclaimed.

“Alas! Still too weak!” Lu Suifeng sighed again, astonishing everyone.

Both of them fell silent, wearing bitter smiles.

Could there be anything more astonishing than this?

Lu Suifeng handed another booklet to his father, claiming it was an upper-level martial technique called the Seven Star Sword.


The Lu Mansion remained calm and undisturbed, showing no signs of mourning.

Did they hide their grief or was this waste of a person not dead at all?

The City Lord’s Mansion constantly monitored the movements of the Lu Mansion, especially after Lu Suifeng made that blood oath.

It seemed absurd, like a madman’s dream.

However, for some reason, Lord Bai always felt uneasy, as if a fly was buzzing around his back.

It was like an unshakable shadow that lingered in his mind.

“Report to Lord Bai! We received news from a spy within the Lu Mansion that the waste was still alive. The Lord of the Lu Family went up the mountain early in the morning to visit and returned with a joyful expression,” a guard clad in black armor reported.


Lord Bai raised an eyebrow and said in a deep voice.

“Absolutely! The source of the information is highly reliable,” the black armor guard replied.

“From now on, closely monitor every move of that waste. If there’s an opportunity, eliminate him immediately!”

Lord Bai’s face was filled with murderous intent as he coldly ordered.


The black armor guard acknowledged and left to carry out the command.

This waste must die!

Lord Bai decisively issued the order for his execution.

What exactly happened to this waste during his ten years in the Medicine Valley?

Outsiders had no way of knowing.

Moreover, facing such a powerful cultivator from the Flowing Cloud Sect, how could he remain so calm and fearless, something even Lord Bai couldn’t achieve?

What was it that he relied on?

A faint sense of danger gradually spread, and this hidden threat must be eliminated at its inception.

Regardless of the means, even if it meant killing the wrong person, he couldn’t allow any threat to his daughter’s future.


“What? All the experts we sent failed and disappeared without a trace. And that waste is still alive and kicking?”

Lord Bai smashed the wooden tray in front of him in anger, roaring furiously.

The black armor guard who came to report was trembling in fear, and he stammered, “The Lu Mansion had precautions against our assassination attempts. They secretly dispatched numerous experts to guard the mountain day and night.”

“Hmph! I didn’t expect that old man to value this waste so much. We cannot let him live any longer!” Lord Bai sneered coldly.

“Do we continue...” The black armor guard cautiously asked.

“Not for now! They are already on guard, and it’s impossible to launch a surprise attack. Continue to monitor closely and seize the opportunity!”

Lord Bai pondered for a moment and said, “This waste won’t stay in the Lu Mansion forever. Sooner or later, he will leave Hongye City. That will be his death time.”

The bustling and lively Hongye City remained as vibrant as ever, with crowds of people and bustling traffic.

Groups of assassins secretly infiltrated the mountain villa, disappearing without a trace as if evaporating from the mortal realm.

However, Lu Suifeng frequently appeared in the streets and alleys of Hongye City, causing the people in the City Lord’s Mansion to be suspicious and hesitant to take any action.

If they were to publicly execute him under the watchful eyes of the public, it would undoubtedly provoke a fierce battle between the Bai and Lu families.

The sight of a scene filled with corpses was definitely not the desired outcome for City Lord’s Mansion.

Lu Suifeng seemed to be oblivious to the danger, leisurely strolling through the bustling market.

As he passed by an inconspicuous small shop that specialized in various attribute crystals, he paused for a moment.

His peripheral vision caught sight of a crystal the size of a blue ball. It emitted a faint layer of greenish glow that was barely perceptible to the naked eye.

“Master, what attribute does this crystal possess?” Lu Suifeng inquired.

The shopkeeper was an elderly man, and he turned his head to glance at the crystal in the corner and replied, “That’s a useless crystal, it has no attributes! If the young master wants it, just name your price!”

“Oh, I see!”

Lu Suifeng smiled unexpectedly.

“Running a small business like yours must not be easy. I’ll give you five gold coins for it.”

The old man’s face lit up with joy and he happily said, “Young Master, it’s yours! I’m glad you like it!”

As he picked up the crystal from the corner, his actions and demeanor suggested that the crystal was not as heavy as one would imagine, raising doubts about whether it was hollow inside.

Just as Lu Suifeng was about to reach out and take it, another hand forcefully blocked him.

“Hold on! I’ve taken a liking to this crystal, so the price doubles!”

The young man was in warrior attire and with a long sword hanging from his waist. He glared at Lu Suifeng coldly.

“This is a useless crystal!”

The old man hurriedly explained.

“I know! I’ll buy it and carve a beautiful figurine to place by my bedside!”

The young man chuckled sinisterly, snatching the crystal from the old man’s hand.

“Wait a minute! This crystal belongs to me!”

Lu Suifeng took advantage of the young man’s momentary distraction and snatched the crystal back.


The young man was taken aback, not expecting his possession to be snatched from his hand.

Angrily, he shouted, “Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you snatch something from me?”

“I am the rightful owner of this item, isn’t that clear enough?”

Lu Suifeng turned around, ready to leave.


The young man blocked his path.

“Hmph! Merely a waste and, dare to challenge me! You’re simply seeking death!”

The young man deliberately provoked a conflict by uttering the word “waste.”

As the young man’s words fell, he swung his fist with tremendous force, a punch that carried at least eight hundred kilograms of power, directly aimed at Lu Suifeng’s face.

