
Talking to uncle i realize that their so much to learn,explore and know about the things i don't know.i want to travel world to see all the beautiful places that uncle describe but i don't have that kind of money and i think the answers i want i can only find in india.india is famous for its spiritual values.

India it's itself a mystery in the world. you can't really explain it how it works with so many diversity.even if you ask an indian he can't really tell how it's works and how big and magnomius india is. It can't be really describe in words it has so many beautiful places and rich culture that make India unique and mysterious.

Now with the work of modern science india has developed but it also hold the traditional and cultural aspect of it's country.It has so many ancient temple's that has beautiful carvings the architect's of those place are something you can't see in other places in the world.

From ancient time india has always been the land of seekers.their are places in india in which science can't explain how it's work.from time to time it have been invaded but it has not lost it's core values their ancient text and cultural aspect is proof of that.

Now i have to think about how i convince my parents if i ask now i am sure they won't even listen to me.after thinking about this for long time i decided to approach my parents to make it clear that everythings on my mind.


**Samarth:** (Approaching his parents nervously) Mom, Dad, can we talk?

**Mother:** (Concerned) Of course, Samarth. What's on your mind?

**Samarth:** Well, my birthday is in two days, and Uncle Abhijit mentioned he's planning to travel all over India soon. I... I really want to go with him.

**Father:** (Surprised) Travel all over India? That's quite an adventure, especially after everything you've been through, son.

**Mother:** (Worried) Yes, Samarth. We've always been so protective of you, especially after your treatment. India is a vast and diverse country. Are you sure you're ready for such a journey?

**Samarth:** (Eagerly) I know it's a big decision, but I feel like I need to do this. I want to see more of our country, experience different cultures, and maybe find some answers about life.

**Father:** (Thoughtful) It's not that we doubt your abilities, Samarth. It's just... we worry about your health and safety.

**Samarth:** (Assuring) I understand, Dad. But Uncle Abhijit travels all the time, and he knows how to handle everything. Plus, I'll be careful and listen to him.

**Mother:** (Skeptical) Samarth, you know how important your health is to us. You've just finished treatment, and we've been through so much as a family. Can we really take this risk?

**Samarth:** (Gently) Mom, I've spent months in the hospital, thinking about life and what's important to me. This trip feels like a chance to find some peace and clarity. I promise I'll take care of myself.

**Mother:** (Pausing, considering) I know you're determined, Samarth. But what if something goes wrong? What if you have a setback in your recovery?

**Samarth:** (Reassuringly) I'll have my medical records with me, and we can stay in touch with my doctors. Uncle Abhijit and I can plan everything carefully.

**Father:** (Supportive) And Samarth, remember, this isn't just about traveling. It could be a meaningful step toward finding your path forward.

**Samarth:** (Nods eagerly) Exactly, Dad. I want to learn more about different cultures, religions, and ways of life. It could help me understand so much more.

**Mother:** (Softening) I know you're growing up, Samarth, and I'm proud of how strong you've been. But I need to be sure this is the right decision for your health.

**Samarth:** (Sincerely) Mom, I wouldn't ask if I didn't truly believe it's what I need right now. Please trust me on this.

**Mother:** (Taking a deep breath) Alright, Samarth. If your father and I agree, we'll have to sit down with Uncle Abhijit and discuss everything in detail. And you must promise to keep us updated every step of the way.

**Samarth:** (Gratefully) Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Dad! I promise, this will be an incredible journey, and I won't let you down.

**Father:** (Smiling) Happy early birthday, Samarth. Looks like you're off on a grand adventure after all.


After talking with my parents my friend decided to show up so i leave the room quickly.

After Samarth leaves the room, his parents exchange a concerned look, both silently processing their son's request. Finally, his mom speaks up, her voice reflecting a mix of worry and contemplation.

**Mom:** (worried) "Do you think we made the right decision, allowing him to go on this journey? He's been through so much already..."

**Dad:** (Assuring) "I know, dear. But Samarth seems determined. This journey might be exactly what he needs to find his way again after everything he's been through."

**Mom:**(concern) "I just can't shake this feeling of worry, especially after everything with his treatment. What if something happens to him out there?"

**Dad:** (thoughtful) " Abhijit has traveled extensively. He's responsible, and he'll look out for Samarth. And Samarth himself... he's not a child anymore. He's grown stronger through his illness. Maybe this journey will help him find some peace."

**Mom:**(pausing considering)"I suppose you're right. I just wish..."

**Dad:** (supportive)"We'll keep in touch with them. And we can visit Abhijit to discuss the details, make sure they have a solid plan."

**Mom:** (eagerly)"Yes, you're right. Let's go talk to Abhijit. I want to know everything—where they're going, how long they'll be gone..."

**Dad:** "Of course. Let's go."


They arrive at the upper floor room where uncle abhijit is staying.


**Father:** (Knocking on Abhijit's door)

**Abhijit:** (Opening the door with a warm smile) Hello! Come on in.

**Mother:** (Nervously) Abhijit, thank you for taking Samarth under your wing like this. We really appreciate it.

**Abhijit:** (Kindly) It's my pleasure. Samarth is like a son to me, and I believe this journey will be enlightening for him.

**Father:** (Concerned) We trust you, Abhijeet. But we need to understand the details. Where exactly do you plan to go, and how long will you be traveling?

**Abhijit:** (Reassuringly) Of course. I've mapped out a route that covers various spiritual and cultural centers across India. We'll visit temples, ashrams, and holy sites known for their significance. It'll give Samarth a comprehensive view of our diverse traditions.

**Mother:** (Anxiously) And safety? India can be quite overwhelming, especially with everything Samarth has been through.

**Abhijit:** (Confidently) I've traveled extensively throughout India. I know the areas we'll visit well, and I'll ensure we take all necessary precautions. Samarth's well-being is my top priority.

**Father:** (Relieved) That's good to hear. What about accommodations and logistics?

**Abhijit:** (Explaining) I've already arranged accommodations at reputable places along our route. We'll mostly travel by train, which will give Samarth a glimpse into the daily lives of people across different regions. Local guides will also join us to enrich our understanding of each location.

**Mother:** (Calming down) And communication? How will we stay in touch?

**Abhijit:** (Assuring) We'll have access to mobile networks in most places we visit. Samarth will keep you updated regularly, and we can discuss any concerns that arise.

**Father:** (Grateful) Thank you, Abhijit. We're really counting on you to look after Samarth and guide him through this journey.

**Abhijit:** (Smiling warmly) I appreciate your trust. Samarth is a resilient young man, and I believe this journey will help him grow in ways we can't anticipate.

**Mother:** (Softly) Just... please take care of him, Abhijeet. He means the world to us.

**Abhijit:** (Serious) I promise, I'll treat him like my own. We'll embark on this journey with caution and reverence.

**Father:** (thinking about samarth) Well, son, it looks like you're all set for this adventure. Make the most of it, and learn as much as you can.
