question's will be answered or not?

Samarth: mom, dad, where's uncle abhijit?

Dad: he's on terrace, son. He said he wanted to enjoy the night sky.

Samarth: thanks, dad. I need to talk to him about something.

Mom: what is it, samarth? Is everything okay?

Samarth: yes, mom. Everything is fine. I just have some questions for him. He's very knowledgeable and experienced, you know.

Mom: i know, samarth. He's very wonderful person. He's been very helpful and supportive to us. We're lucky to have him has a relative and a friend.

Samarth: i agree, mom. he's the best uncle in the world. I'll be back soon.

Dad: okay, son. but don't stay up too late you need to rest and recover.

Samarth: i will, dad. Don't worry.

I live in a modest and cozy house that is located in a middle-class neighborhood. The house has a simple and traditional design, with a flat roof, small windows, and a porch on the ground floor. The house is painted in a bright color, with some decorative elements in white or brown. The house has a tiny front yard, where a few plants and flowers add a touch of greenery. The house has a compact and comfortable interior, with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a staircase.

It was grandpa ranjit house after he passed away we get to know that in has will he left us this house which was shocking to us and more shocking to grandpa ranjit son who come to india to sell this house.well at first he tried to threaten us but when my dad call the police he ran back to US.

The terrace is located on the rooftop of the house, and it is a small and cozy area that offers a partial view of the city. The terrace is paved with tiles, and it has some furniture, such as a bench, a table, and some chairs. The terrace also has some plants and flowers in pots, and some lights and lanterns that create a warm and romantic atmosphere at night. The terrace is a perfect place to relax, enjoy the fresh air, and admire the stars.

As I go up to the terrace, I see my uncle looking at the stars. He seems relaxed and happy. When he spots me, he turns around and waves at me. He asks me to join him.

Samarth: "Uncle, what are you doing here alone?"

Uncle: "I'm just admiring the night sky, Samarth. It's one of my hobbies. I like to observe the stars and learn about them."

Samarth: "It's fascinating, isn't it? But in the city, you can't see it very well because of the pollution."

Uncle: "That's true, Samarth. But you know, there are places in the world where you can see the stars clearly and brightly. I have been to some of those places, Samarth. They are wonderful."

Samarth: "Really, uncle? Tell me about them."

Uncle: "Well, Samarth, I have traveled a lot in my life. I have seen many places and cultures. I have seen the stars in different ways and meanings. I have seen the stars as scientific objects, as artistic expressions, as spiritual symbols, and as personal stories. I have seen the stars, Samarth. And they have seen me."

Samarth: "Wow, uncle. That sounds amazing. You are so lucky to have seen all that."

Uncle: "I am, Samarth. I am very grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had in my life. Traveling has been my passion and my joy. It has taught me a lot and shown me a lot."

Samarth: "Uncle, can I ask you something?"

Uncle: "Sure, Samarth. What is it?"

Samarth: "Uncle, you have traveled a lot in your life. You have seen many things, learned many things, and done many things. You have a lot of wisdom and experience. Do you have any answers to the questions that bother me?"

Uncle: "What questions, Samarth?"

Samarth: "The questions about the meaning of life, the existence of God, and the suffering of people."

Uncle: "Those are big questions, Samarth. They are not easy to answer. They have different answers for different people. There is no one right or wrong answer, Samarth. There is only your answer."

Samarth: "How do I find my answer, uncle?"

Uncle: "You have to find it yourself, Samarth. You have to search for it, work for it, and live for it. You have to use your mind, your heart, and your soul. You have to ask, listen, and learn. You have to think, feel, and act. You have to live, Samarth. You have to live your life fully and freely."

Samarth: "But uncle, how do I do that? How do I live my life fully and freely?"

Uncle: "You do it by following your dreams, your passions, and your values. You do it by being yourself, being honest, and being kind. You do it by loving and being loved. You do it by exploring and discovering. You do it by growing and changing. You do it by being happy and making others happy. You do it by being a star, Samarth."

Samarth: "A star, uncle?"

Uncle: "Yes, Samarth. A star. A star is more than a bright dot in the sky, Samarth. A star is a symbol of life, light, and love. A star is a symbol of hope, faith, and joy. A star is a symbol of beauty, wonder, and mystery. A star is a symbol of you, Samarth. You are a star, Samarth. You are a star."

Samarth: "Thank you, uncle. Thank you for saying that. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being my uncle."

Uncle: "You are welcome, Samarth. You are welcome for everything. You are my star, Samarth. You are my star."

We hug each other and look at the stars.After talking to uncle i know what i have to do i can't find my answers here i have to see,and experiences it with my own eye's and judged it. i might be wrong, but it will answer all of my questions.

Talking to uncle abijit has open new world for me but to achieve that i also need guidance from him i look at uncle who's still gazing at night.

Samarth: uncle,i need your help?

Uncle: what is it samarth? Just say i will help you with anything.

Samarth: uncle, i want to travel with you can you please take me with you in you're next journey?.

Uncle: that's....i can't promise you that samarth you have to look after your health and you're parent's also will be worried.

Samarth: uncle, please help me conveyance my parents and i can promise you that only after consulting with doctor shukla that i will go with you.

Uncle: thats, not something you alone can decide samarth your health is our top priority not me nor you're parents agree with this.

Samarth: please uncle, help me with this one last time please!.please!please!.

I try to act as pitiful as possible as i know he very weak to this act and will not say no to me and looking at has troubled expression i was right.

Uncle : sigh....i can't promise you anything...and about your parents you have to talk them yourself if they say yes then...i will think about this.

Samarth: okay, i understand uncle thank you. you're best uncle in the world.

Looking at uncle wary smile he knows i trick him but now thats not important i have to talk to my parents about this which is already a challange.