The forceful energy rushed towards him, and the fist rapidly enlarged before his eyes, coming within three inches of his face.

Lu Suifeng seemed stunned by this sudden turn of events, standing still like a wooden chicken, without any attempt to dodge or evade.

In the instant before the powerful strike landed, everything froze.

No matter how much force was exerted, it couldn’t advance even a millimeter further.

Suddenly, another person appeared in front of the young man, gripping the hand that had thrown the punch.

No matter how the young man struggled, he couldn’t break free from the control of that hand.

Veins bulged on the young man’s face, his facial muscles contorted in pain.

With a cry of despair, he was sent flying backward.

“Wang Tianhe! Who gave you the courage to attack the second young master of the Lu Family?”

The person who appeared was unexpectedly Uncle Hai.

“... Uncle Hai!”

The young man stammered, scrambling to get up from the ground, a forced smile on his face.

“I... I didn’t know... it was the second young master of your esteemed family, otherwise...”


Uncle Hai’s face was filled with anger as he coldly interrupted.

“Go back and tell your new master that if anything happens to our second young master in Hongye City, it will be war! Now, get lost!”

Wang Tianhe, upon hearing this, turned and fled as if he had received a pardon.

“Why didn’t you dodge or evade when he attacked just now? If that punch had landed on your face, it would have been completely shattered. It was obvious that he intended to kill you,” Uncle Hai said angrily.

“You saved him!” Lu Suifeng replied, evading the question.

“Hmm! What did you say?”

Uncle Hai was confused.

If he hadn’t coincidentally passed by, he couldn’t imagine the consequences.

“Nevertheless, I thank you for your timely rescue!”

Lu Suifeng smiled calmly, patting him on the shoulder.

“Not bad! You’ve advanced to the eighth level of the Heavenly Realm!”

“All thanks to you, Second Young Master. Your set of knife techniques is profound and exquisite.”

Uncle Hai said, his blood boiling with excitement as he mentioned the set of knife techniques.

“The essence of this set of knife techniques lies in its majestic aura and variations. Once mastered, it will completely break free from the constraints of routines and moves...”

As they walked and talked, Lu Suifeng explained, and Uncle Hai nodded repeatedly, understanding it deeply.

They both benefited greatly from the conversation.

On the way back to the mountain, Lu Suifeng continued to play with the attribute-less crystal in his hand, secretly delighted.

Crystals were substances specifically used by martial artists to absorb energy for cultivation.

However, the stone in his hand was not a normal crystal but an extremely rare and precious extraterrestrial meteorite known as the “Void Stone” in the world of refining.

It contained the power of space and was an essential mineral for crafting storage rings, a vein that was hard to come by.

In his previous life, he was an outstanding figure in the world of alchemy, so he was naturally well-informed.

With such a large Void Stone in his possession, he could potentially craft thousands of storage rings, each worth over five hundred thousand.

Such a fortuitous event falling into his hands was not a coincidence; it required various factors to align.

In this world, there were no coincidences, only certainty.

Opportunities were everywhere, often passing by unnoticed, even with eyes wide open.

What a pity.

Once again, the mountains were adorned with crimson leaves, but everything had changed.

These orphans and young girls from the past had now transformed into formidable beings, soaring like dragons and tigers, with the grace of phoenixes.

Each of them possessed extraordinary cultivation and refined skills, and even the weakest among them had attained the Profound Emperor Realm.

What was more remarkable was their bond, akin to siblings, supporting and trusting each other, willingly entrusting their backs to one another on the battlefield.

United as one, they resembled a harmonious family.

Learning from the bitter lessons of their previous lives, Lu Suifeng advocated for the condensed spirit of the wolf path, combined with rigorous military training, ensuring that everyone adhered to strict discipline.

Under the leadership of Yun Wuying and his siblings, the Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger groups, along with others, underwent a rigorous three-month trial in the treacherous Black Abyss Beast Mountains.

Each of them fought bloodily, facing near-death experiences.

Now, they have all returned, their clothes tattered, faces covered in dust, yet their spirits remain clear and vigorous, showing no signs of fatigue.

As the leader of the Dragon Group, Long Yi took a step forward and declared, “The Dragon Group, consisting of ten members, successfully hunted down thirty-two Heavenly Realm demon beasts, one hundred and seven Profound King Realm beasts, and collaborated to slay twelve Profound Emperor Realm beasts. Nine members have advanced by one rank, and one has advanced by two ranks. Report complete!”

Following this, the Phoenix and Tiger groups reported their achievements, with little difference between them.

Surveying the crowd, it was at this moment that Lu Suifeng truly felt his meticulously crafted solid camp had fully taken shape.

No longer would they venture alone on the path ahead, feeling isolated and helpless.

“You have all worked hard!”

“Young Master, thank you!”

Their voices harmonized, resonating through the mountains and forests.

The way that this orphans dressing him had become a headache for Lu Suifeng.

In the hearts of these youngsters, he was both a brother and a teacher!

What would be the most appropriate title?

Young Master! This title emerged naturally over time, as the Yun siblings began using it, and it had since become customary.

“The year-end assessment concludes here, and everyone has passed, meeting the basic requirements!”

Lu Suifeng announced loudly.

There was no excitement, no jubilation, only solemnity.

Each person stood tall and unwavering, as immovable as a mountain.

Witnessing this, Lu Suifeng bowed slightly, feeling deeply gratified.



Thunderous cheers erupted, and they embraced each other, reveling in joy.